Ladies' diet beet salad recipe

Ladies' diet beet salad recipe


Boiled beets 4 small 48
Walnuts 1/4 cup 648
Salt taste
Ground dark pepper taste
Unrefined olive oil 1 tbsp. lie 899
Garlic 1 tooth 106
Lemon juice 1 tsp.

Step-by-step recipe for making Ladies' diet beet salad with photo

This is how the dish is prepared:

    Place the nuts in a frying pan or oven to dry slightly.

The beets should be boiled, cooled, peeled and grated.

Next, mix the beets with garlic, salt, and pepper. Add olive oil and lemon juice here.

Form the salad the way you like.

Video recipe Ladies' diet beet salad

“Salad Brush”

And you can also pamper your family with a very tasty and unusual salad called “Brush”!

So, in order to prepare a dish according to this recipe, you will need:

white cabbage-250 g;
carrots-150 g;
beets - 200 g;
olive oil - for dressing;
salt - to taste;
lemon juice-1 tbsp.

This is how the dish is prepared:

    Chop the cabbage right away.

  • Mix the vegetables, now you need to add the greens, chopped very finely, pour the dish with olive oil, lemon juice, stir the ingredients, that’s all, the usual and delicious salad is ready!
  • Dietary beet salad for weight loss with garlic

    Beets not only have an abundance of necessary parameters, but also promote the burning of fat in the body. That is why it is recommended to include it in the diet not only for those who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, liver and intestinal tract, but also for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. There are a huge number of recipes for salads with beets, they can be both satisfying and nutritious, and light, not burdening the stomach. Naturally, there are a number of options designed specifically for dietary nutrition. They will be discussed specifically in this article on how to prepare a dietary salad with beets. The most colorful of them were selected, fragrant and naturally tasty.

    Dietary beet salad

    There are not even fifty calories in 100 grams of this wonderful dish. Despite such a low calorie content, dietary beet salads will help you feel full. The pleasant garlic smell adds a special, unique charm and makes an ordinary dish perfect. Well, apples help create an amazing flavor palette.

    Necessary ingredients for dietary beet salad:

    • 350 gr. beets;
    • 150 gr. radish;
    • 250 gr. apples;
    • 4 garlic cloves;
    • 2 lettuce leaves;
    • 20 ml. vegetable oil;
    • 10 gr. sesame

    Diet salad with beets:

    1. The apples are washed, cut in half, seeds removed, and crushed into small pieces.
    2. Beets and radishes are washed and cut with a brush.
    3. The garlic is simply peeled and crushed with a garlic clove.
    4. Salad leaves are washed, dried with a napkin, and torn into small pieces.
    5. Pour all the products prepared up to this point into a salad bowl and combine with a spoon. If desired, add a little salt.
    6. Infuse the products in this composition for about 30 minutes.
    7. Pour oil over the salad and stir.
    8. If desired, you can add lingonberries or blueberries.

    Diet salad from boiled beets

    The slightly spicy and special beetroot and garlic salad can decorate any table. Especially great is a salad made from boiled beets with garlic in combination with regular boiled potatoes or rice. The amazing smell does not go unnoticed, it will cause ecstasy and help whet your appetite.

    Required components:

    • 350 gr. beets;
    • 50 gr. nut kernels;
    • 80 gr. yogurt;
    • 60 gr. prunes;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 gr. salt.

    Dietary beet salad:

    1. The beets are washed with a brush, placed in a saucepan already filled with water and boiled, then cooled, peeled, and coarsely grated.
    2. Place the prunes in a bowl and pour boiling water over them and leave for about an hour. Then transfer to a napkin and dry.
    3. The frying pan is heated and sprinkled with salt, only after that the nuts are dumped onto it and fried, without forgetting to stir often.
    4. Dried prunes are laid out on a board and each specimen is alternately cut into strips.
    5. The nuts are cooled and chopped on a board with a knife.
    6. The garlic is freed from the husk and crushed.
    7. Pour all the ingredients into a salad bowl, pour over yogurt, and combine everything with a spoon.

    Diet salad with beets

    Despite the fact that beet salads and dietary recipes are quite light, they turn out both satisfying and tasty. The preparation of this dish is not ordinary, but simple, due to the fact that the appetizer is often wanted on the table. After all, dietary salads with beets are light, tasty and healthy.

    Required components:

    • 300 gr. beets;
    • 30 gr. natural yogurt;
    • 4 garlic cloves;
    • 100 gr. cheese;
    • 2 gr. salt.

    Beet salad dietary recipe:

    1. To grind the cheese, take a grater, which is most often used in the process of preparing Korean carrots and tinder.
    2. The beets are washed using a brush, painstakingly peeled and grated on the same grater as before.
    3. Remove the garlic from its husks and chop the cloves very finely.
    4. Beets and garlic are poured into a salad bowl, add salt, and sprinkle with yogurt.
    5. Sprinkle cheese on top and serve to guests.

    Beet salad with sour cream and garlic

    This salad is considered perfect for fasting days. Carrots and beets will help cleanse the body and remove all toxins from it. Naturally, such enormous usefulness must certainly be appreciated. At the same time, much-needed products cost mere pennies, which means you can often prepare dishes from them.

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    Required components:

    • 30 gr. dill;
    • 10 gr. lemon juice;
    • 200 gr. carrots;
    • 10 gr. olive oil;
    • 2 garlic cloves;
    • 250 gr. beets.

    How to prepare beet salad with garlic:

    1. In this case, carrots and beets are not boiled, but washed raw with a brush and later peeled and grated on the finest grater.
    2. Peel the garlic and crush it using a press.
    3. The dill is washed and the shaggy parts are separated for decoration.
    4. All crushed products are poured into a bowl and mixed.
    5. Add oil and lemon juice to the salad and combine everything with a spoon one more time.
    6. Decorate with dill and serve

    Beet salads dietary recipes

    This salad is not only light, but also very necessary. By including it in your diet, you can not only cleanse your stomach, improve the digestion process, but also get rid of excess weight, and also enrich your body with vitamins. The dish is simply perfect for a winter table, where vegetables are found very rarely.

    Required components:

    • 250 gr. beets;
    • 150 gr. apples;
    • 200 gr. white cabbage;
    • 150 gr. carrots;
    • 3 garlic cloves;
    • 20 gr. oils

    Dietary boiled beet salad:

    1. Carrots and beets are washed with a brush and then peeled.
    2. They also wash the cabbage, place it on a board and chop it into thin strips with a knife, pour it into a bowl and mash it with their hands.
    3. Grind the beets on a medium-sized grater and pour the mixture into a bowl with the cabbage.
    4. In the next step, grate the carrots and transfer them to the previously prepared ingredients.
    5. The apple is washed and wiped. They clean it dry, cut it and free it from seeds, and begin to rub it. And this crushed product is placed in a bowl.
    6. Next, the garlic is peeled and crushed using an ordinary knife, and also dumped into the vegetables.
    7. Pour oil over the dish and combine everything perfectly.

    Beetroot salads are simply perfect for dietary nutrition. The root vegetable has a unique property - it promotes fat burning. In addition, vegetable dishes have simply indescribable benefits, they give the body strength and significantly improve the digestion process, help cleanse the stomach, and as a result, a person immediately begins to feel light, but at the same time completely satiated. You can season a dietary salad of boiled beets not only with butter, but also with low-fat yogurt or sour cream, and the dish comes out special every time.

    10 exciting beet salads for those who are tired of fur coat and vinaigrette

    Beets mix perfectly with prunes, nuts, tomatoes, cheese and even orange, mango, pomegranate and pear.

    If the recipe calls for boiling beets, use our tips. From them you will learn how to create it quickly and easily.

    1. Boiled beet salad with prunes, nuts and avocado


    • 3 medium boiled beets;
    • 5–6 prunes;
    • 1 avocado;
    • a handful of walnuts;
    • a handful of pumpkin seeds;
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
    • salt - to taste.


    Chop the beets into strips. Cut the prunes into large pieces and the avocado into small cubes.

    Add chopped walnuts, pumpkin seeds, lemon juice and salt to the ingredients. Thoroughly stir the salad.


    • 10 salads with prunes for lovers of unusual combinations

    2. Fresh beet salad with carrots, olives and mustard dressing


    • ½ reddish onion;
    • 2 tablespoons red wine or apple vinegar;
    • 1 teaspoon mustard;
    • 4 tablespoons olive oil;
    • 3 medium beets;
    • 1 large carrot;
    • 60–80 g olives;
    • ½ bunch of parsley;
    • salt - to taste.


    Cut the onion into small cubes. Add vinegar, mustard, oil and stir. Leave for 5-10 minutes.

    Chop the beets and carrots into small strips. Cut the olives into slices. Chop the parsley. Place the ingredients in a container with onions, season with salt and stir thoroughly.


    • 15 Fascinating Carrot Salads

    3. Baked beet salad with chicken, nuts and garlic


    • 3 medium beets;
    • 400 g boiled chicken fillet;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 50–80 g walnuts;
    • salt - to taste;
    • a few tablespoons of mayonnaise.


    Wrap the unpeeled beets in foil and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 45–50 minutes. Let the root vegetable cool, remove the skin and cut into small cubes. Do the same with the chicken. Chop the garlic.

    Finely chop the nuts, lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, and later, along with salt and mayonnaise, add them to the prepared ingredients and stir.

    Diversify your menu

    • How to cook chicken in the oven: 15 cool recipes

    4. Warm salad of boiled beets with tomatoes and spinach


    • 1 reddish onion;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
    • 1–2 tomatoes;
    • several olives;
    • several sprigs of parsley;
    • 1 clove of garlic;
    • 2 medium boiled beets;
    • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • 2-3 bunches of spinach.


    Cut the onion into half rings. Place in a frying pan with heated oil and, stirring, fry over medium heat for 2 minutes.

    Cut the tomatoes into small cubes and the olives into slices. Chop the parsley and garlic. Add these ingredients to the onion and cook for another 3 minutes.

    Add beets, cut into large pieces, vinegar, salt and pepper. Stir and fry for a minute. Place the vegetables in the bowl with the spinach and stir well.

    Take note

    • 9 warm salads that are worth making

    5. Salad with baked beets, chickpeas and pickled cucumbers


    • 3 medium beets;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 sprig of rosemary;
    • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • 1–2 pickled or pickled cucumbers;
    • ½ reddish onion;
    • 250 g canned or boiled chickpeas;
    • ½ lemon;
    • 50 g feta;
    • a few sprigs of parsley or other herbs.
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    Place the unpeeled beets, garlic and rosemary on the foil. Drizzle with a spoonful of oil and a little water, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and wrap tightly. Bake for 45–50 minutes at 180°C until the beets are soft. Cool it and clean it.

    Cut the beets and cucumber into similar cubes, and the onion into small strips. Chop the roasted garlic.

    Add chickpeas, lemon juice, salt, pepper, remaining oil to the ingredients and stir. Sprinkle with crumbled feta and chopped herbs.

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    6. Boiled beet salad with cheese, eggs and prunes


    • 1 medium boiled beet;
    • 2 boiled eggs;
    • 80 g hard cheese;
    • 8–10 prunes;
    • 1–2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


    Grate the beets and eggs on a large grater, and the cheese on a small grater. Cut the prunes into thin slices and chop the garlic. Add mayonnaise to the ingredients and stir.

    Add to favorites

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    7. Spicy salad with fresh beets, carrots, raisins and honey dressing


    • 3 medium carrots;
    • 1 large beet;
    • 70 g raisins;
    • ½ teaspoon paprika;
    • ¼ teaspoon ground cumin;
    • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon;
    • salt - to taste;
    • a pinch of ground cayenne pepper;
    • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
    • 2 teaspoons honey;
    • a few sprigs of mint.


    Grate the carrots and beets on a large grater. Add raisins to them. Mix paprika, cumin, cinnamon, salt and pepper separately. Add lemon juice and honey and stir until smooth.

    Pour the resulting dressing over the salad and stir. Leave it to steep for an hour in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Then add chopped mint and stir again.

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    8. Boiled beet salad with orange, nuts, feta and citrus-honey dressing


    • 1 orange;
    • ½ reddish onion;
    • 1 large boiled beet;
    • 50 g feta;
    • a handful of walnuts;
    • several sprigs of parsley;
    • 30 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
    • ½ teaspoon grated orange zest;
    • 2 tablespoons rice or apple vinegar;
    • 1 tablespoon honey;
    • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper - to taste.


    Peel the orange and remove any white veins. Cut the pulp into slices. Cut the onion into small strips, and the beets and feta into cubes. Chop the nuts and chop the parsley.

    Mix orange juice, zest, vinegar, honey, oil, salt and pepper. Place beets on a plate and top with orange, feta and onion. Sprinkle the salad with nuts and parsley and pour over the prepared dressing.


    • 15 extraordinary vegetable salads

    9. Salad with fresh beetroot, pear and feta from Jamie Oliver


    • 3 ripe pears;
    • 4 large beets;
    • ½ lemon;
    • 4–5 tablespoons olive oil;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • several sprigs of mint;
    • 200 g feta;
    • a handful of sunflower seeds - optional.


    Cut or grate peeled pears and beets into long strips. Mix lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper. Season the salad with the resulting consistency.

    Sprinkle it with chopped mint leaves, crumbled feta and, if desired, seeds.

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    10. Fresh beet salad with cucumbers, carrots, pomegranate and mango


    • 1 ripe mango;
    • several sprigs of cilantro;
    • paprika - to taste;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • 1 tablespoon coffee sugar;
    • 2 lemons;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
    • 1 medium cucumber;
    • 1 medium carrot;
    • 1 medium beet;
    • 1 pomegranate.


    Cut the mango into cubes. Add chopped cilantro, paprika, salt, pepper, sugar, juice of 2 lemons, oil and stir well.

    Cut the cucumber into large pieces. Chop the carrots and beets into strips. Add lemon and mango seeds to these ingredients along with the dressing. Thoroughly stir the salad.

    Beet salad

    Cheese, egg and beet salad

    The other day I flipped through my old culinary notes and came across this salad, which I had often prepared before, and which was later undeservedly forgotten by me. The salad is from the “for any day” series, it is prepared very quickly, and the ingredients are available in any “self-respecting” refrigerator)))

    White cabbage and meat salad “I don’t believe it”

    The first word that comes out of your interlocutor’s mouth when you announce the composition of the salad and promise that it will be incredibly delicious is “I don’t believe it.” Everyone realizes that the salad is edible, but it’s delicious – no one believes for the first time (even I didn’t believe it). But I’ll tell you, without embellishment, I have never had this salad left on the table after a celebration, or rather, it is always eaten by guests (and my family) first - no matter how much it was prepared. And everyone takes the recipe and demands that they prepare more for the next meeting. I present to you a salad of white cabbage, carrots, beets and fried meat. In any case, for those who don’t believe, I advise you to try it, make it, it is prepared very quickly and from goods that are literally in the kitchen!

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    Salad “Herring under a fur coat” in a new role

    I understand that there are a lot of recipes for this salad, but I decided to take a risk and post my own recipe. It seems to me that the advantage of this recipe is that no matter how long the salad sits, the beetroot juice does not flow out of it, which does not spoil the appearance on the plate.

    Salad “Mistress”

    I have been making this salad for many years, but it still remains one of my favorites. Fast, tasty and spicy!

    Salad “Wife’s Bouquet”

    Do you remember that day when Mendelssohn’s march played only for you, or maybe you are just waiting for this action. and an obligatory attribute of the wife is a wedding bouquet. can you smell the roses? “And the sweet scent of roses keeps you from troubles,” wrote the medieval poet, addressing his young wife. The tradition of the wedding bouquet initially had not so much a decorative as a protective function. And the composition, which was carried along the wedding procession by the tender hands of the wife, along with classic roses, included... wheat and garlic! The bouquet was supposed to scare away hunger, illness and evil spirits from the young family... so please try my bouquet with garlic and wheat in the form of pancakes... with potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumbers, cheese... and, of course, herring

    Korean beets

    Don't pass by, once you cook it you'll cook it again and again. My neighbor Aunt Idilga taught me how to prepare this salad; they make money from it, because Korean salads are in great demand.

    Salad “Herring under a fur coat”

    Herring again? Under a fur coat again? Well, as much as possible. Yes, but with a little secret and in a brand new design! Let's please our sheep or goat with this beautiful, in my opinion, meadow from an already ordinary salad, which is prepared in almost every family for the holidays!

    Beetroot with garlic “One fine moment differently”

    Well, who among you doesn’t like beet salad with garlic or walnuts, or both together, seasoned with mayonnaise? I think there are some, but they are few. Those who don’t like beets or who can’t eat spicy foods. Don't swear, but we really don't need to eat mayonnaise and I try to change it wherever possible. I simply seasoned the beets with garlic, natural yoghurt with mustard and a drop of lemon. And at one fine moment Ostap suffered. What came out of this is for you to judge. But my husband said only this for the holiday! Well, it turned out amazingly delicious. This is the second time I’ve cooked it this way, the first time was for testing and I didn’t take a photo. I only cut the beets into cubes, and I liked it both ways. Shall we try it?

    Salad with beets and herring

    Unusual taste. A combination of sweet, sour and salty! Now this is my favorite salad, thanks to Natalia (mama tasi) from Kulinara.

    Salad “Puff”

    I found a very interesting salad recipe that includes pike perch. But because we simply cannot find such fish here, we came up with a lean salad, and what a delicious one at that!

    Beet salad . Beetroot salads are popular not only due to the countless beneficial properties of beets. The fact is that beets mix well with other vegetables, as well as a number of other goods - for example, dairy (cottage cheese, cheese, etc.), pasta, cereals, fruits, etc.

    Therefore, despite the long time it takes to cook beets, housewives wait patiently for an hour, then cool the beets and use them in various salads - including the favorite “in our latitudes” with herring under a fur coat and vinaigrette.

    In general, beets can not only be boiled (by the way, if you cut the beets into pieces, the cooking time can be slightly reduced). You can, for example, make a salad of baked beets. To do this, the root vegetables should be washed, dried and wrapped in foil, making a couple of punctures to allow steam to escape. Then the beets are placed on a baking sheet, sprinkled with salt (to ensure even baking and to prevent burning), and bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for approximately 40-45 minutes.

    True, nutritionists say that due to the long processing period, beets lose a huge part of the vitamins and essential substances, and they are allowed to prepare salads from raw beets. It preserves the “vitamin set” completely. Before making the salad, it is recommended to marinate the beets in lemon or lime juice. It is recommended to combine raw beets in salads with vegetables such as cucumber, carrots, radishes, spinach, and various greens.

    One of the most favorite salads is beet salad with garlic. Boiled beets are poured with a sauce of garlic, vinegar, chopped nuts, a little salt, sugar, and vegetable oil are added. Salads made from beets and cheese, beets and prunes with nuts are also popular. Fans of Far Eastern cuisine will love the spicy salad made from beets, garlic, red pepper and vinegar.

    Summer residents need to know that beet salad can be created not only from root vegetables. You can also prepare a salad from beet leaves, which is no less healthy.

    You can season beet salads with sour cream, mayonnaise, and vegetable oil. If you care not only about taste, but also about health, olive oil is the best dressing.

    Beets are used not only for making new salads. The vegetable can be preserved, enjoying the taste of beetroot in the winter.

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