Coconut milk: benefits and harms

Coconut milk: benefits and harms

Coconut milk is perhaps exotic for our country! And yet, such a product is increasingly entering our everyday life. After all, now it almost doesn’t matter what exotic things have become available. Coconuts in our hypermarkets and on the market are not unique. The cost is affordable, and the usefulness... Although, the usefulness should be discussed separately!

So, what exactly is coconut milk, the benefits and harms of this product for the human body will be the topic of this article. Let’s understand the intricacies of this product and draw conclusions about whether it is needed in the diet of a healthy lifestyle follower.

Coconut milk: benefits and harm to the body

Before talking about the properties and qualities of coconut milk, it is worth understanding what this product is. It is important to distinguish coconut milk from water. Almost everyone incorrectly thinks that coconut milk is what is inside the fruit. No! Essentially, the natural liquid found inside the thick-skinned coconut is coconut water. Coconut milk is made artificially. This is a completely different product!

Making coconut milk is very easy! The pulp from the nut is crushed on a grater or using other types of kitchen equipment. Then the liquid is painstakingly squeezed out. You can perform several spins. The first pressing produces the thickest milk. But it should be noted that in this option all the main usefulness is preserved. The following extractions allow you to create the most watery version of milk, and the filtration of the necessary substances with this approach occurs intensively. The choice, of course, depends on your goals and preferences.

Coconut milk: benefits

So, is it healthy to consume and consume coconut milk externally? Before answering this question, let’s figure out what the product consists of. The liquid consists of coconut pulp. In fact, it is a liquid that is extracted by squeezing. What is included in the composition?

Coconut milk contains:

  • Vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) : B, C, PP, A.
  • Minerals: potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, selenium, iron.
  • Essential dietary fiber.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product: protein - 1.75 g; fats - 15 g; carbohydrates - 2.8 g. Per 100 g - about 150 kcal.

Coconut milk is beneficial because it has a beneficial effect on various body systems.

It is worth listing the following types of impact:

  • Protects tooth enamel from caries and destruction.
  • Lowers the level of disgusting cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Strengthens bone tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , promotes the development of brain function.
  • Has bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal effects.
  • Increases hemoglobin, helps improve the blood formula (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  • Provides protection against toxins and free radicals.
  • Increases skin elasticity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

It must be said that this product provides the body with energy and at the same time is easy to digest. You can simply consume coconut milk as a snack during the day while in weight loss mode.

Coconut milk: benefits and harms for ladies and guys

I would like to separately note the benefits of coconut milk for women’s and men’s bodies.

This product is very useful for ladies Vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) , minerals and antioxidants become invisible assistants in the fight against aging. The product has excellent control over pathogenic microbes and fungi, which has a very good effect on the health of the female reproductive system. During pregnancy, coconut milk will help avoid sudden changes in hormonal levels, provide you with essential vitamins and help avoid anemia in pregnant women. It is very good to include coconut milk in the diet of women during menopause. This is useful for stabilizing hormones and preventing nervous system disorders. Coconut milk gently relieves swelling. This product will also help control heartburn and prevent the development of gastritis. Ladies will also appreciate the benefits of milk when used externally. This product is good for hair restoration, strengthening the nail plate, maintaining skin softness and creating the desired moisture balance. With the help of the water given to us, you can fight stretch marks.

Is coconut milk harmful to the female body? Only if there are contraindications!

For guys

This product is no less beneficial for men's health than for women's bodies. Coconut milk helps maintain male strength and preserve reproductive function forever. As a natural “antibiotic,” coconut milk is useful as a prophylactic against urological problems. The product plays an important role in maintaining the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthening blood vessels. Also, for guys, coconut milk will be valuable in preserving the health of the nervous system, maintaining current tone and performance.

In the absence of personal intolerance to the product and contraindications for health reasons, coconut milk does not have negative consequences for the male body.

Harm of coconut milk

Just like any other product, coconut milk is imperfect! There are a number of contraindications that are worth considering when wanting to include coconut milk in your diet.

You should not try this product in the following situations:

  • the presence of personal intolerance;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • intestinal tract disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • acute period of hypertension;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

It is not recommended to give coconut milk to children under 2 years of age! In countries where coconut grows, children taste coconut pulp, water and milk at an early age. But the body of children born and growing up in countries where coconut is considered exotic is not prepared for early acquaintance with similar foods. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Literally, conditional contraindications also include the last trimester of pregnancy and the lactation period in women. The fact is that the outcome of coconut milk consumption during these periods has not been studied much. Serious allergic reactions in a newborn are likely, and this product can also cause intestinal upset in the baby.

If you have acquired or other diseases, you should consult with a specialist about the permissibility of coconut milk in your diet.

How much coconut milk should you drink?

Despite all the usefulness of the product in question, you should not lose sight of the recommended standards. After all, everything is useful in moderation!

An adult is allowed to drink no more than 1 glass of the product once a week. You can divide it into two doses and drink ½ glass twice a week. Children over 3 years old are allowed no more than 70 grams of the product once a week. It is necessary to start with a small amount, evenly monitoring the body’s reaction and increasing the volume (without exceeding the norm) if the body reacts normally.

Uses of coconut milk

This product is quite popular, despite the fact that it is considered relatively new for our latitudes. Milk is used in various areas of life.


Coconut milk is included in a huge number of folk recipes that are intended to get rid of various ailments. Some amounts of the product may be contained in honey (allopathic) products. But, naturally, this is no longer coconut milk in the usual sense, but only extracts, extracts, a fine suspension.


In this area, coconut milk has gained enormous popularity. Various serums, shampoos, and masks based on coconut milk help strengthen hair roots, achieve shine, and enhance growth. This product is often included in creams, scrubs, lotions and masks for skin care. The product is good for creating remedies against wrinkles, stretch marks, and dry skin. Use coconut milk to get rid of acne and pimples. It perfectly disinfects and heals wounds.

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Naturally, where would cooking be without coconut milk? This product occupies its honorable space in this area! Coconut milk is added to various desserts and cocktails. It is used to make cool soups, sauces, and gravies. It is ideal for baking and making various mixes of vegetables and fruits. It is quite common to find coconut milk in oriental side dishes. An indescribably delicious pastry cream is made from sweet powder and coconut milk. It’s impossible to even list the entire list of dishes that may contain coconut milk.

For weight loss

Those losing weight have long taken note of the benefits of this milk. And they use it not only to create a low-calorie, fat-burning diet, but also to maintain skin tone, fight stretch marks and cellulite. Coconut milk is suitable for comprehensive therapy (therapy is a process to relieve or eliminate symptoms and manifestations of the disease) of excess weight. There are methods and recipes for using this product to obtain a pronounced effect of correcting the figure.

Household chemicals

Household detergents for washing and fabric conditioning are made from coconut milk. This product can also be included in detergents and cleaning products as a mild, non-hazardous disinfectant. Naturally, coconut-based household chemicals are considered a rarity these days. But if you wish, you can find options that contain this product or its fractions in small quantities.

Let's summarize the result

Coconut milk is a very necessary product! It is obtained artificially from one hundred percent natural raw materials. Subject to the standards and taking into account contraindications, you can vary your everyday life with the tasty, fragrant liquid given to us. But, naturally, this is not a panacea or a miracle elixir! It’s important to keep in mind that health requires a complete approach. And the right product - coconut milk - is a grain of sand in the sea, which can be valuable for maintaining youth, health and vigor!

Coconut milk: benefits and harm to the body

History of coconut milk

First, let's dive into the history of the origins of coconut milk. Coconuts themselves grow in abundance in Malaysia, South Asia, the Philippines, India and Sri Lanka. Their name "cocos" means "grinning face". Coconuts got such a funny name because of their own holes in the base, which are somewhat similar to the face of a monkey. In these countries, coconut milk itself is called “gata”, and the drink made from it is called “santan”.

For the first time, coconut milk was used in Thai cuisine, using it as an analogue to dairy products of animal origin. Today, this product is also very popular in East Asian cuisine.

Almost everyone incorrectly believes that coconut milk is the natural liquid inside the coconut. But essentially it's just coconut water. Coconut milk is an artificially produced product that is prepared by squeezing the pulp of a coconut.

This product is in particular demand among people following a certain diet, which involves avoiding food of animal origin. Therefore, coconut milk can be an excellent candidate for goat and cow milk.

Benefits of coconut milk

Coconut milk is a high-calorie product with the highest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements.

It contains within itself: vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) B, C, A, PP; minerals such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, selenium, iron; healthy dietary fiber.

– This product is obtained from coconuts, which is why it is so rich in beneficial elements and fats that have a beneficial effect on the body. Including: milk restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , lowers sugar and cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) , evens out hormonal levels and tones the body as a whole, which is very important in the process of adjusting the figure.

But despite the huge number of advantages, it is better not to abuse this product. The recommended intake is 1 glass of milk, which already contains about 200 kcal and about 20 g of saturated fat.

It is also very important to pay attention to the label of a canned product if you purchase it in a hypermarket. The more preservatives in the composition, the less useful it is, says fitness trainer and nutrition expert Toma Shigontseva.

How do the microelements and substances found in coconut milk affect the human body?

  • folic acid is required to support the immune system and prevent the occurrence of tumors;
  • magnesium, which affects the normalization of blood pressure and has anti-stress properties. Thus, coconut milk helps the body cope with an unstable sensory state, and also reduce the impact of stressful situations on the nervous system;
  • coconut milk is rich in phosphorus, which is very beneficial for bones, because it promotes the development and strengthening of bone tissue (The structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) ;
  • retinol is a fat-soluble oxidant required for the health of the dermatological surface;
  • pantothenic acid helps restore the body;
  • Selenium is an antioxidant that simplifies the symptoms of arthritis, controls free radicals and reduces the risk of joint inflammation ;
  • Niacin is required for metabolism;
  • iron, a mineral responsible for oxygenating red blood cells, helps strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • tocopherol is a natural oxidant that stops the aging process and increases the functioning of the reproductive organs.

When using this product, be sure to consult a specialist!

What are the benefits of coconut milk and what to make from it?

5 reasons why this product should take up space in your refrigerator, and three common recipes using coconut milk.

Coconut milk is an underrated product in our latitudes. It is known mainly as an element of exotic Thai cuisine and a number of diets that involve the abstinence of one or another food of animal origin. In this case, coconut milk is a candidate for regular cow's or goat's milk, cream or sour cream.

But a tender, creamy drink with a slightly sweetish taste has much more necessary parameters than just the ability to replace fermented milk products. Life hacker learned all about the health benefits of coconut milk.

Benefits of coconut milk

First, let's define the concepts. Coconut milk is not at all the same water that splashes inside a whole tropical nut. That liquid is called coconut water, and is actually almost 95% water and contains virtually no fat or other nutrients.

Milk is a mixture of coconut pulp and water painstakingly processed to a homogeneous mass. Lifehacker has already written about how you can create coconut milk without the help of others.

The output is a high-calorie product with the highest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. So, after drinking one cup (240 ml), you will receive Coconut Milk Health Benefits and Uses:

  • 552 kilocalories;
  • 57 g fat;
  • 5 g proteins;
  • 11% of the daily value of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C;
  • 22% Daily Value for Iron and Magnesium;
  • 18% Daily Value for potassium;
  • 21% Daily Value for Selenium.
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In addition, you will completely cover the body’s daily need for manganese. Here's what this fatty-vitamin-mineral cocktail does to your health.

1. You are losing weight

For almost everyone, the word “fat” evokes a strong association with being overweight, but in this case, fats, on the contrary, promote weight loss. Sounds absurd? No.

Coconut milk contains mainly polyunsaturated fats (including the famous essential omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9), which are very beneficial for metabolism. And that's not all. About half of all fatty acids are lauric acid. This substance belongs to the group of so-called medium-chain fatty acids, which have one unique twist: from the digestive tract they go straight to the liver, where they are used to produce energy or ketones (these substances are the main “fuel” for the brain (central department of the nervous system of animals and humans) ).

Therefore, coconut fat has even less chance of being converted into fat reserves - the body consumes it almost instantly.

In addition, lauric acid has another bonus: it is involved in the functioning of brain receptors (the central part of the nervous system of animals and humans) that control appetite and helps reduce hunger. Here, for example, is a small study Impact of medium and long chain triglycerides consumption on appetite and food intake in overweight men, which showed: overweight people who consumed medium chain fatty acids at breakfast ate 272 kilocalories less during lunch than those who consumed other types of fats at breakfast.

2. You become smarter and more productive.

This is how the already mentioned polyunsaturated fats omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 work, as well as lauric acid, an energy supplier for the brain (the central part of the nervous system of animals and humans) .

3. You increase immunity

Lauric acid is also a massive antimicrobial Fatty Acids and Derivatives as Antimicrobial Agents and antiviral agent, reducing the number of germs and viruses in the mouth and in the body in general. There is confirmed evidence that lauric acid is able to resist A Review of Monolaurin and Lauric Acid even such active and unsafe viruses as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus, which causes HIV infection - a disease, the last stage of which is known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS) , measles and a number of herpes, including cytomegaloviruses.

4. You Improve Heart and Cardiovascular Health

Coconut milk reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques appearing on the walls of blood vessels. Moreover, this effect is so noticeable that scientists are talking about good prospects for using coconut milk in the dietary nutrition of cardiac patients.

For example, in this 8-week study Impact of a traditional dietary supplement with coconut milk and soya milk on the lipid profile in normal free living subjects, conducted with 60 guys, it was found: eating oatmeal with coconut milk reduced the amount of “ disgusting" cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) and increased the level of "good".

5. You improve the condition of your skin and hair

Coconut milk has a beneficial effect on our body not only inside, but also outside: for example, Lifehacker has already written about how omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids supplied with food affect the level of skin hydration.

The antimicrobial and antiviral activity of lauric acid also extends to the healing and prevention of various dermatological diseases: from eczema to herpes. Milk can be used as a mask for hair and skin, or added to regular cosmetics - for example, nourishing body cream.

Here is a video in which the famous South American nutritionist Bruce Fife, president of the Coconut Research Center in Colorado Springs (USA (United States of America - a state in North America) ), tells everything about how the fats in coconut milk affect appearance.

What to cook with coconut milk

Below are three incredibly fast, simple and economical recipes.

1. Carrot-coconut soup

Even a child can prepare this ordinary and immediately original dish. This soup will be a good solution in this case if you adhere to fasting or a vegetarian diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) .


  • 3 carrots;
  • 200 ml coconut milk;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste;
  • parsley or basil for decoration.


Peel the carrots, wash in running water, cut into slices. Place in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat until the carrots become soft.

Without turning off the heat, add turmeric, coconut milk, salt and pepper. Stir, reduce heat to low and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Remove the soup from the heat, add lemon juice and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. Pour into plates and garnish with coarsely chopped herbs. To add more flavor to the soup, you can add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce to each bowl.

2. Chicken in coconut milk with spices and mango

This is one of the more favorite dishes of Thai cuisine, which is not difficult to prepare without the help of others.


  • 3 chicken breasts without skin;
  • 250 ml coconut milk;
  • 1 peeled mango;
  • 1 peeled small carrot;
  • 1 medium sized onion, peeled;
  • 1 fresh chili pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder;
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the onion into rings and fry in oil in a large frying pan until soft. Add the chicken cut into large cubes and fry over high heat until the pieces are browned on all sides.

Cut the mango and carrots into large cubes and add to the chicken. Reduce heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid and let the ingredients simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Chop the garlic, ginger, chili pepper with a knife and add to the pan with the chicken and mango. Add curry, add salt, stir well, pour in coconut milk, bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let it cool.

Serve in deep bowls, adding soy sauce to each to taste. The perfect side dish for spiced chicken is boiled rice.

3. Coconut cocktail with strawberries

Thanks to the addition of coconut milk, the taste of a regular milkshake becomes deeper and more exciting, acquiring an exotic note. If for any reason you do not consume classic milk products (say, due to lactose intolerance), the cow's milk in this cocktail can be one hundred percent replaced with coconut milk or water.


  • 400 ml coconut milk;
  • 200 ml cow's milk;
  • 80 g coffee sugar;
  • 200 g of fresh strawberries;
  • 20 g coconut flakes;
  • ice cubes if desired.


Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, setting aside 3-4 berries (according to the number of glasses) for decoration. Place the peeled berries in a blender. Add ice based on the desired temperature of the upcoming cocktail.

Pour coconut and regular milk into it, beat until smooth. Add sugar and beat again.

Pour into tall glasses, sprinkle with coconut flakes. Decorate the glasses with whole or cut strawberries with preserved stems.

Coconut milk benefits and harms for the human body

If you haven't tried coconut milk yet, you should definitely try it. This exotic drink is already in our stores, albeit in canned form. He has an abundance of necessary parameters and has a pleasant, unusual taste.

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Calories per 100 g, (kcal): 70
Protein per 100 g, (g): 1.0
Fat per 100 g, (g): 6.0
Carbohydrates per 100 g, (g): 3.0
Glycemic index: 41

What kind of product is coconut milk?

From the outside, the drink resembles ordinary cow's milk and it is not a liquid from a coconut, it is created from the pulp of the fruit. In terms of its taste, milk is very different from the water that is inside the fetus. There are two types of milk:

  • First spin. This is the most valuable liquid, concentrated, viscous.
  • Second spin. These are the remains of processed raw materials during the initial pressing. The drink has the least intense taste.

There is also the so-called coconut cream, which is used mainly for sauces or making desserts.

Composition and calorie content of coconut milk

Coconut milk contains special enzymes, they are in no way identical to cow's milk. They are better and faster absorbed by the human body. The drink contains just over 36% fat, about 3% proteins and 4% carbohydrates. Milk contains a lot of dietary fiber, which helps eliminate toxins.

Depending on the manufacturing method, the calorie content of the product ranges from 150 to 230 kcal.

Milk contains a huge amount of macro- and microelements. Most of all manganese - as much as 46%. There is copper, selenium, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Coconut milk contains about 10 vitamins: groups B, C, E, PP. The favorites are vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) B5 - 3.7%, B9 - 4%, PP - 3.8%.

In addition to vitamins and other necessary parts, milk contains amino acids: Omega-3, 6, 9.

What are the benefits of coconut milk, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) and minerals

The vitamin composition of milk helps improve the structure of the mucous membrane and provokes the production of hemoglobin. Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus regulate the process of blood clotting (the internal environment of the human and animal body) and are responsible for the transmission of nerve (an animal organ that serves to transmit information important for the body to the brain) .

Thanks to macroelements, milk stimulates the restoration of the cardiovascular system, improves the secretion of bile and removes harmful substances from the body. Iron and manganese stimulate the reproductive system in both women and men.

The amino acids present in milk help cleanse the liver and remove toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) . They are useful for the male body as a means of building muscle mass. Amino acids help the body better cope with changes in atmospheric temperature, they are involved in the production of hormones and antibodies, and help improve memory and concentration.

Lauric acid, present in milk, provokes the process of removing cholesterol from the body (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) , helps the functioning of the heart and vascular system. It is very useful in the process of losing weight, because it provokes the burning of fat deposits.

Fiber helps improve the functioning of the stomach and intestinal tract, reduces the rate of absorption of glucose in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) and reduces the risk of developing diabetes. It reduces appetite and maintains the intestinal microflora at the proper level.

Benefits of coconut milk for women

Coconut milk helps the lovely half of the world's population preserve youth for a very long time and improve the health of the dermatological skin. It improves the structure of nails.

Benefits of coconut milk for guys

For guys, coconut milk is useful, first of all, for reproductive function. Help comes from manganese, the amount of which can “frazzle” the milk.

Coconut milk during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Coconut milk is beneficial both before and after childbirth. While carrying a baby, milk has a slight choleretic and diuretic effect, removes excess water, which relieves the woman from swelling. It helps restore hormonal levels and relieves constipation and heartburn. The drink prevents the development of defects in the fetus and has a positive effect on the formation of bone mass and the nervous system. Milk prevents the occurrence of anemia in the baby.

During lactation, coconut milk strengthens the mother’s body after childbirth and improves the quality of her own milk.

Is coconut milk okay for children?

Coconut milk is good for children, but if the mother did not drink it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then it can be introduced into the diet no earlier than 2 years from birth. The drink is administered evenly, always monitoring the reaction of the baby’s body.

In countries where coconut milk is a common product, it is given to children practically from the first day, but for our region, it is still an exotic drink.

Is coconut milk good for weight loss?

Milk is useful when following a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) , it improves metabolic processes and stimulates the functioning of the stomach. Although you should always keep in mind that it contains a huge amount of fat, so you should drink it in moderation. And on days when coconut milk is consumed, you will have to give up fatty foods and focus on fruits, vegetables and lean meats and fish.

Coconut milk for diabetes

Coconut milk can be consumed if there are difficulties with the functioning of the pancreas. In addition, with its constant use in small quantities, it is possible to avoid the development of this disease (disruption of normal functioning, performance) .

The use of coconut milk in cosmetology

Coconut milk is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It helps give the skin a pleasant color. Improves hair structure.

All-purpose milk mask:

  • cereals;
  • coconut milk.

Two tablespoons of the components are thoroughly mixed, and 2 teaspoons of honey are added to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with water.

To keep your hair shiny and strong, 5 tablespoons of coconut milk and 3 tablespoons of lime juice are carefully mixed and applied to the scalp for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the hair is washed with regular shampoo.

Daily intake of coconut milk

Don't get too carried away with coconut milk. It is recommended to drink 100 ml no more than 2 times a week. For children aged 2-3 years, the dose may be 70 ml once a day, as a substitute for cow's milk.

How to make coconut milk at home

Naturally, any drink will be useful if it is made at home, with your own hands.

Milk can be created from coconut. To do this, open the fruit and grind the pulp in a food processor. Then the pulp is poured with hot water (1:2) and placed in a blender. Then the drink is filtered and the life-giving drink is drunk.

You can make a drink from coconut flakes. Combine water and shavings in equal parts, bring to a boil - the drink is ready.

Coconut milk harms and contraindications

How to select and store coconut milk

If you buy a canned drink, then look at the composition. It doesn't have to contain anything other than water and coconut concentrate. Avoid buying a drink that contains the preservative E 224, it is very unsafe for humans.

Be sure to look at the production date and expiration date. Once opened, milk can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Know that the lower the fat content of the milk, the better.

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