Mushroom solyanka Mushroom solyanka Mushroom solyanka with vegetables for the winter 3.6 5 Do you want to create a hearty and appetizing preparation? Then pay attention to this recipe for making mushroom...
Azerbaijani pilaf Azerbaijani pilaf Azerbaijani pilaf differs significantly from Uzbek pilaf both in composition and, most importantly, in manufacturing technology. For Azerbaijani pilaf, rice and the flavoring and aromatic base are prepared separately, in different dishes,…
Tomato juice Tomato juice Eggplants in tomato juice with peppers and onions A wonderful salad for the winter. Nice snack. My wife did it, and I took my camera and decided to post it here....
Green tomato jam – 5 recipes with photos step by step Green tomato jam – 5 recipes with photos step by step Jam prepared…
How to cook turkey cutlets, the best dietary recipes for losing weight How to cook turkey cutlets, the best dietary recipes for losing weight Turkey meat is classified as a dietary product. In his…
The most delicious recipe for persimmon jam at home The most delicious recipe for persimmon jam at home Persimmon, or as it is also called “honey berry”, is delicious...
Duck soup Duck soup To make broth, you can take not a whole duck, but the backbone, bones with the remains of meat. You can even use leftovers from fried food for soup...
7 tasty and healthy salad recipes with stem celery 7 tasty and healthy salad recipes with stalk celery Celery is a vegetable crop with a slightly salty taste and a corresponding…
Mexican tortilla flatbread - 2 recipes Mexican tortilla flatbread - 2 recipes p, blockquote 1,0,1,0,0 –> Traditional Mexican tortilla is a round narrow flatbread made from corn or wheat flour….
Cake; Tiramisu Cake “Tiramisu” Save I prepared Rate Print Cake “Tiramisu” is a famous Italian dessert. There are many of his recipes, but what remains constant is the presence of a special biscuit - savoiardi,...