5 recipes for the most delicate sponge roll 5 recipes for the most delicate sponge roll Soft cakes and fragrant insides for those who have a sweet tooth. 1. Sponge roll with jam or preserves Ingredients 4 eggs;…
The most delicious gooseberry jam recipes - smell and usefulness in a small jar The most delicious gooseberry jam recipes - smell and usefulness in a small jar! Jam from...
Chocolate Cherry Pie Chocolate Cherry Pie A huge success on the website of the vanilla and strawberry pie, which was baked by just a huge number of people, if we are talking about those from whom I received some feedback (by…
10 refreshing salads with celery 10 refreshing salads with celery Make salads with chicken, cucumbers, crab sticks, apples, pineapples and more piquant and juicy. Mayonnaise for...
French salad Are you preparing? All about the culinary art... French salad - 4 options for every taste French salad is a pleasure to prepare, because the recipes for making it are always very laconic...
How to create chocolate fondant for a cake How to create chocolate fondant for a cake? Chocolate fondant is considered a common ingredient in the manufacture of confectionery products. From time to time, the delicacy is served in the form of...
How to properly cook jelly from berries and starch How to properly cook jelly from berries and starch? A quick-to-make dessert, berry jelly, which is popular and loved almost...
We are learning to cook Stolle Pies according to the “secret” recipe. We are learning how to cook Stolle Pies according to the “secret” recipe. The network of Stolle pie shops is rapidly growing in the Russian Federation. These products lure with their excellent taste...
Pies with apples Pies with apples In this section, our creators share the most successful recipes for apple pies with step-by-step photos and instructions. We will tell and show how...
The usual recipe for making cloudberry jam for the winter The usual recipe for making cloudberry jam for the winter Cloudberry jam for the winter has become a favorite delicacy of almost all housewives,…