Cheese cake

Curd cakes Curd cakes Curd cakes There are 11 recipes in total Curd peat cake A juicy curd pie that is very easy to prepare. A good combination of crispy chocolate chips and tender curd...

Kvass from coffee drink recipe

Recipes for homemade kvass from coffee Recipes for homemade kvass from coffee New research over the last 2 years proves that the benefits of drinking coffee significantly outweigh the possible harm. So, it is common knowledge that...

Pasta with egg

10 hearty and very tasty pasta casseroles 10 hearty and very tasty pasta casseroles Appetizing combinations with cheese, chicken, sausage, mushrooms, vegetables and more...

Beef heart salad

Beef heart salad Beef heart salad Recipes: 9 beef heart - 1 kg. garlic - 3 teeth. mayonnaise 28710 7 21 happylana August 15, 2011, 20:35 veal heart...

Watermelon rind jam with lemon recipe

5 good recipes for jam from watermelon rinds 5 good recipes for jam from watermelon rinds Prepare a treat with lemon, orange, mint and lime. For jam you need the snow-white part of the crusts...

Bird cherry cake recipe

Bird Cherry Cake Bird Cherry Cake Cooking: 2 hours 45 minutes Now I am offering a master class on making an unusual, delicious and fragrant Bird Cherry cake. We will prepare the cake with tender sour cream. A…

Diet chicken soup recipe

Chicken soup: PP recipes Chicken soup: PP recipes We are used to the fact that chicken soup is a thick, fatty and rich broth, which is very high in calories in order to include...

Layer cake with rice

Layer pie with rice Layer pie with rice Layer pie with rice is perfect for a hearty snack and for welcoming unexpected guests. Recipe for rice pie from…

Cheese snack on chips recipe

Snack on chips with processed cheese Snack on chips with processed cheese Snacks on chips are a popular type of snack for buffets, coffee breaks, get-togethers with friends, and...

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