Minced chicken Kiev

Cutlets; in Kiev; from minced chicken; recipe with photo and video Chicken Kiev cutlets - recipe with photo and video Naturally, you can live without a restaurant menu at home...

Chafan Salad

Chafan salad with pork Chafan salad with pork The Chafan salad is prepared quickly and will be a good lunch, because the dish contains both meat and vegetables. Adding greens gives the salad...

Lavash snacks with crab sticks recipe

Appetizer of lavash with crab sticks Appetizer of lavash with crab sticks Save I prepared Rate Print I offer you a recipe for how to prepare an appetizer of lavash with crab...

Cake icing recipe

Let's glaze: the best cake frosting recipes Glaze: the best cake frosting recipes Steve Jobs at one point said: “You baked a beautiful cake, but you used dog shit instead...

Redcurrant jelly without cooking

2 quick recipes for red currant jelly 2 quick recipes for red currant jelly A savory, fragrant and wonderful dessert made from just 2 ingredients. Traditional redcurrant jelly...

Dietary breast soup recipe

Chicken soup: PP recipes Chicken soup: PP recipes We are used to the fact that chicken soup is a thick, fatty and rich broth, which is very high in calories in order to include...

Soup dressing

Borscht, cabbage soup, kharcho Borscht, cabbage soup, kharcho. Recipes for soup dressings for the winter Borscht, cabbage soup and kharcho prepared in jars will make life easier for students, bachelors and busy housewives. For the winter you can...

Curd triangles

Cookie; Curd triangles Cookies “Curd triangles” Save I made it Rate Print A wonderful baking solution if you have cottage cheese. Preparing “Curd Triangles” cookies at home is very simple,…

Salad Capital

“Stolichny” salad “Stolichny” salad A selection of “Stolichny” salad recipes with step-by-step photos and instructions. We will tell you and show you how to prepare different versions of the Stolichny salad at home! Organize recipes...

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