Salad with chicken, kumquats and cashews recipe Salad with chicken, kumquats and cashews recipe Ingredients INGREDIENTS WEIGHT CALORIES (kcal per 100 gr.) Cashews 2 tbsp. lie Ground coriander...
Chicken noodles with porcini mushrooms Chicken noodles with porcini mushrooms Noodles are one of the most popular poultry soups. Naturally, in order to prepare homemade noodles, you will need...
Dishes with catfish steak: 6 homemade delicious recipes Dishes with catfish steak: 6 homemade delicious recipes Catfish steaks cook very quickly. They make impeccable dishes: tasty, juicy,…
Strudel with cherries from puff pastry recipe Are you preparing? All about culinary art... Cherry puff pastry strudel - a lighter format of the famous dish Strudel is a traditional Austrian...
Recipes for Yuletide salads Recipes for Yule salads Yule salad is a recipe for a successful dressing. Perfectly prepared appetizers and salads set the mood. Recipes for salads for Christmas Eve are incredibly varied. Svyatkov…
Traditional Solyanka - 6 homemade savory recipes Traditional Solyanka - 6 homemade savory recipes If you wanted to please your family with a superbly savory first course - prepare traditional Solyanka. Meet the brilliant...
Two recipes for pancakes with milk without eggs: yeast and without yeast Two recipes for pancakes with milk without eggs: with yeast and without yeast It’s not the case that “pancakes” and “grandmothers” are like that...
How to boil potatoes in their jackets so that they don’t get boiled, and what to create if all the pots are occupied. How to boil potatoes in their jackets so that they don’t get boiled, and what to create...
5 regular recipes with ready-made puff pastry - types of puff pastry, step-by-step baking recipes with photos 5 regular recipes with ready-made puff pastry - types of puff pastry, step-by-step...
Salad with funchose and beef Salad with funchose and beef Salad with funchose is an unusual combination of Asian vermicelli made from beans and ordinary vegetables and meat. Ingredients for Salad...