Raspberry liqueur with alcohol and vodka

Raspberry liqueur with alcohol and vodka. Recipes and useful characteristics of raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur is best made from new berries, but you can also use frozen ones. The liqueur can be prepared either with alcohol or with the consistency of alcohol and vodka (then it will be slightly weaker).

Particular attention should be paid to the very properties of the berries - if we choose the most ripe and unspoiled specimens for making the drink, we will get the most intense smell and beautiful color of the liqueur.

The drink contains a huge amount of organic acids that cleanse the body, and salicylic acid has an antipyretic effect. Therefore, raspberry liqueur can be successfully used for colds and flu as a diaphoretic. Although it has a similar effect, it tastes much better than aspirin.

Raspberry liqueur is a decoration for any festive feast. For production you will need berries, water, sugar and alcohol. Below are some examples of how to create such a liqueur at home.

Regular raspberry liqueur recipe with alcohol

Raspberry liqueur, in the opinion of almost everyone, is the best remedy for colds.


  • 2 kg raspberries
  • 1 liter of alcohol
  • 1 kg sugar


Mash the selected and washed berries a little and transfer them to a suitable jar. Add sugar and pour in a liter of alcohol. Set aside for 6-7 weeks in a black space.

Filter the liqueur through cheesecloth and pour into the smallest bottles.

The raspberry liqueur is ready to use, but it can be left in the black space for a few more weeks to get an even more beautiful color.

It is very important that after pouring alcohol into the berries, you need to shake the jar of liqueur every day - this is necessary for proper fermentation.

Homemade raspberry liqueur according to an ancient recipe


  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 0.5 l vodka
  • 100-300 g sugar


Place the berries in a clay dish and pour 250 ml of vodka into it.

Cover the dish with paper or film pierced with a toothpick. ​​Set on low heat.

Heat the raspberries until the berries darken. After that, strain, mix with sugar and remaining vodka. Let cool.

You can serve the drink on the table. If it is very strong, you can squeeze the juice from the remaining berries and dilute the liqueur with it.

How to quickly create raspberry liqueur - recipe

The liqueur prepared according to this recipe will be ready after a certain number of days.


  • 4 kg raspberries
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 2 liters of vodka


Place the selected, washed berries in glass jars with screw-shaped lids and place in a saucepan with cool water.

Place the pan on the stove, after the water boils, keep it on low heat for an hour and a half.

When the water has cooled, strain the juice that has formed in the jars into a large container and combine with sugar and vodka.

Raspberry liqueur with honey


  • 2 kg raspberries
  • 0.5 l alcohol
  • 0.5 l vodka
  • 3 cups watery honey


Wash the raspberries thoroughly, but carefully. Layer the berries in a huge jar - one layer of raspberries, one layer of honey.

When the berries release juice, pour alcohol over them. Set aside for 14 days.

After this time, add vodka to the jar and put it back into the black space.

After about 4 weeks, filter the raspberry liqueur through cheesecloth and set aside for another 2-3 months.

Frozen raspberry liqueur

Not only the freshest, but also frozen raspberries are suitable for making liqueur. The resulting taste of the liqueur can be best appreciated on winter evenings.


  • 2 kg frozen raspberries
  • 1 liter of alcohol
  • 300 g sugar


Thaw raspberries and drain excess water. Place the berries in a large jar, cover with sugar and pour in alcohol.

After 2 weeks, filter the raspberry tincture through cheesecloth.

Pour the raspberry liqueur into the smallest bottles and store in a dark, cool space for 7-8 weeks.

How to calculate the amount of alcohol per number of berries?

The proportion is 2:1, therefore, per liter of alcohol, we need 2 kilograms of raspberries. In addition, a kilogram of sugar will also come in handy.

How to filter raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur, immediately after adding sugar, vodka or alcohol, can be filtered using:

  • sieve - used for washing pasta or rice, perfect for raspberry juice, which should be thick, with a small amount of pulp. It is enough to pour once, removing the seeds from the berries.
  • coffee filter - the thin walls of the filter allow you to more thoroughly clean the liquid from excess pulp and seeds. This is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process that can be speeded up by moistening the filter layer with water and squeezing it lightly.
  • drainage bag for cottage cheese - tightly woven fibers allow you to pour liquid and get clear juice. The process proceeds smoothly, and the liquid drains quite quickly.
  • gauze is one of the most common methods. Just pour all the juice, squeeze out the pulp to get the thickest juice.

Why did the raspberry liqueur turn out bitter?

It happens that the liqueur made from raspberries or other berries containing seeds tastes a little bitter - most often this happens when the fruits are infused in sugar for a very long time before being poured with vodka or alcohol.

The berries should be poured with alcohol immediately after being covered with sugar or wait no more than 2 days.

Useful characteristics of raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur is perfect for healing colds and increasing immunity. Due to the content of salicylic acid, raspberry liqueur perfectly cools the body and helps balance body temperature.

During PMS and menstruation, raspberry liqueur perfectly reduces smooth muscles, has a relaxing effect and calms nerves associated with hormonal balance. It is also recommended for ladies at various stages of menopause - it soothes the discomfort associated with this and covers mood swings.

It is also a treatment for people who are struggling with hypertension (hypertension). Excellent for lowering blood pressure. It also contains copper and iron, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of blood cells (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .

You can also bake a wonderful pie from raspberries: Shortcrust pastry raspberry pie

I also invite you to look at other recipes for homemade liqueurs. Dogwood liqueur is very tasty. Just like cherry liqueur or mint liqueur.

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Raspberry liqueur

Surely, in fact, there are no people who could be indifferent to raspberries. Of course, it’s hard to imagine which garden gifts can make the most delicious jams and compotes, jellies and jellies, marshmallows and sherbet. How delicious are homemade pies with raspberry innards! In addition to the dishes listed above, the most delicious wines, liqueurs and even moonshine are prepared from raspberry berries.

One of the most delicious drinks due to its aromatic smell and pleasant sweet and sour tart taste is raspberry liqueur , which is prepared at home. It can be created at home by pouring strong alcohol over the berries, or it can be prepared like a liqueur wine, when the berry juice is fermented with sugar.

Useful characteristics of raspberry liqueur

Homemade raspberry liqueur can be drunk as an alcoholic drink, for example, with sweet desserts, fruits, and baked goods. And if you wish, you can stock up on a bottle or two of liqueur to use it for healing purposes. This liqueur is especially important during the cold season, in the spring and autumn, when the body needs to be supported with a natural vitamin remedy. Raspberry liqueur contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP. The drink is rich in iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, and copper. The medicinal water contains salicylic acid, essential oils, and tannins.

Raspberry liqueur is used as a healing agent for high temperatures, vitamin deficiency, and iron deficiency. Removes toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) liqueur for illnesses of a viral and bacterial nature. It is also a beautiful (and tasty) remedy for increasing the level of immunity and strengthening the body after suffering from illnesses of any kind. Raspberry liqueur for healing is drunk in very moderate doses - only 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day. If desired, you can drink the liqueur in its pure form or add it to warm tea (dark or herbal) or water.

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But you can prepare raspberry liqueur as a savory drink for a festive table. It will honorably replace any store-bought drink, especially if the berries used were from your own garden - ripe, high-quality, grown without harmful chemicals. You can prepare the drink even in the cool season if you take frozen ones instead of new fruits.

Raspberries for making liqueur

It doesn’t matter which raspberries you use – early, mid-ripening or late. The size and color of the berries also does not matter, however, the liqueur from yellowish species (for example, Yellowish Giant, Runaway, Golden-headed) will come out light, often the least fragrant (usually the smell is brighter in burgundy species). True, allergy sufferers appreciate the liqueur from yellow-fruited raspberries (such varieties contain less anthocyanins - plant coloring substances). The most popular varieties in Russia are those that bear fruit well, are resistant to diseases, and whose berries have a sweet-sour or sweet taste (for example, varieties Patricia, Red Sails, Meteorite, Vera, Mirage, etc.).

Raspberry berries are harvested from the end of June (for early varieties) to August-September. In the morning, when the dew subsides, you can collect the berries in a small container with a hard bottom. It is better that the container size is no more than 2 liters, otherwise the berries may be damaged. It is better not to pick raspberries in the rain, otherwise they will disintegrate and become liquid. In addition, if you plan to create a liqueur by fermenting berries with sugar, there must be yeast on its surface. And after precipitation, they will be washed away, so such wort will either not ferment, or will ferment weakly. If the liqueur is from purchased raspberries, you need to examine the integrity of the berries and their color. It is better to ask the merchant about the place where the berries are collected. Putrefactive, unripe or warped berries should not be used. By the way, wild raspberries are also suitable. Its smell and taste are often even stronger than that of the garden variety. True, the opportunity to climb out into the forest is not available to many.

Once the raspberries are collected, you should decide on the recipe according to which the liqueur will be prepared. In some variants the berries are washed, in others they are not. If the recipe calls for washing the berries, they are sorted out, poured into a colander in a small layer and washed with running cold water. In all cases, plucked leaves and stalks are removed. Raspberries are processed immediately, since they are stored even in the cold for a very short time - they release juice and become wilted.

Almost always, when raspberries are poured with strong alcohol (vodka, cognac, diluted alcohol or pure moonshine), sweet sand is added for sweetness. Although you can create an unsweetened tincture, focusing on the sourness and pleasant aroma of the drink. By the way, you can add an unusual “zest” to an already delicious raspberry liqueur by adding a pinch of spices (cumin, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger) or a few fresh mint leaves to the berries.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka (about 15% strength)

If the raspberry season passes, you can turn your attention to frozen fruits. Berries from the freezer must be defrosted at room temperature in advance.


  • Raspberries – 2 kg;

Vodka (or other 40% alcoholic drink) – 1 l;

  • Water – 500 ml.
  • Manufacturing process

    1. Sort and wash the raspberries. Lightly crush it with your hands (with a masher) in a bowl with high sides so that the juice does not leak out. Pour the mashed raspberry mixture into a glass container and pour vodka on top. The alcohol must completely cover the berries by a few cm;

    Close the container hermetically, shake it and take it to a warm space where there is no access to light for a week. Shake the raspberry vodka once a day;

    Filter the infusion through clean gauze, carefully squeezing out the pulp (do not throw it away yet). Set aside the container with the filtered drink for a while;

    Place the raspberry pomace (cake) into a saucepan, add water, add sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, simmer for about 5 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears. Remove from heat, cool;

    When the temperature of the sweetened raspberry water is about 25-30 degrees, pour the raspberry vodka obtained earlier into it;

    Stir the contents of the pan and later filter through cheesecloth. Pour into an unstained container, seal and leave for 1 month in a cool place;

  • After the month allowed for aging, filter the drink again, pour it into bottles of the desired size, seal it and place it in a cold, black space without light. Raspberry liqueur prepared according to this recipe can be stored for 1 year.
  • Traditional raspberry liqueur recipe (about 10% strength)


    • Raspberries (fresh, unwashed) – 2 kg;

  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Manufacturing process

    1. Sort out the unwashed raspberries, pour the first layer (about 3 cm) into a container, and cover with the same layer of sugar. Alternate raspberries and sugar until the ingredients run out. Pour in water (necessarily unboiled, otherwise there will be no oxygen in it, which will have a bad effect on fermentation). It is important that there is free space in the cylinder for foam, which will soon appear;

    Taking a wood masher, gently mash the berries in sugar and water;

    Place a water seal (or a pierced honey glove) on the neck of the bottle. Move the balloon to a sunny space for 20-50 days;

  • Fermentation will be completed when the bubbles stop coming out of the shutter (the previously inflated glove must fall off), and a sediment appears. Then you will have to pour the liqueur into another clean container, filtering through cheesecloth. To ripen, move the container with the liqueur to a cool place (refrigerator, basement) for 1-3 months. Store for up to 2 years in a cool, dark place.
  • The usual recipe for raspberry liqueur without sugar (about 25% strength)


    • Raspberries – 1.5 kg;

  • Vodka – 2 l.
  • Manufacturing process

    1. Sort and wash the raspberries. Place it on the bottom of the container and fill it with alcohol. Close tightly and shake well several times;

    Move the container to a black space at room temperature for 1 to 2 months;

  • Filter the liqueur through a sieve or cheesecloth. Store in a cool place for 2 years. If desired, after filtration, you can add a little honey to the drink (about 250-300 g), stir and let it brew for another 2-3 days.
  • Quick raspberry liqueur recipe

    The strength of raspberry liqueur quickly depends on the amount of alcohol added. It happens that you want to amuse yourself and your family or friends with a tasty drink, but there is no time to make it. Then you can create a raspberry liqueur according to this usual recipe.


    • Raspberries – 1 kg;

    Vodka – 1.5 liters (less or more, depending on the desired amount of the finished drink);

  • Sugar – 250 g (if you want the drink to be sweet, the amount of sugar can be doubled).
  • Manufacturing process

    1. Place unstained berries in a heat-resistant glass container and seal;

    Fill a saucepan (large basin) with cool water and place the container with raspberries in the center of the container. Boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook for another 1.5 hours. Add a little water as needed;

    Remove the pan (basin) from the heat, let the water cool (as the water cools, the contents of the container with the purchased berry juice will also cool);

    Strain the raspberry juice (you can discard the pulp). Pour it into a glass container (bottle or container), add vodka and sugar, shake well, seal;

  • Let the liqueur sit for a day.
  • Two of the best raspberry liqueur recipes

    Among the usual Russian alcoholic drinks, homemade raspberry liqueur occupies a special space - it is immediately tasty and necessary. There are two basic recipes for making it: infusion with vodka and natural fermentation. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. We will look at both methods.

    The most important thing is to first carefully sort out the raspberries, leaving only unspoiled, juicy berries for pouring. Just a few rotten or moldy berries can irreparably spoil the taste of the drink.

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    Raspberry liqueur with vodka

    The most common and strong option. It doesn’t matter what alcohol base is suitable: vodka, perfectly purified moonshine, alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees or cognac.


    • raspberries – 4 kg;
    • vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol) – 1.5 liters;
    • water – 1 liter;
    • sugar – 1 kg.

    Sugar can be replaced with 600 grams of watery honey, do not bring the syrup to a boil in the 5th step, but only heat it to 40°C and stir until the honey is completely dissolved, then the high temperature will not kill the beneficial substances.


    1. Place raspberries lightly crushed with a rolling pin into a jar or glass bottle.

    2. Pour in vodka, the level of alcohol should overlap the berries by at least 2-3 cm, if necessary, add more alcohol.

    3. Close the container hermetically and let it sit for a week in a warm, dark place. Shake once a day.

    4. Filter the purchased raspberry infusion through cheesecloth.

    5. Squeeze out the pulp, mix the purchased cake with water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Remove the finished syrup from the stove and cool.

    6. Add the previously drained raspberry vodka to the warm (room temperature) syrup and stir.

    7. Strain the drink through cheesecloth, then pour into a clean container for further infusion. Close tightly.

    8. Transfer homemade raspberry liqueur to a black, cold space and leave for 30 days to age.

    9. Filter through cotton wool, pour into bottles for storage, and close with lids. In the refrigerator or basement the shelf life is 12-14 months. Strength - 14-16 degrees.

    Raspberry liqueur without vodka

    A traditional recipe for a natural drink, the strength will come from fermentation - the transformation of sugar into alcohol by yeast. The development is reminiscent of making wine.


    • water – 200 ml;
    • sugar – 800 gr;
    • raspberries – 2 kg.


    1. Add raspberries and sugar to a three-liter jar, pouring in layers.

    Attention! It’s better not to wash the raspberries so that wild wine yeast remains on the surface, but to sterilize the jar beforehand.

    2. Pour in water. There must be at least 2-3 cm of free space left in the jar, which is necessary for foam during fermentation.

    3. Gently mash the berries using a wooden rolling pin.

    4. Place a water seal on the neck of the jar (a honey glove with a hole in the finger). Place the container in a warm, sunny space, for example, on a windowsill.

    Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

    5. First, foam will appear and the glove will inflate, and after 20-45 days, when the raspberry liqueur is ready, the glove will fall off (the water seal will not release bubbles).

    6. Filter the fermented drink through cheesecloth.

    7. Pour raspberry liqueur without vodka into bottles for storage, tightly cap. To improve the taste, it is better to keep the drink in a dark, cold room (temperature 5-16°C) for 2-3 months. Shelf life in the refrigerator or basement is 1-2 years. Strength - 7-12 degrees.

    How much sugar is needed to make raspberry liqueur?

    Stunning recipe! Thanks a lot! Such a delicious thing came out...

    Hello! Tell me, regarding step number 7, should it be covered with a thick cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) or a plastic cover?

    Another question... And if in the end the liqueur is not sweet, is it possible to somehow correct this? For example, add sugar and leave it to stand?

    Is it not permissible to just put a water seal instead of a glove?

    Angelina, of course you can.

    How much liquor comes out of this portion??

    1st recipe - about 3 liters, 2nd - approximately liter.

    What is the approximate strength of the drink according to the second recipe?

    I made everything according to the recipe with vodka, two weeks passed - I looked in and the liqueur was playing, is this correct or can it be fixed with vodka?

    Add vodka, this is not normal.

    My next steps? I strained the liqueur, because there were some strange flakes, now what, should I pour vodka? A lot of? I currently have approximately 2 liters of liqueur, but do I need to add sweet syrup? Please tell me, I’m so eager to save the liqueur and test it...

    Add 0.5 liters of vodka. If the berries remained in the liqueur (I didn’t realize this from your answer), then the vodka should cover their layer by 2-3 cm.

    No, I already have berries without added syrup.

    Then 0.5 liters of vodka.

    Chto delat, brojenie zakonchilos, prozedila nalivku, postavila v podval, cherez dva dnya smotru, brojenie vozabnovilos. What's wrong?

    Let him wait, I’m curious what the temperature is in your basement.

    Gotovila recipe 2 bez vodki.

    Thanks for the advice. A vot kokaya temperatura ne mogu znat-s.

    According to the first recipe, when the liqueur began to ferment, I boiled it (adding a little sugar), cooled it, added 0.38 vodka and now it is infused without fermentation. But I have already experienced it - CLASS.

    I’m making liqueur for the first time and I have the same situation as yours! The liqueur began to play a little... I would like to clarify with you... Did you boil it at the end with strained juice or just the pulp in syrup, and then added vodka to the finished composition or what?

    Maybe my answer is completely late, but I’ll write anyway, maybe someone will need it.
    This happens; at the eighth step, the liqueur according to this recipe begins to ferment from time to time. Surely it depends on the type of raspberry and the amount of juice it gives. It may be possible to save the liqueur. We filter it from flakes through a triple layer of gauze. Place in a water bath for 20 minutes. At the same time, the pouring temperature is approximately 80 degrees (according to an electric thermometer). Don't forget to sweeten (to taste). Cool to room temperature and add vodka. Approximately 0.5 liters per 3 liters of liqueur. We send him to black space for another month. There doesn't have to be any more fermentation. Later point 9. :)

    Hello, I would like to share in detail how I finished the liqueur. Everything is as described, I had 6 kg of raspberries, I poured 2 liters of vodka, I want to see right away that it is better to take vodka that is not cheap, the aftertaste depends on it. I insisted for exactly a week. on the 8th day I threw it through a juicer, very comfortable. I didn’t squeeze the cake, I poured 1 liter of filtered water into it, BUT I realized that it wouldn’t be enough, so I added another 1 liter of vodka and 2 kg of sugar. I’ll explain why 2, when I drained it once, tasted it, it was sour, sweetened it. Not much, I added it, tried it, added it... In general, we like the taste of the liqueur. I boiled it for 5-10 minutes and a viscous mass came out. I left it to cool for 7-9 hours. A kind of jelly came out and was thrown back through the juicer. I mixed the proportions, strained 2 layers through cheesecloth, and then 4 layers, and a fairly thick mass came out. Sugar gave both thickness and taste, and I think it will add degrees. THE TASTE IS INDESCRIPBLE! I put it in the refrigerator for the day, now I’ll put it in the cellar. I made jelly from the cake. I just added water, because... The cake is already sweet, naturally it is not that reddish, but the pink color was there, I boiled this mass for about half an hour, threw it again through the juice cooker, using it as a sieve, a few seeds and pulp got in there, what was needed. I threw the leftovers to the dogs, and based on their mood, they liked it. Well, I cooked thick jelly from the drained liquid, even a 6-year-old child ate the plate, praising it. The alcohols have all evaporated and boiled away. So, I recommend this recipe to everyone, it’s been tested, it’s fast, it’s comfortable, and the main thing is that it’s tasty and healthy, vitamin C is alive (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C. My father-in-law says that it’s unlikely to last the period, it will end earlier. It turned out exactly 6 liters and 1 more glass.

    Raspberry liqueur: 11 recipes at home

    Raspberry liqueur (with or without vodka, with alcohol and with moonshine) has been a decoration of the ceremonial village table since ancient times. It is not without reason that earthenware or earthenware is still considered the perfect container for the production of almost all varieties of this drink. So, it is in it and only in it that the liqueur is prepared, the recipe for which has come to us from our great-great-great-grandmothers.

    Read also:  Caesar with shrimps

    Raspberries are also used to make: wine, tinctures, liqueurs, syrup

    • 1 Raspberry liqueur with vodka
    • 2 Raspberry liqueur with alcohol
    • 3 Frozen raspberry liqueur with moonshine
    • 4 Homemade raspberry liqueur according to an antique recipe
    • 5 Raspberry liqueur without vodka
    • 6 Vodka raspberry jam liqueur
    • 7 Swift raspberry liqueur
    • 8 Dark raspberry liqueur
    • 9 How to create a liqueur from fermented raspberries
    • 10 Folk robin
    • 11 Raspberry liqueur for a 10-liter bottle

    Raspberry liqueur with vodka

    Let's start with the recipe that is more popular among the people. It may not be the most common, but it is time-tested.


    Preparation method

    Lightly mash the sorted and peeled berries and place them in a glass bottle. Pour vodka there, making sure that it covers the raspberries with a layer of 2-3 centimeters.

    Cover the container with a thick cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) and place it in a warm room for a week.

    Then drain the liquid, squeeze out the sediment, then mix the sediment with sugar and water in a suitable saucepan.

    Boil the resulting mixture and keep it on low heat for 5 minutes, remembering to skim off the foam. Cool the syrup prepared in this way to room temperature and mix with raspberry tincture.

    Strain the acquired result through cheesecloth, pour into a clean glass container and leave to ripen for a month in a black, cold place.

    Carefully filter the finished liqueur, bottle it and store it at a temperature of 6-16 °C.

    Raspberry liqueur with alcohol

    Food alcohol diluted to a strength of 40-45 degrees can also serve as a beautiful component for your liqueur. In fact, you will not hesitate to change the vodka from the previous recipe and, as they say, further on - according to the text.

    Frozen raspberry liqueur with moonshine

    To make raspberry liqueur, not only the freshest, but also frozen berries are suitable. In this case, it is recommended to use perfectly purified moonshine. The rich taste of this vigorous drink will serve as a beautiful complement to the somewhat emasculated frozen drink.


    Frozen raspberries – 2.5 kg

    Moonshine (45-50 degrees) – 500 ml

    Preparation method

    Thaw the raspberries, place them in a bowl, cover with sugar and pour in moonshine.

    After an hour, thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl, mashing the berries.

    Pour the resulting homogeneous mass into jars, close tightly or roll up and place in a black space for a month.

    After the mentioned period, the drink is filtered, bottled and awaits a suitable opportunity in your buffet.

    Homemade raspberry liqueur according to an antique recipe

    A very charming recipe from the times of hospitable landowner estates and simple kitchen utensils.


    Sugar – 100-300 g

    Preparation method

    Place the berries in a clay or clay pot, then add 250 ml of vodka.

    Tie the neck of the pot with paper. Prick the last one with a fork in several places and put the pot in the oven (obviously, in the original it was an oven).

    Keep the berries over low heat until they turn brown. Carefully drain the liquid through a colander, mix it with sugar and the remaining vodka, then serve the drink.

    PS If the resulting liqueur seems very strong to you, squeeze the juice from the berries remaining in the colander into it.

    Raspberry liqueur without vodka

    If you want to get a low-alcohol liqueur, feel free to give up both vodka and other strong alcoholic drinks.


    Preparation method

    Place several layers of raspberries and sugar in a three-liter jar. Add water and mash the berries using a rolling pin.

    Equip the container with a pierced rubber glove or a lid with a water seal, then place it in a warm, sunny space.

    After waiting for the fermentation process to complete, strain the drink through cheesecloth, pour into a clean container, close with a lid and keep for a couple of days in a cool, black place.

    Then the finished drink is bottled and sent for storage in the cellar or refrigerator.

    Vodka raspberry jam liqueur

    According to folk craftsmen, a very good drink comes from candied jam. The main thing is that it is not fermented.


    Raspberry jam – 500 ml

    Preparation method

    Mix vodka and jam in a glass container, close the lid tightly and keep in a dark place for a week.

    Then strain the resulting substance through thick gauze a couple of times and you can pour the drink into glasses.

    Swift raspberry liqueur

    We present to your attention a raspberry liqueur, the production of which will take just over a day.


    Raspberries - depending on the situation

    Sugar - depending on the situation

    Vodka - depending on the situation

    Preparation method

    We put the sorted clean berries into strong heat-resistant bottles, seal them and place them in a basin with cool water.

    We put the basin on the fire, bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and keep the berries on it for an hour and a half.

    After the water has cooled, we filter the berry juice formed in the bottles through thick gauze into a spacious bowl, where we mix it with vodka and sugar.

    For a liter of juice there are 200-400 ml of vodka and 100-300 g of sugar. We bottle the resulting liquid and set it to ripen for a day. That's all, actually.

    Dark raspberry liqueur

    The dark Cumberland raspberry, which appeared in our area not so long ago, is also excellent for all of the liqueurs listed above. The only thing is, taking into account its inherent sour taste, we would recommend increasing the amount of sugar added to drinks by approximately a third.

    How to create fermented raspberry liqueur

    And finally, let’s look at a situation in which raw raspberries rolled with sugar suddenly fermented. This is unpleasant, but by no means catastrophic. We decant the thick liquid formed in the jars and begin to shamanize the liqueur.


    Raspberry wort – 1 l

    Vanilla sugar – 30 g

    Preparation method

    Mix the wort with vodka and vanilla sugar in a glass container.

    Close the container and place it in a dry, black space for about a week.

    Then, strain the finished drink through dense tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) , pour it into bottles and seal it hermetically.

    People's robin


    Fresh raspberry – 2 cups

    Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet

    Water – 1/2 cup

    Preparation method

    Scald the lemon with boiling water and wipe it, then remove all the zest and squeeze out the juice of half the lemon.

    Combine all ingredients, excluding vodka and raspberry juice, in a saucepan and boil the syrup. Don't forget to remove the foam.

    When the syrup has cooled, mix it with freshly squeezed raspberry juice and vodka, pour into a bottle, close and leave for a month.

    Then filter the tincture, bottle it and close it tightly.

    Raspberry liqueur for a 10-liter bottle


    Fresh raspberries – 7 kg

    For re-fermentation: 5 liters of water and 1.3 kg of sugar.

    Preparation method

    Place the sorted raspberries in a colander, lower them into a bucket of water three times, let them drain, dump them into a large bottle, add sugar, tie the neck with gauze and place in a warm space for 2-4 days.

    As soon as signs of fermentation of the liqueur appear, remove the gauze from the bottle, install a water seal, move the bottle to the shady part of the room and keep under the water seal for 12-20 days until fermentation ends.

    At the end of fermentation, filter the liqueur through gauze and cotton wool placed in a funnel or colander. Then pour the liqueur into bottles and seal.

    In order to extract the most extractive substances, pour boiled and cooled water to +35 degrees into the remaining pulp and leave for 2 days. Then drain the juice and squeeze out the pulp, and pour the purchased juice into a bottle, add sugar, install a water seal and leave for another 15-20 days.

    At the end of fermentation, filter the purchased fermented juice through gauze and cotton wool and bottle it.

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