Fruit sponge cake

Fruit sponge cake

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  • For the biscuit:
  • 4 testicles
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • vanillin
  • a pinch of salt and citric acid
  • For cream:
  • 500 ml sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • vanillin
  • 30-40g gelatin + 0.5 tbsp. water (the more juicy fruits, the more gelatin!)
  • fruits. I have kiwi, banana, orange and strawberry.

A biscuit pan (preferably a springform pan) will come in handy. The shape in which you will prepare the cake (I have a large glass vase) (the diameter of the top of the shape given to us should coincide with the diameter of the sponge cake mold, but if you have a larger sponge cake mold, then the finished sponge cake for you will need to be cut according to cake pan size)

How to make fruit sponge cake at home

Step-by-step recipe description

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1. Prepare a biscuit.
4 eggs
1 tbsp.
sugar 1 tbsp.
flour vanillin
with a pinch of salt and citric acid

2. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat with a pinch of salt and citric acid into a stable fluffy mass.
Beat at low speed at first (until a good foam forms), then gradually increase the speed to the highest, adding sugar in small portions. Now beat the yolks with sugar and vanilla until the mass becomes fluffy and light. Add a little flour to the yolks (1/4-1/3 here and there) and beat (mix) some more.

3. Now carefully stir in (with a wooden spatula) the whites and then the remaining flour. The stirring movements should be very careful (as if lifting the dough from bottom to top).

4. Prepare the form. Place oiled baking paper on the bottom of the pan. We grease the walls of the mold with oil (although some say that oil makes it difficult for the biscuit to rise, but I believe that it is easier for it to rise with oil. But you do as you are used to. You can also cover the walls with paper). Place the dough in the mold and place in the preheated oven.

5. My biscuit was baked for about an hour at 180 degrees. It is forbidden to open the oven! Make noise and knock too!

6. Remove the finished biscuit from the mold, cool, cut off the bottom part (1cm in height). Cut the rest into small cubes.

7. Soak gelatin in water for 30-40 minutes.

8. Line the cake pan with cling film.

9. Products for cream:
500 ml sour cream
1 tbsp.
sugar vanillin
30-40g gelatin + 0.5 tbsp. water (the more juicy fruits, the more gelatin!)

10. Cut the fruit into slices and place them perfectly on the walls of the mold.

11. Cut other fruits into small cubes.

12. Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla until creamy. Heat, dissolve gelatin (do not bring to a boil).

13. Mix slightly cooled gelatin into sour cream, add fruit and biscuit cubes. Mix quickly but carefully and place in the prepared pan.

14. Cover the top with a sponge cake, pressing it down a little. Cover the cake with the hanging edges of the film and put it in the refrigerator (preferably overnight (that is, in the dark) ).

15. Then open the edges of the film, cover the cake with the dish (on which it will be served) and turn it over so that the form with the cake is on the dish.
Carefully remove the mold and film. Bon appetit!

Cake with sour cream and fruit: ingredients, recipe, making tips

Modern confectioners prepare the most amazing sweets. In the middle of them, a decent space is occupied by cakes with sour cream and fruit. Such confectionery products always turn out very tasty and indescribably tender.

Dessert with fruit tastes better...

Melting dough from ordinary products, which lends itself well to impregnation, is an impeccable base for the production of complex confectionery products. Cakes with sour cream and fruit are one of the best and most common options for using biscuits. But you need to know some tricks. To make cakes with sour cream, you can use various fruits. Such confectionery products have the most exciting and rich taste. The choice of fruits is especially rich in the summer: cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blackberries. But apples and pears are not very suitable for such cakes, since they have a dense structure and are used only for baking.

In winter, you will have to take imported foreign fruits. They are not the least tasty in confectionery products. Kids and adults love banana cakes. Products with kiwi, pineapples and oranges are no less tasty.

Small additions that will give the cake originality will help you get a delicious dessert. Honey and condensed milk can be consumed as such goods. And if you want to make an excellent chocolate cake with sour cream and fruit, then cocoa will come in handy.

Ingredients for sponge cake

A regular cake with sour cream and fruit can be prepared from a small set of products:

  1. Flour – 140 g.
  2. The same amount of sugar.
  3. 5 eggs.
  4. Oil for lubricating dishes – 30 g.
  1. Sweet powder – 110 g.
  2. Sour cream – 340 g.
  3. Vanillin.
  4. Bananas, kiwi, canned pineapples.
  5. Packaging of jelly.

Biscuit recipe

The recipe for a cake with sour cream and fruit is quite simple.

Before starting production, separate the whites from the yolks. The outer ones can be removed for a while, and the whites can be poured into the mixer bowl. They need to be beaten at high speed for 5 minutes. The foam should be strong. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to place the eggs in the freezer for 10 minutes before starting production.

To speed up the result and lighten the cream, you can use ½ tsp. lemon juice. It must be poured into the whites before beating.

After obtaining a strong foam, add sugar along the edge of the container. You need to do this carefully so that the mass does not settle. Then turn on the mixer again and beat the mixture at high speed. The degree of its readiness can be found by hand. If you do not feel any sugar crystals in the mass, it means it is ready for future use.

In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with a fork until smooth, then mix them with the cooked whites. To mix the mixture, you need to use a whisk, not a mixer.

Sift the flour and soda through a sieve and add to the egg-white mixture. Knead the batter using a spatula.

To make it, you can use any comfortable form, grease it with oil and sprinkle it with crackers or semolina. If there is excess breading, you can dump it to the bottom. Pour the dough on top and place it in a perfectly preheated oven. Bake the biscuit base for the cake with sour cream and fruit for 30-35 minutes. You should not open the oven earlier than 30 minutes, as the cake may settle.

After baking, the biscuit should not be taken out of the mold immediately. The baked goods must cool slightly, and only then should the cake be tipped onto a cutting board.

We will need jelly for the cake. To make it, pour boiling water over the granules from the bag, reducing the amount of water by approximately 1.5 times relative to what is indicated on the package. In this case, the jelly will be the densest, and its color will be the most saturated.

What is needed for sour cream? You should only consume sour cream that is full fat – at least 20%. It is best to take a homemade product. Place the sour cream in a mixer bowl and beat it for 7 minutes at high speed, evenly adding vanilla and sugar.

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Assembling the cake

All the ingredients are prepared, now you can start assembling the sponge cake with sour cream and fruit.

We cut the purchased sponge cake into several cake layers using culinary thread. Place the first layer on a plate and grease it with sour cream. This way we collect all the cakes evenly. We also apply a little cream to the top layer. Next, lay out the fruits cut into circles or slices, creating your own composition. If you plan to eat canned pineapples, you need to let them drain.

For the upcoming formation of the cake, we will need parchment. We cut off an even wide strip from it, the length of which must exceed the circumference of our product. But the height of the cardboard strip should be 7-10 cm higher than the cake. We wrap the cakes with cream with ribbon and fasten the joint space with paper clips.

Pour the cooled jelly mixture over the fruit onto the surface of the cake. The jelly should be poured in a narrow stream, moderately covering all the slices. Next we put the cake in the refrigerator.

Advice from experienced chefs

What tips do experienced pastry chefs give for making a cake with sour cream and fruit?

  1. To knead the dough, you need to use only dry utensils.
  2. To obtain a fluffy mass, the beans and yolks should be beaten separately, then combined without sudden movements.
  3. The porous biscuit is prepared on the basis of sweet powder, as it dissolves better.
  4. During the baking process, the oven must not be opened so that the cake does not crumble.
  5. For sour cream, only full-fat sour cream should be used. It needs to be whipped with a blender or mixer.
  6. To make cream, it is better to use powder rather than sugar. In addition, you can add banana pulp to the mixture.
  7. For scent you can use essence or vanilla.

Orange Banana Cake: Ingredients

We bring to your attention another recipe for a delicious cake with sour cream and fruit.

Biscuit ingredients:

  1. Three testicles.
  2. A glass of flour.
  3. The same amount of sugar.
  4. Baking powder.
  1. A liter of sour cream.
  2. Two packs of gelatin, 25 g each.
  3. A glass of sugar.

For decoration: two bananas and two oranges.

For impregnation: cherry, strawberry or raspberry syrup.

  1. 2 tbsp. l. cocoa and sugar.
  2. Butter – 40 g.

Orange Banana Cake Recipe

Drive the previously cooled eggs into a dry and clean bowl. Beat the mixture at high speed with a mixer for 10 minutes, then add sugar evenly. The process can be completed after the crystals have completely dissolved. Next, pour the mixture of flour and baking powder into the container. Gently knead the dough.

Pour the finished mixture into a mold lined with parchment. Preheat the oven and place a container in it. Bake the biscuit for forty minutes. The degree of readiness of the shortbread can be inspected with a wood stick. After turning off the oven, do not take out the biscuit immediately. You can open the door slightly and leave the pan to cool for 40 minutes.

Now let's start making the cream. Mix sour cream with sugar and beat with sugar until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour gelatin with hot water and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the gelatin mass into the sour cream. Cut the bananas into slices and the orange into slices.

Cut the cooled biscuit into two parts. Place the bottom crust in a springform pan and soak it in syrup. Then add a layer of bananas and oranges. Pour half of the sour cream on top. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator to harden for about an hour. After the second cake, soak it in syrup and place it on the jelly. Pour the second half of the cream on top of the cake. After complete hardening, you can remove the mold. The cake is ready. You can cover it with glaze on top if desired.

We prepare the chocolate mass from butter, cocoa and sugar. Mix the ingredients and place the pan on the fire. Heat the glaze until completely dissolved. Place the resulting mass into a pastry bag. With its help we draw a chocolate mesh. Or you can apply the glaze to the entire top and side surface of the cake.

Instead of an afterword

Cakes with sour cream are soft and tender. There are many options for their manufacture. Any housewife can add her own changes to the recipe. The introduction of various fruits allows you to get a new taste of your favorite dessert every time.

For chocolate lovers, you can make a chocolate cake with sour cream. This dessert has an extraordinary taste. Fruits for a cake can be used not only as decoration for the top layer, but also as a layer between the cakes.


  1. Ingredients
  2. Tastes better with fruit
  3. Sponge cake with sour cream step by step recipe
  4. Secrets of a delicious biscuit
  • 130 g premium flour;
  • 4-5 eggs;
  • 130 g sweet sand;
  • 20 g butter for greasing the mold.
  • 350 g sour cream;
  • 120 g sweet powder;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • Kiwi, bananas or canned pineapples (in rings) - for cutting;
  • 1 packet of jelly.

Tastes better with fruit

Melting dough with a small range of ingredients and unrivaled soakability is a consistently perfect base for complex confectionery products. The recipe for a delicious sponge cake with sour cream is an example of one of the most common uses of light sponge dough.

But even such simple recipes as sponge cake with sour cream have their secrets, without knowing which you can end up disappointed. For example, the choice of fruits. Summer aspects of taste are dictated by Russian fruits and berries.

With our current homemade sponge cake with sour cream, the flavor aspects of the local harvest dictate: strawberry, cherry, raspberry, blackberry, mulberry. Apples, pears and other fruits with a dense structure are not suitable because their use involves baking.

The autumn and winter choice, to a greater extent, will fall on foreign fruits, listed in the list of components above. Sponge cake with sour cream and bananas will undoubtedly be appreciated by our smallest gourmets. And the subtle sourness of kiwi and the juicy sweetness of pineapple with syrup will appeal to lovers who have tasted the taste.

The second secret is small additions that can give the product originality:

• Honey sponge cake with sour cream is a unique delicacy acquired by adding 3-4 tbsp to the list of ingredients for the shortbread. spoons of fragrant flower honey;

• Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream – add 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder to the sponge cake recipe, also add 3 tbsp. spoons of chocolate paste into cream;

• Sponge cake with sour cream and condensed milk – only 4 tbsp. spoons of condensed milk, instead of 1/3 of the amount of sugar in the cream, and the kids will appreciate the new product!

Sponge cake with sour cream step by step recipe

1. Making a biscuit.

  1. First you need to separate the whites from the yolks. For now, remove the yolks, pour the whites into a mixer bowl and beat for at least 5 minutes at high speed. To ensure that the foam comes out stronger and does not settle, you need to put the eggs in the freezer for 10 minutes before breaking them. To speed up the result and lighten the dough, 0.5 teaspoons of lemon juice added to the whites just before beating will help;
  2. After obtaining a strong, non-sagging mass, carefully add sugar along the edge of the bowl and turn the mixer back on to high power. Finding the readiness of the raw materials for the dough is easy - from time to time you need to scoop up a little sweet consistency with a spoon and try to rub it between your thumb and index finger. If you can no longer feel the grains of sugar, stop beating;
  3. Separately, you can simply use a fork to mix the yolks until completely homogeneous and carefully combine them with the whites. To mix, we no longer use a mixer, but a whisk or the same fork. The main thing is not to repeat the shaking process;
  4. Mix the flour with soda directly in the sieve and in portions, kneading the resulting batter with a spatula, sift it into the bowl;
  5. We prepare the mold - grease it with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina for the easiest removal. Pour out the excess breading and fill the mold with dough to ¾ size;
  6. Place the mold in an oven already preheated to 190 and bake the sponge cake with sour cream for about 35 minutes. We do not check the readiness of the cake before the indicated time! If you open the oven earlier than 30 minutes after the start of cooking, the biscuit is more likely to settle immediately.
  7. There is no need to immediately stretch the cake out of the mold - let it stand in the mold for about 10 minutes. Later, you can tip the mold onto a cutting board and gently tap it with a spatula so that the product separates from the walls and bottom.
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2. Prepare jelly for sponge cake with sour cream.

Pour the granules from the bag into a small bowl and pour boiling water over them, reducing the amount of water relative to that indicated on the package by 1.5 times. This will make the jelly structure denser and the chosen color richer. For the rest, we follow the annotation.

3. Let’s start making the cream for the sponge cake with sour cream. Place the sour cream in a dry mixer bowl and beat it for 7 minutes at high speed, adding little by little sweet sand and vanillin.

4. Assembling the cake.

  1. Cut the fruit into thin circles. If we use canned pineapples, but first they need to be drained;
  2. Cut the cooled sponge cake with sour cream (see photo), which should turn out fluffy and tall, into 2-3 shortcakes using culinary thread. Spread the cream with a spoon, distributing it over the entire surface of the cake and so on - layer by layer;
  3. Lubricate the very top with a little cream for impregnation. From fruits or berries, you can combine successful combinations of several types, lay out the composition;
  4. Cut a wide, even strip from a sheet of parchment, approximately one and a half times as long as the circumference of the assembled cake and 7-10 cm wide above the level of the top cake. We wrap the cake with the ribbon given to us and perfectly fix the joint space with paper clips so that the jelly does not “run away”;
  5. Pour the cooled gelling mixture in a narrow stream, making sure to evenly cover the entire surface. Carefully, together with the cutting board on which the sponge cake with sour cream and gelatin was formed, we put our creation in the refrigerator. The standard is for the whole night (that is, the dark time of day) .

Our frisky sponge cake with sour cream is ready. You see, the process of baking and shaping our miracle, not counting the time for cooling the finished product, took at most 40 minutes.

Secrets of a delicious biscuit

And now - a few main rules for making a delicious sponge cake with sour cream:

• to knead the biscuit dough, take dry dishes;

• to make the mixture fluffy, the whites should be beaten separately from the egg yolks, and then combined without sudden movements;

• to make the biscuit porous, sweet sand can be replaced with powder;

• the cake must be baked in a previously heated oven;

• do not open the oven door during baking, otherwise the biscuit will sag;

• it is better to choose fatty sour cream for cream, and beat it with a mixer or blender;

• to prevent the cream from coming out watery, the sour cream can be pressed beforehand to remove excess water;

• the cream will be softer and tastier with the addition of sweet powder and banana pulp;

• Vanillin or essence can be added to the biscuit for flavor.

Biscuit in sour cream with added fruit - a set of delicious vitamins

When summer comes, you want to eat something tasty, but at the same time healthy. And what could be more useful than vitamins from your garden or fruit trees? The most delicious thing you can think of is to make a cake with sour cream and fruit. It would seem that in winter it would be impossible to prepare a sponge cake with vitamins. But no, there are many winter fruits that are delivered from outside our wide country.

If you take fruits during their ripening period, estimating the travel time to your home country, then vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) will cheer you up even in winter. But some exotic fruits can only be used for cakes in canned form. For example, a sponge cake with pineapples will not be very bad. Natural pineapple is a fairly dense product. But at the same time, compote with pineapples or canned rings of this fruit very nicely complement a biscuit with any ingredients.

And if you want to have some fun with the kids, it’s also easy to make a dessert with bananas. You can also create a cream by mixing it with banana puree, which is easy to prepare on your own.

But it is better to prepare these types of cakes in the winter, because in the summer it is more pleasant to eat a sponge cake with your own native berries and fruits. The very first berry that ripens in the garden beds is strawberries. Therefore, the first recipe that will be presented to your tribunal is a sponge cake with strawberries.

1st summer sponge cake with strawberries

The most delicious summer berry is naturally the strawberry, and if you own elite species in your garden, you are doubly lucky. Therefore, in addition to the most delicious strawberry interior, you can get remarkable decorations from large burgundy berries. But if you want to make a cake with sour cream, then you shouldn’t even think about jelly filling the strawberries.

Decorations made from the large berries themselves, as well as from plastic sliced ​​strawberries, are usually glued with cream to the cake itself. If you remember the aristocratic dish - strawberries with cream, then the taste will only change slightly if the berry is served with sour cream and sugar.

So what you will still need to make a strawberry cake:

  • Wheat flour – 100 gr.;
  • Starch – 100 gr.;
  • Sugar – 200 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • Strawberries – 0.5 kg;
  • Fat sour cream – 1 l.;
  • Sweet powder – 200 gr.

For the cream, only sour cream, weighed out in advance, is suitable, because excess liquid in this fermented milk product can spoil not only the taste, but also the appearance of the cake. Therefore, beforehand, we put the sour cream on gauze or narrow cotton fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) and keep it in this state overnight (that is, the dark time of day) .

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Next, you should prepare a sponge cake, which can also be created in the evening, because the correct recipe recommends leaving the cake for 8 hours in its entire state in order to reach the desired condition. To make a shortbread, you need to divide the eggs into whites and yolks, beat the whites to soft peaks with a quarter of the sugar and leave until they are mixed with the main dough.

Sift the flour, starch and soda and mix all the dry ingredients well. Next, beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and pour the dry mixture into the yolk mass in small portions. At this step of making the dough, you can still use a mixer, but when you start adding the protein mixture, you will only have to use a spoon.

When all the bulk products are in the dough, begin to add the whites whipped with sugar. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dough in a mold covered with baking parchment. Baking time varies; after 25-30 minutes you need to check the readiness of the cake. To do this, stick a toothpick into the center and if the biscuit is ready, then a narrow wood stick will come out dry and unstained.

We take the finished cake out of the oven and cool it for a couple of hours at room temperature, after which we put it in the refrigerator.

In the morning, you should first deal with the strawberries, they need to be washed and dried on a dry cloth (The structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) . Tear off all the stems and select the most beautiful berries for decoration. We cut other berries into thin slices and prepare the cream.

To make the cake with strawberries soft and juicy, you need to whip the sour cream properly.

First, beat the weighed sour cream in a bowl at low speed; when it thickens, begin to pour in the sweet powder in a narrow stream. The cream is ready. We take the sponge cake out of the refrigerator and cut off the top, about 1.5 cm from the cake. Now you need to pull out the central part of the cake. You can do this with a regular steel spoon. Crumble the crumb you have taken out with your hands and begin assembling the sponge cake.

Coat the bottom of the larger cake with sour cream, lay out the plastic berries and place the biscuit crumbs. We repeat this until the entire biscuit bowl is filled.

When all the ingredients are complete, place the cut shortcake on top and coat the top and sides of the cake with cream. We decorate the sponge cake on all sides with strawberries. You can put mint leaves next to the strawberries. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours and serve with tea.

Winter cake with canned pineapples

Remember how in Russian times we stood in long lines for a jar of pineapple compote, and talking about whole pineapple slices in syrup was absolutely not a dream, especially in the outback of our vast country. Currently, the shelves of hypermarkets are filled with canned pineapples from various manufacturers. How not to use this product to make the most delicious dessert for breakfast.

To make the dessert you need:

  • Wheat flour – 175 gr.;
  • Sugar – 300 gr.;
  • Butter – 175 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream – 500 ml;
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • Canned pineapples – 1 can.

You can prepare a sponge cake according to the traditional recipe by separating the eggs into whites and yolks and whisking everything separately. But there is a second method - beat eggs with 175 g. sugar until quite foamy. Next, add softened butter to the egg mixture and beat well. Combine the baking powder with the sifted flour, mix and add in small portions to the mixture of butter and eggs. After any addition, beat well. Then divide the finished dough into two equal parts and bake both cakes separately in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Check readiness with a match or toothpick. If the cake is ready, then repeat the entire function with the 2nd part of the dough.

Cool the shortbreads, and at this time prepare sour cream from sour cream weighed in advance. Beat the fermented milk product with the remaining sugar and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Take out the fruit slices from the jar of pineapples, cut them into pieces and leave until you assemble the cake. Coat any shortbread generously with sour cream, lay out pieces of pineapple and cover with a second shortbread. Then generously cover the entire cake with cream and decorate with the remaining pineapple pieces. You can also sprinkle dark chocolate shavings on top of the dessert.

The dessert is soaked for 4 hours in the refrigerator, after which serve the cake with pineapples to the table and pour your family’s favorite drink. The liquid from canned pineapples can be added to tea instead of sugar.

Sponge cake with banana puree and sour cream

To make a banana sponge cake you will need the usual set of sponge cake supplies plus 9 bananas. Because bananas will also be used for decoration, a couple of bananas literally must be without any dark or black spots. The other 7 pieces can be consumed even overripe fruits.

Bananas for decoration will have to be cut and placed on the cake just before serving, because this is a product that quickly loses its representative appearance very quickly.

Products for the cake:

  • Chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • Baking powder for dough – 1 teaspoon;
  • Sour cream – 1 liter;
  • Sweet powder - 1 glass;
  • Bananas – 7 pcs.

We start making dessert with bananas by weighing out the sour cream. It’s better to create this in the evening so that you can assemble the cake one hundred percent the next day.

Now we are preparing a traditional sponge cake, starting with beating the yolks and whites separately. The norm is: whites with 1/4 sugar, and yolks with 3/4 cup sugar. Add flour and baking powder to the yolks and beat thoroughly. Then we transfer the protein mass into the dough preparation and mix with a spatula.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the sponge cake on a baking tray covered with baking paper for 30 minutes.

Leave the finished cake to cool, and at this time prepare the cream and banana puree.

Beat the sour cream with sweet powder, crush 3 bananas with a fork and add to half the cream. The second half of the sour cream must remain unstained. Cut the sponge cake into 3 layers and coat any layer, not counting the outer layer, with sour cream and banana puree. After you have rinsed the first coated layer, spread thin slices of 1 peeled banana over it. With the second layer we repeat the same steps as with the first. Cover the last two layers with a third layer and decorate the cake on all sides with plain sour cream. We leave the dessert overnight (that is, in the dark) in the refrigerator, then cut the remaining two bananas into thin plastics and decorate the cake on all sides with plastics.

A winter cake with exotic bananas came out. This pastry can be created for the new year, when the year of the monkey is coming, because these primates love bananas.

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