8 best recipes for making white currant jelly for the winter

8 best recipes for making white currant jelly for the winter

Jelly made from white currants will become an unusual sweet dessert and will suitably decorate a friendly tea party. In addition, currants are a very necessary berry. Pectin substances, which help the product take on a jelly-like form, have a beneficial effect on the body and promote the removal of heavy metal salts. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, currants enrich the body with essential valuable substances.

Secrets of making white currant jelly for the winter

For the berry mass to become jam, it must be boiled until it reduces in volume by one and a half times. Be sure to stir from time to time so that the thickened mass does not burn.

Readiness is checked by testing: drop a few drops on a saucer; if they thicken, the jam is ready.

Rules for choosing ingredients

Tips for selecting and preparing components:

  • if currants grow on a personal plot, you need to collect them with branches, only remove them from the stalks before production, otherwise the juice will flow out of the berries;
  • When purchasing, berries are selected only on the branches, and similarly removed from the stalks before production;
  • the berries should be firm, without signs of lethargy or spoilage;
  • the softness of the fruit indicates that the currants have been collected for a long time;
  • If you use brown sugar, the color of the finished dish will be darkish, but the jelly will have a slightly caramel flavor.

How to prepare a container

To preserve for the winter, it is important to correctly prepare the container in which the jelly will be stored:

  1. Small containers are selected, up to 1 liter.
  2. They need to be washed thoroughly; it is recommended to use baking soda.
  3. Afterwards, containers and lids must be sterilized. You can use any successful method: hold it over steam, boil it, in the oven or microwave.

Fundamentally! Containers and lids must be dry, otherwise the jam will ferment and spoil.

How to make currant jelly at home?

Among the available manufacturing options, housewives choose any recipe - from classics to different options with additives. Raspberries, reddish and dark currants, and gooseberries are consumed.

No gelling additives

The currant itself contains natural pectin in the berries, which allows you to create a thick jam. Therefore, gelling additives are used if there is no confidence that the mass will become thick.

  • sweet sand – 1.3 kilograms;
  • currant berries – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 50-60 ml.

1st manufacturing scheme:

  1. Pour the washed berries into a container with a thick bottom, pour in the indicated amount of water, close and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Place the mixture in a colander and grind.
  3. Pour the indicated amount of sweet sand into the puree, and you can cook compote from the cake.
  4. Cook the puree until the mass has reduced in volume by one and a half times, this is about half an hour. If desired, you can add a little vanilla or other spices (cinnamon, cloves) to taste.
  5. Pour into prepared container and seal tightly.

2nd manufacturing scheme:

  1. Separate the berries from the branches and create juice using a juicer or juicer.
  2. Add sweet sand and boil for the indicated amount of time until thickened.

With agar-agar

This natural gelling substance has beneficial properties. It is rich in magnesium, iron, calcium and iodine.

  1. Jam is prepared in accordance with the indicated components and according to one of the schemes proposed above.
  2. Mix 8 grams of agar-agar with a small amount of sweet sand to avoid the formation of lumps when placed in a hot environment.
  3. Add the bulk mixture evenly, stirring.
  4. Boil for 4-5 minutes, place in sterilized containers and close.

With gelatin

  1. Soak 30 grams of gelatin in 90-100 milliliters of boiled water.
  2. Heat the swollen gelatin until completely dissolved, but do not boil.
  3. Pour into the prepared jam, boil for 1-2 minutes and place in the prepared container.

With raspberries

Raspberries will give the finished dessert a rich, catchy color and a corresponding smell. You can put a few whole berries in the jelly. They must be added 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

  • raspberries – 500 gr;
  • currants – 600 gr;
  • sweet sand – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 60 ml.

  1. Prepare juice or get berry puree by grinding blanched berries through a colander.
  2. Add sweet sand and boil for half an hour, stirring occasionally so that the thick mass does not burn.
  3. When the mass has reduced to the desired size, check with dough on a saucer and pour into a sterilized container.

With gooseberries

Jelly is prepared according to the traditional principle. You can set aside 100 grams of gooseberries, cut them into quarters and put them in jelly 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking, it will turn out very well.

  • gooseberries – 550 gr;
  • currants – 550 gr;
  • sugar – 1.1 kilograms.
  1. Gooseberries have the thickest skin, so you need to start blanching with them, after 5 minutes add currants, boil for about 10 more minutes and pour into a colander.
  2. Grind, add the indicated amount of sugar, cook for half an hour.

Striped jelly

To make this dessert, currants of two colors are used: reddish and snow-white varieties.

  • berries - 550-600 grams of each color;
  • sugar – 1.1 kilograms;
  • gelatin – 25 g;
  • water – 90 ml.

  1. Separately create the juice of two colors from currant berries.
  2. Pour sweet sand - 500 grams into each mass.
  3. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Soak 15 grams of gelatin in 50 milliliters of water, after swelling, heat and pour into reddish currant juice. Pour into molds and refrigerate.
  5. Do the same with another portion of currants and gelatin. Pour out when the previous layer has hardened.

If desired, you can create more layers, but then the production time increases, since you must wait for each layer to harden.

Multicooker recipe

Making jelly with the helper given to us, which has long been established in the kitchen, will allow the housewife to save time and effort. Currant juice can be created in a juicer or in a juicer. Or you can blanch the berries in a slow cooker.

  • berries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 60 ml.
  1. If the juice has already been prepared, pour it into the slow cooker, add sugar and set the “Baking” mode for half an hour, at a temperature of 120 o.
  2. Blanch the berries, to do this, dump them into a bowl, pour in the indicated amount of water, close, set the “Cook” mode for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Place the berry mass in a colander, wipe, pour the juice into a bowl, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved, set the “Bake” mode for 30 minutes at 120 o.
  4. Place the finished jam into the prepared container.
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Cool method

The advantage of the non-cooking option is that a maximum of valuable parts and vitamins are preserved.

  • berries – 1.3 kilograms;
  • sweet sand - 1.2 kilograms.
  1. Wash the berries with the twigs and dry thoroughly. Pick from the branches.
  2. Create juice, pour in sugar and stir occasionally until dissolved.
  3. Pour the syrup into a clean, sterilized, and always dry container. Close, recommended storage space is refrigerator.

Rules for storing jelly

Jelly, as a dessert, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Hermetically sealed containers can be kept in a black, cold room for up to 2 years, at room conditions - a year. Jam prepared without heat treatment can be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 months.

Surprisingly tasty white currant jelly - a common recipe for the winter

Snow-white currants differ from reddish ones only in color and slightly sweeter taste. This berry is also rich in pectin, which is why it is often used in cooking to make jams and jellies. Homemade white currant jelly is perfectly stored until winter, since it is made only from berries and sugar, without additional thickeners. A delicious dessert with a beautiful golden color can be prepared in less than half an hour, according to the usual recipe, without sterilization or hassle.

Ingredients for a 450 ml jar:

  • snow-white currants – 350 g;
  • sweet sand – 350 g.

How to make white currant jelly

This recipe is fascinating and convenient because it is not at all necessary to pick berries from greenish branches. You just need to carefully rinse the currants from small debris and dust. The most convenient way is to place the berries in a huge sieve and place it under running water. Gently stirring the currants with your hands, wash them from dirt and throw them in a sieve for 10-15 minutes. During this period of time, the water will drain and the berry will be almost dry.

Place the washed currants into a large saucepan. During the cooking process, the currant mass will boil vigorously, increasing in volume by 2-3 times, so the cooking container must be spacious.

Pour sugar over the berries. In order for the jelly to set perfectly after cooling, you need to take the same amount of sugar as currants.

Stir and set aside for 10 minutes. Then stir again and put on high heat.

Cook the jelly, stirring constantly, for 8-10 minutes. At first, the berries will release juice, which, when mixed with sugar, forms a syrup. Approximately 2-3 minutes after boiling, the future jelly will look like this.

After this, a lot of white foam will appear on the surface of the syrup, and the berries will begin to explode. After 8-10 minutes of cooking, the foam will almost disappear, and the syrup will begin to boil with large bubbles. This is when you can remove the pan from the heat.

Place a sieve on a suitable sized bowl and pour the syrup and berries into it.

Rub the berries very carefully so that only seeds, skin particles and greenish twigs remain in the sieve.

Pour the finished jelly into small jars. The jars must be sterilized in advance over steam, calcined in the oven or heated in the microwave with a small amount of water. Cool the jelly without covering the container, and then seal it tightly with clean, dry lids. Store until winter in a cool, dark, dry place.

White currant jelly comes out transparent and slightly yellow. You will definitely like its sweet and sour, very pleasant taste.

White currant jelly: making recipes - how to create currant jelly from snow-white fruits in molds and for the winter

Snow-white currants undeservedly occupy space behind their most common brothers - dark and reddish currants. If you have your own garden plot, then correct this mistake and plant a small white currant bush. Preparations made from this berry will keep you happy all winter! But now we will talk about jelly, methods and options for making it at home.

Preparing the berries

Currants are harvested as they ripen, picking the berries directly from the branches. After the collection is brought home, the fruits are freed from the stalks. There is no point in doing this earlier, otherwise the berries will spread or release juice.

The currants are transferred to a colander and immersed in a pan of water. By stirring the fruits in water with a spoon or hand, dust and other dirt are washed off from the surface of the berries.

Unsullied berries are removed from the water and left on a sieve. There is no need to wait for the currants to dry completely; 15-20 minutes is completely enough.

Recipes for making jelly

No gelling additives

Currants themselves have natural pectin, which can make any preparation thick. Therefore, only natural ingredients are useful for this recipe: sugar (1.3 kilograms), white currants (1 kilogram) and 50 ml of pure water.

The fruits are placed in a pan, preferably with a wide bottom. Add water and cover the container tightly with a lid. This condition is essential, because the berries must steam and burst. Place the pan on the lowest heat and heat for 5-10 minutes. Stir the snow-white currants two or three times.

Berries with softened skin are thrown onto an alloy sieve with a small mesh, and then immediately ground using a wood pestle or spoon. The purchased cake is used to cook compote or jelly, and the purified puree is flavored with sugar.

Boil the jelly dessert over low heat with constant stirring. Under no circumstances should you allow the berry mass to stick to the bottom of the pan. Once the berry juice and sugar have boiled down by 1.5 times, the stove is turned off, and the jelly is poured into jars that have been sterilized in advance.

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Based on agar-agar powder

The berries are prepared in the above manner. The fruits are passed through a press juicer or currant juice is extracted using a steam juicer. For any full liter of fresh juice, take 800 grams of sugar. Having combined the main ingredients together, the mass is placed on medium heat. After the sugar has completely dissolved, the liquid should become transparent.

A tablespoon of powdered agar-agar is combined with a teaspoon of sugar. This is necessary so that the agar-agar does not clump. The loose mass is introduced evenly, constantly working with a spoon. As soon as the sweet base boils, the countdown begins. Cook the jelly with agar-agar for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the gelling substance will lose all its characteristics.

The finished whitecurrant jelly is poured into hot, dry jars and immediately sealed with lids.

If the jelly is not prepared for winter use, then the hot composition is poured into molds. These can be shaped silicone containers or muffin tins. To ensure that the finished jelly leaves the edges of the mold perfectly, use refined vegetable oil. The surface is covered with the smallest layer of fat using a cotton pad or a clean sponge.

With gelatin

First, soak the powder (30 g) in chilled boiled water (100 ml). The water must be boiled, because after adding the solution to the berry mass, further boiling is not permissible.

White currant berries (1 kilogram) are blanched with the addition of 100 ml of water for 10 minutes. The warm skin on most fruits will burst during this period of time, and this is normal. The main thing is not to forget to constantly stir the berries during blanching so that they do not stick to the bottom of the cooking container. At the same time, the heating of the burner should be minimal.

The softened berries are ground through an iron mesh sieve. Add 1 kilogram of sugar to the berry puree. To make it go faster, they constantly work with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Place the homogeneous sweet mass on the stove and cook for at least a quarter of an hour. Then the swollen gelatin is added. At the same time, the fire is reduced so that the mass does not begin to boil under any circumstances. To get rid of possible lumps, the jelly is passed through a calcined iron mesh (sieve), and then immediately poured into jars. Pour the jelly into the containers as completely as possible so that there is no room for air. Even if some of the dessert leaks out when swirling. As they cool, the contents of the jars, according to the laws of physics, will shrink. The lids will retract, which will prevent air and germs from leaking inside.

A video from the channel “Recipes from Lirin Lo” shows how to prepare jelly based on pectin sugar.

With raspberries

It is best to take wild berries, they are much more aromatic. Because raspberries, like currants, are rich in pectin, they do not require additional additives to make jelly from these two berries.

The fruits in a 1:1 ratio are placed in a pan and boiled under the lid for 5-10 minutes.

Then the usual procedure: the berries are ground, combined with sugar (1.2 kilograms) and boiled until the mass is reduced by 1.5-2 times.

With gooseberries

They take any kind of gooseberry: greenish, reddish, dark. The color of the finished jelly will depend on the color of the gooseberries. Snow-white currants do not give a rich color, so gooseberries will play a dominant role in this.

  • white currant – 500 g;
  • gooseberries of any color - 500 g;
  • sweet sand (snow-white) – 1 kilogram;
  • input for blanching – 100 ml.

Because the gooseberry skin is much denser, you need to start blanching the berries specifically with the fruits of this species.

The gooseberries are placed in a saucepan and the discussed amount of water is added. Boil the berries for 5 minutes, then add currants and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.

The steamed fruits are thrown onto a sieve along with the broth. Grind the mass with a wooden spatula to separate the juice from the cake.

White currant pulp can be used to make marshmallows. The development of its production is presented in the material on our website using the example of apple pulp.

The required amount of sugar is added to the berry juice, and by heating evenly, it is dissolved.

The most important step is boiling. Boil the jelly over low heat for 25-30 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon. The finished dish collects lumps of foam not on the sides of the pan, but in the center. Also, when dripping from a spoon, the berry mass does not break into drops, but slowly slides off in a narrow stream.

Watch the video from the channel “Cooking” with a detailed description of cooking currant jelly with oranges

Striped jelly

To make this dessert, they take at least two types of currants: reddish and snow-white. You can also add black currants, but preparing the dish will become more complicated.

So, first soak the gelatin. Gelling powder (20 g) is poured into 100 milliliters of cooled boiled water and, getting rid of lumps, thoroughly mixed.

300 grams of fresh white currants are pureed in a blender until smooth. The berry mass is filtered through a very fine sieve lined with gauze. A glass of sugar is added to the purchased berry juice. The jelly is boiled over the fire for 10 minutes.

The swollen gelatin powder is divided into 2 parts, and half is added to the snow-white berry mass. Without removing from the heat, the snow-white part is thoroughly mixed. After the gelatin has completely dispersed, place the jelly in bowls so that it occupies no more than half the container. For quick setting, the jelly molds are sent to the refrigerator.

While the snow-white half of the dessert is cooling, prepare the reddish half. The proportions of berries and sugar are the same. The cooking procedure is similar: the berries are crushed, filtered, sugar is added, boiled and a gelatin thickener is added.

The reddish part is not poured immediately, but only after the mass has cooled to room temperature. Don't worry, the jelly won't set ahead of time.

The striped jelly in the molds is sent to the main compartment of the refrigerator. To ensure that the dessert is “strong” before serving, it is removed from the refrigerator just before consumption.

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In addition to jelly, housewives make jams from currants. Our article presents 5 options for making blackcurrant jam, but this development can also be used for processing snow-white berries.

How to store jelly

A dessert dish that is not a winter preparation should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Containers with preservation, after complete cooling, are sent to the cellar or basement. The shelf life of this jelly is 1 year.

A luxurious selection of white currant compote recipes is presented here. To make the drink truly cool in the summer heat, add a couple of clear ice cubes to the glass.

White currant jelly for the winter

Snow-white currants are not as popular as dark currants, and almost all gardeners grow them. This berry is suitable for creating various desserts and homemade preparations. The most common method to utilize the harvest of these light amber fruits is to create jam from them. But quality housewives know the recipes for the most unique delicacies made from this berry. Almost all of them make white currant jelly, which is suitable not only for consumption after production, but also for long-term storage. When preparing this dessert for the winter, it is only important to follow the technology, then it will last for a long time, maintaining good organoleptic properties.

Individual manufacturing

  • How to collect snow-white currants. It is necessary to collect and take snow-white currants together with twigs. If you remove the berries very early, they will lose a lot of juice and spoil faster. It is better to choose a sunny day for harvesting white currants. Berries picked in cloudy weather or after rain usually turn out to be liquid and not very tasty.
  • Before making any dessert from white currants, you need to wash them, taking care not to damage the berries, then remove the fruits from the branches, dry and sort them. It is especially important to get rid of rotten and dried specimens. Currants will dry faster if you dump them on a towel, because the material will quickly absorb excess water.
  • To obtain sweetness with a jelly mixture, currants must be ground through a sieve or, crushed using a blender or meat grinder, squeezed out the resulting mass through a mass folded in several layers. You can also use a juicer and create jelly from currant juice.
  • If you are making currant jelly for long-term storage, it is not enough to just wash the jars well; they must be sterilized. You can create this using any convenient method: over steam, in the oven, or even in the microwave. Lids should also be sterilized. To do this, they should be boiled for 10 minutes.
  • It is better to cover currant jelly with metal lids, as they ensure full density. Plastic or glass lids can only be used in this case if you plan to store the dessert in the refrigerator.
  • The jelly will not deteriorate within a year if its storage conditions have not been violated. They depend on the specific recipe. Most of the preparation options stand well even at room temperature, although in a cold room they feel much better and do not sour for the longest period.

White currant jelly without gelling additives


  • snow-white currants – 1 kg;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 1.25 kg.
  • Remove the currants from the branches, wash and dry. Sort the berries, discard very greenish and spoiled specimens.
  • Place the selected fruits in a bowl or pan, add water.
  • Place the container with currants on a leisurely fire. Bring the liquid to a boil. Cook the berries for 10 minutes.
  • Allow the fruits to cool slightly, then rub them through a sieve.
  • Place the container with currant juice on the stove. Heat it over low heat, stirring occasionally, until its size has reduced by about one and a half times.
  • Add sugar. Wait for it to completely dissolve. Cook the dessert for another 10-15 minutes, skimming the foam from its surface.
  • Sterilize jars and suitable lids.
  • Distribute the hot treat into the prepared jars.
  • Seal the jars tightly.

After the jars of jelly have cooled, they can be moved to the pantry or other not very hot space where you are used to storing such supplies.

Not a bad recipe 3

White currant jelly with gelatin

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • snow-white currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • gelatin – 30 g;
  • water – 120 ml.
  • Sort the currants, rinse and dry. Grind the berries through a meat grinder or chop using a blender.
  • Rub the currant puree through a sieve or squeeze through gauze folded in 3 layers.
  • Mix currant juice with sugar, heat over low heat and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Immediately after placing the currant mass on the stove, pour cold water over the gelatin to swell.
  • After boiling the currant juice for 20 minutes, pour the dissolved gelatin into it and stir.
  • Cook the jelly for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat. Try not to overcook the treat, otherwise it will stop thickening and become watery again.
  • Place the jelly in jars prepared in advance (washed with soda and sterilized). Seal the containers tightly and allow them to cool.

After cooling, the jelly will become significantly thicker than when it was hot. It can be stored at room temperature.

Not a bad recipe 4

White currant jelly with agar-agar

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • snow-white currants – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • agar-agar – 20 g.
  • Sort and wash the currants. After the berries are dry, pass them through a juicer.
  • Mix the purchased currant juice with sugar. Heat, stirring, until the sweet sand is completely dissolved.
  • Boil the juice for 15 minutes, skimming the foam from its surface.
  • Sprinkle the currant mass with agar-agar, stir, cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Place the dessert in sterilized jars and seal them.

It is better to store currant jelly made according to this recipe in a cold room.

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