Plum compote for drinking immediately recipe

Plum compote for drinking immediately recipe


Plum 0.5 kg. 43
Sugar taste 374
Mint 3 branches
Water 3 l.

Step-by-step recipe for making plum compote for drinking immediately with photo

So let's get down to business:

First, rinse the plums well.

Next, you need to put a container of water on the fire and boil the liquid.

As the water begins to boil, place the plum fruits in it. When the liquid with the fruits begins to boil again, add sugar, cook the drink for 8 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover the container with a lid and let the compote brew. That's all, in a couple of hours you can enjoy and quench your thirst with the most delicious homemade drink. Plum compote is ready to drink immediately!

Video recipe for plum compote to drink immediately

Compote apple plum

We will also share with you a recipe for making compote from apples and plums. The drink has a very rich color, taste and smell!

So, in order to prepare compote according to this recipe, you will need:

apple – 300 g;
plums – 200 gr;
sugar – 0.5 cups.

Well, let's get to work:

    Pour hot water into the container, add sugar, stir.

Then you should wash the apples and cut them into slices.

Next, you need to put the container with water and sugar on the fire and bring the contents to a boil.

As the water begins to boil, boil the apple slices for 10 minutes.

  • Later, rinse the plums, divide them into two halves, remove the seeds and place the plum halves in a container with apples, cook the compote for another 5 minutes. That's all, then cool the drink, it will just brew, and treat your household to the most delicious plum and apple compote!
  • Have fun!

    Recipe for making plum compote not for the winter with photos

    What goods will we need?

    • Fresh ripe plums – about 1kg
    • Granulated sugar – 350g (if you like it sweeter, then you can add more sugar)
    • Untainted drinking water – 2-2.5 liters
    • Based on your taste preferences and the availability of other fruits or berries (for example, a few drops of fresh lemon juice or pears, apples) - you can add to taste.
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    Step-by-step manufacturing recipe

    • 1 Now we will cook a very ordinary plum compote, which you can drink right away, not for the winter. For this we will need ripe plums; we can even select overripe ones. So, wash it, separate it from the seeds, cut it off if there is any bruising. Some cook it with bones, so it’s up to your discretion.
    • 2 Pour the required amount of water into a clean pan, add sugar and place on the stove. As the water heats up, the sugar will completely dissolve in it, it is then that we add the plums we have prepared to it.
    • 3 After this, wait for it to boil and let it simmer for no more than 3-5 minutes. Then we immediately turn off the stove; if it’s electronic, we remove it from it. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to brew and cool. The recipe is very playful, easy, and at the same time tasty and necessary.
    • 4 The plum compote comes out stunning, with a slight sourness. Children of all ages, and in general even from their ancestors, drink such a tasty compote with pleasure. Usually in families there are two decanters or ordinary jars for compotes: one with compote at room temperature - for kids; in the 2nd, the drink is cooled in an adult refrigerator.

    Secrets of making a dish according to a recipe

    The benefits of plums in the diet of children and adults

    We will immediately disappoint those who incorrectly believe that plums contain a huge amount of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C. Vitamin (a low molecular weight organic compound of a relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) They naturally contain C, but there are fruits even richer, but these fruits bring us balanced vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B. If we want to help the child’s body and brain cope with excessive school stress (stress from English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; strain) , stress or anxiety (and they are also found in preschoolers who went to kindergarten after vacation), then plums are the most delicious remedy!

    Plums contain a huge amount of fiber, which helps the intestinal tract remove harmful substances. The fruit is a harmless, effective and proven remedy that has been tested on almost all generations of our ancestors for the treatment of constipation. Moreover, plums in any form are suitable for this option: fresh, canned, jam, juice.

    Read also:  Dried fruit compote in a slow cooker recipe

    Another great help for mothers from plums is helping in the fight against obesity, regulating digestion, thanks to the content of glycerides in them. As a low-sodium food, they are used for diseases associated with circulatory disorders (Blood circulation is an important factor in the life of the human body and a number of animals) . Fruits after heat treatment with sugar (compote according to our recipe, compote for the winter or jam) will add iron to the body. Doctors also prescribe plums for gout, rheumatism, kidney or liver stones, and they also enhance the removal of water, urea and uric acid from the body.

    In a word, plums are indescribably useful for our kids and ourselves, so we stock up on a wide variety of culinary recipes using them, and prepare a wide variety of dishes during the season.

    Plum compote for drinking immediately recipe

    Savory plum compote

    A delicious compote of plums, which is cooked in the evening and is ready in the morning (it will cool down and give out juices). I cook it with bones.


    • Large plums - 10-15 pieces (and small ones 2-3 glasses);
    • Sugar – 0.5 cups.

    How to cook

    • Wash the plums. Bring the water in the pan to a boil. Throw in the plums, bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes.
    • Let the finished compote brew and cool (6-8 hours). Can be stored in the refrigerator later. But I think you will drink it quickly. It's quite tasty.

    Hot compote poured into a jar. I leave it to cool and brew.

    The compote has brewed, you can pour it into cups

    Making Tips

    I poured the hot compote into a jar (this makes it easier for me to put it in the refrigerator). But if you have an enamel pan and a lot of space in the refrigerator, you can throw the compote in it.

    The compote is not very sweet, so try it. If you prefer it sweeter, add sugar.

    If you have other berries (fresh or frozen), fruits or raisins, you can create an assorted compote. The more berries there are, the richer the compote will be. Very saturated can always be diluted with water.

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    By the way, in this compote you can even use plums that are bitter (it happens that you come across such ones). Heat treatment improves their taste.

    And if you want to preserve plum compote for the winter, here are the recipes:

    Plum compotes for the winter

    Plum compote (blue, blue and yellowish, assorted);

    Pear compote with plums (there are also options with apples, oranges, lemon);

    Such a compote cooks quickly and disappears just as quickly. If there are a lot of berries, you can cook it any day!

    The same compote can be brewed from yellowish plums, cherry plums, nectarines and other sweet and sour berries.

    Plum compote in a pan


    Cinnamon – 2 sticks

    • 24 kcal
    • 10 min.
    • 10 min.
    • 20 minutes.

    Photo of the finished dish

    Step-by-step recipe with photos

    To make plum compote in a saucepan (not for the winter), you need the following ingredients.

    Wash the plums, cut them in half and remove the pits.

    Pour filtered water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add cinnamon sticks and plums.

    Pour sugar into the pan and bring everything to a boil.

    Turn off the heat, cover the pan with plum compote with a lid and let it brew. Then cool.

    Pour the plum compote into glasses and enjoy. You can also put the cooled compote in the refrigerator to cool.

    • 1534



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