Broth in a slow cooker: recipes for making turkey, chicken, beef

Broth in a slow cooker: recipes for making turkey, chicken, beef

Most first courses are cooked in broth. The broth cooks faster in a slow cooker than on the stove. As a base you can take cold cuts, poultry, fish fillets, and vegetables. The broth is certainly seasoned with fragrant spices and herbs. Let's look at the best recipes for homemade broth.

Traditional recipe

Everyone knows what broth is. This is a rich base for making the most delicious first courses. Broths are most often prepared with chicken meat or sliced ​​pork or beef. The taste is different, and such broths also differ in fat content. When choosing a type of meat, you should rely only on personal taste preferences.

Perhaps any housewife understands how to cook broth in a slow cooker. To do this, you can take any part of the chicken carcass. Soup sets are also suitable.

Chicken broth in the Redmond multicooker is prepared in the “Cooking” or “Soups” mode. Production time is approximately one hour. To make the broth rich, fragrant and unusually tasty, in addition to all the necessary seasonings, vegetables are added to it. Onions and carrots are frequent companions of poultry meat.

Chicken broth in the Polaris multicooker is also easy to prepare. The recipe will not differ; the only thing you should pay attention to is the program mode and production time.

On a note! Sauces are prepared using broths. The broth can also be eaten in its pure form. Almost all people are convinced that this is an ideal dish for strengthening the immune system and restoring strength, especially during periods of illness (disruption of normal functioning, performance) due to respiratory ailments and the flu.


  • chicken soup set;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • salt and pepper mixture - to taste.


  1. To make the broth, take a soup set or a chicken carcass base. Let's defrost it, thoroughly rinse it with running water and dry it with cardboard napkins.
  2. Pour 2 liters of filtered water into the multicooker bowl.
  3. We send uncut poultry meat on the bones to the container.
  4. Select the “Soups” or “Cooking” program mode. Set the timer for 70 minutes.
  5. Approximately 40 minutes after the start of cooking, foam will appear on the surface of the broth. Remove it with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon.
  6. Salt to taste.
  7. Peel the onion and cut it in half. If the onions are large, cut them into quarters.
  8. Place the onions in a multi-cooker bowl.
  9. Peel the carrot roots, wash them and cut them into 3-4 pieces.
  10. Close the lid of the kitchen device. Cook the broth until the end of the program and the corresponding sound signal.
  11. Pour the broth into a plate, add pieces of carrots.
  12. For decoration, chop greenish feather onions.
  13. Add chopped onion to the broth and serve.

Meat broth in a slow cooker

For sauces and first courses, housewives most often prepare broth based on cut beef, lamb or pork. It is best to take the meat on the bones, then the broth will be richest and thickest.

It’s not difficult to prepare beef broth in a slow cooker, but there are still some culinary tricks. Don’t forget about herbs, roots, seasonings, spices. All this will give the dish a unique taste and unique smell.



  • 700 g beef slices on the bone;
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water;
  • onion head – 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 5 pieces. dark peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. l. table salt.


  1. Peel the onions and carrots and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Remove any remaining water with a cardboard towel.
  3. Cut the onion into 2-4 parts, chop the carrots into large rings.
  4. Place a dry frying pan on the stove and heat it. Place the chopped vegetables cut side down and fry for almost 2-3 minutes until an amber crust appears.
  5. Place the washed beef slices on the bones in a multi-cooker bowl.
  6. Add all the spices, herbs and fried vegetables right away.
  7. Fill with filtered water and stir.
  8. Close the lid of the kitchen device and set the “Cooking” program mode.
  9. Add salt. Making the broth will take approximately two hours.
  10. It is recommended to strain the finished broth.

On a note! If you want the broth to be light, do not fry the vegetables ahead of time, but add them raw. Don’t forget to strain the broth through a fine sieve or piece of gauze.

Diet option

Perhaps everyone knows that turkey is a dietary product. For lunch, prepare turkey broth in the slow cooker. Add a few vegetables and get an indescribably tasty first course.


  • 2.5 liters of filtered water;
  • half a turkey carcass;
  • parsley root to taste;
  • frozen green peas – 70 g;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • 3 pcs. dark peppercorns;
  • 1-2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 2 tsp. table salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. refined sunflower seed oil.


  1. Cut the cooled turkey carcass in half along the ridge. We will need one half.
  2. We thoroughly rinse it with water and cut it into portions.
  3. Place the turkey pieces in a multi-cooker bowl. Add one unpeeled onion, aromatic dark peppercorns, and laurel leaves.
  4. Fill with filtered water.
  5. Set the program mode “Extinguishing”, time – 120 minutes.
  6. Peel the parsley root and carrots, rinse and chop.
  7. After the beep sounds, transfer the boiled meat to a plate and strain the broth through a sieve.
  8. Wash the multicooker bowl and dry it.
  9. Pour refined sunflower seed oil into the multicooker container.
  10. Select the “Frying” program mode. We send chopped parsley root with carrots and sauté.
  11. Add green peas and fill everything with strained broth.
  12. Select the “Stew” program mode and simmer the broth for a quarter of an hour.

On a note! Separate the boiled turkey meat from the bone. Place it on a plate and add broth with vegetables.

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Basically, all broths are prepared identically. It is imperative to remove any foam that appears and strain the broth so that it comes out crystal clear. Such dishes will warm you up in severe frost and will help strengthen your immune system. Bon appetit!

Chicken broth in a slow cooker

Fragrant, rich, savory, necessary, playful and ordinary. So, briefly but succinctly, we can say about chicken broth, which the slow cooker will cook, although not so quickly, but perfectly. Add here the ability of the broth to participate in the preparation of a huge number of different dishes. This can be the base for a delicious soup, sauce, gravy, side dish (this is when we use rich broth instead of water), jellied meat, or aspic. And also, and this is important, the light broth, cooked from lean parts of chicken, is very useful for the sick and for those who, for one reason or another, need a light but nutritious diet. Serve chicken broth with a piece of chicken, garlic, bread, a hard-boiled egg, herbs, etc.

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  3. Chicken broth in a slow cooker

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 6 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
80 kcal
Belkov: 6 g
Zhirov: 6 g
Carbohydrates: 1 g
Used: 46 / 46 / 8
H 100 / C 0 / B 0

Production time: 1 hour 45 minutes

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

Prepare the carcass by clearing it of hairs and dividing it into the required pieces. You can purchase parts of the carcass that are preferable for making broth completely separately in the store. And then wash it in water.

Step 2:

If you don't mind having a huge amount of fat, remove it from wherever you can. I also reduced the skin a lot. It can be completely removed.

Step 3:

You can pour water into the bowl and turn on the multicooker, covering it with a lid. It’s great if you have the “broth” mode. My multicooker treated it so kindly that I didn’t have to look for every speck of dirt with a slotted spoon. If there is no such mode, choose “soup”. In the meantime, we will prepare the other ingredients. I took a large carrot. She cleaned it and washed it. I immediately put it in the bowl.

Step 4:

Then we take the onion. There is no need to peel it. Just wash thoroughly and cut off what you consider necessary, which can spoil both the appearance and taste of the finished product. By the way, I later added a little more onion peel. But this is optional.

Step 5:

Place the onion in the multicooker bowl, add the bay leaf (if it’s not for you if you’re sick, you can also add peppercorns). Cover it with a lid and forget about all this for exactly one and a half hours (add salt to taste half an hour before the end of cooking). My mother spent so long preparing this luxurious rich broth.

Step 6:

When my assistant signaled, I immediately opened the lid and was happy with the result. The broth came out just right. But when I took out the meat, all the scum, which we usually remove with a slotted spoon, rose to the top.

Step 7:

Therefore, I decided to strain the broth by covering a sieve with a double napkin. That's how catchy and rich it came out.

Step 8:

Serve with whatever you desire. For example, I meant just drinking broth. Therefore, apart from the spices, I added only a small amount of green onions.

It all depends on what you are going to cook using chicken broth. So, you can take any part of the carcass - either legs, or wings, or back, or necks and other offal. Or you can take a whole carcass, dividing it into parts.

Do not look into the multicooker while cooking. Everything will be held at the highest level.

You can add various spices to give the broth a taste that suits you.

You can add salt to the broth later, when you are preparing the main dish.
If the broth is being cooked for soup, then add other products to the bowl 20 minutes before turning off. To make aspic, add gelatin diluted in water, and so on.

If there is a lot of broth, freeze it by pouring it into hermetically sealed bags or in another container.

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You can decide for yourself with water. If you want a rich broth, then pour as much as in my recipe. If it’s for jellied meat, the recipe is also different.

Broth in a slow cooker: recipes, production details

  • October 11, 2018
  • 1st courses
  • Ekaterina Sobolevskaya

Broth is a fat that comes out when poultry, vegetables, meat or fish are boiled. It is used as a base for a variety of first courses and sauces, but the broth can also be consumed as an independent dish. It is acceptable to serve savory baked goods with it, for example, pies, pies and side dishes (croutons, eggs, quenelles). How to cook broth in a slow cooker so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy? Let's try to figure it all out.

Two words about the broth

First, you need to realize: it is conventional to distinguish between three types of broths, which is based on the technology of their production - snow-white, reddish and yellowish. Snow-white broth is prepared from ordinary ingredients. For reddish, roasted meat, vegetables and roots are used. A yellowish broth is made from meat and bones, but roasted roots and vegetables are added to it.

To prepare a savory broth in a slow cooker, you should take into account certain individualities: since it will simmer for quite a long time at a constant temperature, the broth will be tasty and nutritious, which is an additional advantage of the dish’s properties. There is practically no foam; all useful extractive substances are evenly transferred into the liquid, saturating it with microelements and proteins.

The secret to making a tasty broth lies in the impeccable freshness of the meat, which should be cleaned of tendons and films in advance. Later it should be washed and filled with cool water.

If the housewife wants to cook ordinary low-fat broth, she must carefully trim off all the fat from the bird or piece of meat. But it’s better to salt the dish before the end of cooking.

Secrets of a good housewife

Usually, when an experienced housewife is going to cook broth in a slow cooker, she places the cooked, washed meat in water and brings it to a boil, turning on the “Cooking” mode. Later he removes the foam, adds spices and vegetables, and only after that sets the “Stewing” mode.

Most housewives, after waiting for the first water to boil, carefully drain it and pour in new water. In this way they get rid of excess extractive substances.

It is completely acceptable to boil the meat as a whole piece, but the most convenient way is to cut it coarsely. The richness of the broth will depend on how much poultry or meat is placed in the slow cooker.

By the way, thrifty housewives freeze the prepared broth “for later.” They cool it and pour it into plastic bags or containers. Afterwards, it is quite convenient to heat up the broth, cooking soup, borscht on its base, preparing potatoes with meat and mushrooms and many other savory dishes.

Cooking meat broth

How to cook broth in a slow cooker? Beef, which is considered a dietary and very healthy dish, should be prepared as follows:

  1. First, all the ingredients for the broth are prepared. The bones and meat must be thoroughly washed. For this dish, ribs that are not very trimmed and have some meat left on them are suitable. You need to make sure that there are no small bones that have the ability to get into the broth. Although chefs with extensive experience assure that for making meat broth (in this case, beef) it is more correct to choose fillet. Because the bone assigns turbidity.
  2. Now the parsley root and vegetables are peeled. Carrots and onions are cut coarsely. This is done so that later, if such a desire appears, they can be quickly pulled out of the finished broth.
  3. Now, meat ribs, spices, vegetables and salt are placed in the device’s pan. Place it in a multicooker and pour in cool water. Close the lid tightly and set the desired mode - “Soup”.
  4. The broth in the slow cooker should be cooked for two hours. But if you boil only meat bones, you will need more time - four or even 5 hours. In order to improve the taste of the broth, the bones can be baked in advance using the “Baking” mode.

Advice from experienced housewives. To prevent bones from scratching the coating of the multicooker, you can place a special silicone mat on the bottom.

Ingredients needed

The development of making broth is clear. Now let’s figure out what quantities of products will be useful for its production. The broth recipe is as follows: you will need a piece of beef, weighing 600–800 g, 2.5 liters of water, two onions and carrots, 2–3 bay leaves, peppers to taste - dark peas and aromatic, garlic, salt, celery trunk and root parsley

Broth in a slow cooker can be prepared in slightly different ways. Using the “Baking/Frying” mode, lightly bake the onions and carrots, cut into halves. And only after this add pieces of meat, spices, salt and fill it all with water. Close the lid and turn on the desired program - “Extinguishing”.

After the cooking time has ended, remove the ingredients and strain the resulting broth in the slow cooker using a sieve.

Cooking chicken broth

Such broth is not only tasty, but also healing. It was used not only in ancient times, but nowadays almost everyone resorts to its help. Chicken broth is especially useful for digestive problems and colds. And if you need to regain your strength, he has no equal.

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This chicken broth recipe is easy. To make it, you need 2.5-3 liters of water, chicken or chicken bones with meat - about 800 grams, a couple of carrots, an onion, a mixture of peppers, bay leaf to taste, garlic, salt, parsley root.

Place everything in the multicooker bowl and fill with cool water up to the mark. How long should you cook chicken broth in a slow cooker to make it tasty and nutritious? You need to set the “Quenching” mode for two or three hours. After making the broth, strain it.

Clear broth

Naturally, not every housewife is able to prepare a tasty and clear broth. It turns out that this will not be a huge task. It will be enough just to follow a few rules. So, let's figure out how to make the broth transparent:

  • The broth should be constantly simmered over low heat. During the cooking process, all the beneficial substances from the meat will be released, the broth will not only be transparent, but also very tasty.
  • The resulting foam must be skimmed off constantly, both when cooking chicken broth and when cooking meat broth - there are no exceptions.
  • There is no need to stir the broth being prepared; it is better not to cover the pan with a lid, and do not press down the meat and bones with a spoon or lid.

Correcting the situation

If the broth still turns out cloudy, you can fix it with the help of a “pull”. Take approximately 300 grams of meat and grind it with a meat grinder or blender. Mix the finished broth (only one glass) with the white of 1 chicken egg.

The broth should not be hot, otherwise the protein will simply cook. Now add the meat to the glass with the broth and egg. The consistency needs to sit for half an hour, and then pour it into a pan with warm broth. Cook for 40 minutes on low heat. During this period of time, the minced meat mixed with the protein will curdle and fall out as sediment at the bottom of the pan. The broth itself will be as transparent as it should be. You can get rid of sediment by straining it.

Homemade chicken broth in a slow cooker


Homemade chicken – 1 pc.

Onions – 1 pc.

Bay leaves – 2-3 pcs.

Ground dark pepper – 4 pinches

Dill - for serving

  • 62 kcal
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
  • 2 hours 5 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Friends often give me poultry from villages and villages already cut up. Mainly, these are chickens, which I use to create rich and fragrant chicken broth. This is very useful not only for adults, but also for children - it can never compare with broiler chicken broth, which contains a huge amount of antibiotics.

By creating it in a slow cooker, I actually get two in one: broth and boiled chicken meat for main courses, salads, and appetizers. If this is a young cockerel, then the broth will completely gel and you can make jellied meat or aspic from it without adding gelatin. I pour some of the water into food containers, cover with lids and freeze - this way I always have a base on hand for savory soup, borscht or for making mashed potatoes.

Preparing homemade chicken broth in a slow cooker is the best option, in which you are free, and after 2 hours the food can already be served. Why specifically 2 hours? This is how much my slow cooker needs to cook poultry until tender, because it has the densest meat.

So, let's prepare the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

Wash your domestic chicken in water, outside and inside. Cut off the legs and place the bird in a bowl along with the cut parts. The chicken skin stretches during cooking and the legs may rest against the lid and prevent it from closing if you want to check the dish during cooking. Peel the onions and carrots, wash in water and cut into large slices. Add to the multicooker bowl.

Pour in warm water so that the equipment does not waste time warming it up. Add salt and ground dark pepper. Add bay leaves. Close the lid and set the “Cooking” or “Soup” mode for 2 hours. After 20-25 minutes, remove the foam from the surface of the broth so that it does not come out cloudy.

After the beep, carefully open the multicooker lid, being careful not to get burned by the steam. Check the readiness of the meat - it should taste tender and be easy to chew.

Remove chicken, legs and vegetables to a plate. Strain the broth through a strainer into another container.

Place part of the chicken in a deep plate, pour in a couple of ladles of rich broth and serve with savory pastries and crackers.

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