8 Strawberry Cheesecake Recipes

8 Strawberry Cheesecake Recipes

South American cheese cake is a regular on restaurant menus. But you can cook it at home without the help of others. Cheesecake with strawberries always turns out especially delicious. The freshest berries add tenderness and lightness to it.

Traditional cheesecake with strawberries

The berries should be taken as fresh and as sweet as possible. You will need 400 g of them. Other ingredients: 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 2 huge spoons of potato starch, 970 g of high-quality cream cheese, small. a spoonful of vanillin and 2 huge spoons of sweet sand, 15 g gelatin, 16-18 pcs. strawberry meringues.

  1. Strawberries without stems are whipped in a blender. Sand (sweet) is moving towards them.
  2. Gelatin is poured with a small amount of ice water and left to infuse. Then 140 ml of boiling water is poured into it. The mass is mixed again.
  3. The strawberries are lightly beaten and combined into a gelatinous consistency. The ingredients are blended again with a blender. The filling leaves for half an hour in the cold.
  4. The remaining ingredients according to the recipe are combined and beaten until smooth.
  5. The meringues crumble to the bottom of the pan - they will become the bottom layer of the treat.
  6. Creamy dough is poured on top.
  7. The dessert is baked in a hot oven for 8-9 minutes (200 degrees). Then the temperature drops to 150 degrees, and the dish is baked for another 35 minutes.
  8. When the base has cooled, pour the berry mousse onto it.

Under the foil, the dessert will infuse all night (that is, in the dark) in the cold.

With cottage cheese and strawberries

Another variation of the traditional version of this dessert involves the use of cottage cheese. Ingredients: 245 g shortbread cookies, half a stick of butter, 580 g full-fat cottage cheese, 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 35 g starch, 280 ml medium-fat sour cream, 130 g granulated sugar, juice of half a lemon, a pinch of vanillin, 270 g fresh strawberries, 60 g strawberry jelly.

  1. The cookies are reduced to crumbs and combined with the watery butter. The resulting mass is poured into a springform pan. It is important to compact the base very well. Then it will be baked for 12 minutes at medium temperature in the oven.
  2. A layer of curd is placed on the cooled base. It is mixed from cottage cheese, eggs and lemon juice. Then sour cream, sand (sweet), vanillin and starch are added to the mass. It is not allowed to beat it, but it should be kneaded until there are no lumps.
  3. The form with the future dessert is placed in the middle of a baking sheet with high sides, filled with hot water. The liquid must reach its middle.
  4. The dessert will bake for 80-85 minutes. A temperature of 160 degrees is enough.
  5. When the base has cooled, thin slices of strawberries are laid out on it. The jelly prepared according to instructions is poured on top. Then the treat goes into the refrigerator for the whole night (that is, in the dark) .

To perfectly cut cheesecake with cottage cheese and strawberries, you need to warm up the knife.

With mascarpone

There will be no need to bake such a cheese cake. Ingredients: 260 g of dry crackers, half a stick of butter, 40 g of mascarpone cheese, a snow-white chocolate bar, 220 g of Philadelphia cheese, 60 ml of heavy cream, 320 g of fresh strawberries.

  1. Crackers with melted butter are crushed in a food processor. The bottom of the mold is lined with it.
  2. Snow-white chocolate is melted until watery and mixed with cold cream.
  3. Two types of cheese are combined. Chocolate is added to them evenly.
  4. Half the berries are cut into small cubes and combined with cream.
  5. The inside is laid out on the base and left under the film to harden in the cold.

The finished dessert is covered with pieces of new berries.

On a meringue pillow

A sweet “pillow” will add airiness and tenderness to the dessert. Ingredients: 960 g of any cream cheese, 3 pcs. chicken eggs, 2 huge spoons of starch, 380 g of berries, 22 vanilla meringues, small. a spoonful of vanilla sugar and 2 huge granulated sugar, 15 g of instant gelatin.

  1. The berries are pureed in a blender.
  2. Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of warm water. After a couple of minutes, it, together with a glass of boiling water, is poured into a capacious container.
  3. Berry puree combined with sand goes there.
  4. The mass is whipped with a blender and put in the cold for half an hour.
  5. You need to work with the eggs until a slight foam appears. The already whipped product is mixed with cream cheese and the remaining dry ingredients according to the recipe. At low speed they are mixed with a blender.
  6. The meringues are kneaded by hand and placed on the bottom of the mold. The creamy mass is poured on top.
  7. First, the base is baked at high temperature for 10-12 minutes. Then it cooks for another 45 minutes at 150 degrees.
  8. The cheesecake comes out of the oven after it has cooled slightly.

All that remains is to pour the strawberry puree over the base, cover with foil and put it in the refrigerator.

Chocolate and strawberry cheesecake

Even if you have cocoa and milk, you can create such a low-calorie dessert. Ingredients: 380 g cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. milk, 15 g gelatin, 35 g cocoa, 3 cups of fresh strawberries, 2 huge spoons of sweetener.

  1. Gelatin is diluted with hot water and left to swell. It should sit for about 20 minutes.
  2. Cottage cheese with half the milk, cocoa and sweetener is perfectly whipped in a blender.
  3. The swollen gelatin is melted with the remaining milk in a water bath.
  4. The resulting mass is poured into the cottage cheese. Very finely chopped berries (half) go there.
  5. Other strawberries are completely laid out in a springform pan and filled with a mixture of other ingredients.

The treat will infuse in the refrigerator for at least 6-7 hours.

No bake recipe

Most often, no-bake recipes combine gelatin and cream cheese. Ingredients: 290 g shortbread cookies, half a kilo of cheese, half a stick of butter, 1 tbsp. very heavy cream, 130 g sweet sand, 28 g gelatin, 1 tbsp. natural strawberry juice, 380 g of new berries.

  1. Gelatin (10 g) is poured with strawberry juice and left for an hour.
  2. Cookie crumbs are combined with melted butter. The resulting homogeneous mass is compacted into a split mold. A capacity of 22-24 cm is enough. The base leaves for the cold.
  3. The berries are finely chopped. A few pieces are left for dessert decoration.
  4. Gelatin (18 g) with a small amount of water is heated until completely dissolved.
  5. The cream is whipped with sand to stable peaks and combined with the cheese. Gelatin is poured into the resulting cream. All ingredients are mixed well. Berry pieces are also poured in there.
  6. The creamy-strawberry mixture is placed on a cookie base. It must stand for 10-12 minutes in the freezer.
  7. Gelatin with juice is heated until completely dissolved.
  8. The base of the cake is covered with slices of berries left for decoration. A thin layer of jelly is poured on top. The form is again put into the freezer for a few minutes. This will prevent the berries from floating out in the next step.
  9. The remaining jelly is poured over the dessert.
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(that is, in the dark) before serving .

No-bake cheesecake with mint and shortcrust pastry base

The freshest mint makes the smell of the treat the most catchy. Ingredients: 190 g cream cheese, a pinch of vanillin, small. a spoonful of gelatin, 4 huge spoons of granulated sugar, 220 g of fresh strawberries, a few mint leaves, a bar of snow-white chocolate, 30 ml of cream, half a stick of butter, 275 g of shortbread cookies.

  1. Strawberries are whipped with sugar into puree. Melt gelatin in a small amount of water (ordinary water) is poured over the berries.
  2. The chocolate is finely broken and mixed with cream. Next, the ingredients are whipped. Vanillin and cheese are also added there during the process. The cream should stand on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. The cookies crumble and combine with the watery butter. The prepared base is placed into molds. Cream with chocolate is poured on top in portions and the outermost layer is berry mass.

The dessert is decorated with mint and placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator until it hardens.

Cooking in a slow cooker

With a “smart pan” it will be even easier to prepare a delicacy. Ingredients: 160 g of cookies, half a stick of butter, 430 g of mascarpone and the same amount of strawberries, 2 pcs. selected eggs, 60 g of sand (sugar), a large spoon of gelatin, half a glass of filtered, not cool water.

  1. Cookies crushed with a blender are poured with watery oil. The mass is kneaded by hand and placed in a device container covered with paper (special parchment for baking).
  2. Cream cheese is whipped with sand and eggs. Half of the finely chopped strawberries are poured in there.
  3. The creamy mixture is poured onto the base. The treat is baked in a suitable mode for 50 minutes.
  4. The remaining strawberries are crushed with a blender and combined with gelatin diluted in water. The resulting mass is poured over the finished, slightly cooled baked goods.
  5. The dessert will sit in the refrigerator for another couple of hours.

It’s great to decorate the resulting baked goods with blueberries.

Cheesecake with strawberries without baking

Strawberries are my most favorite berry, I am looking forward to the season of fragrant and sweet strawberries to create this excellent cake and amuse myself and my loved ones. Cheesecake captivates with its beauty and ease of making. And the most important thing is that you can put bananas, raspberries, kiwi, etc. on the cheesecake, but... strawberry - there is strawberry)

Ingredients for No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake:


  • Cookies (shortbread) – 400 g
  • Butter (melt) - 115 g
  • Milk - 50 g
  • Vanilla sugar (it contains 10 grams, I use vanilla sugar, which is not bitter, and you can dump it all out) - 1 packet.
  • Sugar (for sweet lovers) - 20 g


  • Cottage cheese (plain or mascarpone (if you can spend a little more money) - 300 g
  • Sour cream (20%) – 300 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Vanilla sugar (it contains 10 grams, I use vanilla sugar, which is not bitter, and you can dump it all out) - 1 packet.
  • Gelatin – 25 g


  • Strawberries (beautiful, fragrant, sweet) - 400 g
  • Jelly (strawberry/cherry) - 1 pack.

Production time: 60 minutes

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
4687.1 kcal
121.1 g
210.4 g
584.6 g
100 g dish
234.4 kcal
6.1 g
10.5 g
29.2 g

Recipe for “No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake”:

1. First, pour 100 ml of boiling water over the gelatin and mix thoroughly, let it cool.
(NOTE: try to create everything quickly so that the gelatin does not have time to harden, stir it from time to time, otherwise there will be lumps) 2. Do the same with a bag of jelly, 250 ml boiling water
3. Grind the cookies well in a blender (so that no pieces, and not into powder), dump these cookies into a bowl, add butter, milk, vanilla sugar, and mix it all thoroughly.
Place the finished dough into the mold, level it and compact it well. Place the dough in the mold in the refrigerator. 4. Pour cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar into a blender and whisk everything with a WISH so that there are no lumps of cottage cheese and sugar left, later pour gelatin into it, stir again.
Remove the mold from the refrigerator and pour the mixture over the dough, level the mixture and put it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes (only the surface in the freezer must be even so that the inside freezes evenly!), if the mixture has set a little, then you can lay out the strawberries (to didn’t fail) 5. Wash the strawberries, tear off the stems, and cut the strawberries into thin slices.
Place the strawberries on top of the curd mixture and use a spoon to pour a THIN LAYER of strawberry jelly between the strawberries so that they do not float out. Place in the freezer for 5 minutes and then pour in the remaining jelly. 6. Place the finished cheesecake in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
7. When you remove the cheesecake from the mold, go around the sides with a sharp, narrow knife first so as not to tear the cheesecake.

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The taste is wonderful, and the berries and jelly can be different.) Bon appetit.

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Photo “Cheesecake with strawberries without baking” from those who made it (2)

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March 14, 2018 Sovenok-20 #

August 8, 2017 Hanna21 #

September 11, 2015 Yulia Burlakova #

September 11, 2015 Katrine_Lou # (recipe creator)

I did the same thing, just diluted gelatin in milk.

September 11, 2015 Yulia Burlakova #

September 11, 2015 Katrine_Lou # (recipe creator)

September 10, 2015 Anyuta Litvin #

September 11, 2015 Katrine_Lou # (recipe creator)

Looks like I got something mixed up with the gelatin,

September 11, 2015 Anyuta Litvin #

September 10, 2015 qwerrty121 #

Pour cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar into a blender and beat everything with a BLOWER

September 10, 2015 Arda #

September 10, 2015 qwerrty121 #

September 10, 2015 Arda #

September 11, 2015 Katrine_Lou # (recipe creator)

Well, if a person made this pie himself, he wouldn’t write it like that))
here’s also vanilla sugar - how much is 1 packet in it? .

September 11, 2015 Zhuzha-48 #

September 11, 2015 Katrine_Lou # (recipe creator)

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Strawberry cheesecake

Strawberry cheesecake is the smell of summer to me. By the way, the strawberry season is in full swing, and how can you not take advantage of this, because you can prepare various desserts from the fragrant berries.


So, I propose to prepare a special cheesecake with strawberries, which will amuse you with its tender texture and ease of preparation.

Pamper your guests and family with an unusual seasonal dessert. Let's start by making the base. For this we need cookies and butter. Place the cookies in a bag and use a rolling pin to crush them into small crumbs. You can also grind it in a blender. In fact, the most important thing is to get such a crumb.

Add softened butter to the crumbs and mix well. Then pour in the flour and mix well again. Now place the crumbs in a pan lined with parchment paper. We compact the crumbs perfectly; by the way, it’s easy to do with a spoon. Essentially, you need to create a dense layer.

Place the mold in the refrigerator for 20 minutes while we create the cheese layer. For this we need eggs, cream and sugar. Break the eggs into a container, pour in the sugar and beat well with a mixer to get a fluffy mass.

Then we add starch, it is better to use corn starch, you can change it to potato starch or use flour altogether. Now we add cream, by the way, I have homemade cream, you can exchange it for sour cream or milk. And now the main ingredient is cheese, I have mascarpone, you can use any curd cheese that suits your taste. By the way, I understand how to create such cheese at home. Beat the mixture well with a mixer so that it comes out smooth and homogeneous.

Take the pan out of the refrigerator and spread the curd mixture onto the crust.,

to place in the oven for 1.5 hours at 175 degrees.

We decorate the finished cheesecake with berries, for me these are seasonal strawberries, by the way, you can exchange them for any favorite berries or fruits.

Pour jelly on top of the cheesecake.

In fact, for the jelly layer we will need cake jelly. Add sugar to it and fill it with water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Now carefully pour in the berries. By the way, I feel comfortable doing this with a spoon, so all the berries stay in their place. Place the cake in the refrigerator for two hours so that the jelly hardens perfectly.

Remove the cheesecake from the pan and you are ready to serve.

Tender, evenly sweet, with a pleasant sourness, strawberry cheesecake will not leave anyone indifferent.

Strawberry cheesecake

Cheesecake in a glass without baking

Using this recipe, we suggest preparing a frisky version of cheesecake that does not require baking. This dessert looks very beautiful. You can use any kind of cookies, the only important thing is that they are crumbly and you like them personally. The fat content of cottage cheese can be selected based on taste and dietary considerations. Or you can completely use traditional Philadelphia. You see, the variability of the composition allows you to play with the components and get your own personal ideal dessert.

No-bake ricotta cheesecake

Making this version of cheesecake is quite simple. The longest and most difficult thing is to wait until it hardens in the refrigerator. Ricotta gives the appropriate tenderness and soft creamy taste, and the crispy cookie crust further emphasizes this. Juicy, colorful strawberries are perfect for decoration.

Cheesecake in a glass

We offer you a recipe for a quick-to-make cheesecake in a glass. For the base of the cheesecake, we will use a regular sponge cake, and stabilize the creamy filling with gelatin, because we will have a cheesecake without baking. As a result, we will get a tasty and catchy strawberry dessert with an unusual presentation form.

No-bake cheesecake with cottage cheese

Cheesecake with cottage cheese can be prepared without baking it, but the curd mass must be stabilized with gelatin. The dessert comes out huge, tender and fragrant; on top we decorate it with a layer of strawberry jelly with pieces of berries.

Cheesecake at home

Long gone are the days when the beautiful taste of cheesecake could only be enjoyed in restaurants. Now almost all housewives prefer to prepare this most delicate dessert at home. To do this, you will only need a regular set of goods and a little time.

No-bake cheesecake with strawberries

The secret to the success of no-bake cheesecake with strawberries is its colorful design, pleasant smell and breathtakingly tender taste. And all this thanks to the main ingredient of the dessert: strawberries and cream cheese. Preparing such a dessert at home is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to correctly follow the step-by-step instructions presented in this recipe.

Cheesecake with frozen strawberries

Delicious strawberry cheesecake is unsurpassed when made with frozen strawberries. A light and fragrant dessert is not so difficult to prepare. If you don't have strawberries, then you can just use any other frozen berries and get the same good result. This dessert is prepared without baking and will be very appropriate in the summer.

No Bake Yogurt Cheesecake

Desserts made with yogurt are very popular in the summer, when you crave something fresh and chilled. In addition, they turn out to be very light, try, for example, yogurt cheesecake.

Cheesecake with mascarpone and strawberries

The mixture of cheesecake can resemble a casserole or a soufflé, it depends on the ingredients you use. One of the most delicious recipes for this dessert is Mascarpone cheesecake with strawberries.

No-bake cheesecake with sour cream

No-bake cheesecake with sour cream is the most delicious curd dessert. Cheesecake turns out to be quite high in calories due to the use of a huge amount of butter and homemade cottage cheese, but from time to time it’s worth treating yourself. Children really adore this dessert.

Cottage cheese cheesecake with shortcrust pastry

Cheesecake is a tender dessert with curd or cheese inside. The dessert is often served on a biscuit base or a base made from shortbread. I suggest making cottage cheese cheesecake with shortcrust pastry.

Cheesecake made from cottage cheese with gelatin with baked goods

To prepare the most delicate cheesecake from cottage cheese with gelatin, you first need to prepare a biscuit base. The curd and cream base of the dessert comes out airy with an impeccable combination of bananas and strawberries. The cheesecake turns out to be quite high in calories, but very tasty.

Cheesecake with strawberries

Cheesecake with strawberries is a catchy, wonderful and very tasty dessert that can be served on a festive table or prepared on an ordinary day. The shortbread mixes perfectly with the tender curd and creamy interior. The cheesecake comes out moderately sweet and fragrant.

New York cheesecake with strawberries

The most delicate curd cheesecake with fragrant strawberries is a dessert that no one remains indifferent to. The dish is perfect for special occasions and tea drinking in pleasant company.

Cheesecake with mascarpone without cream

In order to prepare the most delicious dessert and pleasantly surprise guests and household members, you don’t even have to turn on the oven. Cheesecake with mascarpone without cream is prepared without baking, but what a delicious cake it turns out to be! Be sure to try it, your family will be ecstatic!

Cheesecake with mascarpone and cream

According to the proposed recipe, you can prepare a cheesecake with mascarpone and cream, which will have the texture of a soufflé, but at the same time it will have a rich taste and satiety. To prevent the cheesecake from cracking, beat the cream base for it with a fork or whisk and cook at low temperature or in a water bath so that the top layer is not damaged. Serve this dessert with sweet and sour berries such as strawberries, currants or raspberries.

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