Compotes from reddish rowan for the winter; fragrant and necessary drink

Compotes from reddish rowan for the winter - a fragrant and necessary drink

Main page » Fruits and berries » Compotes from reddish rowan for the winter - a fragrant and necessary drink

I like to pick this berry late in the fall, when virtually all the leaves on the trees have fallen. In the old days, rowan berries were picked only after the first frost, so that the product would not become bitter. At the moment, due to the configuration of the atmospheric climate, cold weather is arriving much later. Therefore, I immediately tear off the collected fruit from the stalks and send it to the freezer.

Regular preparation option

If time permits, I immediately sort through the collected berries, tear off the branches and wash them. Most of all I like to make compotes from the “Tenderness” variety; this reddish rowan has large, juicy berries with a rich aroma.

  • 1 kg of cooked berries;
  • 3 l. drinking water, filtered or spring;
  • 600 gr. sweet sand.
  1. Pour boiling water over the rowan for a couple of minutes, cover tightly with a lid.
  2. Place the berries in a sieve and plunge into ice water. This procedure will help preserve the color of the fruit and remove wormwood bitterness from the freshest rowan. If frozen berries are used, no preparatory blanching is required.
  3. Carefully wash the liter containers and sterilize them in the oven.
  4. Pour berries up to half the size into a still hot container.
  5. We make syrup from water and sugar, pour it into filled containers. Cover the jars with compote with lids and let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Again we put the syrup on the fire, pouring it into the pan using a nylon plug with holes.
  7. Fill the jars with berries to the top with the bubbling substance and immediately roll them up.
  8. We turn the twists upside down, wrap them warmly on all sides with unnecessary winter clothes or an old blanket.

After 12 hours, we put the reddish rowan compote into the cellar or basement.

Fundamentally! Such preparations must not be stored at room temperature or in direct sunlight!

Compote of reddish rowan with pears

A very interesting combination comes out if you send fruits with the appropriate smell to accompany the berries. On my plot there is a tree of a winter variety, I won’t tell you the name, because I got it “by inheritance”. I collect the fruit in the autumn, when the fruits are still hard. But as soon as they lie in a warm place for a day or two, a truly fabulous smell spreads throughout the house!

  • 4.5 liters of drinking water;
  • 1 liter jar of reddish rowan berries;
  • 12 tbsp. l. sweet sand;
  • 5 tsp. citric acid;
  • 3-4 huge pears of late species.
  1. We wash the frozen berries and put them in a huge saucepan. If we use fresh raw materials, be sure to blanch them in advance, as indicated in the first recipe.
  2. We cut the washed and dried fruits into small slices and send them to the company with the berries.
  3. Add sugar and citric acid, fill with water.
  4. Place on heat, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved and cover with a lid.
  5. While the drink is brewing, we sterilize the jars and lids using any convenient method.
  6. As soon as the rowan compote boils, turn down the heat.
  7. After 10-15 minutes, pour the finished drink into a hot container and immediately roll it up.
  8. We turn the twists upside down onto a thick, old blanket, wrap them well on all sides.

We put it away for storage when the jars of compote have cooled down one hundred percent.

Compote of reddish rowan with sterilization

This drink will have to be brewed a little longer. It is often closed by my aunt, who lives in a five-story Russian standard building. She doesn’t have a cellar, but the preparation feels amazing in the pantry arranged on the loggia.

For 1 liter of finished drink we will need:

  • 200-300 gr. burgundy berries;
  • about 700 ml of drinking water;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sweet sand.
  1. Place the washed, frozen rowan into unstained jars.
  2. Add sugar here. For those with a sweet tooth, I advise you to double the amount of food supplement.
  3. Fill all containers with clean, cool water.
  4. Place a thick towel on the bottom of a large saucepan.
  5. Cover the jars with metal lids and place them in a container for sterilization.
  6. Fill the prepared system with tap water so that it covers the seams up to the shoulders.
  7. Place the container on the stove and turn on the burner at full power.
  8. As the water around the canned food begins to gurgle slightly, reduce the heat to low.
  9. The compote with rowan berries should be sterilized for at least 20 minutes from the moment the water boils in the sterilizer. The color of the drink serves as a guide; in the finished product it becomes bright ruby.
  10. We take the jars out of the hot water and immediately roll them up.

Such blanks do not need to be wrapped in an old blanket; they can be immediately taken out for storage.

Compote of reddish rowan for the winter: prepare it, you won’t regret it

Reddish rowan is known for its medicinal qualities, but due to its bitter taste, it is occasionally used for culinary purposes. But experienced housewives are convinced that it is possible to create tasty preparations from the berries given to us; you just need to know a few secrets of their production. Drinks made from these fruits, for example, tinctures, are especially tasty. Reddish rowan compote can also be prepared for the winter, and you probably won’t regret spending the time on this.

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Individual manufacturing

  • Reddish rowan has a bitter taste. Before making drinks from it, it must be freed from bitterness. This can be done in several ways. The most common, but not very effective, is long soaking with repeated changes of water to clean water. Method 2 – short-term cooking of berries. Under the influence of high temperatures, the substance that gives rowan bitterness is destroyed, but along with it, useful substances are also destroyed, including ascorbic acid. The 3rd method is more effective and harmless. It involves freezing rowan berries. Cold destroys intercellular membranes, resulting in the release of enzymes that can convert the bitter acid contained in rowan into slightly acidic. By keeping the rowan for several days in the freezer, you will make sure that it is no longer very bitter and has become significantly sweeter.
  • If you collect rowan after the first frost has struck, it will not have a pronounced bitter taste. But if you are lazy, you may not have time to get the entire harvest, because you will have to fight with the birds for it.
  • Reddish rowan fruit compote will have the most harmonious taste if the least tart and most sweet fruits are added to the main ingredient. Most often, this drink is served with apples or pears.
  • Jars for rowan compote need to be washed with soda and sterilized. You can avoid preparatory sterilization of cans only in this case if they are already sterilized with the drink.
  • Lids also require sterilization. For this purpose, they must be boiled.
  • The compote must be closed with metal lids. providing density. Plastic lids will not serve this purpose for us. Iron lids can be used in any configuration, as long as they fit the jars and are not warped.

Rowan compote should be stored at a temperature no higher than 18-20 degrees. It is important to protect the drink from light, otherwise its organoleptic properties may not change for the better. The short shelf life of a rowan drink closed for the winter is 12 months, but only if the storage conditions are met.

Traditional recipe for reddish rowan compote

Composition (per 0.5 l):

  • rowan – 100 g;
  • sugar – 100-150 g;
  • water – 0.35-0.4 l.
  • Sort the rowan, rinse, and allow the berries to dry. They will dry much faster if you dump them on a towel, because the material will absorb excess liquid.
  • Place the fruits in a bag and put them in the freezer for 2-3 days.
  • Allow the berries to thaw naturally, rinse them with warm water.
  • Carefully wash the jars and scatter rowan berries over them.
  • Pour sweet sand into jars of berries.
  • Boil water and pour into jars. To prevent the glass from cracking due to sudden temperature changes, place the blade of a knife under the container.
  • Cover the jars with unstained lids until you screw them on.
  • Place a towel in a clean pan and place jars of rowan berries on it. Pour water into the pan so that its level reaches the hangers of the cans. Bring the water to a boil over low heat. Sterilize the jars in a water bath for 20 minutes. If your jars are larger than 0.5 liters, the sterilization time must be increased accordingly.
  • Carefully remove the jars of rowan compote from the pan, roll them up, turn them over and cover with a warm blanket. While cooling in a steam bath, canned food undergoes additional sterilization, which increases its resistance to unfavorable storage conditions.

The next day, the jars can be returned to their normal position and stored in any cold space protected from light. It is not necessary to sterilize jars of compote in a water bath. This can also be created in the oven, preheated to 120-130 degrees. This will not change the sterilization time.

The usual recipe for rowan compote without sterilization

Composition (per 1 l):

  • reddish rowan – 0.3 kg;
  • sugar – 0.25 kg;
  • water - how much will go.
  • Boil water in a saucepan. Place the sorted and washed rowan berries in a colander, dip it in boiling water, and keep in it for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse the berries with cool water and allow them to drain. Dry the rowan by scattering it on a towel.
  • Sterilize the jars. Pour into their rowan.
  • Boil water, pour boiling water over the berries. Cover the jars and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the rowan infusion into a saucepan. This can be conveniently created through a special lid with a spout and holes.
  • Add sweet sand to the berry infusion. Bring the syrup to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, then pour it over the rowan berries in the jars.
  • Seal the jars tightly with previously boiled lids. Turn them over, wrap them up, and leave them like that for a day.

Rowan compote made according to the given recipe comes out concentrated. Before use, it is recommended to dilute it with filtered or boiled water, depending on your own taste.

Rowan compote with apples and sloe

  • reddish rowan – 160 g;
  • sloe – 0.2 kg;
  • apples – 0.3-0.4 kg;
  • sugar – 0.25 kg;
  • water - how much will go.
  • Sort the rowan, blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, pour into a pre-sterilized jar.
  • Place the thorns in a colander, place them in boiling water, keep in it for 5 minutes, then add to the rowan berries.
  • Wash the apples, cut into large slices, place on rowan and thorns.
  • Boil water, pour in assorted fruits and berries. Leave for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the infusion from the jar into a saucepan, mix with sugar, and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the hot syrup into a jar with apples, thorns and reddish rowan berries. Roll it up. Turn the jar over, cover with something warm and leave to cool in a steam bath.
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Compote prepared from reddish rowan with apples and sloe according to this recipe has a balanced taste with a pleasant tartness. You can drink it without diluting it. You can store the drink in an unheated pantry, basement, or other not very warm and bright room.

Rowan dishes, Compotes

Drink recipes → Compotes

Rowan dishes

Chokeberry berries should be collected after the first frost, as at this time they achieve the fullness of their taste properties and the necessary parameters. Read our recipe for how to make chokeberry compote.

Recipe for preserving apple and chokeberry compote for the winter. Apple compote with chokeberry turns out healthy, rich in vitamins, has a beautiful rich color and a pleasant taste.

When it comes to chokeberry recipes, almost everyone thinks only of tincture or wine. We suggest that you prepare chokeberry compote for the winter. Let’s dilute the slightly astringent rowan taste with ripe plums.

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How to prepare rowan compote for the winter: ordinary recipes with reddish and black berries

Every autumn, bunches of rowan berries attract everyone's attention not only with their beauty. In addition to the cheerful color, the fruits contain a large amount of essential substances and vitamins. Almost everyone does not consider the berry as a base for preparations for the winter, considering it to be bitter. But in vain, because creating it suitable for consumption is very simple. You can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from orange, burgundy and dark fruits. You can really make rowan compote a hit on the winter table by following a few tips and using a combination of the most ordinary goods.

Ripe rowan berries themselves become sweeter while still on the branches and lose most of their astringency after they are touched by the first frost. Therefore, the berries are collected for processing no earlier than the weather gets colder. The reddish varieties of Nevezhinskaya rowan are the most sugary; they have the least bitterness. If the decision is made to store the berries fresh, then they are removed from the trees in September in whole bunches.

Several techniques to improve the taste of fruits:

  1. 1. Negative temperature. If the rowan tree did not survive the cold weather on the branches, it is placed in the freezer for several days. After defrosting, the pulp softens and the bitterness goes away.
  2. 2. Soaking. The freshest berries are poured with cool water for 24 hours, changing the pouring at least 4 times during this period of time. You can add a little soda to the first tab.
  3. 3. Blanching. Before preparing dishes from reddish or dark rowan, the fruits are boiled in a small amount of salted water for 2–3 minutes, after which they are carefully rinsed.

By using one of the listed techniques or combining them with each other, you can free the berries from astringency, while maintaining its specific taste and beneficial characteristics.

Rowan contains disinfectants, tannins and fruit acids, which prevent microbes and fungi from multiplying. For the best preservation of preparations for the winter, several reddish rowan berries are specially added to them.

Citric acid perfectly softens the taste and eliminates astringency. In all recipes for chokeberry or reddish rowan, it is permissible to add citrus fruits or citric acid in powder.

Berry compote is prepared using several methods. You can also preserve it for long-term storage at home in different ways.

  • Black rowan jam for the winter - recipes from ordinary to unique
  • Currant compote - ordinary recipes for the winter
  • Pear compote - the most delicious and simple recipes for preparing for the winter

The highest vitamin content describes the value of orange berries. We really want to preserve the beneficial characteristics, which is why compotes from rowan are most often not boiled, but prepared by pouring and sterilizing.

For compote, juicy large berries without stains or damage are selected; unripe specimens are also rejected - they will be bitter. The following products are useful for making one liter jar:

  • reddish rowan berries - 300 g;
  • sweet sand - 150 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife.

The amount of sugar in any recipe is changed arbitrarily depending on the initial sweetness of the raw materials and the desired taste of the finished product. Instead of powdered acid, you can add several slices of unpeeled orange or lemon to the berries and process them together. The zest will add extra flavor to the drink.

Manufacturing and canning process:

  1. 1. Blanched berries are placed in a prepared sterile jar.
  2. 2. Separately boiled syrup from water and sugar is poured bubbling into a container with fruits.
  3. 3. Leave the workpiece for 10 to 15 minutes and pour all the liquid back into the cooking vessel.
  4. 4. Bring the syrup to a boil, heat for a couple of minutes and repeat filling the jars.
  5. 5. Using boiled lids, tightly seal the containers with compote, turn them over and leave to cool.

To continue sterilization, the finished products are cooled slowly; for this, hot jars are wrapped warmly and transferred to a constant space only every other day.

There is another very common and fast method of preparing a healthy drink. It is most convenient to use small-capacity jars for such canning: 0.5 or 1 liter.

Approximate bookmark ratio:

  • 0.5 kg of rowan;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Clean, dried berries are poured into jars. The usual rule for compotes is to fill the container 1/3 of the size with fruits. Add sugar at the rate of 100–150 g per half-liter container. Pour boiling water over the rowan to the brim and cover with lids.

Place the pieces in the oven and slowly heat them to 120 °C. After 20 minutes of processing, the jars must be carefully pulled out, rolled up tightly without lifting the lids, and cooled.

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is also often used for drinks. The combination of dark and burgundy fruits enriches the smell of the finished dish and gives it a fascinating color. This compote has no equal in terms of the amount of vitamins, and you can combine the berries as you wish.

To make it, take a kilogram of reddish rowan and chokeberry fruits. Half a kilogram of sugar per 1 liter of water will be used for syrup. A few thin slices of lemon per jar will make the taste of the drink brighter and sharper.

The berries can be mixed immediately after sorting and processed identically. Upcoming compote production:

  1. 1. The washed fruits are blanched and placed in sterile jars.
  2. 2. Add lemon, tangerine or orange slices.
  3. 3. Boil the syrup in a separate bowl and fill the jars with it up to the neck.
  4. 4. Cover the vessels with the drink with lids and place them in a huge pan for sterilization.

Pasteurization of liter containers takes about 20 minutes, and 3-liter cylinders at least half an hour. After heat treatment, the jars are immediately sealed. The color and taste of the compote develops evenly; the drink is infused one hundred percent for several weeks. The finished drink has a rich ruby ​​color.

The traditional combination for a winter vitamin drink is rowan with apples. The specific rowan taste in this recipe is softened and acquires additional color. Fruits for laying are taken in equal quantities. To make syrup, add 1 liter of water to 1 kg of sweet sand and bring the mixture to a boil. Depending on the sweetness of the apples, up to 5 g of citric acid is added to the syrup.

The apples are washed and cut into slices of random sizes in advance. The core with seeds should be removed. The skin of the fruit is not cut off. Rowan is prepared in the standard way: blanched, soaked or frozen.

The fruit and berry mixture is poured into jars up to a third of their size and filled with bubbling syrup. After this, the workpieces need to be sterilized by any method. It is important to heat the drink in containers covered with lids for at least the required time. For preparations with the freshest apples, this period ranges from 20 minutes for half-liter containers to 45 minutes for three-liter jars.

After sterilization and sealing the lids, the compote can be stored in a cool, dark place at home.

Reddish berries for drinks can be filled with more than just water. Compote made with pure apple juice or its consistency with syrup has excellent taste.

Drink making process:

  1. 1. The prepared berries are poured into jars and poured with hot juice.
  2. 2. When the apples are quite sweet, you don’t need to add sugar. If the juice seems sour, dilute it with concentrated syrup, prepared as for jam (1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water).
  3. 3. Covering the neck of each vessel with a lid, sterilize the workpieces in a water bath. For a liter jar, 15 minutes of processing is enough.

Seal the containers using a can opener, turn the bottom upside down and cover until completely cool. Such compote can be stored without any special conditions. It will last in a cellar or cold pantry for about a year.

Watch the video for another method of preparing a drink from rowan berries and apples with the addition of orange slices.

A necessary and beautiful berry in experienced hands can transform into a unique delicacy. Almost everyone likes the specific taste of rowan compote and helps maintain immunity in the cool season. You should definitely try out several preparation options and find your own usual recipe for health.

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