Squid cutlets

Squid cutlets

A collection of squid cutlet recipes with step-by-step photos and instructions. Naturally, it’s a pity for squid (because it’s not cheap), but their cutlets are just fire!

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Squid cutlet recipes


Squid – 400 g

Potatoes – 200 g

Onions – 80 g

Garlic – 1 clove

Vegetable oil for frying - to taste

Chicken egg – 1 pc.

Wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.

Ground black pepper - to taste


Squid – 300 g

Dry bun – 100 g

Onions – 1 pc.

Breadcrumbs – 100 g

Pepper, h.m. - taste

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Old Kamchatka recipe for squid cutlets

Squid cutlets. Review of the final result

The impetus for restoring the recipe came from an accident, as usually happens in life.

We're going for a day trip to the Institute area, behind Old Peterhof. Along the way there is a sign with a funny inscription “Construction base “U Gavrilych”: fish, seafood.” We laughed, but on the way back we decided to turn around, out of sporting enthusiasm. We stopped by – literally. Workshop (or healthy hangar). In this workshop there is a corner fenced off, there are three twenty-ton tanks - from where the desired delicacies are taken out. Later you go pay the girl in the sales department and take what you have chosen from the expensive one. Small wholesale, less than 3-4 kg cannot be purchased at once. But I see that the product is from Kamchatka and Sakhalin, with tags from fish factories, and it looks good. Fine. We purchased a block of pollock fillet from the Kamchatka Okeanrybprom and the freshest hearty squid - a 4-kg briquette. Four kilos of high-quality squid is a lot for a salad. We divided the briquette into three and thawed this third part.

It was decided to create squid cutlets - and at the same time try to get closer to the 1983 sample from the Ocean store on the street. Tushkanov in Petropavlovsk, which we consumed with great pleasure during the Ona era ( which, in turn, is undeservedly scolded by today's advanced school kids - out of ignorance and the dominance of modern garbage propaganda on this topic ). I rummaged through the bottom of the barrel and remembered where the ancient Russian meat grinder lay - which had probably already fallen into a lethargic sleep after 16 years of non-use.

Found. I washed and sharpened the knives to full combat readiness - I remembered my abilities. Well, off I went!

After two corrections right in the process (test specimens were fried), pitfalls were identified during the formation of minced cutlets. In the end, it turned out very tasty, and I think, completely authentic with the Russian recipe! Fish restaurants nervously smoke on the sidelines. A special prize: when I found a meat grinder on the mezzanine, I also found an old Kamchatka calendar from 2000

Below is the restored recipe, taking into account the corrections.

a) approximately 1 kg of squid, preferably whole carcasses
b) 200 g of snow-white loaf
c) milk for soaking the loaf
d) 1 onion, 1-2 garlic cloves, spices
e) 1 egg

2. The clam has thawed. We can start.

3. Boil the squid in boiling water.
Even more precisely, we scald it - better approx. 2 minutes, not more (since the minced shellfish will still undergo processing).

4. Clean, then pass the squid carcasses through a meat grinder into the minced meat.
Onions, garlic soaked in milk and well-pressed snow-white bread are also ground into minced meat. You can add spices, but very carefully so as not to interrupt the gentle squid taste.

5. Everything is painstakingly mixed. This is what comes out as minced cutlets. We break 1 egg there for the best bonding. It is not necessary to grind it twice (as they say on the Internet) - otherwise the mass comes out very small and the “squid” texture disappears.

6. Form cutlets, fry over low heat on both sides, turning them only once (after the first side is ready). This is approximately 2.5 - 3 minutes per side. There is no need to rush to pour out the milk in which the loaf was soaked - it is comfortable to wash and rinse your hands in it when shaping the cutlets.

Breaded or not - at your discretion. We didn’t, following the Russian recipe from “Okean”.

7. Bingo! Everything is ready, you can start eating

Underwater pebbles
a) do not digest the shellfish!
Otherwise it will be rubbery and tasteless! b) do not fry over medium heat - only on low, otherwise the fried cutlets will fall apart right on the stove
c) if there is less white bread than 18-20% of the pure mass of squid - the cutlets will also fall apart
d) twist only after the bottom side is fully cooked (approximately 2.5 minutes) – fall apart differently

How to use?
a) hot with a side dish, of course,
b) but even cooler and tastier - cool. The result is a super-elite snack with a unique, tender taste.

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How to cook squid cutlets: a very tasty recipe with photos

Typically, pork and beef, poultry, freshwater and sea fish are used for similar dishes. But here you will learn how to cook squid cutlets - the recipes with photos are very tasty and easy. Choose what you like best and don’t be shy to show off your culinary capabilities.

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Homemade squid cutlets according to grandma's recipe with photos

Production time : 50 minutes

Number of servings: 4

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​151.9 kcal;
  • proteins – 18.7 g;
  • fats – 3.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.6 g.


  • squid – 400 g;
  • medium onion – 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • dietary snow-white bun – 50 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • ground black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • breadcrumbs – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed.

Step-by-step production

  1. Take a diet bun (you can replace it with a snow-white loaf or bread), cut off the crust, crumble it into a deep bowl and pour in half a glass of water. The baked goods must be at least yesterday's baked goods, because the freshest products may leave lumps, and it is also more difficult to knead.
  2. While the loaf is swelling, peel a medium-sized onion and divide into 4 parts.
  3. Cut the squid carcasses into small pieces. Squeeze the bread from the water.
  4. Pass the squid with clean skin, onion and squeezed bun through a meat grinder with a small net, preferably in the order given to us. The bread will collect the meat remaining in the loading sector, under the auger and on the knives.
  5. Break the egg, separate the white, and add the yolk to the minced meat. Add half a teaspoon of pepper and salt to taste.
  6. Beat the remaining protein with a whisk until foamy, add it there and stir well - the cutlets will turn out to be the most tender. If the minced meat turns out to be very rare, you can add a spoonful of breadcrumbs. Place the finished semi-finished product in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Place the frying pan on the stove until it gets hot, and pour in sunflower or olive oil until it covers the bottom.
  8. Break an egg into one plate and mix the white with the yolk for batter; pour breadcrumbs into another.
  9. With wet hands, form medium-sized cutlets, dip them in the egg, then bread them and place them in a hot frying pan. Fry over moderate heat until golden brown on each side.
  10. Serve hot with sauces or ketchup of your choice. Potatoes baked with onions, fried or mashed are a good side dish for squid cutlets.

This is curious : the species that people eat belongs to the order of ten-armed cephalopods and has an average length of 25 to 50 cm. In cooking it is used for canning, stewing, drying, frying and boiling.

How to cook Kamchatka-style squid cutlets in the oven

Production time : 50 minutes

Number of servings: 4

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​146.5 kcal;
  • proteins – 16.5 g;
  • fats – 2.6 g;
  • carbohydrates – 14.4 g.


  • squid carcasses – 450 g;
  • snow-white stale bread – 100 g;
  • unboiled milk – ½ tbsp.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • medium onion – 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - as needed.

Step-by-step production

  1. First, cut a few slices of snow-white bread, remove the crust and pour milk to swell it. You can, of course, drink water, but this will somewhat reduce the taste.
  2. The squid carcass along with the tentacles must first be scalded with boiling water and cooled. Then remove the skin, wash under the tap and cut into pieces. Peel the onion and divide into four parts, and drain the excess milk (that has not been absorbed) from the bread.
  3. Start making minced meat: pass the squid pieces through a meat grinder with a small net, then the onion and finally the soaked bread. Everything that remains in the boot sector can also be added to the total mass. Stir the ingredients and place in the refrigerator for about half an hour.
  4. When the minced meat has settled, break an egg into it, add 1-2 pinches of ground pepper, salt and stir. Depending on the mixture, add 1-2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs and stir again. The mass should be viscous so that the cutlets do not fall apart.
  5. Preheat the oven by setting the thermostat to 180°C. Meanwhile, grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, wet your hands, form cutlets and arrange them so that they do not touch (do not stick together during baking).
  6. Place the baking sheet in a hot oven without changing the temperature, and set the timer for 25 minutes.
  7. You can serve with porridge, mashed potatoes and peas, noodles and pasta. Use sauces and ketchups as seasonings, but the best thing is fresh or canned vegetables.

Advice : to create high-quality squid cutlets, follow the basic condition when purchasing - pay attention to the condition of the carcass. It must be dense, elastic and not clear of skin. Otherwise, the seafood almost always turns out to be stale.

Very tasty recipe with sauce

Production time : 1 hour 10 minutes

Number of servings: 6

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​304.4 kcal;
  • proteins – 20.4 g;
  • fats – 21.7 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.9 g.


  • squid fillet – 650 g;
  • medium potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • onion (large head) – 1 pc.;
  • bacon (preferably pork) – 100 g;
  • dried dill – 1 tbsp;
  • sesame – 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g.
  • mayonnaise (preferably homemade) – 4 tbsp;
  • natural yogurt – 2 tbsp;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • dried dill – 1 tbsp;
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step production

  1. To create squid cutlets, you first need to work on the carcass. To do this, gut all the insides, and then pour boiling water over the clam. Then cool under running cool water and remove the skin - it will be very simple. Cut the clam into pieces.
  2. Bake in the oven or boil two potatoes in their skins. Cool and remove skin.
  3. Take bacon, cut it into strips and fry in vegetable oil. At moderate heat, 5 minutes is enough. While it cools, peel and cut a large onion into 4 pieces.
  4. Grind all these ingredients: squid, potatoes, bacon and onions, beat in the eggs and add a spoonful of dill. Stir thoroughly.
  5. Wet your hands with cool water, form cutlets of a suitable size for you and bread them in sesame seeds.
  6. Fry them in a previously heated frying pan until golden brown, first on one side, then on the other side.
  7. Start making the sauce. Mix mayonnaise, mustard, sour cream in a deep bowl, grate the cucumber there using a small mesh (you can use a blender), and add a spoonful of chopped dill. Add some salt and stir.
  8. Place the cooked cutlets on a plate and pour over the sauce. You can serve it either hot or cool.

Tip : fried and baked squid cutlets are best served with mashed potatoes or peas and sauce.

How to keep it juicy

  1. Before all this, it should be clear that cutlets made from squid tentacles are no different from similar products made from a carcass. The meat of this seafood is uniform in all parts. Due to the fact that there is virtually no fat cover, it is dry.
  2. The most common method of preserving juiciness is steaming the cutlets in a frying pan (or in a saucepan) under a lid or in the oven. Add 50-100 ml of water to the finished product. You can also stew them in a sauce prepared separately.
  3. Tenderness is achieved by adding onions to the minced meat - they are juicy, so it is better to use more of them, even exceeding the dose from time to time.
  4. And, in the end, you can add minced fatty fish pulp to the recipe for squid cutlets.
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Those who respect seafood will find these cutlets very tasty regardless of the heat treatment method. It is important to choose the sauce and side dish, because all people have different tastes, although you certainly understand the preferences of your own family.

Squid cutlets are the most frisky in the world! Recipes for squid cutlets: with cheese, pollock, chicken, crab sticks

Squid cutlets are a common, affordable and very spirited dish.

After all, frying products from this popular seafood only takes a couple of minutes.

Well, making minced meat takes quite a bit of time.

Shall we indulge in squid cutlets?

Squid cutlets - general manufacturing principles

The most delicious cutlets are made from chilled squid. They keep their shape perfectly, do not fall apart and retain all the juices. But if you have to eat frozen carcasses, it is better to thaw them in the refrigerator. Let it not be very fast. Cleaned carcasses are cut into pieces and turned into minced meat using a meat grinder.

What else is added to the cutlet mass:

• onions, garlic;

But these are not all possible supplement options. Often, cutlets are prepared with cereals, cheese, and the addition of fish or chicken. The products are breaded in flour or breadcrumbs. Then they are fried in a frying pan or baked in the oven.

How to Clean Squid in a Simple and Easy Way

For quick cleaning, the carcass is dipped in boiling water for a few seconds, then immediately in ice water. Remove the loose skin with your hands and rinse the squid with cool water. Using a knife, remove any remaining skin, if any. Then the carcass is placed on a cutting board and the vertebral cartilage - notochord - is removed.

Recipe 1: Simple squid cutlets

Recipe for simple squid cutlets, cooked with onions and spices. Prepared without eggs, fried in oil.


• crackers or flour.


1. Place the washed and cleaned squid carcasses on a cutting board and remove the vertebral arrow. Cut into pieces for twisting in a meat grinder.

2. Peel the onion and also cut into pieces.

3. We twist everything together. You can use a food processor if you don’t have a meat grinder.

4. Add salt and pepper. Knead. You can add other spices to taste; chopped dill mixes well with squid.

5. Wet your hands and form small cutlets. The size is not more than 100 grams. We give it any shape. You can create oval, droplet-shaped, or round products.

6. Bread in flour or crushed crackers.

7. Fry in a frying pan for three minutes on each side. After turning the products over, you can cover the dish with a lid. It is important not to overcook them, otherwise the cutlets may turn out dry.

Recipe 2: Fried squid cutlets with bread

Recipe for profitable squid cutlets, to which bread is added. It is better to eat stale snow-white bread. Fresh bread may become slimy after soaking.


• 0.8 kg squid;

• 250 grams of snow-white bread;

• 1 glass of milk or broth;

• 7 spoons of breadcrumbs;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• oil for frying.


1. Pour milk over the bread, having previously cut off all the crusts from it. Leave for 20 minutes. Instead of milk, you are allowed to use any broth or vegetable broth.

2. Prepare the squid carcasses using the usual method and cut them into pieces.

3. We also peel the onions and garlic, grind everything together with the squid in a meat grinder. Don't forget to twist the bread that has been squeezed out of the water.

4. Add an egg to the cutlet mass. Don't forget to add salt. You can flavor it with any seasonings to suit your own taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

5. All that remains is to form the cutlets. Size doesn't matter. Breaded in breadcrumbs.

6. Fry the products in oil on both sides until golden brown and you’re done!

Recipe 3: Squid cutlets in the oven with cheese

A recipe for unusual and very juicy squid cutlets, which are prepared in two steps. Hard cheese will be useful.

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• 0.7 kg squid;

• flour for breading;


1. Grind the squid with onions in a meat grinder twice. Add semolina, spices, egg, stir and let stand for 10 minutes while preparing other ingredients.

2. Chop a few sprigs of dill, cut the tomato into thin rings and grate the cheese with medium shavings.

3. Immediately turn on the oven at 220 and put the frying pan on the fire. Grease the baking dish with oil.

4. Form the minced meat into flat cutlets 8-10 cm in diameter. Dust them with flour and quickly fry in a frying pan for a minute on each side. Transfer to a form that... Previously oiled.

5. Place a tomato slice on each cutlet, sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven.

6. Bake for no more than 10 minutes, at the highest temperature this will be enough so that the cheese crust is slightly browned and the cutlets do not have time to dry out.

Recipe 4: Squid and rice cutlets

You can use any kind of rice for these cutlets. It tastes delicious with round grains, and great with long grains. You can take brown rice; a dish with it will also be healthy.


• 0.5 cups rice;


1. Wash the rice and cook until done. We make sure that the grains remain intact and the shape is not damaged. Place the rice in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Grind the squid and onion twice through a meat grinder.

3. Combine minced meat with rice, season with spices. Stir and add chicken egg.

4. Form small balls of 60-70 grams. Roll in breadcrumbs and flatten to 1.5 centimeters.

5. Heat the oil.

6. Place the cutlets and fry for three minutes on each side. We take it out and you can immediately send it to the table. Or pour in cream and simmer for another two minutes. Don't forget to add salt to the sauce.

Recipe 5: Squid and crab stick cutlets

Crab sticks mix well with squid and from these two products you can make very tasty and juicy cutlets.


• 0.4 kg squid;

• 2 spoons of sour cream;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;


1. Clean the squid carcasses, wash them and cut them into small cubes.

2. Add chopped crab sticks and chopped onion to them. The head must be chopped very finely, otherwise the pieces will crunch.

3. Add sour cream and starch. Beat in the eggs, add spices and stir. You should get a mass, like for pancakes. Let it sit for half an hour in the refrigerator.

4. Heat the oil, spoon the cutlets into it and fry until golden brown. These cutlets can be served as side dishes, for breakfast, or on sandwiches. It comes out tasty and a lot.

Recipe 6: Squid and fish cutlets (pollock)

Pollock fillet is also useful for making such squid cutlets. But you can take any other fish, including river fish. Or use already twisted minced meat.


• 0.4 kg of peeled squid;

• 0.4 kg pollock fillet;

• 4 pieces of bread;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• oil for frying.


1. Immediately fill the slices of bread with milk. Let them swell for now.

2. Peel the onion heads and cut into several pieces.

3. We also cut the pollock fillet and squid carcass into pieces.

4. We twist everything together in a meat grinder, do not forget about the peeled cloves of garlic and the soaked bread squeezed out of the milk.

5. Add salt and pepper to the cutlet mass. Stir and form into medium-sized round patties. Thickness is about 2 cm.

6. Roll the formed products in breadcrumbs.

7. Fry in a frying pan in hot oil for 3 minutes on one side. Then turn over, cover and cook under the lid for about 6 more minutes.

8. You can place raw cutlets in a mold, put a small piece of butter on top and bake in the oven. Approximately 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe 7: Squid and chicken cutlets

The recipe is for very unusual cutlets, for which (not counting squid) chicken is also useful. It is better to eat leg fillet along with the skin. It will be juicy and tender.


• 0.05 kg butter;

• crackers (you can use flour);

• oil for frying.


1. Immediately cut the butter into 5 gram cubes and place in the freezer.

2. Twist the chicken along with the chopped onions and peeled squid.

3. Pepper the cutlet mass, add salt, add eggs and semolina to it. Stir and let stand for a quarter of an hour so that the semolina swells.

4. Wet our hands, pinch off pieces of 70-80 grams and make small cutlets. This quantity will make about 10 pieces. Place a piece of previously cut and cooled butter in the center of each. We carefully hide it.

5. Bread the cutlets in breadcrumbs or simply roll them in flour.

6. Fry in hot oil until golden brown. After turning, it is necessary to cover and steam thoroughly, otherwise they may not be fried.

Squid cutlets - useful tips and tricks

• Cutlets will be tastier if you mix butter and vegetable oil when frying. This will also contribute to the appearance of a golden brown crust. You can consume little ghee.

• Squid cutlets can be stewed in various sauces, but not for more than 5 minutes. It is also not better to eat tomato or tomatoes. The acid they contain will make the cutlets tougher. It is better to give preference to milk sauces, sour cream, and cream. Cheese goes well with squid.

• A huge amount of spices can overwhelm the unique taste and smell of squid. Enough with adding salt and pepper, you can add a little chopped herbs. And it is better to avoid spicy and aromatic additives.

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