Lingonberry jam

Lingonberry jam

  • Amount of sugar and cooking time
  • Traditional recipe
  • With apples
  • With pears
  • Five minutes
  • In a slow cooker
  • With nuts
  • With lemon
  • With honey
  • With orange
  • With pumpkin
  • With cranberries
  • With carrots
  • With pine cones
  • With rhubarb
  • To the meat
  • How to store
  • Video on the topic

Lingonberry jam is a common dessert for tea in Russian state cuisine. And this is not only a delicacy, but also a medicinal product, irreplaceable in the long northern winters. The corresponding feature of this dessert is its tart taste and pleasant sour-bitterness.

First you need to select and prepare the berries. It is not recommended to take unripe fruits from snow-white barrels; in this case, they need to be given time to ripen by placing them in a warm space. Both fresh and frozen berries are suitable for jam.

When sorting out lingonberries, it is necessary to remove warped, crumpled and rotten specimens, as well as any twigs and leaves caught in the wickerwork. To completely get rid of various debris, the berries are poured with cool water a couple of times, and everything unnecessary floats to the surface.

Then the fruits need to be washed in a colander, allowed to drain off the remaining water and laid out on a towel to dry. There should be as little water on the lingonberries as possible.

Usually, before cooking, the berries are poured with boiling water and left for 2-3 minutes. This helps remove their corresponding bitterness.

General principles for making traditional lingonberry jam:

  • Combining fruits with sugar.
  • Aging until juice appears.
  • Cook until boiling.
  • Removing from heat
  • After cooling, repeat the above process a couple of times. The number of approaches depends on the desired mixture: the more there are, the thicker the jam will be.
  • The finished dessert is placed in sterile jars and sealed tightly with lids. You can put it in ordinary, unstained jars and close with nylon or screw-shaped lids.

There is another cooking method - with the addition of water. In this case, boil the syrup from water and sugar separately and pour it over the lingonberries.

Often lingonberry jam is prepared with the addition of other fruits or berries. To make the taste more neutral, use apples or pears, as well as pumpkin or zucchini. Apart from this, there are other ingredients that mix well with this northern berry:

  • carrot;
  • blueberries, cranberries, blueberries;
  • lemon, orange;
  • plums;
  • honey.

To enhance the smell, add vanilla, cloves, and cinnamon.

Amount of sugar and cooking time

According to the traditional recipe for lingonberry jam, berries and sugar are taken equally or at least 20% more. It depends on personal taste.

There are options with the least amount of sweetener.

To make lingonberry jam for the winter, you need to take more sugar.

There are various technologies for making lingonberry jam. The traditional recipe involves cooking for a long time, with several steps at times, to produce a thick sweetness that will keep well even outside the refrigerator. In total, production time should not exceed 40 minutes. If you cook in one go, the berries will become soft. If you take breaks, allowing the future jam to cool completely, the fruits will retain their structure.

A very common option is five minutes. The cooking time is indicated in its title, 5 minutes are counted after boiling. This delicacy is considered the most useful, since the berries, with little heat treatment, retain more of their own parameters.

There are recipes for so-called jam without cooking or berries mashed with sand. This dessert cannot be stored for a long time, and it must be kept in the refrigerator.

Traditional recipe

Traditional lingonberry jam is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.1 kg;
  • water – 1 glass.

Manufacturing consists of the following steps:

  1. Keep the processed berries in boiling water for two minutes.
  2. Prepare the syrup in a large saucepan by adding sugar to the water and boiling for 5 minutes until the crystals dissolve.
  3. Drain the water from the lingonberries, place the berries in syrup, heat to a boil, remove from the stove, and let cool completely.
  4. Put the pan on the fire, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes, remove and throw until tomorrow.
  5. Heat the contents of the pan to a boil and cook until the syrup begins to thicken. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes.
  6. Transfer the jam into sterile jars while it is hot and close the lids.

Lingonberry jam: the best recipes

The wonderful taste and medicinal properties endowed with lingonberry jam have made its recipe incredibly popular all over the world.

Since ancient times, residents of the northern regions have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to cook wonderful lingonberry jam , as well as create other preparations for the winter from the berries given to us. It is in the forests of northern latitudes that lingonberries, rich in macro- and microelements and vitamins, grow, truly healing for the human body. Later, they began to intensively cultivate it, so now anyone can make delicious lingonberry jam, which has the following valuable qualities:

  • Lingonberries strengthen the immune system unsurpassedly,
  • is a preventative against heart disease,
  • used to prevent prostatitis,
  • has a diuretic effect,
  • recommended for women in the postpartum period,
  • helps heal gout, rheumatism,
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to all these capabilities of lingonberries, the freshest berry and its processed products: preserves, jams, tinctures are often used in folk medicine. This “medicine” will appeal to both children and adults, because the berry, in combination with sugar and some additional components that are added to the jam, acquires a breathtakingly intriguing taste.

10 recipes for lingonberry jam

Recipe 1. Traditional lingonberry jam

Ingredients: 970 g lingonberries, 1280 g sugar, 210 ml water.

We sort out the lingonberries, discarding spoiled and unfit for consumption berries. Wash and place on a paper-lined surface to dry. Place the berries in a deep bowl, add boiling water so that it covers the lingonberries. After a few minutes, drain the liquid from the berries. In a wide container designed for making jam, heat the water in the amount indicated in the recipe. Sprinkle with sugar. Stirring, cook until dissolved. Add lingonberries. After boiling, set aside. We insist 7-10 hours. In the 2nd approach, cook until thick – approximately 20 minutes. Transfer to pre-washed and sterilized containers. Store in the cold, covered with cellophane lids.

Recipe 2. Lingonberry jam with apples

Ingredients: 1100 g lingonberries, 1100 g apples, 1100 g sugar, 160 ml water.

We sort the lingonberries. We wash the berries suitable for canning and lay them out to dry. Wash the apples, remove the stems, core, and skin. Pour the sugar into a bowl or pan coated with enamel. Add water. While stirring, dissolve the sugar, preventing it from caramelizing - add a little more water as needed. We cut the apples into uniform small slices. We place them together with lingonberries in syrup. Boil rapidly for 1 minute. Let cool uncovered for 3 hours. Rapidly heat again, bringing to a boil. Set aside the container with the apple-lingonberry mixture for 2.5 hours. While heating slowly, cook until thick, often skimming off the foam and stirring. Transfer to sterile containers. Let's roll up.

Recipe 3. Fragrant lingonberry jam with apples and spices

Ingredients: 970 g lingonberries, 340 g sweet apples, 960 g sugar, 290 ml water, 4-5 g cinnamon, 2 g vanillin, 75 g lemon.

Wash apples and lingonberries well. Peel the apples, cut them into thin layers, sprinkle with lemon juice. Grate the zest from the washed lemon. Place the cut apple peel and cores in a saucepan. Add water. Boil for 3 minutes. Strain into another deep pan. Add lingonberries and apple pieces. Blanch them in the broth for 2 minutes. Decant the liquid into a basin or wide saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar. Heat until it dissolves. Pour blanched berries and fruits into syrup. Slowly heat and stir. Cook, stirring, for half an hour. 15 minutes before the end, sprinkle with vanilla, cinnamon, and grated citrus zest. We pack it in small sterile containers, which should then be hermetically sealed.

Read also:  Jam jelly

Recipe 4. Lingonberry jam with apples and nuts

Ingredients: 540 g apples, 540 g lingonberries, 330 g walnuts, 1080 g sugar.

Wash the lingonberries, removing spoiled berries in the process. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into slices. Remove the shells from the nuts and finely chop them with a knife. Place berries, apples, sugar, and nuts in a wide container. Place on low heat. Warm up, stirring. If there is insufficient juice production, you can add a little water. Boil for 12 minutes, stirring constantly. Set aside until completely cool. Cook for another 10-12 minutes. Cool. The 3rd stage of cooking is carried out until thickening - usually this takes no more than 15 minutes. Place in unstained containers. Store in the cold.

Recipe 5. Lingonberry jam with pear

Ingredients: 520 g lingonberries, 690 g pears, 510 g sugar, 65 g lemon, 310 ml water.

We wash the pears and remove the skin. Place whole peeled pears in a bowl and fill with water. Squeeze lemon juice over them. Three zests of previously carefully washed lemon. Wash the lingonberries under running water. Transfer the pear skin, lingonberries, and zest to a saucepan. Add 310 ml of water. Boil for 12 minutes. We rub the mixture through a sieve into a container for making jam. Cut the soaked pears into thin slices, removing the core in the process. Sprinkle pieces of pears onto lingonberry puree. Add sugar. Cook, removing any foam from the surface, for about 40 minutes. Place in a sterilized container. Let's roll up.

Recipe 6. Lingonberry jam Five minutes

Ingredients: 1650 g lingonberries, 1050 g sugar.

Wash the lingonberries, sorting out the twigs and spoiled berries in the process. Scald clean sorted lingonberries with boiling water. In a thick-bottomed saucepan or bowl covered with enamel, place lingonberries and sugar in layers. Set aside the container with the candied berries for half an hour to an hour until the juice is released. Then we place it on the fire. Boil and simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Pack into prepared jars. Store in the cold.

Recipe 7. Lingonberry jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 550 g lingonberries, 320 g sugar, 34 ml lemon juice.

Carefully wash the lingonberries. We select berries suitable for canning. Place layers of lingonberries in the multicooker bowl, sprinkling them with sugar. Add citrus juice. We set the “Quenching” mode over time for 60 minutes. In a multicooker, it is better to pull out the steam valve or turn it so that the steam comes out. You also often need to stir the berry mass and remove the foam. At the end of the mode, keep the jam on heating for 1.5-2 hours. We pack it in jars that have been previously sterilized.

Recipe 8. Blueberry and lingonberry jam

Ingredients: 550 g lingonberries, 550 g blueberries, 550 g sugar, water.

We sort through the lingonberries and blueberries, leaving medium-ripe berries for making jam. Wash and let dry slightly. Place blueberries and lingonberries in a saucepan, add enough water to cover the berries. Blanch them until soft. We turn the mass into a puree using a blender, sieve or meat grinder. In a wide container covered with enamel, place sugar and pour in berry puree. Heating slowly, boil until thick. During the process, stir the jam frequently and skim off the foam. Place the thickened dessert into sterile jars. Store, covered with cellophane lids, in the cold.

Recipe 9. Frozen lingonberry jam

Ingredients: 960 g frozen lingonberries, 590 g sugar, 140 g water.

Place frozen lingonberries in a saucepan. Add water. When heating slowly, bring to a boil. Cook for 16 minutes, stirring gently. Turn off the heat, add sugar. Stir occasionally until it is completely dissolved, without heating. Remove foam from the surface of the lingonberry mass. Transfer the jam into a clean container. We seal it. Place the filled jars with the neck down until they cool completely. Store refrigerated for up to 4 months.

Recipe 10. Lingonberry and zucchini jam

Ingredients: 960 g zucchini, 340 g lingonberries, 1320 g sugar, 110 ml water.

We sort the lingonberries, wash the ripe berries under running water. Scald with boiling water. Let the water drain from the surface of the berries. Rinse the zucchini and remove the skin. Cut into cubes measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm. In a basin or saucepan used for making jam, dilute sugar in water. Add lingonberries and zucchini cubes. Heat slowly, stirring. Cook until the zucchini is transparent. Remove the foam and place in sterile jars.

How to make delicious lingonberry jam: tips

The following secrets will help you prepare healthy lingonberry jam for the winter, highlight its flavor notes and fill the dish with aroma:

  1. To get rid of the inherent bitterness of lingonberries, it is necessary to scald it with boiling water before starting production or blanch it for several minutes in water.
  2. This berry can be perfectly combined with almost all other berries, fruits and even vegetables. They will slightly dilute the rich lingonberry taste and give the taste of the dish a chance to shine. This dessert, made from lingonberries and apples, is especially popular.
  3. When choosing an additional component, you should give preference to non-acidic fruits, because lingonberries themselves contain quite an acid.
  4. To preserve the integral structure of lingonberries in the jam, repeated short-term cooking is used. This will help preserve the greatest amount of vitamins.
  5. If the recipe allows you to cook ground jam, a blender, meat grinder, or iron sieve are excellent for grinding lingonberries. Before this, the berries must be slightly softened in water or steamed.

Lingonberry jam has long gained enormous popularity in the countries of northern Eurasia, where this truly miraculous berry grows. Lingonberry is one of the few healing products that actually has no contraindications. The noteworthy unusual taste properties of the dish called lingonberry jam have made it a favorite delicacy of the inhabitants of various countries. Now this berry has begun to be grown far beyond the limits of its original growth areas. Now any lover of essential natural sweets can enjoy this inimitable berry dessert filled with vitamins.

Lingonberry jam for the winter - delicious and ordinary recipes

A fragrant dessert can lift your spirits even on the cloudiest day. Lingonberry jam, prepared for the winter, is a universally recognized delicacy. You can prepare it simply, according to a simple recipe. Or create true magic by adding apples or pears. Or amaze with a wonderful delicacy with carrots, cinnamon, lemon or orange. Often there are options with blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, ripening immediately with lingonberries. Do you understand how to cook dessert in Swedish?

Now I’ll tell you about all the methods for making jam at home from this amazing berry. There are ten of them, so all you have to do is choose and implement them.

Lingonberry jam - regular recipe

The most common option for harvesting lingonberries in winter. What is very important is that the berries do not boil soft, although they have a narrow skin and float perfectly in the syrup.

  • Lingonberries – 1 kg.
  • Water – 0.6 liters.
  • Sweet sand – 1.5 kg.
  1. Sort through the berries, removing any debris. Place in a colander and blanch in small portions in boiling water for 3 minutes, no more.
  2. Let the water drain, dry it a little, and put it in a cooking container.
  3. Make syrup from water and sweet sand. When the sweet crystals disperse, add lingonberries to the syrup.
  4. Cook over moderate heat for 30 minutes, skimming off any foam if it appears. Count the time after the mixture boils.
  5. Pour into jars, roll up or screw on screw caps. When the dessert has cooled, take it away for permanent storage in the cold.
Read also:  Custard

Five-minute lingonberry jam

Pyatiminutka is valued for its speed of production and preservation of all vitamins. Despite the slight heat treatment, the jam has an unrivaled shelf life and does not spoil or ferment.

  • Berries – 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  1. Sort through, rinse the lingonberries, discard to drain excess liquid.
  2. Pour in water and let it cook. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cook over low heat, stirring gently so as not to mash the berry, for no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. If you wish, do a second boil after cooling the dessert, but this is usually not necessary.
  4. Place the finished treat in glass containers and roll up. Keep refrigerated.

How to make delicious lingonberry jam with apples

Almost all varieties of apples ripen immediately with healthy berries. I remember as a child, this jam was my mother’s favorite, and we prepared it in huge quantities.

  • Sweet apples – 1 kg.
  • Lingonberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 kg.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  1. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Stir until the sweet crystals dissolve.
  2. Remove the core and seeds from the apples and cut into thin slices.
  3. Throw into the syrup, followed by the washed and dried lingonberries.
  4. When the dessert boils, reduce the heat. simmer gently for about 30 minutes. Don’t go too far, try to stir the treat often to prevent it from burning.
  5. The jam is spread while still hot, as it comes out quite thick. If you want to create jam, then immediately after cooking, use a blender. The workpiece does not need to be rolled up; it can be stored under a nylon lid, but in a cool place.

How to make lingonberry jam with apples and lemon

Lovers of extraordinary taste should pay attention to this recipe. The smell of cinnamon will blow your mind away, and the lemon will add a citrus note.

  • Lingonberries – 1 kg.
  • Reddish apples – 350 gr.
  • Lemon.
  • Cinnamon – a pinch (5 g).
  • Vanillin – 3 gr.

Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

  1. Re-sort the berries and remove any debris. Rinse and dry.
  2. Cut out the middle part of the apples, cut off the skin, and chop the pulp into slices. Sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent the pieces from darkening.
  3. Using a blender, puree the zest from the lemons.
  4. Place the apple trimmings (skin and core) in a saucepan and add water. When the mixture boils, boil for 3-4 minutes. Afterwards, drain the broth and throw away the rest.
  5. Add lingonberries and chopped apple pulp to the broth.
  6. Let it cook. After boiling, cook over low heat for about 30 minutes.
  7. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add cinnamon and vanilla and add lemon zest puree.
  8. Pack the dessert into jars and roll it up turnkey. After cooling, store it in permanent storage space.

Recipe for lingonberry and pear jam

  • Pear – 1 kg.
  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.
  1. Remove the skin and seeds from the pears. Divide into thin slices. Blanch the tenderloin for 3 minutes in a saucepan of bubbling water.
  2. Pour boiling water over the lingonberries and cover with sweet sand.
  3. Bring the berries to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat. Cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Add pear tenderloin to the berries. Boil together for another 10 minutes.
  5. Let it boil vigorously and immediately put it into jars. Close it using any method, cool it and hide it in a cool cellar.

Jam with carrots

An unusual preparation option, don’t you agree? I don’t understand who came up with this recipe, but I liked the jam. Instead of carrots, you can use beets. I haven’t tried it, to be honest, but I plan to.

  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Carrots – 300 gr.
  • Sugar – 400 gr.
  1. Coarsely grate the carrots. Blanch the berries in boiling water as in the previous recipe.
  2. Place the prepared ingredients in a saucepan and add the sweetness.
  3. Cook, without forgetting to stir, for 30 half an hour.
  4. Place the hot dessert into jars and close the lids. Store in a cool place.

Delicious lingonberry jam with oranges

Citrus fruits are appropriate everywhere, I realized this a long time ago when I was doing my first experiments in cooking desserts.

  • Lingonberries – 1 kg.
  • Oranges – 4 pcs.
  • Water – 2 glasses.
  • Sugar – 4 cups.
  1. Rinse the oranges, put them in boiling water, count to 10. Remove, peel and squeeze out the juice. This simple trick helps you get more juice. We need to collect approximately one full glass.
  2. Re-sort the berries, fill with water and add half the sugar. Place aside for 12 hours. During this period of time, juice will flow, which will dissolve the sweetness.
  3. Pour the juice into a saucepan, boil, add the remaining sweets (that's two more glasses). Over low heat, evaporate the liquid from the syrup for about 30 minutes.
  4. Pour in the orange juice and let it boil again. Boil together for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Add lingonberries, cook for 5 minutes. Place treats in containers. Twist, wrap, and after cooling, take into an unheated room.

Cranberry and lingonberry jam

  • Berries – 0.5 kg each.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.
  • Water - liter.
  1. Sort through the berries, rinse, dry, and lay out in a layer on cardboard towels.
  2. Boil the syrup with sugar and water. After the grains of sweetness have dissolved, add the berries.
  3. Boil the mixture over medium heat for about half an hour.
  4. Pour the jam into sterile containers, seal and store for winter storage.

Swedish lingonberry jam

Swedish jam is legendary! It is practically not cooked, so the beneficial substances of lingonberries will be completely preserved. Delicate, very pleasant to the taste, the jam is liked by everyone, which is why it is popular. This manufacturing technique is called “silt”, and any berry can be processed.

  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.6 kg.
  1. Rinse and dry the berries. Place in a saucepan and place on the stove.
  2. Quite quickly the berries will begin to release juice. If this does not happen for a long time, crush the berries slightly with a spoon or masher. But don’t get carried away, most of the berries should remain intact. I advise you not to stir the contents.
  3. When the process is intense, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. And only then add sugar.
  4. Stir the contents, being careful not to injure the lingonberries, until the sweet crystals dissolve completely.
  5. Fill sterilized jars and seal. Store in the refrigerator.

Original jam with cinnamon and honey

  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Honey – 0.5 kg.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Ground cinnamon - a small spoon.
  • Cardamom – ½ small spoon.
  • Lemon zest - a teaspoon.
  • Cloves – 3 buds.
  1. Boil water, pour it over the berries, hold for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander, then add to the pan.
  2. Place all the listed spices in a fabric bag. Place in a saucepan. Cook the dessert for 15 minutes.
  3. Turn off the burner and remove the spice bag.
  4. When the delicacy has cooled, add honey and mix well. Distribute the jam into small containers and close. Keep refrigerated.

Video recipe for lingonberry dessert with nuts

A recipe from a chef who knows a lot about preparations. Watch and repeat all the steps, and only the most delicious desserts will be on your winter table!

Read also:  Lenten Kharcho

Lingonberry jam

Lingonberry is a berry that has a catchy taste with subtle notes of bitterness. From the outside, the product looks like a small reddish apple with a flexible structure. Lingonberries have an antiseptic effect and can be stored even longer than currants, raspberries or strawberries. What do you need to know about the product, how to prepare lingonberry jam using 3 different methods and what medications can be replaced with sweet fruits?

General feature of the dish

Lingonberry is a small bright red berry with a specific sweet and sour taste. The ripening period is from August to September. It grows mostly in the temperate climate zone, and is also found in forest areas and tundra. 100 grams of fruit contain only 36 calories. The low calorie content of the berry allows you to eat it in whole handfuls without worrying about your figure.

  • General feature of the dish
  • Useful Features
  • Chemical composition of dessert
  • Possible harm and contraindications
  • Introduction to cooking
  • Introduction in folk medicine

Jam is a dessert that is half made of sweet sand. It is consumed as an independent dish, added to pies/cakes/cakes/bread, or diluted with boiling water to obtain a sweet berry drink. The composition “lingonberry + cinnamon + pear/apple” is considered more popular.

Useful Features

Extracts from the berries are used in classical medicine to cope with low stomach acidity, gastritis, and hypertension. The freshest fruits have a relaxing sedative effect and can even regulate body temperature.

Among the required jam parameters:

  • diuretic effect;
  • increased peristalsis of the intestinal tract;
  • prevention of liver/kidney diseases;
  • neutralization of helplessness, mild forms of colds, migraines;
  • replenishing the balance of nutrients;
  • normalization of the intestinal tract;
  • high-quality thirst quencher;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .

Chemical composition of dessert

Nutritional value per 100 grams

Calorie content (kcal) 244 kcal
Proteins (g) 0.2 g
Fat (g) 0.1 g
Carbohydrates (g) 64.5 g
Dietary fiber (g) 0.7 g
Ash 0.06 g
Organic acids 0.5 g
Water 0,03
Starch 0,03
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams)

Retinol (A) 0,03
Thiamine (B1) 0,003
Riboflavin (B2) 0,005
Ascorbic acid (C) 1,8
Tocopherol (E) 0,3
Niacin (B3) 0,05
Concentration of minerals (in milligrams per 100 grams)

Calcium (Ca) 12,8
Potassium (K) 23,3
Manganese (Mn) 0,187
Phosphorus (P) 4,4
Iron (Fe) 0,3
Sodium (Na) 2,7
Magnesium (Mg) 2

Possible harm and contraindications

Lingonberry jam can be harmful if you have low blood pressure, increased secretory function of the stomach, or gastric ulcer (due to the high concentration of organic acids). Also, sweetness is contraindicated in case of personal intolerance, diabetes, obesity, and certain eating disorders.

If you get berries for jam on your own, and not in a nearby store, then be especially vigilant at the picking step. Do not collect lingonberries near roadways, cemeteries or large industrial complexes. The small reddish berry accumulates radioactive substances and may contain harmful compounds such as cobalt, lead, nitric oxide, and aldehyde. Substances are deposited on the leaves through exhaust gases. Eating such berries can lead to intoxication of the body.

Introduction to cooking

Recipe No. 1: “no cooking”

  • lingonberries – 1 kilogram;
  • filtered water – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 300 ml.


Carefully sort through the berries and select only the freshest, high-quality fruits. Wash them, dry them, place them in glass jars of the desired size. Lingonberries must fill the container 80%, the other 20% is allocated to sweet syrup.

How to prepare syrup? Simply combine filtered water with sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and remove the resulting mixture from the stove. Wait until the syrup has cooled and only then pour the liquid into sterilized jars.

Close the jars using a can opener, additionally cover the container with parchment paper, and store in a cool place (bottom shelf of the refrigerator/pantry/cellar). The berries will be soaked in syrup and soften slightly, while maintaining their shape.

The absence of heat treatment guarantees the preservation of all the necessary nutrients that the berry abounds in. You can exclude water from the recipe by preparing a sweet based on berries and sugar. The end result is a dense, moist jam with a distinct sour flavor.

Recipe No. 2: “five minutes”

  • lingonberries – 1.5 kilograms;
  • refined white sugar (can be replaced with coconut sugar) – 1 kilogram.

Wash, sort the berries, throw them in a colander and pour boiling water over them - this will help remove unnecessary bitterness. Mix the fruits with sweet sand, stir, leave at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. The berries should release juice; if this does not happen, pour about 100 ml of water into the sugar-lingonberry mixture. Place the prepared mixture in a saucepan and place on the stove.

Set the heat to high, wait until it boils, then reduce the heat to low and cook the mixture, stirring constantly, for 5-7 minutes. Distribute the finished hot jam into sterilized jars and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, in the cellar or pantry.

Five-minute jam retains all the beneficial characteristics, taste, smell and structure of the berry. The finished dish can be used not only as a dessert, but also the insides for pancakes, covered pies, puddings or pies.

You can also simply turn the jam into a sauce by adding a little spice and filtered water.

Introduction in folk medicine

Lingonberries are a storehouse of vitamins, organic acids, sugar and minerals. In folk medicine, the tonic, wound-healing, and antipyretic effects of lingonberries are used. The fruits are widely used in homeopathy for the production of essences. The product is recommended to be used for gastritis, low stomach acidity, colds/infectious diseases. It is believed that the jam fights high temperatures, eliminates sore throats and has a mild sedative effect. Berry juice replenishes vitamin deficiencies, improves intestinal motility, and regulates blood pressure. Lingonberry jam also fights general weakness and neutralizes migraines.

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A small jar of lingonberry jam was used to combat poor eyesight, anemia and stress (Stress from English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) . Dessert was added to the daily menu, tea or simply eaten with spoons, waiting for the desired effect. There is also a worldview that jam removes languid alloys/toxins from the body (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) , is responsible for detoxification. Previously, the flexible lingonberry mass was even lubricated on the feet to protect or cure the skin from fungus. But infusions of berries, plants and lingonberry leaves were especially popular, but they preferred to use sweet jam as a food product.

Modern medicine provides the world's population with a lot of proven methods of dealing with stress , anemia , colds or fungus. To really cure a disease with jam, you will have to empty more than one jar. Moreover, half of the lingonberry jam consists of refined sugar, which will add new health problems rather than solve old ones. Lingonberries are indeed effective as part of pharmaceutical preparations or in fresh form, but it is better to consider jam from them only as an addition to the diet. Take advantage of the achievements of modern medicine and be healthy!

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