Beef Kidney Recipes

Beef Kidney Recipes

Beef kidneys with quince in cider and cream sauce

beef kidneys – 1kg; soda – 2 tbsp; table vinegar (9%) – 1/2 cup; water – 1 glass; quince – about 1 kg; onion – 1 pc.; dry cider – 500 ml; cream (fat content 20%) – approximately 300 ml; salt - to taste; ground dark pepper - to taste; marjoram

Kharcho soup with beef kidneys

beef kidneys; for tomato dressing: onions; tomato paste; tomatoes (or tomato juice); vegetable oil for frying; for soup: potatoes; rice - 1/2 cup.

Beef kidneys in a slow cooker

beef kidneys; pickled cucumbers – 5-6 pcs.; carrots – 1 pc.; onions – 1 pc.; garlic; fresh herbs (dill, parsley) – 1 bunch; fresh mushrooms (champignons) – 2 pcs.; basil, dry sweet peppers, black pepper - to taste.

Veal kidneys with vegetables

veal kidneys – 700g; milk – 500ml; potatoes – 1 kg; carrots – 2 pcs.; onions – 2 pcs.; vegetable oil – 2 tbsp; green peas - 1 jar; sour cream – 200g; water – 150g; salt – 1 tsp.

section: Kidney recipes

Tokan in Kheransky style

veal or pork kidneys, beef, pork, mushrooms, ground dark pepper, smoked bacon, pork fat, onions, paprika, flour, sour cream, marjoram, garlic and salt.

section: Beef dishes, Pork recipes, Hungarian cuisine

Veal kidneys with Calvados

veal kidneys, smoked bacon, small onions, Calvados (apple vodka), salt, pepper.

section: Offal dishes, Beef dishes

Stuffed neck

goose neck skin, flour, semolina, goose fat (crushed), salt, ground dark pepper, ground beef or veal, egg, onion (finely chopped), breadcrumbs, salt, ground dark pepper, flour, semolina, .

section: Jewish cuisine

Liver sausage with bacon

beef (boiled), beef testes, boiled kidneys or liver, pork skin, pork legs, ears, sponges, pork lard, wheat flour, offal cooking broth, salt, ground dark pepper, allspice or coriander.

section: Sausages and sausages

Veal kidneys with rice

kidneys, onions, meat broth, tomatoes, butter, flour, wine, salt and pepper.

section: Kidney recipes

Veal kidneys, stewed

kidneys, potatoes, tomatoes, butter, wine, salt and pepper.

section: Kidney recipes

Roast mixed peas

liver (beef), milk, lamb, kidneys, ghee, fresh mushrooms, sour cream, potatoes, onions, broth, herbs, pepper, salt.

section: Kidney recipes, Roast

Veal kidneys with mushrooms

kidneys (veal), fresh mushrooms, fat, flour, dry wine, water, herbs, ground dark pepper, salt.

section: Kidney recipes

Veal kidney meatballs

veal kidneys, onions, crackers (crushed), eggs, sour cream, vegetable oil, broth.

section: Kidney recipes

Kidneys in Flemish

veal kidneys, bacon, onions (small), potatoes (small young), butter, salt, pepper, juniper (berries), a little gin or cognac.

section: Kidney recipes

Ragu with veal kidneys Viennese style

veal kidneys, ayran, vinegar, lard, onions, flour, tomato puree, carrots, celery (slice), mushrooms, peas (canned), table wine, bay leaf, dark pepper, salt.

section: Stew, Kidney recipes

Veal kidneys Normandy style

veal kidneys, smoked bacon, onions (small, early), Calvados, salt, pepper.

section: Kidney recipes

Yakhnia with buds

pork or veal kidneys, onions, flour, wine, bone broth, ayran (sour milk diluted with water), butter, vinegar, dark and aromatic pepper, sugar, dill, parsley, lemon, salt.

section: Kidney recipes, Yakhnia

Fried kidneys with spicy sauce with tarragon

veal kidneys, melted butter or butter, sauce with tarragon and dry wine, hot sauce with tarragon, side dish, salt, herbs.

section: Kidney recipes

Beef kidneys in sauce with onions

beef kidneys, potatoes, onions, pickles, flour, butter, pepper, salt.

section: Kidney recipes

Kalya (ancient Russian dish)

beef kidneys, pickles, onions, pepper, salt.

section: Russian cuisine, Kidney recipes

Veal kidneys fried on a grid

veal kidneys, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, side dish, lemon, herbs.

section: Kidney recipes

Veal kidneys in cream and cognac

veal kidneys - 600g, flour, salt, onion, coconut oil, hot meat broth, cream, egg (yolk), emmental cheese (grated), white pepper (ground), cognac, parsley (chopped).

section: Italian cuisine, Kidney recipes

Veal kidneys Norman style

veal kidneys, salt, sour apple, onion, butter, Calvados, salt, dark pepper, cream, sugar.

section: Kidney recipes

Beef and kidney pudding

beef, beef kidneys, onions, salt (with the addition of celery), pepper, thyme, flour, beef broth, pancake flour, fat, salt, ground dark pepper.

section: Kidney recipes, Puddings (unsweetened)

Roasted beef kidneys

beef kidneys, red pepper (young), green onion, garlic, vegetable oil, sesame (salted), ginger, chicken broth (rich), soy sauce, salt, sesame (olive) oil, dark pepper (ground).

section: Kidney recipes, Frying

Fried veal kidneys in breadcrumbs

veal kidneys, flour, egg, crackers, cooking fat, greenish butter, garnish, salt, herbs.

Recipes for making beef kidneys with photos

Now we will cook kidneys in Chinese. Almost all people think that cooking Chinese food is difficult, but this is a wrong worldview. Naturally, you need to try it once or twice, gain experience, and you will certainly come to the realization that everything is much simpler than it seems. The basic principle of Chinese cuisine is that food is cooked over high heat, not fried for a long time, and all ingredients are chopped finely . We will use the same principle to prepare kidneys, which are highly valued by gourmets. It is important to adhere to certain cooking tips so that our dish turns out appetizing, with a pleasant taste and smell.

Recipe for making beef kidneys in Chinese with photo


Beef kidneys 1 kg
Celery 100 g
Wheat flour 100 g
Seasoning for meat 1 tbsp. l.
Onion 1 PC.
Garlic 4 cloves
Greenery 1 bunch
Vegetable oil 6 tbsp. l.
Cognac 50 g

Step by step recipe

  1. Wash, peel 100 g of celery and grate it on a large grater. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  2. Place a frying pan on the fire, pour in oil, heat it and add the onion and celery into it. Fry for 7 minutes.
  3. Wash 1 kg of kidneys, cut them in half, cut out the kidney fat and cut them thinly. Sprinkle them with 1 tbsp. l. seasonings for meat and mix.
  4. Peel 4 cloves of garlic, wash, chop and add to the kidneys. Mix well, then roll the kidneys in flour.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a wide frying pan and add meat to it. We will cook them for 5 minutes. It is necessary for any piece to lie in the frying pan; this is the only way it will be able to fry perfectly during this period of time.
  6. Add 50 g of cognac and celery with onions to the prepared kidneys. Wash a bunch of greens, cut them and add them to the frying pan for the prepared dish.
Read also:  Pork shurpa soup recipe

Video recipe

And now you can start watching a short video, which very carefully describes the entire process of making the delicacy. You will see how to cut all the ingredients, to what degree to fry the meat and what will happen when it is fully cooked.

Tips for making

  • The buds have a typical smell, so you need to get rid of it before making it, otherwise the whole food will be spoiled. There are several methods to create this.
  • You can wash and cut the kidneys into portions, sprinkle them with soda, mix and leave for an hour . Then add vinegar and let it undergo a hissing reaction. Wash the meat and it can be used for its intended purpose.
  • The second option for getting rid of the nasty aroma is to wash, cut and soak them overnight (that is, in the dark) in milk.
  • You can also soak the kidneys in water for 4 hours, changing it after any hour. Then put it in boiling water, let it boil and change the water. This process is also repeated 4 times. This way we can get rid of the nasty aroma and then enjoy the taste of the finished offal.
  • You also need to remove excess fat and film from the kidneys before cooking.
  • Cook the kidneys separately from other types of meat and do not mix them, because such products are incompatible in their finished form.

Here is another very exciting recipe for making fried beef kidneys with onions in a creamy sauce. I think you have already noticed that we added alcohol to these offal during cooking in the first recipe. We will repeat this action in the 2nd recipe, because cognac adds piquancy to such a seemingly very unsavory dish . You can use any kind of cognac, but, of course, you can cook without it.

Beef kidneys in creamy sauce


Beef kidneys 200 g
Cognac 1 tbsp. l.
Mustard 1 tbsp. l.
Cream 100 g
Onion 1 PC.
Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
Mashed potatoes 200 g
Salt 2 pinches
Pepper 1 pinch

Step by step recipe

  1. Cut 200 g of beef kidneys, previously soaked, into small pieces.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the kidneys to it. Fry for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Peel and wash the onion, cut it into small pieces and send it to the kidneys to fry.
  4. Pour 1 tbsp over the meat. l. cognac Then add 1 tbsp. l. mustard, 100 g cream, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Video recipe

Perhaps you would like to observe the entire process of making such a dish. In this two-minute video you will see a recipe for making beef kidneys with mustard and cream.

Tips for making

  • Using this recipe, you can cook beef kidneys in sour cream, replacing the cream with it. If after adding sour cream the sauce comes out thick, you can dilute it with water or milk.
  • Be sure to use the freshest mustard so that its spiciness is perfectly felt, which will add piquancy to the finished dish.

Serving options

  • Often the side dish for kidneys is rice , pasta or mashed potatoes. Place the side dish with kidneys into serving bowls and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • You can especially serve ready-made food. Place the mashed potatoes in a pastry bag, place it in the shape of a well and put the kidneys in the sauce in the middle. Garnish with a sprig of parsley or dill. No gourmet will be able to resist this dish.

The benefits of beef kidneys

  • Due to the fact that buds have a specific smell and the process of getting rid of it is quite long, almost all people avoid them, but in vain. This no less useful for our body
  • This by-product contains a large amount of selenium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the human thyroid gland.
  • also contains sufficient quantities of vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A, C, E and PP .
  • This part of the carcass contains a huge amount of minerals, such as potassium, iodine, phosphorus and others, which bring enormous benefits to our body as a whole.

Manufacturing options

So we learned how to deliciously cook beef kidneys. In fact, they can be used in the preparation of various dishes, the main thing is to process the meat in advance to remove the nasty smell . From time to time, in manufacturing recipes, beef kidneys are cooked with pickled cucumber. As for me, this dish is not for everyone; it is better to serve pickled or fresh cucumbers separately with the kidneys in a creamy sauce, because when stewed they become lean.

  • And at the moment I would like to share with you some very accessible recipes for making other meat dishes that will diversify your daily menu and become a good treat for guests.
  • I will continue our current topic and share with you a recipe for making pork kidneys. They, too, must be carefully processed before cooking in order to obtain a savory and fragrant product for any side dish.
  • Use ordinary recipes for making pork carbonate. This part of the meat is quite warm and lean. It can be cooked in the oven, slow cooker, frying pan or grill. Before each type of cooking, I recommend marinating the meat to get an even more juicy and tasty product.
  • And here I want to give you a fascinating idea for making lamb ribs in the oven. In our family, we cook lamb infrequently, as they say, only on a call from a familiar farmer who gives us a young lamb at a good price. But when such meat appears in our house, ribs in the oven or on the grill are the first thing my husband starts cooking. Naturally, we marinate them in advance, so be sure to go to the section of the website where all the principles of their delicious production are very carefully described.
  • Beef ribs in the oven are no less tasty. This dish will be a good treat even for guests. You can serve them with any side dish or light vegetable salad.
  • And finally, I will share with you the recipe for pork ribs soup. Their broth comes out very rich and tasty. This soup will diversify your daily menu of first courses, warm you up in cool weather and give you strength after a hard day at work.

Beef kidneys - recipe (6 delicious options)

Beef kidneys are considered one of those by-products on the basis of which hundreds of different dishes can be created. There is more than one recipe for making it; we will offer you the most delicious options. Let's not delay and let's start right away!

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Beef kidneys - offal preparation

Before preparing beef kidneys, you need to soak and boil the product in advance. Then the dish will turn out delicious without aroma. When choosing, pay attention to the color, it should be uniform. Stains and other imperfections are not acceptable.

Step #1. Soaking

Proper soaking lasts at least 3 hours, longer is better. Wash the offal 3-5 times, remove any films, then soak it using one of the following methods:

  • high fat milk;
  • filtered water;
  • water + vinegar or lemon juice.

During the entire soaking period, you need to change the composition in which the buds are kept twice.

Step #2. Cooking

1. After the offal lies in the water, the nasty smell and bitterness will go away. Fill the pan with water and place it on the stove to boil along with the kidneys.

2. After the boiling begins, drain the broth and fill the container with fresh, clean water. Wash the kidneys themselves and cook them again. Simmer on low power for 1-1.5 hours.

3. After boiling, beef kidneys are used for second and first courses. Choose a manufacturing recipe for yourself and start manipulating.

No. 1. Beef kidneys fried with onions

  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • kidneys - 0.7 kg.
  • salt, ground pepper (black)

1. After soaking and boiling, chop the offal into pieces of random shape, but do not make it small. It is better to cut into cubes or thin slices.

2. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Place the kidneys in a hot frying pan with oil and fry until tender. Do not overdo it, otherwise the product will become tough.

3. In another frying pan, fry the onion, chopped into half rings, in oil. When it turns golden, move the contents together with the oil to the kidneys. Ready!

No. 2. Beef kidneys in sour cream

  • onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • kidneys - 800-900 gr.
  • high-fat sour cream - 0.25-0.3 kg.
  • flour - 20 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 20 gr.

Beef kidneys in sour cream turn out to be very tender, here is the recipe for making them.

1. After preparation, chop the offal into slices, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.5 cm.

2. Place in a hot frying pan with oil and fry until 80% done. Transfer to a cup and set aside.

3. Add oil, add chopped onion to fry. You can also add grated carrots (it’s not included in the recipe).

4. When the onions are actually fried, add crushed or chopped garlic to them.

5. After just a few minutes, add the fried kidney slices and sour cream. Chop the greenfinch, add flour, knead. Simmer for 3 minutes and turn off.

No. 3. Kidneys stewed with pickles

  • tomato paste - 20 gr.
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.
  • offal - 0.6 kg.
  • flour - 30 gr.
  • sour cream - 80-100 gr.
  • pickled cucumbers (small) - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • broth/water - 0.2 l.

The most delicious beef kidneys can be created with pickles. The manufacturing recipe is described in stages, there will be no difficulties.

1. Heat oil in a frying pan. Add diced onions and grated carrots. Fry for about 3 minutes.

2. Move the roasted vegetables to one side of the dish. Chop the kidneys into slices or cubes. Pour into the pan on the second side. Stir and fry at medium mark for 10 minutes.

3. During this period of time, take care of the cucumbers. They need to be chopped into cubes, then mixed with tomato paste into the frying pan. Pour in the water/broth, close the dish, and simmer for half an hour.

4. After the allotted interval, pass the flour into the pan through a strainer. Knead immediately to prevent clumping. Simmer for another 3 minutes and add sour cream. After a few minutes, turn off.

No. 4. Beef kidneys with cucumber and potatoes

  • potatoes - 900 gr.
  • offal - 900 gr.
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.
  • water - 0.1 l.
  • tomato paste/ketchup - 120 gr.
  • spices - to your taste

To amuse the family, make beef kidneys with potatoes. Here is the recipe for making it.

1. After soaking and boiling, chop the offal into cubes about 1.5-2 cm in size. Place in heated oil and fry until soft.

2. Move the kidneys to the edge of the frying pan and add the chopped onion to the other side. Fry it until cooked, then stir the contents of the dish and add tomato paste.

3. Sprinkle with spices and dice the pickled cucumbers. Crush the garlic and also add to the main ingredients. Fry everything for almost a few minutes, pour in water.

4. Cover the dishes and simmer the food for about 15-20 minutes at low power. During this period of time, chop the potatoes and fry them separately in oil in another frying pan.

5. Mix everything together, turn off the stove, let the dish sit and start tasting. The beef kidneys mix perfectly with the potatoes. Now you understand how to cook them.

No. 5. Beef kidney goulash in a slow cooker

  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • kidneys - 1 kg.
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 20 gr.

Beef kidneys are perfect for making goulash in a slow cooker. We will present the manufacturing recipe in detail.

1. Carry out preparatory manipulations by preparing the kidneys (soaking, cooking). Next, chop them into cubes or plates and place them in a multi-bowl with oil.

2. Sprinkle with spices to your liking. Set the “Bake” function for 20 minutes. Don't forget to stir to avoid burning.

3. While you have free time, pass the carrots through a grater and chop the onion. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 3 minutes, then remove the skins and mash them into porridge with a fork.

4. Mix carrots with onions and tomatoes to the kidneys. Do not close the lid, do not change the mode, fry the ingredients for another 5 minutes. Next, crush the garlic and place it in the slow cooker.

5. Stir the contents, switch the program to “Stew” for half an hour. A few minutes before the timer signal, add chopped dill.

No. 6. Beef kidney pickle

  • broth - 2.5 l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • kidneys (cooked) - 400 gr.
  • potato tubers - 5 pcs.
  • pearl barley - 120 gr.
  • sorrel - 0.1 kg.
  • large pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • parsley root (optional) - 0.5 pcs.

Beef kidneys can be used as a base for first courses. The recipe for making pickle is simple.

1. Prepare a suitable container for cooking. Pour diced potatoes and cucumbers into it.

2. Separately fry in oil from grated parsley root and onion. Place it in a saucepan and fill the contents with broth.

3. Place on the stove and simmer for 15 minutes. Add pearl barley and chopped sorrel. You can add some pickle juice from the cucumbers. Season with salt.

Read also:  Beijing salad

4. After soaking and boiling, the kidneys must be chopped into cubes and lightly fried in oil. Add them to the soup. The pickle will be ready when the pearl barley is one hundred percent cooked.

We looked at the most delicious options for dishes based on beef kidneys. To ensure that the offal loses its aroma and corresponding bitterness, do not forget to carry out preliminary measures. We are talking about soaking and cooking. We hope that everything will work out for you!

Master class: how to cook beef (veal) kidneys without aroma

Do you remember how often you cook kidneys? Definitely, occasionally or never at all. This is logical, because they have gained the reputation of a very incomprehensible dish. It has a strange, pungent smell, chews like rubber, and almost a hostess who values ​​her own reputation would risk serving such a treat to her guests.

But, paraphrasing an old funny story, we declare: You simply don’t know how to cook them. And here are some tips on how to cook beef kidneys without aroma, but with good taste.

Painstaking choice

An important step in our business is the purchase of this by-product. Excellent fresh beef kidneys should be deep red-brown in color, granular and shiny. They should not have dark or bluish spots. But the snow-white streaks of fat are completely natural, but you will need to get rid of them later.

Buy only the freshest kidneys (they should be stored in the store for no more than a day) and cook them on the same day. We advise you to avoid frozen offal.

If you manage to get veal kidneys rather than beef kidneys, then they will not require special preparation before production, because they have not yet had time to accumulate all those substances that repel this unusual product with their smell. In general, the younger the cattle, the better.

Getting rid of aroma

  1. We carefully wash the kidneys and dry them with a cardboard towel (this will make it easier to work with them later).
  2. Carefully cut off all the outer snow-white fat and do not use it further in cooking.
  3. We make several cuts on the kidney or cut it into slices, depending on what we will prepare from them next.
  4. We remove all detected fat and veins (very carefully so as not to destroy the structure of the kidney itself).
  5. If we got this offal from an old animal and has a nasty smell, it makes sense to soak it

Option 1: Boiling water

  • First, you need to soak the kidneys in plain water for 2-12 hours.
  • Then wash, add water again and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Immediately after this, drain the water and repeat the previous step.
  • These manipulations should free the product from aroma. Next, proceed according to your chosen recipe.

Option 2: Vinegar

  • Pour 300-400 ml of snow-white vinegar into a container and add 2 tbsp. salt. Carefully wash the kidneys until the water becomes cloudy.
  • Move our container under running water and rinse for about 15-20 minutes.

Option 3: Milk

  • Pour milk over beef kidneys and leave for an hour.
  • Wash thoroughly and continue working according to the recipe.

Let us remind you once again that the younger the cattle, and the fresher the bud, the less likely it is that there will be a completely nasty smell, and there will simply be no need for all these manipulations.

Beef Kidney Recipes

When working with this product, you need to keep three rules in mind:

  1. Kidneys love sour cream.
  2. Kidneys love it when they are stewed.
  3. The longer you simmer (boil, fry) them, the “rubberier” they become.

Naturally, these rules should not limit you in the method of production; you can boil them or fry them, but a dish stewed in sour cream will be the most tender and unique.

Here are a couple of recipes for fairly ordinary, but very tasty dishes made from beef kidneys.

Stewed beef kidneys with sour cream


  • 1 kidney
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • a couple of garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
  • salt and pepper


  1. Cut the kidneys into thin slices.
  2. Lightly fry them (you can either in a frying pan or in a saucepan). It is not allowed to fry for a long time, because they will become tough. We make sure there is no excess water and drain if necessary.
  3. Immediately heat the oil in a cauldron, add chopped onion and crushed garlic and sauté until the onion becomes transparent.
  4. Add kidneys, parsley, flour, pepper and salt, pour sour cream.
  5. Simmer for 5-7 minutes, stirring. If the sour cream is too thick, you can dilute it with a little boiled water.
  6. Serve with potatoes or mushrooms.

Here is a video with the recipe.

French-style veal kidneys with potato gratin

  • 0.5 kg kidneys
  • 250 g cream
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 reddish onion
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard (with grains)
  • 1 tbsp. currant jam
  • Pepper, (preferably cayenne), salt

  • 800 g potatoes
  • 3 ordinary onions
  • 30 g grated cheese
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 100 ml cream
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. melted butter
  • black pepper, salt, nutmeg

Preparing the gratin:

  1. While the oven is heating up to 200˚C, bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan and cut the potatoes into slices.
  2. Throw the chopped potatoes into milk and add crushed garlic. Cook for 6-7 minutes.
  3. At this time, cut the onion into rings and heat the cream.
  4. Pour oil (both vegetable and butter) into a baking tray, add onion and lightly fry.
  5. Transfer the potatoes to a tray, mix with onions, add seasonings.
  6. Pour in heated cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  7. We put the tray in the oven for 10-12 minutes, and at this time we are carried away by the main dish.

Preparing the kidneys:

  1. Cut the cooked kidneys into 2-3 large pieces.
  2. Finely chop the reddish onion and fry it in a saucepan for a few minutes.
  3. Add the kidneys and fry for a couple of minutes until they are browned. Carefully drain off the excess liquid.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients, mix and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  5. By this time, the gratin should already be ready, so serve them together right away.

This is how previously suspicious beef kidneys are transformed into a unique ceremonial dish. And the devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Additional recipes with video

And if you still have questions about how to cook kidneys, watch the video, which clearly shows the entire cooking process.

How to cook veal kidneys in cream sauce

Quite a quick recipe with a detailed description.

Beef kidneys in mustard sauce

How to cook beef kidneys without aroma, but with taste? Here is another delicious recipe, now in mustard sauce, piquant and very appetizing!

Rassolnik from beef and veal kidneys

The recipe is described under the video on YouTube, watch here.

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