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Risotto with porcini mushrooms

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Risotto with porcini mushrooms (Risotto)

Risotto is a very common rice dish in Italy.
The “filling” for rice prepared using a special method can be mushrooms, vegetables, seafood and almost everything else. Now I have prepared my favorite option - risotto with porcini mushrooms. On the Internet you can find a huge number of risotto recipes.
But despite the abundance of recipes, there are still certain national traditions of making risotto, without which the dish ceases to be truly Italian. Misconception No. 1 .
Any rice will do. This is absolutely not true. Only certain varieties of rice, which contain a lot of starch, are suitable. The Carnarolli rice variety is considered perfect for making risotto. You can try with Arborio, but it’s not a fact that we’ll get the right density. You shouldn’t even try with other varieties - rice porridge and risotto are two huge differences. Misconception No. 2. Cream required.
This is wrong. Risotto is prepared without adding cream. The creamy taste of the dish comes from the butter and cheese. (“Jamie Oliver cooks with cream,” you say. Yes, he is! But this dish can be called “risotto-inspired,” but not risotto. By the way, Jamie also cooks Carbonara with cream. And this is also debatable. But about this another time.) So, about everything in order.

So, first about the products:

  • Carnarolli rice – 3 cups
  • onion – 1 large
  • white mushrooms – approx. 500 gr
  • parsley – 1-2 tbsp. spoons finely chopped
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • snow-white dry table wine – 1 cup
  • broth (mushroom, vegetable or chicken) - about 1.5 l. (maybe more, depending on the type of rice, dishes, intensity of fire, etc.)
  • parmesan (grated on a small grater) – 1 cup
  • butter, cut into cubes - approx. 50 gr
  • olive oil
  • two thick frying pans or saucepans
  • time! Get ready to be at the stove all the time, the production design is such that you cannot retreat

Lyrical digression:

We are interested in three main components of risotto - “basic risotto”, {filling} (mushrooms) and broth.
1. Broth – I had vegetable broth (left over from cooking broccoli, potatoes and carrots), if you don’t have it, then it’s better to either specially cook it or “prepare” the making of risotto by the time you have it.
You can also use chicken broth. Surely, almost everyone has an idea about a bouillon cube by now. Don't even think about it. We are trying a true Italian dish. Try to mention a bouillon cube to an Italian - the reaction may be unpredictable. So, when you have the broth ready, put a ladle in it and keep it close. It should be warm, almost hot, it is better if the saucepan with broth and a ladle is ready right on the stove. 2. {Filling} (in our case, mushrooms) - I took frozen ones. If you can use the freshest ones, great. Only according to my intelligence data, white mushrooms are not washed. They, like a sponge, instantly absorb water and thereby spoil everything. They need to be carefully trimmed, dried on a cardboard towel and then cut into cubes. If you use dried mushrooms, then before cooking they will need to be soaked in warm water for 2-3 hours. If you use frozen ones, like I do, you need to drain all the liquid that remains after defrosting them. Mushrooms must be cut into fairly large cubes.

1. Prepare mushroom dressing

  • Take a frying pan with a thick bottom, pour olive oil, put finely chopped onion and garlic in it. Sauté until the onion is golden-brown and translucent.
  • add mushrooms cut into large cubes. Mix well, simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes
  • add finely chopped parsley (1). We begin to simmer, stirring. If the mushroom “inside” doesn’t burn much, add a little broth (we have it ready nearby).
  • simmer a mixture of mushrooms, onions, garlic and parsley for a total of about 20 minutes (2)

2. Preparing “Basic risotto”

  • three parmesan cheeses on a small grater (3)
  • take a deep frying pan, also with a thick bottom, pour olive oil, pour in rice
  • fry the rice over high heat until it absorbs all the oil and turns yellowish
  • pour a little - a little wine, stir well
  • add the rest of the wine and, stirring constantly , ensure that the rice absorbs all the wine (4)
  • start adding broth. Pour it almost ladle by ladle at a time, always stirring the rice. The rice can be covered with broth to the thickness of a finger, no more. Remember: we don’t cook porridge! Our task is to ensure that the rice is cooked not by cooking, but by absorbing the broth!
  • 10-15 minutes will pass and you will understand that the rice is almost ready to “al dente” (that is, a bit harsh, not one hundred percent cooked), but it is too early to say “al dente” about it. 10-15 minutes is an approximate time, because... everything will depend on rice
  • combine rice and mushrooms, stir well, add salt
  • Continuing to add the broth a little - a little and constantly stirring the mixture , we taste the rice, it should become “al dente”. Personally, I still gave a little more time, i.e. My rice was a little more than “al dente” (I just like it this way more, and even in a restaurant I constantly ask the cook not to be shy, to give the rice a little more time)
  • balance is very important. If at any point you pour in more broth, that’s it, we’ll get porridge. It’s better to pour it a little at a time, then you can always prevent the rice from overcooking and stop the process at the stage that will suit your taste the most
  • turn off the pan with risotto. And that is not all! Now you need to add cubes of butter and grated Parmerzan, mix everything well and just then - everything is ready.
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Risotto with porcini mushrooms


White mushrooms (dried) – 100 g

Olive oil – 30-40 ml

Salt, pepper - to taste

  • 309 kcal
  • 30 min.
  • 30 min.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

For risotto, both with mushrooms and with other additives, fluidity and a special texture are important. When the edge of the plate is lifted, the rice mass slowly slides and slides down. Rice should not be crushed, crumbly (like pilaf) or mush (porridge). It is important to pour in the liquid evenly, in small portions, always moving the spatula until it evaporates. Using this progressive method, starch is released, which entwines each grain and creates the desired and appropriate viscosity.

To make risotto with porcini mushrooms, take the products from the list.

Wash the dried white mushrooms, place them in a bowl of cool water in the evening, and the next day boil them in clean water until tender. Cut into small pieces and reserve the mushroom broth for risotto.

First, fry the garlic and chopped onion (purple or onion) in vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

Add the mushroom tenderloin, stir and fry for a few more minutes.

Next add rice, soak in oil for 1-2 minutes.

Pour in the mushroom broth in portions (approximately 50 ml) and always stir until the water evaporates.

After 4-5 servings of water, the rice swells and becomes more covered with a viscous shell.

At the very end, add salt and pepper to taste. If there is not enough mushroom broth, add boiling water (also in small doses), broth or dry wine. The main thing is to continuously move the spoon/spatula in a circle. For risotto with porcini mushrooms, cheese and herbs are optional.

Serve risotto with dried mushrooms. Bon appetit!

Risotto with porcini mushrooms

All housewives know very well that there is nothing better than feeding your beloved family a delicious and unusual dish. Risotto with porcini mushrooms is a recipe specifically from this group for us, since its gentle smell and unique taste notes will please even the most picky eaters! Let's learn how to handle this ordinary treat in order to become a real culinary ace.


Recipe for risotto with dried porcini mushrooms

Photos in culinary blogs and on restaurant windows attract with their appetizing appearance, but there is no need to deny yourself the pleasure - you can create risotto with dried porcini mushrooms with professional precision even at home, with your own hands!


  • Special rice for risotto (it is better to choose Arborio) – 2 cups;
  • Onions – 2 heads;
  • Dried white mushrooms – 60 gr.;
  • Meat broth (hot) – about 1 liter;
  • Dry snow-white wine – 200 ml;
  • Butter (unsalted) – a small piece;
  • Olive oil – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Saffron – if desired (traditional version of the dish);
  • Table salt – a pinch;
  • Dark pepper – a pinch (preferably freshly ground);
  • Parmesan cheese.
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How to cook risotto with dried porcini mushrooms

1. First we need to soak and soften our dry snow-white mushrooms - to do this, we first wash them with warm running water to remove any debris from the caps, and then pour a glass (approximately 250 ml) of hot meat broth and steam under the lid for an hour.

2. When the mushrooms swell, strain the broth back, then heat the pan so that the liquid remains perfectly warm and does not cool down. Shake off excess water from the mushrooms and chop finely.

3. If you have saffron (this is a very financially expensive spice, so you can do without it if you wish), then pour it with snow-white wine in the amount of a couple of tablespoons and forget about it for a while. In the classic recipe, this spice is included in the list of necessary ingredients for risotto.

4. Peel two heads of onion and chop them into fine, thin and narrow cubes. After this, put the dishes on the fire for cooking risotto - a large saucepan is perfect. First, melt the butter in it, combining it with olive oil, and then add the chopped onion to the bowl.

5. Lightly fry it so that it becomes softer and gives off its own smell, then fry the mushrooms for 3 minutes and then pour the risotto rice into the saucepan. Knead the cereal for a couple of minutes so that it is well saturated with oils and holds together - this will allow you to obtain the desired thickness of the dish in the future.

6. Add the remaining snow-white dry wine to the saucepan with the rice, and immediately pour in half a glass of hot meat broth. While stirring the mixture, we wait until the alcohol along with the liquid evaporates, after which we again pour the broth into the rice.

7. When the rice again absorbs water and there is no broth in the saucepan, put saffron (or other spices) in it and again pour a cup of broth. Without ceasing to knead the risotto, cook it over low heat for about 20 minutes.

8. At the end, turn off the heat, add salt, pepper and a little butter to the saucepan. Cover the dish with a lid and let the risotto with porcini mushrooms brew for a couple of minutes. Then remove the lid, sprinkle the rice with grated Parmesan and place on plates.

Such a treat is a beautiful and independent dish that will forever give you a feeling of fullness, since both rice and mushrooms are nutritious and nutritious foods. But if you think that this is not enough for a good lunch, serve risotto with dried porcini mushrooms along with slices of ham, beef or other meat dish.

Risotto with porcini mushrooms and cream

At the height of the mushroom season, be sure to try the most delicious risotto with porcini mushrooms and cream, which features a successful combination of ingredients!


— Rice for risotto (but you can also use regular rice) – 500 g;
— Onion – 1 pc.;
— Fresh white mushrooms – 0.5 kg;
— Garlic – three cloves;
— Butter – 50 g;
— Olive oil – 55 ml;
— Meat broth (chicken) – 1 l;
— Heavy cream (20% or 25%) – 0.5 cups;
- Salt - to taste;
- Dark pepper - to taste.

How to create mushroom risotto at home

This step-by-step recipe will teach you how to make a beautiful risotto with porcini mushrooms with your own hands. With all this, you don’t necessarily have to find a suitable variety of rice - ordinary rice will do, just don’t forget that it is not allowed to be washed or soaked before cooking!

1. First prepare the chicken broth, place it on the stove over low heat so that the liquid remains warm at all times.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop it (into small cubes), cut the garlic cloves into thin slices or simply crush them into a paste.

3. In a large frying pan, saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the butter, then pour in the olive oil.

4. Place onion and garlic in a bowl, frying the vegetables until translucent and soft.

5. After this, add rice to the saucepan - pour it in and stir for 3-4 minutes to ensure the appropriate appearance and thickness of the upcoming risotto with porcini mushrooms.

6. Add the mushrooms, having previously washed them, peeled them and cut them into small slices. Stir and fry the ingredients for another 5 minutes.

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7. Add about one cup of broth, stirring the mushroom risotto and wait until the rice absorbs all the water. Then stir the dish again and add a new portion of meat broth.

8. Add the cream and remaining broth to the almost finished rice, stirring the dish well. Remove the saucepan from the heat, salt and pepper the rice, and taste it.

9. Cover the dish with risotto with a lid and let it brew for a short time - 5-10 minutes. After this, stir the dish again and serve it to the table.

Risotto with porcini mushrooms must be served hot! Properly cooked rice has a delicate creamy mushroom taste and a viscous mixture.

If desired, when you steep the rice in the saucepan, you can add a piece of butter, finely chopped parsley, and grated cheese. Bon appetit!

Risotto with porcini mushrooms

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Every mushroom lover has his own small list of dishes that he prepares first, as soon as he gets hold of a sufficient number of strong forest beauties. A survey on my Instagram @a_onegin showed: people who, like me, have risotto with porcini mushrooms on one of the first lines on their list are more than satisfied. The prerequisites are clear: not many dishes carry such a powerful charge of mushroom flavor as risotto, and not many dishes make you fall in love with it almost from the first spoon.

When students at my Culinary School prepare risotto for the first time, bargaining often begins - can I make risotto with meat? ...and with minced meat? ...well, at least with sausages? The current recipe is a common and understandable answer to the question of why risotto reveals itself so brightly specifically with herbal ingredients, and why, having tried it one day, you will certainly add risotto with porcini mushrooms to your list of “What absolutely must be prepared this summer” .

Traditional risotto with porcini mushrooms

Try this recipe for porcini mushroom risotto with step-by-step instructions and you'll be sure to make this savory dish every summer!
Alexey Onegin

Peel the mushrooms and divide into two equal parts. Chop the finer ones coarsely and set aside, chop the others finely.

Read also:
Recipe for risotto with mushrooms and spinach

Heat a little olive oil in a saucepan, add the chopped onion and 2 cloves of garlic, add a little salt and fry over low heat, stirring frequently, for about 10 minutes, until the onion becomes soft and translucent. Increase the heat, add finely chopped mushrooms, fry for another 3-4 minutes so that they give water, which quickly evaporates, after which add rice.

Cook over high heat for 1-2 minutes, stirring the contents of the saucepan constantly. When any grain of rice heats up and becomes covered with an oily gloss, pour in snow-white wine and continue stirring until the wine has partly evaporated and partly been absorbed into the rice. Lower the heat and begin adding the hot broth to the rice, one ladle at a time. The broth will boil and evaporate, and you will constantly stir the risotto so that the rice gives up its own starch to the broth and cooks very moderately. Cook the risotto, stirring and adding broth (or boiling water if it runs out) for 15-20 minutes, until the rice is cooked al dente.

Towards the end of making the risotto, put a frying pan on the fire, heat a little olive oil in it, add 2 cloves of garlic, crushed with the flat of a knife, and coarsely chopped white mushrooms. Fry, stirring, until golden brown, then remove from heat and season with salt and chopped thyme leaves.

When the rice is ready, remove the saucepan from the heat, add fried mushrooms, chopped parsley leaves, cool diced butter, grated Parmesan, salt and stir vigorously, then cover the saucepan with a lid and leave for 3-4 minutes. After this, immediately serve the risotto, which can be sprinkled with the olive oil in which the mushrooms were fried, and garnished with parsley leaves.

PS: Making risotto is not the most difficult process, but there are still a couple of aspects to it. If you are one of those who prefer to see it once, be sure to subscribe to my Instagram @a_onegin to see the entire process of making risotto with porcini mushrooms, as well as a huge number of other video recipes and necessary culinary tips!

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