10 cool recipes for grape jam with and without seeds

10 cool recipes for grape jam with and without seeds

Eat the delicacy right away or store it for the winter.

To begin, wash the berries well and separate them from the branches. If the recipe calls for seedless grapes, use suitable varieties, such as sultanas, or simply remove the seeds before making.

To prevent the berries from exploding during cooking, pierce each berry with a toothpick 2-3 times.

To prepare for the winter, use only sterilized jars and lids. Store the jam in the refrigerator or cold basement.

1. Grape jam with vanilla


  • 1 kg seedless grapes;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 1 g vanillin.


Place the grapes in a saucepan and stir with sugar. Cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 8–10 hours or overnight (that is, at night) .

Bring the infused berries to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Stir and skim off the foam.

Leave the jam covered again for 7-8 hours, add vanillin and cook for another 15 minutes.

Try it 🍈

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2. Grape jam with lemon


  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 1 kg seedless grapes;
  • ½ lemon.


Mix sugar with water, boil and leave for about 2-3 minutes. Add the grapes to the syrup and simmer over low heat for 40–45 minutes. Stir occasionally. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add the juice squeezed from the lemon.

Prepare 🍉

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3. Grape jam with cloves and cinnamon


  • 100 ml water;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2–3 buds of cloves;
  • 1 piece of cinnamon (no more than 1 cm long);
  • 1 kg seedless grapes.


Boil water with sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice, cloves and cinnamon. Leave on medium heat for 2-4 minutes. Afterwards, cool slightly.

Place grapes in warm syrup. Cover with a lid and leave for a day at room temperature. During this period of time, put the jam on the fire 2-3 times for 4-5 minutes, heat it up, but do not bring it to a boil.

Then boil the mixture and leave for another 24 hours. Bring to a boil again and simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes.

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4. Grape jam with cardamom


  • 1 kg seedless grapes;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cardamom.


Boil the grapes in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain in a colander, then leave in cool water for 1 minute and drain the liquid again.

Boil 200 ml of water with sugar in a saucepan over low heat. 2-4 minutes after boiling, when the syrup becomes transparent, add the berries. Cook for 5 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave at room temperature.

After 7–8 hours, boil the grapes and syrup for another 5 minutes. Cook for the third time at the same interval for 10 minutes. Just before it's ready, add the cardamom.

Help yourself

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5. Grape jam with seeds


  • 500 g grapes with seeds;
  • 120 ml water;
  • 400 g sugar.


Place the grapes in a saucepan and crush them with a puree masher to release the juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 10 minutes, stirring. Remove from heat and leave to cool completely, this will take several hours.

Remove any bones that float to the surface with a slotted spoon. Transfer the berries to another container. Be careful not to pick up any bones from the bottom. Strain the remaining liquid in the pan through a colander and pour over the grapes.

Boil water, add sugar and cook for 7-10 minutes. Add the cooked grapes, and when the mixture boils, cook it over low heat for 20 minutes.

Pamper yourself

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6. Grape jam with seeds and citric acid


  • 1 kg of grapes with seeds;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • ⅓ teaspoon citric acid.


Cover the grapes with water, bring to a boil and cook until the berries are soft, about 10–15 minutes. Then rub through a sieve to remove seeds and thick skin.

Boil the resulting liquid. Add sugar evenly, stirring constantly. After 4-5 minutes, add citric acid. Continue simmering until mixture thickens, approximately 45 to 50 minutes. To make sure it is ready, drop a little jam onto a plate. If the drop holds its shape, pour it into a jar; if not, continue cooking for a couple more minutes.

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7. Grape jam with orange and lemon


  • 900 g sugar;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 1 kg seedless grapes;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon.


Boil the third part of sugar with water. When the sand has dissolved, pour in the grapes and remove from the stove. After 4 hours, boil, add the same amount of sugar and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat. Leave for 10 hours. Then bring it to a boil again, add the remaining sand and cook for 10-15 minutes. A few minutes before it’s ready, pour in the juice squeezed from the orange and lemon.


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8. Grape jam with almonds


  • 100 g almonds;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar (1 sachet);
  • 1 kg seedless grapes;
  • 1 lemon.


Place the almonds in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Wash with cool water and remove the skin.

In a saucepan, boil water with regular and vanilla sugar over low heat. After 10-15 minutes, pour the grapes into the syrup. Cook for 20–25 minutes, stir and skim off the foam. Cover with a lid and leave for 8-10 hours.

The second time, cook the jam over medium heat for 25–30 minutes. A couple of minutes before cooking, add almonds and squeezed lemon juice.

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9. Grape jam with walnuts


  • 500 g seedless grapes;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar (1 sachet);
  • 1 star anise - optional;
  • 1 cinnamon stick - optional.


Pour boiling water over the grapes for 5-6 minutes, then discard in a colander.

Mix water and sugar in a saucepan. Cook over low heat for 20–25 minutes until the sand is completely dissolved. Stir constantly.

Pour the berries into the bubbling syrup. Stir and cook for 6-7 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for 5 hours at room temperature. Boil again, add chopped walnuts, vanilla sugar, star anise and cinnamon. Cook for 20 minutes.

Enjoy the taste

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10. Grape jam with mint and lime


  • 800 g seedless grapes;
  • 450–500 g sugar;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 1–2 sprigs of mint;
  • 1 lime.


Mix grapes with sugar. Add 100 ml water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5–7 minutes. A few minutes before cooking, add mint leaves.

Cut the lime into small pieces.

Place grapes in syrup along with citrus in a jar. Cover with a lid and place in a saucepan with a napkin on the bottom. Fill with water and boil for 15 minutes. Seal with a lid.

Grape jam from grapes for the winter: 9 homemade savory recipes

Noteworthy recipes with photos of grape jam with the ability to select the number of servings and automatically calculate goods, calorie content, and production time. Make jam not only from these berries, but also from assorted fruits for a pleasant tea party. Read more...

  1. Main
  2. Best selections
  3. Preparations for the winter
  4. Homemade jam
  5. Grape jam
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  • Without sterilization
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  • Canning
  • Dishes with lemons
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  • Lemon jam
  • Vegetarianism
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  • Pear jam
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  • Preparations from fruits and berries
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  • On March 8

Grape jam for real sweet tooths

Recipes for grape jam include not only different production techniques, but also ideas for using other types of fruit. You can vary the taste by adding apples or pears, citrus fruits, figs, and different types of grapes to get an unusual dessert for home tea drinking.

Any grape variety is suitable for making jam. The finished dish comes out clear and amber from the snow-white berries. From dark grapes you can make a delicious dessert with a rich dark color. The thick delicacy is perfect for layering cakes, biscuits and rolls. In addition to the usual jam, which is made using berries and sugar, you can choose the most unique recipes:

– jam from assorted fruits or berries.

5 most common ingredients in grape jam recipes:

Product Calories kcal per 100g Proteins g per 100g Fats g per 100g Carbohydrates g per 100g
Sugar 398 99.7
Grape 65 0.6 0.2 16.8
Citric acid 0.2
Vanilla sugar 379 99.8
Lemons 16 0.9 0.1 3

The development of making ordinary grape jam is practically universal. It uses grapes and sugar in similar proportions, as well as water and citric acid. By following just a couple of steps, you can get several servings of mind-blowingly delicious sweetness.

1. Separate the berries from the bunch, wash and dry the grapes well.

2. Prepare sugar syrup with water.

3. Add peeled grapes to the syrup.

4. Cook until done.

5. Pour into jars and close with lids.

The jam can be prepared for the winter, or you can cool it and use it right away.

5 of the fastest grape jam recipes:

Name of the dish Preparation time Calories kcal per 100g User rating
Jelly jam from wild grapes 30 min 151 +54
Grape jam with seeds for the winter 30 min 149 +34
Assorted jam 1 hour 30 minutes 186 +65
Blue grape confiture 2 hours 190 +14
Grape jam 3 hours 210 +50

There are several tricks that will help you make proper and very tasty grape jam.

– If you replace the water with grape juice in the recipe, the finished dessert will turn out even tastier and richer.

– To make the jam transparent, you need to remove the foam that forms during cooking.

– The readiness of the jam is determined as follows: if the berries have sank to the bottom one hundred percent, you can remove them from the heat.

How to make grape jam at home

Man has been growing grapes for almost all millennia. In the depths of centuries, the story of who first took the collection and transformed it into an intoxicating drink is lost. Eating these berries is good for metabolism, for anemia, insomnia, cough, and they are also very tasty. In order to preserve the taste and benefits of grapes for the long winter months, they are turned not only into wine, but also into delicious compotes and fragrant jam.

How to properly collect and prepare for processing

The berry harvest begins in August-September. Late-ripening varieties are harvested in October; it is during this period that housewives make preparations from the tasty and healthy berry given to us.

How to pick berries

To make jam, varieties of snow-white and dark grapes are usually used. Particularly tasty comes from the berries of the Chaush, Talisman, Isabela, Ecstasy, Kishmish, Nimrang, Rizamat, Agdai, and Muscat berries.

Fundamentally! The jam is made on the day of harvest, otherwise the berries get a wine smell and begin to spoil.

For dessert, dense berries are selected, without bruises or rottenness. Separate the grapes from the bunches very carefully, immediately removing the stalks. Wash by immersing two or three times in a container with a huge amount of water.

It is better if the selected variety is seedless.

Manufacturing tricks

There is nothing complicated in making grape sweets; the main thing is to follow the recipe literally and use high-quality raw materials. But there are several aspects and tricks that will help you prepare the most delicious and fragrant grape jam.

  • The berries are blanched so that the skin does not burst during cooking. After blanching, the grapes are rapidly cooled in ice water.
  • To prevent the berries from shrinking during cooking, they are poured with sweet syrup and left for 5-6 hours. The syrup nourishes the berries, preventing them from deforming.
  • The readiness of the jam is determined by the thickness of the syrup. If a drop does not spill onto a clean, dry saucer, it means it is ready. The berries in the finished jam fall to the bottom of the container.
  • The watery syrup from grape jam is perfect for soaking cakes and adding to desserts.
  • If a sweet variety is chosen, citric acid must be added during cooking; it will make the taste more balanced.
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How to make grape jam at home: step-by-step recipes

There are a huge number of ordinary recipes. You can prepare any of them for the winter. The most popular options are described below.

How to make thick grape jam for the winter: a regular recipe

This type of jam will suit those who prefer a dense, thick consistency.

  • Kishmish - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg.

Apart from these two components, nothing will be useful.

  1. The berries are covered with sugar and left in the refrigerator.
  2. After 48 hours, the mixture is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Dessert is ready. All that remains is to put it into jars and store it in the refrigerator.

Seedless grape jam

If you can’t find a seedless variety, you’ll have to tinker, but the end result is worth it.

  • seedless grapes - 800 g;
  • sweet sand - 800 g;
  • water - 150 ml.
  1. Separate the stalks and wash the berries by immersing them in water a couple of times.
  2. Let the water drain for approximately 10 minutes.
  3. If the grapes have seeds, cut each berry in half and remove the seeds.
  4. Pour half the amount of sugar into a container with berries.
  5. The berries covered with sugar should stand overnight (that is, in the dark) .
  6. Make a thick syrup from the remaining sugar and water.
  7. Pour the slightly cooled syrup into the infused grape mixture.
  8. Place the bowl with the mixture on moderate heat and cook, making sure to remove the foam.
  9. The jam is ready when the berries fall to the bottom.
  10. The mass is cooled in the container in which it was cooked.
  11. The cooled jam is placed in washed, dry jars and sealed tightly.

Dark grape jam

A wonderful smell and taste, ecstasy for guests and family will be guaranteed.

  • any black grapes - 600 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - ½ cup;
  • vanillin, cardamom, cinnamon - to taste.
  1. Wash the bunches and select berries without signs of damage or rottenness.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl with berries and leave for 2-3 hours. The grapes will give juice, the sugar will begin to dissolve.
  3. Add water, put the mixture on medium heat.
  4. Bring it to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to steep for 2-4 hours.
  6. Bring to a boil again and boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Again create a 2-4 hour break.
  8. Extreme five-minute boiling. At this point you can add spices.
  9. After cooling, spread the thick, fragrant jam into sterilized jars with tight lids.

Snow-white grape jam

During the making of this dessert, green berries are magically transformed into golden jam.

For production you will need:

  • 1 kg of snow-white grapes;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 70 g lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid, 1 teaspoon);
  • 5 g vanilla essence.

  1. Wash the grapes.
  2. Cut each berry and remove the seeds.
  3. Grind the grapes, cutting into 4-6 parts.
  4. Add sugar and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  5. Place the grape mass soaked in sugar on a slow fire and simmer for about 1.5 hours, always stirring.
  6. In 10 min. Add lemon juice before the end of cooking.
  7. At the end of production, pour in vanilla essence.

Greenish grape jam for the winter

You can take any variety, preferably seedless.

Pay attention! By adding a few cherry leaves during cooking, the color of the berries will be preserved.

  • unripe for foreign soil - 0.5 kg;
  • grape juice - 0.5 l;
  • sweet sand - 600 g;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon.
  1. Wash the grapes well and separate from the stems.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan, add salt, and add water.
  3. Place the container on the fire and let the water boil.
  4. Cook for 2 minutes.
  5. Drain the grapes in a colander and rinse with ice water.
  6. Heat grape juice with sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  7. Place the berries in the syrup and cook over very low heat, making sure that there is no boiling.
  8. When the syrup becomes thick, the jam is ready.
  9. Pour the dessert into sterilized jars and store in a black, cold space.

Wine grape jam

The unique taste and distinctive smell are attributed to this treat from the Isabella variety of berries.

  • Isabella grapes - 1 kg;
  • aagar-agar - 10 g;
  • water - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Wash the grapes in cold water, removing stalks, tendrils, damaged and putrefactive berries.
  2. Place the berries in a deep bowl, pour in the sugar and place over medium heat.
  3. While stirring, wait until the grapes release juice and their skins soften.
  4. Reduce heat and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Mix agar-agar and water in a small bowl and leave to swell.
  6. When hot, rub the mixture through a sieve, removing seeds and skins.
  7. Add agar-agar to the pureed mass, actively mixing the contents of the basin.
  8. Cook for 5 minutes, waiting for the agar-agar to completely dissolve.
  9. Place the finished mixture into sterile jars with tight lids.

How to store: conditions and terms

The recipes reflect not only the composition and method of production, but also the strict rules for storing the dessert.

  • The best container is a glass jar with a tight lid.
  • For long-term storage, jars must be sterilized.
  • Lids are required to be made of iron with a varnish coating or glass with a special fastening mechanism.
  • If you do not plan to store it for a long time, a plastic lid will do.

The storage space for grape jam must be:

  • cold (5-15 °C);
  • dry;
  • protected from sudden temperature changes;
  • dark.

Pay attention! Jam prepared strictly according to the recipe, poured into glass jars with tight lids, can be stored in good conditions for 3-4 years.

Grapes are cultivated in almost all countries with a mild climate. Hundreds of years of selection have led to the emergence of several thousand types of crops. The varieties differ in appearance, taste, ripening time, and chemical composition of the fruit. The grapes are delicious on their own, but the jam allows you to take some of the sunny summer with you into the winter. When cooking it, you can add pears, apples, citrus fruits, and walnuts, obtaining new noteworthy flavor compositions.

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Grape jam

Grape-plum jam 3.7 4

I am sharing with you a fascinating recipe for making grape-plum jam. Grape juice perfectly complements the sour taste of plums, making it more piquant and unusual. . further

Snow-white grape jam with liqueur 5.0 4

Jam made from snow-white grapes with liqueur is a good preparation for the winter! Sweet fragrant grapes combined with liqueur make a great-tasting jam - a “sweet delight” with an orange note. . further

Jam “Kishmish” 5.0 2

Kishmish grape jam is rarely cooked. This is a special grape variety, because it retains its beneficial properties even after heat treatment and, not least important, it has no seeds. . further

Grape jam 4.1

Grape jam is an extraordinary treat for tea, a beautiful filling for pies, and simply a very tasty and healthy treat! Meet an easy step-by-step recipe for grape jam! . further

Azerbaijani grape jam 4.6

There are a lot of fascinating and unusual recipes in classical Azerbaijani cuisine, and since it’s summer and it’s time to think about preparations, I suggest you create the most delicious grape jam. . further

Seedless grape jam 3.0

It is very simple to create tasty jam from grapes; the main thing is to choose a suitable seedless variety for this or simply remove them from the berries, because the seeds will add a bitter taste to the future jam. . further

Grape jam without water 4.3

No sweetness in the world can compare with homemade jam, made with your own hands, so it’s time to stock up on recipes for making it, and I offer you my own version - grape jam. . further

Grape jam in a slow cooker 2.6

It's time to think about making preparations, and first I propose to create fragrant and juicy grape jam, and your multicooker will help you quickly cope with the task given to us. . further

Grape jam in the oven 4.6

Do you think the only way to make jam is to boil it, then I will surprise you and tell you how to create the most aromatic grape jam in the oven, such a sweet you have never tried. . further

Georgian grape jam 4.4

In Georgian cuisine, grapes are found in almost all dishes, including various preparations made from them. I offer you an excellent recipe for grape jam that you can make without effort. . further

Grape jam for the winter 2.8

What jam is not made from nowadays is from various fruits, berries and even vegetables, to suit any taste and color. Well, for those who like juicy grapes, I suggest creating jam from them. . further

Jam from snow-white grapes with seeds 4.0

Yes Yes Yes! Jam is also made from grapes. It comes out very tasty and has a subtle aroma. And in winter, when you open a jar of this wonderful jam, you will remember the autumn days and enjoy it. . further

Grape jam with seeds 3.5

You can make an indescribably delicious jam from grapes, but removing the seeds from each berry is a real test, so we won’t do this and will make jam from grapes with seeds. . further

Grape bekmes 5.0

Here I would like to show you how to prepare bekmes from grapes. For those who don’t understand, this is a special grape honey, tasty and black. Something between honey and jam. Try it, your sweet tooth will appreciate it! . further

Grape jam 5-minute 4.4

A good and very quick recipe for grape jam for those who don’t like to waste a lot of time on preparations; it will only take you a few minutes to prepare the most delicious, fragrant delicacy. . further

Grape jam for the winter 3.3

Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about preparations. This year, in addition to the usual compotes and jams, I propose for you to create a fragrant amber-sunny grape jam for the winter. . further

Grape jam “Isabella” 5.0

The “Isabella” grape variety is unpretentious and produces good harvests. The smell of grapes is rich and pleasant, the taste is sour. From such grapes you can make juice, jam or thick confiture. . further

Grape jam with nuts 5.0

We are preparing original jam from grapes with walnuts. The combination is very tasty! The grapes make the jam very fragrant, and the walnuts are soaked in sweet syrup. . further

Grape jam “Kishmish” 4.0

Jam made from seedless grapes is fragrant, with a special, delicate taste. It will be a good dessert on weekdays and holidays. . further

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Almost all summer residents are proud of the various varieties of grapes they grow, and those who do not grow this heat-loving crop can always find sweet vines on the market. From grapes you can create more than just wine. For those who love sweets, we present recipes for grape jam. They carefully describe how to make grape jam at home; moreover, all recipes are illustrated with photos. A description of the step-by-step preparation of grape jam will also help those who decide to make jam for the first time. Find out how to create grape jam right now and share your own recipes and photos of the finished sweets. Fortune!

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