Bird cherry wine according to ordinary and understandable recipes for every taste

Bird cherry wine according to ordinary and understandable recipes for every taste!

No alcoholic drink has such diversity as bird cherry wine. It can be strong or light, sweet or strong, similar to a unique amaretto or a warming tincture. The reddish and dark fruits have a fascinating taste and mix well with fruits and berries, making the preparation very interesting.

How to make wine from bird cherry?

Making bird cherry wine at home is very simple. Simple and understandable tips will help you cope with work without difficulty and hassle.

  1. You should mix mashed bird cherry berries with raisins and sweet syrup, and put the bottle in a warm place for a couple of days.
  2. At the first signs of fermentation, strain the wort and leave it under a water seal for a month. At the end of fermentation, adjust the taste with sugar and allow the wine to ripen.
  3. The production of wine from bird cherry must be carried out in sterile containers, from high-quality raw materials. There should be no signs of spoilage or mold on the berries. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria may enter the wort.
  4. Wine made from bird cherry berries must ripen for 2 months in a cold room without access to sunlight.

Homemade wine "Amaretto" from bird cherry

Homemade Amaretto wine made from bird cherry is one of the options that reveals the potential of tart berries. The extreme ones, in combination with spices and strong alcohol, obtain an almond flavor, giving the drink a similarity to the cult liqueur. The entire process takes 40 days. Due to hydrocyanic acid, berries cannot be kept in alcohol for longer.

  • bird cherry – 750 g;
  • vodka – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • nutmeg – 5 g;
  • cinnamon – 5 g.
  1. Puree the berries. Add spices and sugar and leave covered for 2 days.
  2. Pour in vodka and leave for 20 days.
  3. Strain and bottle.
  4. After 3 days, bird cherry wine is ready to drink.

Reddish bird cherry wine

Red bird cherry wine is a drink for connoisseurs of mild alcohol. Unlike dark berries, reddish ones contain about 13% sugars and 0.13% tannins, so the wine comes out sweet, light, and not strong. Usually, it is not weighed down with alcohol and additives, but is made using the traditional method, the method of natural fermentation.

  • reddish bird cherry – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 5 l.
  1. Layer the berries and sugar.
  2. Pour in water and place under a water seal for 50 days.
  3. As soon as yeast sediment, wine and berry pulp appear in the jar, the wine is considered ready.
  4. Filter the wine from the reddish bird cherry into a container and place it to mature for 30 days.

Dried bird cherry wine

It is absolutely not necessary that the recipe for bird cherry wine at home consists of new berries. Dried ones are also good. Due to the fact that they have a rich taste, much less is consumed. The best proportion: 1 kg of berries per 10 liters of water. This wine is made with sourdough. It softens the berries and accelerates the fermentation process.

  • dried bird cherry – 1 kg;
  • water – 10.4 l;
  • sugar – 4.1 kg;
  • raisins – 200 g.
  1. To make the starter, pour 400 ml of water over the raisins, add 100 g of sugar and leave for 3 days.
  2. Dissolve 1 kg of sugar in 10 liters of water and pour syrup over the berries.
  3. Add the starter and place under a water seal.
  4. After two days, add 2 kg of sugar.
  5. After 7 days, strain, add 1 kg of sugar and place under a water seal for 40 days.
  6. Filter. Keep wine made from dried bird cherry in the cold for 3 months.

Bird cherry wine with vodka

On average, bird cherry wine has a strength of 10%. It is impossible to obtain strong wine by fermenting wort, so vodka is added to it. Alcohol can be introduced at the fermentation stage of the wort or into the finished wine. It is easier to fortify young wine by following a scheme where any 2% of vodka in size increases the strength of the drink by one.

  • bird cherry – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 5 l;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • vodka – 600 ml.
  1. Mix 1 kg of sugar with 3 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes and pour over the pureed bird cherry and raisins.
  2. Add the rest of the water and set aside for 3 days.
  3. Strain and place under a water seal.
  4. After 5 days, add 250 g of sugar to the wort.
  5. Repeat the action twice, with an interval of 5 days.
  6. Leave under a water seal for 60 days.
  7. Strain and add vodka to the bird cherry wine.
  8. After 15 days, filter and transfer to ripening.

Wine from bird cherry and apples

Apple-cherry wine is one of the representatives of blended drinks. The purpose of such a cocktail is one: to neutralize the astringency of bird cherry with apples, to add aromas and pleasant sourness to the wine. It is better to achieve brightness of taste using natural fermentation. This wine comes out very light, drinks well straight away and can be stored for up to 1.5 years.

  • apples – 10 kg;
  • bird cherry – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar per 1 liter of water – 250 g.
  1. Puree the apples and bird cherry. Pour in water and set aside for 3 days.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, add sugar (250 g per 1 liter of juice).
  3. Seal by inserting a tube into the lid.
  4. Place the tube in water and leave for 30 days.
  5. Afterwards, filter.

Bird cherry wine with alcohol

You can create homemade wine from bird cherry without yeast - by self-fermenting. To do this, the berries are combined with sugar and left in a warm place for a couple of days to ferment, after which moonshine is added - it interrupts the fermentation, thereby preserving the natural sweetness of the wine, making it strong and, being an antiseptic, increases the shelf life of the drink.

  • reddish bird cherry – 800 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • alcohol – 1 l.
  1. Sprinkle the crushed bird cherry with sugar and set the container to ferment.
  2. After 3 days, add alcohol.
  3. After a week, filter.

Bird cherry and plum wine

Dark bird cherry wine is a drink for everyone. Not everyone likes its astringent, tart taste. For such cases, there is blending. The same plum, which has the highest extractive properties, will look more harmonious in a mixed wine. Moreover, it contains a lot of sugar, which affects the strength and intensity of fermentation.

  • plums – 10 g;
  • water – 10 l;
  • bird cherry – 1 kg;
  • sugar for any liter of juice – 150 g.
  1. Puree the plum pulp, add water and grated bird cherry.
  2. Leave for 2 days.
  3. Strain, add half the sugar and place under a water seal for 5 days.
  4. Add the rest of the sugar in 25% increments for any 5 days.
  5. After 2 months, filter the wine from the plum and bird cherry.
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Wine made from bird cherry leaves

Bird cherry wine can be made at home not only from the juice, but also from the greenish leaves of the bush. To do this, the leaves are poured with boiling water, left for extraction for three days, and the decoction is used to make wine. To speed up fermentation, ammonia is added to the wort. It contains nitrogen necessary for the development of yeast.

  • boiling water – 7 l;
  • leaves – 400 g;
  • sugar per 1 liter of wort – 100 g;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • ammonia – 20 ml.
  1. Pour boiling water over the leaves and leave covered for 3 days.
  2. Drain the broth into a container, add 100 g of sugar per liter, raisins, ammonia and place under a water seal.
  3. After 4 days, add another 100 g of sugar per liter to the wort, after 5 days - 50 g.
  4. Keep the wine under a water seal for 50 days.
  5. Filter and mature for 3 months.

Wine from bird cherry and currant

It is not necessary to make wine from dark bird cherry at home, limiting yourself to this variety of berry. You can find a friend who will improve the drink. A worthy candidate is currants. The berry contains yeast, but does not have sugar content and juiciness. All these properties are compensated by bird cherry, so the wine will be very tasty.

  • dark currants – 10 kg;
  • bird cherry – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 5.5 kg;
  • water – 15 l.
  1. Chop the currants and cherries.
  2. Dissolve 3 kg of sugar in water.
  3. Pour syrup over the berries and set aside for 3 days.
  4. Drain the sediment, add 500 g of sugar and place under a water seal for 50 days.
  5. Add 1 kg of sugar twice.
  6. Filter and soak for 60 days.

Development of wine production from bird cherry

Because of its astringency and bitter taste, bird cherry is rarely consumed fresh; the fruits are mostly used for compotes and jam. Another good option for processing berries is to create bird cherry wine at home. The recipe for the drink is very simple; even novice winemakers can handle the production.

Only the ripest juicy berries without mold, rottenness or signs of spoilage are suitable for wine. Another important point is that the containers used are completely sterile, otherwise tiny pathogenic organisms will get into the wort and spoil the drink.


  • bird cherry berries – 5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 5 l.;
  • unwashed raisins – 100 gr.

Bird cherry wine recipe

1. Separate the berries from the branches, remove spoiled, rotten and moldy fruits. It’s better not to wash so that wild yeast remains.

2. Mash the bird cherry with clean hands or a wooden rolling pin, trying to crush each berry.

3. Mix 1 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water. Boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes over low heat, skimming off the snow-white foam. Cool the purchased syrup to 20-28°C.

4. In a wide-necked container, mix crushed cherries, cooled sweet syrup and raisins. Add 2 liters of water. Mix. Tie the neck with gauze to protect against flies, place the vessel in a warm (18-25°C) black space for 2-3 days. Shake or stir once a day, knocking down a “cap” of pulp on the surface, so as not to create vinegar zones.

5. If signs of fermentation occur (hissing, foam, a slight smell of mash), pour the juice into another container, and squeeze out the pulp through gauze or dense tissue (medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) . Pour the watery part into the container with the drained juice. The squeezed pulp and skin can be added to sweet mash or thrown away.

6. Place a water seal or a honey glove with a hole in the finger on the fermentation container (fill to a maximum of 75% of its size) with juice. Transfer the bottle to a room with a temperature of 18-26°C and protect it from direct sunlight.

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

After 5 days, add a second portion of sugar - 250 g. To do this, drain 250 ml of wort separately, dilute sugar in it, pour the finished syrup back and close it with a water seal. After another 5 days, add a third portion of sugar - 250 grams using the described technology.

7. Depending on the temperature and yeast activity, after 25-60 days the wort will lighten, sediment will appear on the day, the water seal will not release bubbles (the glove will deflate). This means that the young bird cherry wine is ready. It must be drained into another container, being careful not to touch the sediment on the bottom. This is done through a thin tube lowered into the middle of the container with wine.

If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the start of production, so that bitterness does not arise, the wine should be drained from the sediment and left to ferment under a water seal.

8. Taste the drink. If it is not sweet enough, you can add sugar. At this step, the sugar will no longer be converted into alcohol, providing sweetness. Another option is to create fortified wine by adding 2-15% alcohol or vodka. Consolidation aids storage, but flavor and odor are slightly altered.

9. Fill the holding containers to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically (if sweetening was done at the previous step, keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days), transfer to a cool black space at 5-16°C and leave for 50-70 days for ripening, which will improve the taste.

Once every 20-30 days, if sediment appears on the bottom in a layer of 2-4 cm, filter the wine by pouring it into another container.

10. Production is complete when sediment no longer occurs. The wine can (if desired) be poured into bottles and tightly capped. Store in the refrigerator or basement.

From dark bird cherry Aged wine from reddish bird cherry. Photo by Alexander M.

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The result is a dark, fragrant wine with a strong, rich berry flavor. Shelf life – 2-3 years. Strength – 10-12%.

Making unusual and delicious wine from bird cherry: step-by-step recipes

Typically, bird cherry is used only for decorative purposes to decorate garden plots. Not everyone knows that the berries of this beautiful plant can be used to make wine.

They have a lot of necessary parameters and are used in certain traditional medicine recipes in the treatment (a process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, intended for processing and extracting nutrients from food) . In addition, bird cherry wine has powerful anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antibacterial effects.

Ingredients needed

Bird cherry berries have a bitter, astringent taste and are not eaten fresh.

Bird cherry berries are occasionally eaten fresh.

Fundamentally. The pulp of the berries contains a substance called amygdalin glycoside, which, when it enters the stomach, releases hydrocyanic acid.

When making alcohol, bird cherry does not cause damage to the body, and the fermentation method allows you to extract all the beneficial components from the berries, giving the drink a distinctive, rich taste and smell.

The berries are picked when they are fully ripe, picked from the branches in whole clusters, being careful not to destroy them. It is better to do this in dry and clear weather, without rain. The collected bird cherry is painstakingly sorted, separated from twigs and warped, spoiled and crumpled berries, but not washed.

Only freshly picked berries are used for wine, as they cannot be stored. In addition to the bird cherry, you will need to add sugar, water and special wine yeast or some unwashed raisins.

Preparing dishes and tools

To make tasty and high-quality wine, you need to carefully prepare the equipment.

You will need:

  • sterile glass bottle, volume 20 l;
  • an unstained enamel pan or bucket;
  • a water seal or a rubber glove with a small hole;
  • perfectly washed and rinsed gauze;
  • wooden spoon and pestle.

To make wine, deep enamel pans are used.

Preparation of instruments requires painstaking sterilization over steam or treatment with boiling water. After that, wipe everything dry with a clean cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) .

Traditional bird cherry wine

After all the berries have been collected, separated from debris and wiped from dust, you can begin making wine.

For 0.8 liters of water you need:

  • ripe bird cherry berries (5 kg);
  • sugar (1 kg);
  • wine yeast (according to the annotation).

The wort is prepared in a saucepan by previously mashing the berries with a wood pestle, covering them with sugar and adding water. All this is carefully mixed and only later wine yeast is introduced.

Advice! Cover the container with gauze and place it in a warm place for 4 days, stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon once a day. This procedure allows you to remove excess acid from the wort, which affects the taste of the final product.

After 3-4 days, the mixture must be strained through several layers of clean gauze, squeezed out and discarded. Pour the juice into a huge glass bottle and cover the top with a water seal or attach an ordinary honey glove with a hole.

The bottle prepared for the upcoming fermentation is placed in a black and warm space (at +20-25C) for 2-3 weeks. The end of the process is indicated by the absence of bubbles in the water seal or by a deflated glove.

Ripe bird cherry berries are collected, separated from the branches, but not washed.

The wort becomes slightly lighter, and a dense, cloudy sediment appears at the bottom of the container. After that, the bottle with the future wine is placed on a table or bedside table at a distance of about 50 cm from the floor. An empty container is placed at the bottom, and the wine is poured into it by gravity using a narrow dropper tube or rubber hose.

You need to pour the finished wine very carefully, trying not to touch the sediment, which will spoil the taste of the wine. Wine drained in this way can be bottled and stored in a cold space. It will ripen for 2-3 months, and only later can it be tasted.

The drink comes out very tasty, strong, with a slight bitterness. If desired, sugar or any fruit juice is added to it, and some winemakers advise diluting it slightly with water.

Bird cherry wine with raisins

If it is not possible to purchase true wine yeast, then they are replaced with unwashed raisins. This is not the least common recipe that can simply be consumed at home.

Necessary ingredients for 5 liters of water:

  • 5 kg of bird cherry berries;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 100 grams of dark raisins.

In order for fermentation to be as active as possible, unwashed raisins are added to the wort.

In this recipe, it will be useful to prepare sweet syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water in advance. Cook it over low heat, stirring constantly so as not to burn. The resulting syrup is cooled and the pre-prepared mashed berries are poured over it, all the remaining water and raisins are added.

The container with the consistency is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place for 3 days, stirring frequently. Later, the fermented wort is well filtered, the cake is squeezed out, and the untainted juice is poured into a glass bottle for the upcoming fermentation. Put a water seal or glove on the neck of the bottle and leave it for 5 days in a dark place with a temperature of about +25C.

After 5 days, add a glass of sugar to the wort and put it back on for further fermentation. To do this, a little wort is poured from the bottle, sugar is diluted in it and this mixture is poured back. After another 5 days, all the remaining sugar is introduced in the same way and again placed under a water seal.

Typically, fermentation is completed after 1-2 months, and the finished wine is carefully drained (as in the previous recipe) and bottled. Some winemakers add sugar or alcohol to the finished wine, but this is completely optional.

Wine with bird cherry leaves

Bird cherry leaves impart a unique rich smell and tart taste with notes of bitterness to the finished drink.

You will need:

  • bird cherry berries (1.5 kg);
  • vodka (1.5 l);
  • sugar (1.5 kg);
  • bird cherry leaves (100 pcs).
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The resulting homemade bird cherry wine is more like a tincture, but this does not spoil its taste at all.

Fundamentally! No water is used in the recipe, the berries are simply wiped with a dry cloth, and the leaves are thoroughly washed under running water and dried with a cardboard towel.

The berries are perfectly mashed, placed in a huge enamel pan and placed on low heat. They are carefully boiled, adding sugar evenly, and the finished berry syrup is cooled to room temperature and vodka is poured into it.

Instead of bird cherry berries, you can use leaves to make wine.

The prepared leaves are poured with the acquired consistency, everything is poured into a huge sterilized container and covered with a lid. She, in turn, is placed in a black space, with a temperature no higher than +20C for 2 weeks.

After this, the finished wine is filtered through 4-5 layers of gauze, and, if necessary, filtered through cotton wool and bottled. The drink should ripen in a horizontal position for at least six months at a temperature from +7C to +11C.

Before drinking, you can add a little honey or natural apple or pear juice to the wine. Some may find the drink not sweet enough, which can be easily corrected by simply adding sugar to taste.

Bird cherry wine has a lot of necessary parameters and can be used in therapeutic doses for certain cardiovascular pathologies. It has a massive decongestant and diuretic effect, strengthens joints, removes toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) from the body. It is completely easy to prepare and even a novice, inexperienced winemaker can do it.

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Homemade bird cherry wine: a simple step-by-step recipe

Bird cherry berries have a unique chemical composition. They contain tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, malic and citric acids, antioxidants, almost all vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and trace elements. But because of its tart, specific taste, it is rarely consumed fresh. If you have trees growing in your dacha that produce red or chokeberry fruit, try the usual recipe for making homemade wine from bird cherry of any variety.

  1. What ingredients will be useful?
  2. Preparing berries for the wort
  3. Wort preparation
  4. We get young wine
  5. Bringing young wine to maturity

What ingredients will be useful?

The basic recipe uses the usual set of ingredients:

  • unblemished bird cherry fruits (2.5 kg);
  • sugar (750 g);
  • water from a filter or bottle (2.5 l);
  • unwashed high quality raisins (50 g).

Preparing berries for the wort

The process of fruit preparation plays a very important role. Mistakes at this step can lead to damaged goods and wasted time. Separate the berries from the branches and sort. Do not allow rotten, dried fruits with traces of mold to get into the general mass. If the collection is collected away from the road, there is no need to wash it.

Fundamentally! You can reduce the astringency and bitterness by placing the cooked berries in the freezer for 30 minutes.

To make the bird cherry release its juice, mash each berry. I recommend using a wooden rolling pin or mortar. If you don’t have this tool, you can crush the fruits with your hands (preferably with gloves).

Wort preparation

Following the step-by-step recipe, move on to the next step - making the wort. First brew the syrup. Boil one and a half liters of water in an enamel bowl, add the entire amount of sugar evenly. After 10 minutes the liquid will begin to thicken. Remove it from the heat and set it aside until it reaches room temperature. After this you can add the crushed berries. Add the remaining water here and add the raisins.

Stir the wort well, cover with clean gauze, tying it tightly around the neck. For 3-4 days, place the container in a space where the temperature is maintained at 18-28 degrees. Wait for fermentation to begin, after 12 hours stir or shake. If after 6 days the wort has not begun to emit foam and carbon dioxide, add wine yeast, distributing it sparingly throughout the container.

We get young wine

Separate the mash from the cake. To do this, drain the juice through a fine strainer or gauze folded in 3-4 layers. If using this basic recipe, pour the wort into a 5 liter bottle. Make sure that there is a third of free space left from the top.

Close the neck of the container with a water seal. If you are making wine for the first time and do not have this device on hand, use a honey glove. Use a large sewing needle to make a hole in one of her fingers, which will serve as a hole for removing carbon dioxide.

Fundamentally! Fermentation can last up to 3 months. During the first few weeks, shake the bottle to agitate the liquid, but do not open the water seal. After 50 days, be sure to drain the wort into a clean container, leaving the sediment. The room temperature must be maintained at 23-28 degrees. Do not expose the bottle to sunlight.

Bringing young wine to maturity

After blowing off the glove, stopping the hissing and the formation of bubbles, you will get young wine. It will be lighter than the wort.

Remember! The color of the drink depends entirely on the type of bird cherry. Chokeberry wine will be virtually black. From burgundy berries you will get a ruby ​​drink.

Carefully pour the young wine through a straw into glass jars. You can add more sugar to it for a thicker taste. At this step, if you wish, strengthen the drink by adding from 2 to 15% of the total amount of vodka. Close the containers filled to the very top with lids.

Fundamentally! If you add sugar, be sure to leave a water seal for 2-3 days. Then replace it with lids.

Bird cherry wine must reach maturity in a cold place with a temperature of no more than 16 degrees. After two to three weeks it must be drained from the sediment. Watch the amount of extremes. Repeat the function every time the cloudiness reaches 20 mm or more. I recommend observing a short aging period of 4 months. After this period has expired, pour the drink into bottles, cap tightly, and store in the cellar or refrigerator for no more than 3 years.

Drink a generous homemade drink in moderation, remembering the words of old scientists: “A small amount of wine is a healing agent for a person, an excessive amount is poison!”

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