Meatballs in the oven with gravy like in kindergarten

Meatballs in the oven with gravy just like in kindergarten.

Now let's cook delicious meatballs in the oven with gravy in sour cream and tomato sauce. Meatballs are usually cooked in the oven, so they are healthier than fried on the stove. It is in the oven that they dry out better on the outside, become covered with an appetizing crust, and in the middle they become softest and most tender. Well, of course, they pour sauce on top - gravy, here every housewife makes it according to her own recipe. As for minced meat, you can choose any one: beef, poultry or pork - it’s up to your taste. But it seems to me that the perfect option for meatballs is to use mixed minced meat.

Rice is added to meatballs not only for taste; it is rice that prevents the meatballs from falling apart. Usually, for gravy, a sour cream or tomato base is used, with the addition of vegetables and seasonings to taste.

Meatballs with gravy cooked in the oven go perfectly with various side dishes, such as boiled and mashed potatoes, pasta and various cereals.

Ingredients to cook meatballs in the oven with gravy:

  • Minced meat - 400 gr.
  • Boiled rice - 100 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (to taste)
  • Salt, dark pepper, coriander to taste

For the sauce you need:

  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (to taste)
  • Salt, dried dill

How to cook meatballs in the oven with gravy

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the garlic. For those who don’t like garlic, you can skip it and not add it. Add chopped onion and garlic to the minced meat. We also add one raw egg, 100 grams of boiled rice, salt, dark pepper and coriander. You can also take the rice raw, but then the meatballs will take much longer to bake. I prefer ready-cooked rice, it makes the meatballs more tender. You can add any meat spices you have. We carefully stir and beat everything, collecting the minced meat and throwing it back into the bowl.

We wet our hands in water and begin to form the minced meat into small meatball balls. And place them in a baking dish at a small distance from each other. And we set it to bake in a preheated oven at 200 C° for almost 15 minutes, so that the meatballs don’t set much and seem to be sealed into a crust. This is necessary so that the meatballs do not lose their shape when baked with vegetable sauce.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetable gravy. Cut one medium-sized onion into quarters and half rings, place in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, and lightly fry. Grate the peeled carrots on a large grater. Add the carrots to the onions and stir-fry over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then add 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste diluted with 100 ml of water. You can replace it with pureed fresh tomatoes. Add sour cream and simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes. Season with spices (chopped fresh garlic and dried dill). Add salt at the end. You can add any spices to taste. If the sauce seems thick to you, thin it with a little boiling water.

We take out our meatballs and fill them with vegetable sauce, distribute them moderately, covering the meatballs one hundred percent. And put it in the oven for another half hour until fully cooked at 200 C°.

We take the meatballs out of the oven. If desired, you can sprinkle grated cheese on top. And put it in the oven for 2-3 minutes to melt the cheese. You can serve meatballs to the table as an independent dish, or with any of your favorite side dishes. The meat balls came out light, tender and juicy. The secret of the meatballs lies not only in the minced meat, but also in the gravy, which can be generously poured over the side dish.

Bon appetit! If you liked it, give it a like!


South American meatballs

I saw this recipe on TV, tried to cook it, and I liked it, especially and simply.

Meatballs in milk “Children’s”

The method for making these meatballs was told to me by my cousin, who worked as a cook in a kindergarten. The meatballs turn out endlessly tender, with a creamy taste. I think they will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. And the recipe is simpler than usual!

Meatballs “Beloved”

Our family really loves meatballs in this particular version - they turn out even more tender and juicier than ordinary ones. I looked through all the recipes on the website and couldn’t find one! I decided to share with you.

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Meatballs in milk sauce

I again have a very ordinary, tasty and satisfying dish. Try it, dears!

Meatballs with mushrooms in tomato sour cream sauce

Meatballs with mushrooms, baked in the oven in tomato and sour cream sauce. Previously, following the example of my own mother, I constantly made meatballs in a frying pan, with a huge amount of gravy, frying them first and then stewing them perfectly... But lately I am more and more inclined to making them in the oven. Well, I like it when you take care of business, the kids, the house, and at this time you prepare food for yourself))) And you don’t have to watch it, run around looking, twisting it;))) That’s why I decided to try cooking meatballs in the oven cupboard... The result impressed me: soft, tender, without frying, with a huge amount of delicious gravy... In a word, everything is just how I like it. Try it, maybe you will like it too.

Lenten meatballs

This recipe was the beginning of my acquaintance with “The Cook”. When my husband tried these meatballs, he said that this is a godsend for vegetable eaters and the world should see and experience them))) After Googling on the Internet, I found this website, a section for fasting people - and remained for permanent residence. In fact, the combination of rice and lentils has been consumed by Hindus for thousands of years. They know that when you combine grains and legumes, you get real protein. Lentils replace minced meat in this recipe, and sticky rice keeps the meatballs in perfect shape!

Meatballs “Nezhenka” in a slow cooker

Making indescribably tender and juicy meatballs will not leave your loved ones indifferent! Worth trying! This is quite tasty!

Chicken meatballs with cheese

Making homemade lunch is a creative process. I want to predict the different tastes and preferences of all family members, both kids and adults. Small fidgets will love pies - mittens with chicken meat and rice. In my opinion, adult family members will enjoy the meatballs with cheese in sour cream sauce that we are about to prepare. So, let's prepare two dishes for a family dinner.

Meatballs in bean-tomato sauce

I offer the cooks a recipe for meatballs cooked with canned beans in tomato sauce. It turns out very tasty and satisfying, I recommend it

Meatballs “Super Juicy” dietary

One day, my friend shared with me a very ordinary recipe for meatballs. I slightly reworked it and it turned out to be just a masterpiece (I’m throwing these words out of modesty). And they are dietary because you don’t need to fry anything!

Meatballs . Meatballs are a dish that consists of balls of minced meat in sauce.

It is better to choose meat for meatballs with fat - the dish will be the most juicy.

A distinctive feature of meatballs is that in their composition, in addition to the meat component, you can find bread, rice, eggs, onions, crackers and some other ingredients. Meatballs can be fried, baked, stewed in sauce, or steamed.

Unlike cutlets, meatballs taste more fluffy and tender. It's not hard to figure out why this happens. Naturally, thanks to the addition of rice to the minced meat. By the way, you need to add rice when it is half cooked. However, if you use steamed rice, you don't have to cook it. By the way, you can add not only rice to minced meat, but also mashed potatoes, various vegetables and even dried fruits.

Meatballs differ from cutlets not only in ingredients, but also in size. Typically the meatballs are four to five cm across. “Children’s” meatballs are even smaller – about 3 cm.

First, the meatballs are fried and then stewed in sauce. By the way, it is not recommended to cook meatballs in enamel dishes - they quickly burn in it.

Meatballs can be cooked with any sauce - tomato, sour cream, etc. Choose according to your own taste. There must be a lot of sauce (the dish must be filled with it at least halfway). If there is not enough water, just add water. After the sauce is brought to a boil, the dish must be simmered for about 20-25 minutes.

Meatballs in the oven - tried and tested recipes. How to properly and deliciously cook meatballs in the oven.

Meatballs in the oven - general principles of production

What are meatballs? Delicious fragrant meat balls stewed in sauce! Probably most of us, when we hear the word “meatballs,” immediately remember Carlson, who was stealing meatballs from the oven of Baby’s mother. Also, meatballs are often mentioned in other works of Astrid Lingred, and not by chance, because meatballs come from Austria.

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Meatballs in the oven are very easy to prepare. You will spend only 30-40 minutes and get a hearty dish that is healthy for both adults and children. After all, this dish is based on meat (pork, poultry or fish). Meat is rich in proteins, which anyone simply needs for the real functioning and renewal of the body. In addition, the meat in the meatball is supplemented with vegetables and cereals, which only increases the energy and nutritional value of the meatballs. What to serve meatballs with? You can eat them in their pure form (because in most recipes, meatballs are made together with cereal), serve with a side dish. Don’t forget about the sauce; use it with meatballs or pour it over a side dish.

Meatballs in the oven - preparing goods and utensils

Meatballs in the oven can be prepared from various ingredients. But no matter what recipe you choose, in any case, before preparing the dish, prepare minced meat, rice, onions, carrots, tomatoes, and spices. For the sauce, you will also need water, cream, mayonnaise, sour cream, and tomato paste.

It is most convenient to stew meatballs in the oven in the deepest form. To make it, set the oven temperature to 180 degrees.

Recipes for meatballs in the oven:

Recipe 1: Meatballs in the oven

The traditional version of this dish will please you with the tomato taste and meaty smell of the meatballs. For this recipe you will not need cereals; the meatballs will consist of minced meat and vegetables. Take all vegetables of medium size.

Required ingredients:

  • Minced pork 400 gr
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • 2 tomatoes
  • Tomato paste
  • Sour cream
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Unsullied water 250 ml
  • Sunflower oil

Manufacturing method:

1. Prepare the vegetables. Wash and peel them, finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots.

2. Heat a frying pan, fry the onions first, then add carrots and tomatoes. Let the vegetables cool slightly.

3. Stir fried vegetables, salt and pepper into the minced meat. Form balls from the resulting mass.

4. Make the sauce. Mix a glass of water, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, salt.

5. Set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees. Grease the mold with sunflower oil and place the meatballs on it. Place them in the oven for 5-6 minutes. After this, take it out, pour the sauce over it and put it in the oven again, now for 25-30 minutes.

Serve traditional meatballs in the oven with any side dish, sprinkled with tomato sauce, or eat as is.

Recipe 2: Meatballs in the oven with prunes

This dish has an extraordinary special taste. Of course, these meatballs in the oven contain few prunes! Don’t be confused by the presence of this dried fruit in the main dish; it will not spoil the meatballs in the slightest with its own sweetness and smell. If you wish, you can also add a few chopped prunes to the sauce.

Required ingredients:

  • Minced pork 400 gr
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Prunes 100 gr
  • 1 tomato
  • Tomato paste 1 tablespoon
  • Sour cream 1 tablespoon
  • Mayonnaise 2 tablespoons
  • Unsullied water 250 ml
  • Salt
  • Spices

Manufacturing method:

  1. Before all this, prepare the prunes. You need to fill it with warm water for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool running water. Chop the prunes as finely as possible.
  2. Wash and peel the onions and carrots, chop finely. Fry in sunflower oil until soft, and then cool.
  3. Mix minced meat, vegetables, prunes, salt and spices. Make balls from the mass given to us.
  4. Turn the oven on 180 degrees. Grease the pan with oil and place the meatballs on it for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Prepare the sauce. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove their skins and puree them using a blender. Add sour cream, tomato paste and mayonnaise to the puree, stir, dilute with water, and add salt. Pour the sauce over the meatballs and let them simmer for half an hour.

Recipe 3: Meatballs in the oven with rice

Cook the rice meatballs in the oven. Meat balls prepared in this way will be very satisfying because they combine the beneficial characteristics of rice and meat. This recipe uses minced pork, but you can mix it with beef or chicken, so the meatballs will turn out tastier.

Required ingredients:

  • Minced pork 300 gr
  • Rice 100 gr
  • Onion
  • Tomato 2 pieces
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Unsullied water 250 ml
  • Sour cream 2 tablespoons
  • Salt
  • Spices

Manufacturing method:

  1. Boil the rice until cooked, rinsing the grains first (cook for about 10 minutes after the water boils). Refrigerate.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in a frying pan until golden brown.
  3. Mix minced meat, fried onions, cooked rice, salt and spices. Make balls from the resulting mass.
  4. Preheat the oven. Grease the mold with vegetable oil and place the meatballs on it. Place the meatballs in the oven for 5 minutes.
  5. Prepare the sauce. To do this, rinse the vegetables. Remove the skin from the tomato and grind in a blender. Grate the carrots. Mix tomato puree, carrots, sour cream, tomato paste, water, salt. Pour the sauce over the meatballs in the oven and cook for about 20 minutes.
Read also:  Pie with eggs and green onions in the oven: step-by-step recipe with photos

Recipe 4: Fish meatballs in the oven

Meatballs can be prepared not only from pork or beef, but also from minced fish. For this dish you will need minced white fish and rice. And you will stew the meatballs in the oven in a creamy sauce.

Required ingredients:

  • Minced white fish 300 gr
  • Rice 50 gr
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Sour cream 3 tablespoons
  • Cream 200 ml (fat content 10 percent)
  • Salt
  • Spices

Manufacturing method:

  1. Wash the rice grains and cook until tender. Cool.
  2. Mix minced fish with cooked rice, salt and pepper. Make balls from the resulting mass.
  3. Place the meatballs in the preheated oven for 5 minutes. To do this, grease the pan with oil and place the meatballs on it.
  4. Prepare the sauce. Rinse the carrots and grate them on a small grater. Mix sour cream, cream and carrots, add salt. Pour the sauce over the meatballs in the oven and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Recipe 5: Chicken meatballs in the oven

Meatballs made from minced chicken will have an extraordinary taste. They differ from meatballs made from pork in their special tenderness. Prepare an unusual sauce with olives and herbs.

Required ingredients:

  • Minced chicken 300 gr
  • Rice 50 gr
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Bell pepper 1 piece
  • Dark pitted olives 100 gr
  • Tomato paste 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream 2 tablespoons
  • Unsullied water 200 ml
  • Salt
  • Spices

Manufacturing method:

  1. Rice cereals must be washed and cooked in salted water until tender. Cool the rice.
  2. Peel and chop the onion finely and fry in a frying pan.
  3. Mix minced chicken, rice and onion, add salt and spices. Make round meatballs.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the pan with oil and place the meatballs on it. Place them in the oven for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Prepare the sauce. Wash the pepper and remove the seeds. Grind the peppers and olives in a blender. Mix chopped vegetables with tomato paste and sour cream, add water and salt.
  6. Pour the sauce over the meatballs and simmer them for 25-30 minutes.

Recipe 6: Meatballs in the oven in German

Meatballs are considered a dish that came to us from Austria. Therefore, prepare the dish according to an ancient German recipe with the addition of chopped smoked sausages.

Required ingredients:

  • Minced pork 300 gr
  • Rice 50 gr
  • Smoked sausages 100 gr
  • Low-fat cream 200 ml
  • Greenish olives without pits 100 g
  • Capers 50 gr
  • Sour cream 2 tablespoons

Manufacturing method:

  1. Wash the rice and boil until tender in salted water. Cool when ready.
  2. Cut the smoked sausages into cubes as small as possible.
  3. Mix minced meat, sausages, rice porridge, salt and spices. Form balls from the resulting mass.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the pan with oil and place the meatballs on it. Place them in the oven for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Prepare the sauce. Finely chop the olives. Mix cream, olives, capers and sour cream, add salt.
  6. Pour the sauce over the meatballs in the oven and simmer for about 30 minutes.

Meatballs in the oven

Recipes: 6

for meatballs:
500 gr.
minced meat 1 egg
125 ml.
oatmeal 125 ml.
hot milk 1 onion (chopped)

  • 1

Natalia Mashika

  • 02 February 2018, 18:32

minced meat – 500 gr.
egg – 1 pc.
raw rice – 100 gr.
onion – 2 pcs.
carrots – 1 pc.
sour cream – 1 tbsp.

  • 1
  • 12

Anastasia Etskal

  • 15 November 2017, 16:07

0.5 kg.
minced meat 1 onion
1 small potato
3-4 cloves of garlic
50 ml.
milk ground black pepper

  • 4


  • 03 October 2017, 15:56

0.5 kg.
minced fish 1 tbsp.
boiled rice 1 pc.
onion 1 egg
1 tbsp.
homemade mayonnaise (or butter )

  • 1
  • 4


  • 13 October 2016, 03:14

minced meat for meatballs:
500 gr.
mixed minced meat (pork, beef) 1 medium onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 egg
50 gr. of bread

  • 20
  • 42


  • October 23, 2009, 11:22 pm

1 kg minced pork and beef
2 large onions (chopped)
1 tbsp cooked rice
200 gr.
finely chopped cabbage , pepper, salt.
100 gr. Russian cheese.

  • 5
  • 40


  • 10 April 2009, 18:14

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

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