Shortbread; traditional home recipe

Shortbread cookies - a traditional homemade recipe

How about a sweet dessert for tea? And so that you can cook quickly and easily? At first I wanted to create oatmeal cakes, and later I decided to bake homemade cookies in the oven. Which one specifically? After all, over so many years I have accumulated a whole bunch of recipes. There are also ordinary ones, and there are also more difficult ones. The children ran up and said that they wanted to work with me with molds. To be honest, I have so many of them that soon the closet will not hold up and will burst). In general, at a family vote, it was decided to make crumbly shortbread cookies, which our grandmother used to constantly bake when we came to visit her. She just made them in the form of diamonds, but I propose to design them using the other method.

This option will be based on the most common products found in any family. Well, in my personal case, they are always there and in larger quantities. And as they say, we make blind from what we have. All you need is butter, which you can replace with margarine if you wish. A couple of chicken eggs, sugar and flour. In fact, that’s all, if you want, add cinnamon or vanillin for aroma, and for fluffiness, add slaked soda with vinegar or baking powder. And the perfect dough will be waiting for you in almost 5 minutes. It is very elastic, playful, and sculpting it is a pleasure.

This time I decided to make a portion of dough that is not as huge as I usually do, because my husband is on a business trip, and this will be enough. By the way, this is what happened, look at the photo. Delicious, isn't it?

It’s as if we are looking at ordinary shortbread cookies, which everyone loves so much because of their crumbliness, but with just a little decorating, they become inimitable. Say no to store-bought products - after all, at the moment there is so much stuff crammed in, even sometimes, when reading the ingredients, you think this is completely edible for humans. Lately, I often look at the list of ingredients and, to be honest, it frightens me to the point of madness.

Let's bake the sweets ourselves at home and not use any preservatives or additives. In addition, if you have small assistants, then this work will become even more fun and energetic.

After all, you can really get a culinary masterpiece if you take as a base beautiful shapes that you can simply use to cut the dough. Sprinkle nuts, raisins or, as I did, coconut flakes on top. And that’s all - you can sit and lick your fingers and stroke your belly out of gluttony.

So, I suggest you quickly go to your kitchen and, together with me, carry out all the steps for making a sweet dessert.

Traditional shortbread cookies with butter in the oven

I’ll say right away that this recipe has been known since Russian times. It has been tested by thousands of housewives and they are all in ecstasy, because it’s quick. As soon as you put the treat in the oven, such a fragrant smell will rush through the apartment that you will be unable to resist. You'll have to kill both cheeks.

I listed all the ingredients below, and you see, I even have all-purpose flour, which I bought from Maria-Ra. As a standard, you can take the highest grade. You can replace butter with margarine if you wish, or if it is not available.



First, prepare the products according to the list so that things go faster later. Measure out the required amount of sugar. I usually put it on the eye, about half a glass is needed. But this time I decided to measure, I had to get a scale, first weigh the glass itself, and then along with the contents, in order to correctly measure 150 g of sugar.

Remove the butter (200 g) from the refrigerator in advance so that it comes to room temperature. Most of the time I use the microwave, put it on for 30 seconds, and it becomes so soft.

Advice! If you wish, melt the butter in a water bath, no special role. You can use the stove and melt it there. Whichever method appeals to you the most, which one is more convenient, choose that one.

So, combine sweet sand and butter in one bowl and mix with a tablespoon. There is no need to bring the mass to a state without grains, this is not required here. Just stir into a homogeneous mass.

Then add chicken eggs (2-3 pieces, depending on their size). Add baking powder and vanillin or vanilla sugar for flavor. Stir again until smooth.

Now it’s time for the flour, which you add not all at once, but in parts. Stir and add.

The dough becomes steeper with each kneading, and that’s how it should be. Do extreme kneading on the table and with your hands.

Very tasty shortbread cookies - a recipe at home

In the end, you will get a nice bun that will be quite greasy to the touch. But very affectionate and soft, you can mold any shape from it. Since I had kids with me, they decided to make this funny face:

Well, later I still had to wrap her package. After all, the dough must stand in the refrigerator and get stronger for about 30 minutes. I stood for 20 minutes, so my “impatients” could not wait any longer.

The most crucial moment, and for my boys the most exciting. This is cutting out parts. Roll out the chilled dough with a rolling pin into a layer 0.5-1.5 cm wide. Depending on the thickness, the cookies will turn out either narrow and so crispy that it’s just ecstasy, or fluffy. But this has no effect on friability.

Use molds to squeeze out the pieces. This time the kids took these huge and luxurious ones out of the bag (a heart, a wheel, a flower)... in fact, I use these shapes more for donuts, but what can’t you do for the sake of the children. I got them through the Internet, and they often help me out.

This is how beautiful it came out, the boys tried hard! After trimming, collect and roll out the layer again and make more shapes from the remains.

Then, on any baking tray, this time I decided to use a new glass baking tray, lay out the preparations. Which I greased with vegetable oil just in case, but oh, that’s what I was thinking, I didn’t have to grease it. You can use a regular one with a non-stick surface, or cover the sheet with parchment paper.

Crumbly, shortbread and tender butter cookies

What's next? Naturally, bake until golden and golden brown. Place in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees and bake until done, about 20 minutes. I judge by the crispy crust. I did not include the convention to speed up the process and did without it.

And yes, I forgot to say, I decorated three pieces with coconut shavings, these were for my beloved).

After a few minutes, you will notice that the treat will begin to gradually increase in size, because the composition contained baking powder. So he started to move into action. Amazing! I made 16 huge, delicious shortcakes. Naturally, the quantity will depend on the size of the molds used.

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The final step turned out to be the most difficult for our family. Let the liver cool. Well, after that, sprinkle one portion with sweet powder, decorate the second with condensed milk and cocoa, sprinkle with crushed walnuts, and the third is ready, with coconut flakes. Serve with any hot drinks. Pleasant memories and discoveries!

That's all, I hope that you liked this recipe for making crumbly and shortbread cookies. And you will once again please your beloved family or guests with them. After all, such sweets look beautiful and presentable. Eat with pleasure, for example with hot tea, cocoa or milk. Prepare these desserts yourself, I’m sure no one will mind. Agree, ordinary ordinary goods can create beautiful magic that will recall the smell of your home, the warmth and comfort of youth.

Crunch with pleasure! Share your note on social networks and write your reviews and suggestions. That's all, bye-bye.

Shortbread: traditional and unique recipes

There are a lot of shortbread cookie recipes, but the main aspects of this popular pastry are tenderness and crumbliness.

To say that shortbread is delicious is to say nothing; it is incredibly tender, goes well with tea or coffee and flies off the table in no time.

There are a lot of shortbread cookie recipes, but the main aspects of this popular pastry are tenderness and crumbliness. Shortbread cookies are bound to melt in your mouth.

Shortbread cookie recipe according to GOST:

Ingredients: flour – 350 g, sugar – 130 g, egg (white) – 1 pc., salt (pinch), butter (softened) – 200 g, baking powder – 0.5 tsp, walnuts (or peanuts) – 70-80 g, vanilla sugar – 0.5 packet.

Preparation: mix softened butter, egg (throw in a little egg for lubrication), salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder. Beat for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves. Add flour, knead the dough. It may not be sticky enough, but you shouldn’t add a lot of flour. Place the shortbread dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. It will cool down and will be easier to work with. Then, on a table generously sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough to about 6-7 mm wide. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. It is not allowed to overcook - the cookies do not have to get very brown.

Traditional shortbread recipe:

Ingredients: 80-90 g sugar, 2 eggs, 240-260 g flour, 150 g butter, 1 tsp. baking powder, a pinch of salt.

Preparation: beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, salt and flour (sieve flour with baking powder). Knead the dough, but do not knead it for a long time. Form into a ball and wrap in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roll out the dough, cut out shapes, bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 8-10 minutes. Serve completely cooled.

Sugar shortbread cookies:

Ingredients: flour – 450 g, butter – 200 g, sugar – 200 g, egg – 1 pc., milk – 50 ml, vanilla sugar – 2 tsp, salt – 0.5 tsp.

Production: put 200 g of soft butter in a mixer bowl, add 200 g of sugar. Beat until you obtain a snow-white fluffy mass. While stirring, add 2 tsp. vanilla sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. If desired, you can add almond essence, orange zest or other flavoring to the dough to taste. While the butter mixture is stirring, mix the egg and 50 ml of milk in a separate bowl. Without stopping stirring, alternately and little by little add 450 g of flour and an egg with milk to the butter mixture. Place the shortbread dough on kitchen film, shape it into a shape that is comfortable for the upcoming work, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Then we take the dough out of the refrigerator, sprinkle the table, dough and rolling pin with flour and roll out the shortbread dough into a layer 3 mm wide. Cut out cookies of various shapes, place them on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees Celsius. Remove the finished sugar shortbread cookies from the oven and let cool.

Recipe for Chamomile shortbread cookies:

Ingredients: margarine – 300 g, sugar – 200 g, salt to taste, vanillin – 5 g, chicken eggs – 2 pcs, flour – 500 g, baking soda – 5 g, jam – 100 g.

Production: put previously softened margarine in a bowl, add sugar, vanillin and salt, grind using a tablespoon or a hand whisk. Break the eggs into the resulting mass and continue beating until the mass increases in volume and becomes snow-white. Sift flour and soda into the snow-white fluffy mass, knead the pasty shortbread dough, fill a pastry bag with it using a star nozzle. Place cookies on a baking sheet previously lined with parchment, and place jam in the center of each cookie; this can easily be done using a cardboard envelope, making a small hole at the tip. We send the baking sheet with the preparations to the oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake the cookies for 10 - 15 minutes. Cool and serve.

Recipe for shortbread cookies with added yeast:

Ingredients: wheat flour – 2 cups, margarine (butter) – 150 g, mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l., sugar - 2 tbsp. l., yeast (dry) – 2 tsp., salt – 1 pinch, sweet powder (for sprinkling the finished cookies) – 1/3 cup, vanilla sugar (for sprinkling the finished cookies) – 2 tsp.

Preparation: Place 2 tbsp in a small cup. l. mayonnaise and add yeast. After mixing, set the mixture aside for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add a small pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and softened creamy margarine (butter). Mix until small crumbs form. Add yeast and mayonnaise to the flour mixture. Mix first with a spoon, then collect the dough with your hands into a single plastic mass. Divide the finished dough ball in half. From each part we form a sausage approximately 3 cm wide. Cut each sausage into pieces 2.5-3 cm wide. Roll each piece into a ball. On average I get 15-16 balls. Place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Press any bun with a fork so that a mark remains. We bake cookies in a preheated oven to 240-250 degrees. oven until pale golden brown (average 20 minutes). Transfer the finished cookies while still hot into a deep bowl. Fill with sweet powder, previously mixed with vanilla sugar. 1/3 tbsp. more than enough powder (less is possible). Mix carefully, the cookies are soft and crumbly and may simply break.

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Shortbread: traditional and unique recipes

There are a lot of shortbread cookie recipes, but the main aspects of this popular pastry are tenderness and crumbliness.

To say that shortbread is delicious is to say nothing; it is incredibly tender, goes well with tea or coffee and flies off the table in no time.

There are a lot of shortbread cookie recipes, but the main aspects of this popular pastry are tenderness and crumbliness. Shortbread cookies are bound to melt in your mouth.

Shortbread cookie recipe according to GOST:

Ingredients: flour – 350 g, sugar – 130 g, egg (white) – 1 pc., salt (pinch), butter (softened) – 200 g, baking powder – 0.5 tsp, walnuts (or peanuts) – 70-80 g, vanilla sugar – 0.5 packet.

Preparation: mix softened butter, egg (throw in a little egg for lubrication), salt, sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder. Beat for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves. Add flour, knead the dough. It may not be sticky enough, but you shouldn’t add a lot of flour. Place the shortbread dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. It will cool down and will be easier to work with. Then, on a table generously sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough to about 6-7 mm wide. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. It is not allowed to overcook - the cookies do not have to get very brown.

Traditional shortbread recipe:

Ingredients: 80-90 g sugar, 2 eggs, 240-260 g flour, 150 g butter, 1 tsp. baking powder, a pinch of salt.

Preparation: beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter, salt and flour (sieve flour with baking powder). Knead the dough, but do not knead it for a long time. Form into a ball and wrap in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roll out the dough, cut out shapes, bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 8-10 minutes. Serve completely cooled.

Sugar shortbread cookies:

Ingredients: flour – 450 g, butter – 200 g, sugar – 200 g, egg – 1 pc., milk – 50 ml, vanilla sugar – 2 tsp, salt – 0.5 tsp.

Production: put 200 g of soft butter in a mixer bowl, add 200 g of sugar. Beat until you obtain a snow-white fluffy mass. While stirring, add 2 tsp. vanilla sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. If desired, you can add almond essence, orange zest or other flavoring to the dough to taste. While the butter mixture is stirring, mix the egg and 50 ml of milk in a separate bowl. Without stopping stirring, alternately and little by little add 450 g of flour and an egg with milk to the butter mixture. Place the shortbread dough on kitchen film, shape it into a shape that is comfortable for the upcoming work, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Then we take the dough out of the refrigerator, sprinkle the table, dough and rolling pin with flour and roll out the shortbread dough into a layer 3 mm wide. Cut out cookies of various shapes, place them on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees Celsius. Remove the finished sugar shortbread cookies from the oven and let cool.

Recipe for Chamomile shortbread cookies:

Ingredients: margarine – 300 g, sugar – 200 g, salt to taste, vanillin – 5 g, chicken eggs – 2 pcs, flour – 500 g, baking soda – 5 g, jam – 100 g.

Production: put previously softened margarine in a bowl, add sugar, vanillin and salt, grind using a tablespoon or a hand whisk. Break the eggs into the resulting mass and continue beating until the mass increases in volume and becomes snow-white. Sift flour and soda into the snow-white fluffy mass, knead the pasty shortbread dough, fill a pastry bag with it using a star nozzle. Place cookies on a baking sheet previously lined with parchment, and place jam in the center of each cookie; this can easily be done using a cardboard envelope, making a small hole at the tip. We send the baking sheet with the preparations to the oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake the cookies for 10 - 15 minutes. Cool and serve.

Recipe for shortbread cookies with added yeast:

Ingredients: wheat flour – 2 cups, margarine (butter) – 150 g, mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l., sugar - 2 tbsp. l., yeast (dry) – 2 tsp., salt – 1 pinch, sweet powder (for sprinkling the finished cookies) – 1/3 cup, vanilla sugar (for sprinkling the finished cookies) – 2 tsp.

Preparation: Place 2 tbsp in a small cup. l. mayonnaise and add yeast. After mixing, set the mixture aside for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add a small pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and softened creamy margarine (butter). Mix until small crumbs form. Add yeast and mayonnaise to the flour mixture. Mix first with a spoon, then collect the dough with your hands into a single plastic mass. Divide the finished dough ball in half. From each part we form a sausage approximately 3 cm wide. Cut each sausage into pieces 2.5-3 cm wide. Roll each piece into a ball. On average I get 15-16 balls. Place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Press any bun with a fork so that a mark remains. We bake cookies in a preheated oven to 240-250 degrees. oven until pale golden brown (average 20 minutes). Transfer the finished cookies while still hot into a deep bowl. Fill with sweet powder, previously mixed with vanilla sugar. 1/3 tbsp. more than enough powder (less is possible). Mix carefully, the cookies are soft and crumbly and may simply break.

Read the latest announcements from Ukraine and the world on the UNIAN channel in Telegram

Shortbread cookies - a traditional homemade recipe

How about a sweet dessert for tea? And so that you can cook quickly and easily? At first I wanted to create oatmeal cakes, and later I decided to bake homemade cookies in the oven. Which one specifically? After all, over so many years I have accumulated a whole bunch of recipes. There are also ordinary ones, and there are also more difficult ones. The children ran up and said that they wanted to work with me with molds. To be honest, I have so many of them that soon the closet will not hold up and will burst). In general, at a family vote, it was decided to make crumbly shortbread cookies, which our grandmother used to constantly bake when we came to visit her. She just made them in the form of diamonds, but I propose to design them using the other method.

This option will be based on the most common products found in any family. Well, in my personal case, they are always there and in larger quantities. And as they say, we make blind from what we have. All you need is butter, which you can replace with margarine if you wish. A couple of chicken eggs, sugar and flour. In fact, that’s all, if you want, add cinnamon or vanillin for aroma, and for fluffiness, add slaked soda with vinegar or baking powder. And the perfect dough will be waiting for you in almost 5 minutes. It is very elastic, playful, and sculpting it is a pleasure.

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This time I decided to make a portion of dough that is not as huge as I usually do, because my husband is on a business trip, and this will be enough. By the way, this is what happened, look at the photo. Delicious, isn't it?

It’s as if we are looking at ordinary shortbread cookies, which everyone loves so much because of their crumbliness, but with just a little decorating, they become inimitable. Say no to store-bought products - after all, at the moment there is so much stuff crammed in, even sometimes, when reading the ingredients, you think this is completely edible for humans. Lately, I often look at the list of ingredients and, to be honest, it frightens me to the point of madness.

Let's bake the sweets ourselves at home and not use any preservatives or additives. In addition, if you have small assistants, then this work will become even more fun and energetic.

After all, you can really get a culinary masterpiece if you take as a base beautiful shapes that you can simply use to cut the dough. Sprinkle nuts, raisins or, as I did, coconut flakes on top. And that’s all - you can sit and lick your fingers and stroke your belly out of gluttony.

So, I suggest you quickly go to your kitchen and, together with me, carry out all the steps for making a sweet dessert.

Traditional shortbread cookies with butter in the oven

I’ll say right away that this recipe has been known since Russian times. It has been tested by thousands of housewives and they are all in ecstasy, because it’s quick. As soon as you put the treat in the oven, such a fragrant smell will rush through the apartment that you will be unable to resist. You'll have to kill both cheeks.

I listed all the ingredients below, and you see, I even have all-purpose flour, which I bought from Maria-Ra. As a standard, you can take the highest grade. You can replace butter with margarine if you wish, or if it is not available.



First, prepare the products according to the list so that things go faster later. Measure out the required amount of sugar. I usually put it on the eye, about half a glass is needed. But this time I decided to measure, I had to get a scale, first weigh the glass itself, and then along with the contents, in order to correctly measure 150 g of sugar.

Remove the butter (200 g) from the refrigerator in advance so that it comes to room temperature. Most of the time I use the microwave, put it on for 30 seconds, and it becomes so soft.

Advice! If you wish, melt the butter in a water bath, no special role. You can use the stove and melt it there. Whichever method appeals to you the most, which one is more convenient, choose that one.

So, combine sweet sand and butter in one bowl and mix with a tablespoon. There is no need to bring the mass to a state without grains, this is not required here. Just stir into a homogeneous mass.

Then add chicken eggs (2-3 pieces, depending on their size). Add baking powder and vanillin or vanilla sugar for flavor. Stir again until smooth.

Now it’s time for the flour, which you add not all at once, but in parts. Stir and add.

The dough becomes steeper with each kneading, and that’s how it should be. Do extreme kneading on the table and with your hands.

Very tasty shortbread cookies - a recipe at home

In the end, you will get a nice bun that will be quite greasy to the touch. But very affectionate and soft, you can mold any shape from it. Since I had kids with me, they decided to make this funny face:

Well, later I still had to wrap her package. After all, the dough must stand in the refrigerator and get stronger for about 30 minutes. I stood for 20 minutes, so my “impatients” could not wait any longer.

The most crucial moment, and for my boys the most exciting. This is cutting out parts. Roll out the chilled dough with a rolling pin into a layer 0.5-1.5 cm wide. Depending on the thickness, the cookies will turn out either narrow and so crispy that it’s just ecstasy, or fluffy. But this has no effect on friability.

Use molds to squeeze out the pieces. This time the kids took these huge and luxurious ones out of the bag (a heart, a wheel, a flower)... in fact, I use these shapes more for donuts, but what can’t you do for the sake of the children. I got them through the Internet, and they often help me out.

This is how beautiful it came out, the boys tried hard! After trimming, collect and roll out the layer again and make more shapes from the remains.

Then, on any baking tray, this time I decided to use a new glass baking tray, lay out the preparations. Which I greased with vegetable oil just in case, but oh, that’s what I was thinking, I didn’t have to grease it. You can use a regular one with a non-stick surface, or cover the sheet with parchment paper.

Crumbly, shortbread and tender butter cookies

What's next? Naturally, bake until golden and golden brown. Place in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees and bake until done, about 20 minutes. I judge by the crispy crust. I did not include the convention to speed up the process and did without it.

And yes, I forgot to say, I decorated three pieces with coconut shavings, these were for my beloved).

After a few minutes, you will notice that the treat will begin to gradually increase in size, because the composition contained baking powder. So he started to move into action. Amazing! I made 16 huge, delicious shortcakes. Naturally, the quantity will depend on the size of the molds used.

The final step turned out to be the most difficult for our family. Let the liver cool. Well, after that, sprinkle one portion with sweet powder, decorate the second with condensed milk and cocoa, sprinkle with crushed walnuts, and the third is ready, with coconut flakes. Serve with any hot drinks. Pleasant memories and discoveries!

That's all, I hope that you liked this recipe for making crumbly and shortbread cookies. And you will once again please your beloved family or guests with them. After all, such sweets look beautiful and presentable. Eat with pleasure, for example with hot tea, cocoa or milk. Prepare these desserts yourself, I’m sure no one will mind. Agree, ordinary ordinary goods can create beautiful magic that will recall the smell of your home, the warmth and comfort of youth.

Crunch with pleasure! Share your note on social networks and write your reviews and suggestions. That's all, bye-bye.

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