Donuts in the oven: a recipe for the most delicious donuts and the secrets of making them

Donuts in the oven: a recipe for the most delicious donuts and the secrets of making them

Now we will cook the donuts in the oven. The recipe, which we will look at step by step, is easy to follow and does not require any special culinary knowledge or abilities from you. And the culinary experts' advice will help transform ordinary baking into a real confectionery masterpiece.

Donuts donuts: recipe in the oven

The baked goods, called donuts in Russian cuisine, are known as donuts in America. By the way, in European countries donuts also have their own name - Berliners. They can be prepared using various methods. Donuts with chocolate glaze are especially delicious. It is these that we will prepare.

Advice! To make donuts, it is better to use homemade milk and butter. If you buy factory-made products, check their expiration dates, composition, and packaging density. Milk of the highest quality does not contain large quantities of drugs and preservatives.


  • milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 250 ml;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • vanilla – 5 g;
  • testicle;
  • sweet sand – 150 g;
  • salt - half a teaspoon. spoons;
  • soft butter – 0.1 kg;
  • flour (wheat variety) – 0.5 kg;
  • cocoa - four tables. spoons;
  • multi-colored confectionery powder – 60 g.


  1. Let's prepare a comfortable container for making the base. Measure out 200 ml of milk. Let's heat it up (but don't boil it).
  2. Pour the milk into a container and add the yeast, stir the mixture well.
  3. Now let's add vanilla.
  4. Using a whisk, beat the resulting mixture and leave it for 10 to fifteen minutes so that the yeast dissolves.
  5. Beat the egg and add 0.1 kg of sweet sand.
  6. Now add half a teaspoon of salt.
  7. Sift the flour and add in small portions to the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Stir the base.
  9. Then add 50 g of soft butter.
  10. Mix the base with your hands. We need a homogeneous structure, soft dough that does not stick to our hands.
  11. “Gather” the base into a ball by lubricating the handles with vegetable oil.
  12. Place it in a container and cover with a towel.
  13. Leave the base preparation for one hour. During this period of time, the dough, as they say, will rest and rise. It will double in volume in some places.
  14. Sprinkle the table with sifted flour and place the base on it.
  15. Roll it out into a rectangle one and a half centimeters wide.
  16. Using an ordinary mug or glass, cut out circles from the blank.
  17. Take a glass and cut out small holes inside the circles.
  18. We will get these blanks in the shape of bagels.
  19. Line a baking tray with baking paper or a sleeve and grease the top with unflavored vegetable oil.
  20. Let's leave them for fifteen to 20 minutes so that the pieces rise a little.
  21. Preheat the oven to 100 ninety degrees in advance.
  22. Bake the donuts for fifteen to 20 minutes.
  23. In the meantime, let's start making chocolate glaze. We take a thick-walled saucepan, preferably an iron one, so that our glaze does not burn.
  24. Pour seven to eight tablespoons of milk into the saucepan.
  25. Let's add 5 tables. spoons of sweet sand, also four tablespoons of cocoa.
  26. Using a whisk, mix the mixture into a homogeneous structure.
  27. Simmer the glaze on the lowest burner level, stirring so that the mass, as they say, evaporates.
  28. Then add three tablespoons of soft butter into it and stir.
  29. Simmer the glaze, stirring, until it has a thick structure. But we don’t evaporate it too much; a “flawless” glaze should flow from a tablespoon in a stream and about the thickness of a woolen thread.
  30. Let the glaze cool.
  31. Take out the donuts and cool them.
  32. Cover the donuts with glaze and sprinkle with colorful sprinkles.
  33. The glaze will harden in about 5 to seven minutes. Now you can enjoy delicious and tender donuts.

Advice! The frosting can be created from a chocolate bar. Melt it and combine with 25 g of soft butter. Stir until smooth. The glaze is ready.

How to fill donuts with new colorful flavor notes?

Donuts come in various types. They differ in the ingredients used to prepare the dough. Almost everyone loves donuts made with condensed milk. And for those who don’t like very sweet sweets, there are recipes for kefir donuts. This product gives the dough an airy structure. These donuts make the perfect breakfast or dinner.

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Be sure to try baking cottage cheese donuts in the oven. You can choose the recipe with any filling, for example, jam. The base for such donuts is prepared from a small set of common ingredients - eggs, sweet sand, wheat flour and baking powder.

You can decorate the donuts with multi-colored icing made with food coloring, or use ganache for this purpose. You can also sprinkle donuts with sweet powder. It is not necessary to cool them before doing this.

On a note! In America, donuts are served not with tea, as is customary here, but with soft drinks - freshly squeezed juice or sweet water.

Confectionery secrets

To make your donuts tender and tasty, listen to the tips and advice of experienced confectioners.

Helpful Tips:

  • Mix the donut base using ingredients at approximately the same temperature level. Then they will connect better with each other, and the base itself will be light and airy.
  • The flour must first be freed from possible lumps and enriched with oxygen. To do this, just sift it.
  • The glaze should be applied to warm, but not hot, donuts. But sprinkle hot baked goods with sweet powder.
  • Bake donuts at medium temperature (100 eighty - 100 ninety degrees). This way they won't dry out in the oven.
  • There is no need to simmer the donuts in the oven for more than 20 minutes, otherwise they will turn out dry and harsh.

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Donuts - baked goods are not so capricious. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions of the components indicated in the recipe. Then your donuts will have an airy structure, almost melting in your mouth. But as for the decoration of donuts, here you can safely experiment. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Recipe for making savory donuts in the oven

Donuts donuts are also called South American donuts. What distinguishes them from our regular donuts is that our donuts are deep-fried in vegetable oil and sprinkled with sweet powder, while South American donuts are baked in the oven, topped with sweet glazes of various colors and decorated with various sprinkles.


Wheat flour 200 g
Cow's milk 100 ml
Sugar 50 g
Butter 50 g
Dry yeast 7 g
Testicle 1 PC.
Salt pinch
Vanilla extract 1 tsp.
Sweet powder 100 g
Water a few drops
Lemon juice 2-5 drops
Food coloring 2-3 types a few drops
Confectionery topping 20 g

Step-by-step production

  1. Pour 100 ml of cow's milk into a ladle and place on the stove so that the milk warms up slightly. The milk does not have to be hot, otherwise the dough will not be fluffy.
  2. In a bowl, whisk 1 egg, 50 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  3. Add 100 ml of warm milk to the bowl and mix everything.
  4. Pour 7 grams of dry yeast into the mixture and stir so that the yeast is moderately distributed.
  5. Sift 200 grams of flour through a sieve and add it to the watery ingredients.
  6. Mix all ingredients until a uniform mass is obtained.
  7. Melt 50 grams of butter in a saucepan and add it to the dough in small portions. Knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous and elastic. It remains sticky, but that's how it's supposed to be.
  8. Cover the bowl with cling film and place it in a warm space until the dough rises and increases in volume by 2-3 times.
  9. Knead the risen dough in a bowl and transfer it to a conical bag. If you don’t have such a bag, an ordinary plastic bag will do.
  10. Cut off a corner from the bag. Through the acquired hole we will squeeze the dough into molds.
  11. We put no more dough than on the third part of the mold, because... It will rise when baking.
  12. Leave the mold on the table so that the dough rises for 15-20 minutes. To prevent it from drying out, cover the pan with cling film.
  13. Turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees and place the donuts there for 10 minutes.
  14. We take the pan out of the oven, lay out the donuts and again fill it with dough and place it in the oven for baking.
  15. While some donuts are cooling and the rest are baking, we will prepare the glaze.
  16. To 100 grams of sweet powder, add a few drops of water, 2-5 drops of lemon juice and mix everything until a homogeneous thick and viscous snow-white mass is obtained.
  17. Divide the resulting glaze into several bowls to add food coloring of various colors.
  18. Add dyes to the glaze and mix everything thoroughly.
  19. Dip the warm donuts into the glaze and place on a flat plate.
  20. Sprinkle everything on top with confectionery powder, so the treat will look even more elegant.
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Making recipe video

The step-by-step recipe for making donuts in the oven carefully describes the entire process of making them.

But you can also watch the video on how to fill the mold with dough, prepare the glaze correctly and the remaining stages of production.

Tips and tricks for making and serving

  • If you don't have a pastry bag to fill the molds with dough, you can use an ordinary plastic bag, or simply fill the molds with dough using a spoon.
  • After the donuts are decorated with glaze and sprinkles, they should be left in a dry place for some time so that the glaze hardens .
  • Do not put donuts in the refrigerator , as the glaze may collect moisture.
  • Serve donuts with milk, tea, coffee and even kefir - it will be delicious.

There are many types of this tasty treat. To get started, check out the traditional donut recipe and the regular kefir donut recipe, which is suitable for you when you don’t have time to work with yeast dough. Curd donuts will be approved by mothers of children, because... This is another method of adding cottage cheese to your baby’s diet, which babies don’t always adore in its pure form. For those with a sweet tooth, a recipe for donuts with condensed milk is suitable.

Donuts a la “Donuts” in the oven

If you like tender, savory donuts, but don’t want to wait 2 hours for the dough to rise and then stand over hot oil. Then this recipe is yours. A friend gave it to me, and it has taken root in our family. A minimum of goods, 30-40 minutes, and you have a super treat for children and adults. Give it a try, you won't regret it.

Ingredients for “Donuts a la Donuts in the oven”:

  • Wheat flour / Flour (a little more or less may be useful; depends on the flour, look at the dough) - 3.5 cups.
  • Margarine - 200 g
  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Yeast (dry) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 4 tsp.
  • Salt - 1.2 tsp.

Production time: 40 minutes

Number of servings: 10

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
3010.5 kcal
61 g
128.3 g
409.7 g
301.1 kcal
6.1 g
12.8 g
41 g
100 g dish
304.1 kcal
6.2 g
13 g
41.4 g

Recipe for “Donuts a la Donuts in the oven”:

Heat the milk until warm, add yeast, sugar, salt.
Let sit for 3-4 minutes while you melt, but do not overheat the margarine.
Stir the milk and yeast until the yeast disperses, and add margarine.

Stir and, evenly adding flour, knead the dough.
The dough must be soft and tender. It slowly begins to grow before your eyes. I divide it into two parts, roll it out 1-1.5 cm wide and cut out circles with a can of green peas, and the middle with a small glass.

You can bake the centers into small donuts, like I did.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out our donuts and place in the oven at 180-190° for 15-20 minutes. Not more! There is no need to over-dry, they should not be rosy. While the first batch is baking, roll out and cut out the second. Mix the remains from 2 parts again and do the same.

GLAZE - whatever you want, I have one white and 200-250 grams of sweet powder (depending on the size of the egg). I mix with an immersion blender. Tinted with food coloring.

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Photo “Donuts a la Donuts in the oven” from those who made them (2)

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Milk donuts in the oven

Preparation time: 15 min.

Production time: 15 min.

Number of servings: 20 pcs.


How to cook airy donuts with milk like donuts in the oven

I had been hunting for a donut mold for a long time and when I saw it, I immediately grabbed 2. :) Why did I buy 2? To bake 24 donuts in one go. And so it will take you a maximum of 15 minutes to knead the dough, and 10 minutes to bake, isn’t it comfortable? And most importantly - quickly! :) In just 30 minutes, you will have fragrant, plump children on your table, inviting everyone to the table.

About the taste: these are not exactly the donuts we are used to. They are not yeast-based and are cooked in the oven, not in bubbling oil. In texture and taste, these donuts are somewhere between a cookie and a cupcake.

I am giving you, so to speak, a basic recipe, they are all very similar (in some places there is more/less butter, in some there is 1 egg, in others 2 and so on). And you can vary the taste with different toppings (melt snow-white, dark or milk chocolate and dip half of the donut).

PS In the photo I have a double portion of ingredients, but I give it to you as it was in the recipe.

How to cook “Donuts with milk in the oven” step by step with photos at home

So, for donuts we need butter (melt), eggs, flour, sugar, milk, baking powder, vanilla.

Combine and beat butter, milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla. And in 2 steps add flour sifted with salt, soda, baking powder.

Don't beat for too long! Just until smooth! Transfer the dough into a cooking bag with a round nozzle (diameter 1 cm).

Fill the mold to 2/3 of the height (if you have an iron mold, be sure to grease it with butter). Bake at 175°C for 10-15 minutes. You can check with a skewer or by pressing your finger on the donut - it should spring back.

Cool in pan for 2 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack. Decorate with chocolate, icing, sweet powder and so on.

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