Mannik with bananas

Mannik with bananas

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  • We will need:
  • Chicken eggs (3 pcs, C-1)
  • Sugar (1 tbsp.)
  • Vanilla sugar (10-15 gr.)
  • Salt (small pinch)
  • Drink (1 tbsp.)
  • Baking powder (5-10 gr.)
  • Semolina (1 tbsp.)
  • Flour (1 tbsp.)
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the baking dish
  • Interior:
  • Cinnamon (to taste, I add about 5 g.)
  • Bananas (3 medium or large bananas)

As for me, manna is an excellent version of sweet pastries that does not require complex manipulations and a long time for production: 10 minutes for the dough, 30 minutes for the semolina to swell, plus 35-40 minutes for baking, and the last two points do not require you to do the same presence and active actions. The filling for manna can be your favorite dried fruits, berries, nuts or anything else. For me now the winner among all the options is manna with bananas .

Manna with bananas comes out tender, soft, as if slightly wet and very fragrant thanks to bananas and cinnamon. Manna with bananas is even more tender than manna according to the same recipe, but with dried fruits. Try it! It seems to me that if you like manna according to the traditional recipe (in which the measure is a two-hundred gram glass), then you will literally like manna with bananas

The ratio of ingredients for the dough by volume: sugar/drink/semolina/flour – 1/1/1/1.

The diameter of the baking dish I used is 22 centimeters.

How to cook manna with bananas quickly and easily

Step-by-step recipe description

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1. Prepare all the ingredients. Sugar, drink, semolina and flour are measured in a similar two-hundred gram glass. For the recipe, I additionally weighed the ingredients in order to better understand the relationship between the same volume of each ingredient and the different weight of each of them. Total: sugar – 190 gr., drink – 237 gr., semolina – 160 gr., flour – 115 gr.

2. Drive the eggs into the container for kneading the dough (I have an old saucepan) and beat them well with a mixer, first at low speeds, then at the highest speeds, until the mass turns white and slightly increases in volume.

You can, of course, beat it by hand, but with a mixer it comes out faster and easier: the whole process takes about 10 minutes maximum, plus your hand doesn’t get tired from intensive beating.

3. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, a small pinch of salt and cinnamon to the eggs and mix carefully so that the next time you beat, the cinnamon-sugar dust does not scatter throughout the kitchen. Again, carefully beat with a mixer until smooth using the same principle: first at low speeds, then at high speeds.

4. Add the drink and baking powder, mix and beat.

Adjust the amount of baking powder based on the instructions for use on its packaging.

5. Add semolina, mix, beat.

6. Add flour in several additions, mix and beat.

7. Leave the finished dough for 30 minutes at room temperature so that the semolina has time to swell.

8. After a while, lightly grease the bottom and sides of a springform baking dish with vegetable oil (I use a mold with a diameter of 22 cm), pour 1/3 of the dough into it and place bananas cut into circles on it. Pour another 1/3 of the dough on top of the bananas and again lay out the banana mugs. And for the 3rd time we repeat the same thing: the remaining 1/3 of the dough + banana.

One medium-sized banana is used for one layer of dough.

9. Lightly sprinkle the top of the future manna with cinnamon and sugar. Place the baking dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 35-40 minutes. You can check readiness with a wooden skewer: pierce the semolina, if pieces of dough stick to the skewer, bake a little more.

10. Manna with bananas is a common, but nevertheless tasty, fragrant and wonderful delicacy.

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Mannik with banana

Mannik with banana and milk

No matter what kind of baked goods with the addition of banana, it is unlikely to be able to make someone indifferent. The wonderful taste and smell will not only bring you pleasure, but will also allow you to feel like an inhabitant of an exotic island for a few moments.

Mannik with milk and banana

It is hardly possible to find a person who would not agree that banana is one of those fruits that simply cannot spoil any dessert. Whether it's ice cream, mousse or baked goods. We invite you to try a dessert with a memorable taste - manna with banana.

Very tasty manna on kefir with banana in the oven

Banana is perfect as a filling for semolina. The pie comes out even sleepier and more appetizing. Banana makes baked goods tender and unique in taste. Try the dish for your tea party.

Mannik with banana on kefir

Banana manna with kefir is a version of a hearty, fragrant and indescribably tender dessert. The easy-to-make delicacy can be served for breakfast or tea.

Mannik with milk and banana in the oven

If you have a couple of darkened bananas lying around in the kitchen that have lost their presentation, there is a good way to dispose of them - prepare banana manna. The smell of bananas in vanilla crumbly dough is something! The color of the manna comes out darker than usual. The crust is baked to a coffee color, but at the same time remains tender and soft. It is recommended to bake this cake in a muffin tin with a hole in the center. Firstly, this is a guarantee that the entire mass of dough is moderately baked, and there are no raw areas left. Secondly, in this form the manna takes on an indescribably dressed up and attractive appearance. Thirdly, the portioned pieces come out carefully and are comfortable to eat.

Mannik with sour cream and banana

Mannik with pieces of banana is a wonderful, savory and breathtakingly tender dish that can be served for breakfast or as a dessert. Due to the fact that the dough is kneaded with sour cream, the pie has a pleasant creamy taste and smell, and the banana is in perfect harmony with its delicate texture.

Mannik with apple and banana

This recipe is dedicated to all lovers of apple and banana baking! Mannik with apple and banana comes out moderately sweet, juicy, tender and airy. Anyone can make a breathtakingly satisfying and delicious pie. Mannik itself is a fairly ordinary pastry, but the addition of an apple and banana gives the dessert a flavorful twist.

Mannik with banana on fermented baked milk

You can prepare manna at home not only with milk, kefir or sour cream. To make a tasty and fragrant manna, you can also use fermented baked milk. Special, but delicious! Adding bananas makes the baked goods more tender; it will taste like a cake.

Curd manna with banana

Curd manna with banana is a tender and mouth-watering dessert that will amuse and amaze with its beautiful taste and smell. These pastries are suitable for a homemade breakfast or snack, or as a dessert for tea. The highlight of manna is the combination of banana and chopped chocolate. It's indescribably delicious!

Mannik with bananas without eggs

Savory, fluffy manna is very easy to prepare at home. It is absolutely not necessary to use eggs in the recipe; they can be completely replaced with bananas. This pie will turn out even more appetizing, and the dough will acquire a pleasant color and smell!

Chocolate manna with banana

Chocolate manna with bananas is simply an indescribable homemade dessert! This delicacy will decorate any tea party and will not linger on the plates. A tender, soft pie with an inimitable smell just begs to be put into your mouth! A true delight!

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Mannik with banana without flour

Mannik is one of the most favorite homemade desserts. It's easy to prepare and tastes amazing. Manna with bananas is especially delicious. Fragrant and tender, it will literally quickly disappear from the plates!

Mannik with banana in a slow cooker

Homemade baked goods are very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. Check it out with this simple and indescribably delicious recipe for manna with bananas. An indescribably soft, fluffy and fragrant dessert that will outshine all your expectations!

Lenten manna with banana

Mannik is a very popular homemade dessert, and with the addition of bananas it will become even tastier and more appetizing. The indescribable smell and soft biscuit dough will literally please both home and guests.

Mannik with banana – 8 recipes

Mannik is a sweet pie, the basis of which is semolina. Mannikas began to be prepared back in the 13th century. It was at that time that mills began to be used intensively, and semolina became an easily accessible product. Even then, people knew that semolina saturates the body unsurpassedly, which is why semolina became very popular. There are quite a lot of recipes for this sweet. We will look at different options for manna with banana.

Mannik with banana on kefir

By adding a drink, our semolina sponge cake with banana will turn out to be the lightest and most tender. This pie can be served for breakfast or served as dessert.

Products you need:

  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • drink (not fatty) – 1 tbsp.;
  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 0.1 kg;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.


Semolina should be poured into a bowl and topped up with a glass of kefir. Remove for 35 minutes until the cereal swells.

Interesting to know! Italians call semolina marked “T” semalina, and use it to prepare their pizzas and pastas.

At this time, heat the butter in a water bath and, at the end of the designated time, pour it into the semolina. You also need to add sugar and broken eggs. Great to stir.

Sift the flour through a sieve and combine with baking powder. Next, add flour to the dough in small portions, stirring it constantly. Beat the dough using a mixer.

Peel the bananas, remove the dark edges. Cut into thin slices.

Grease a baking dish with a small piece of butter. Place half of the dough into it. Place banana pieces over the dough and pour the rest over it. Place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. The manna will take about 50 minutes to prepare. Before removing the semolina pie from the oven, check that the baking is complete by piercing it with a match, the tip without sulfur.

Banana manna with milk in the oven

Making semolina pie is easy. Preparation proceeds quickly, without presenting any problems. Mannik has a pleasant banana smell and a pronounced banana taste.

Products you need:

  • Semolina – 1.5 tbsp;
  • testicle – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • banana – 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 0.03 l.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • baking powder – 0.5 tsp.

Banana manna (with milk)

There are already recipes for banana mannas, but they are made with kefir, which I rarely have at home, but I always have milk) Dense, a little wet, manna (or sponge cake, whatever you like) is usually made, with a rather pronounced banana taste.

Ingredients for “Banana manna (with milk)”:

  • Milk - 1 cup.
  • Semolina - 1 cup.
  • Wheat flour / Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Banana ((+ for decoration, optional)) - 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
  • Baking powder (or a little soda, slaked with vinegar) - 0.5 tsp.

Number of servings: 10

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
3538.8 kcal
81.4 g
54.6 g
688.9 g
353.9 kcal
8.1 g
5.5 g
68.9 g
100 g dish
213.2 kcal
4.9 g
3.3 g
41.5 g
Read also:  Cherry compote

Recipe for “Banana manna (with milk)”:

Our ingredients. I forgot to put vegetable oil here, I confess)

Pour warm milk over the semolina and leave it to swell slightly. It’s better to stir several times while you are working on other ingredients, you’ll forget – it’s not scary)

Grind the eggs with sugar.

Add vegetable oil there and mix.

Crush the bananas with a fork, the same masher as mine, or, if you have one, with an immersion blender (mine broke the other day: () until very smooth.

Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.
Mix the egg mixture with semolina.

Add crushed bananas there. Mix well.

Add flour with baking powder (or soda). At first I was going to add only 1 glass, but the dough remained liquid, I added another half or 23 glasses - it turned out just right. The result should not be a very thick dough, a medium mixture)

Place baking paper in a springform pan (mine is 29 cm in diameter).
I didn’t have it, so I greased the pan with vegetable oil - the manna separated from the walls and bottom of the pan without any problems)) The baking time depends on your oven. Mine took 1 hour 5 minutes. The top should be light, but perfectly baked, and if you dip a toothpick into the semolina, it will be a LITTLE moist. This is because of the bananas; it is unlikely to bake until completely dry.

We take the manna out of the oven, let it cool slightly, then take it out of the mold and, if desired, decorate it. I decorated with banana and sweet powder.

In my family, manna bread is always eaten with condensed milk, so I poured a piece of it on top of that for her.
Don’t be alarmed that it’s a little wet – it doesn’t seem raw at all, and it’s not like that.
Very tasty and simple) Bon appetit!

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Photo “Banana manna (with milk)” from those who prepared it (1)

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May 12, 2015 Jodha #

November 25, 2014 Vicentina #

November 26, 2014 Wallenstein # (recipe creator)

November 12, 2014 veronika1910 #

November 6, 2014 anna milnikova #

November 7, 2014 Wallenstein # (recipe creator)

November 5, 2014 Aigul4ik #

November 5, 2014 Wallenstein # (recipe creator)

November 5, 2014 anna milnikova #

November 5, 2014 Wallenstein # (recipe creator)

November 5, 2014 gorelgena #

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November 5, 2014 Elena11sto #

November 5, 2014 Wallenstein # (recipe creator)

November 5, 2014 Elena11sto #

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