3 recipes for making duck with tangerines in the oven

3 recipes for making duck with tangerines in the oven

Have a nice day, my dear housewives! During the holidays, we always want to amaze our guests, family and friends, with a tasty and unusual dish. Such a dish can definitely be duck baked in the oven with tangerines.

Ruddy, crispy, juicy, warm duck with a lovely citrus note and excellent aroma, what could be better? This is simply an ideal option for any festive table or romantic dinner.

How is duck with tangerines prepared in the oven, what products will be needed to make it and how much time will it take?

Right now, two of the most common and at the same time unique recipes for making baked duck with citrus fruits.

Recipe for duck with tangerines in the oven

  • Duck (medium size carcass, light color) – 1 pc.
  • Mandarin oranges (Clementine, Moroccan and any other varieties are suitable) – 3 pcs.
  • Soy sauce – 6-7 tablespoons
  • spoon of mustard
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • Grated ginger root - heaped teaspoon
  • Natural honey - a tablespoon (can be replaced with tangerine jam)
  • Pepper mixture – 1 teaspoon
  • Refined vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to your own taste
  • Young potatoes as a side dish – 3-4 tubers

1. If the duck carcass is frozen, then 12-14 hours before cooking it should be removed from the freezer into the refrigerator. You should not defrost the product in a microwave oven or under water, because, firstly, duck meat loses its beneficial characteristics, and secondly, the dish does not turn out as juicy.

2. When the carcass has thawed, you should wash it, pluck, if there are any, remaining hairs and feathers, trim off the very tops of the wings, because they will quickly burn and ultimately give bitterness to the treat itself.

On a note! To ensure that the baked duck does not have any off-flavor, it is best to remove the sebaceous glands located in the tail part of the bird.

3. Mix soy sauce, vegetable oil, mustard, juice of 3 tangerines, spices, salt, grated ginger, grated garlic and honey or tangerine jam in a bowl.

4. Transfer the carcass to the form in which you will bake the product. Carefully coat it all with the prepared marinade, and coat it both outside and inside.

Cover the duck with cling film and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Remember, the longer the duck meat is marinated, the juicier and tastier your dish will be. If possible, you can leave the marinated duck in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) .

5. Remove your duck an hour before cooking.

6. Preheat the oven to 200-210 degrees in the usual heating position (top and bottom), and at this time divide the tangerines from which the juice was squeezed into slices and place them inside their own carcass.

7. Wrap the duck in foil, while pouring in the remaining marinade if it has drained.

8. Place the dish to bake. Adjust the baking time yourself. Calculate based on the mass of the duck. For 1 kilogram you will need an hour in the oven. If the bird weighs 1.5 kg, the cooking time will accordingly increase to 90 minutes.

9. If you take potatoes for a side dish, at this time you should peel them with a brush and cut them into slices in a rustic manner.

10. 40 minutes before the end of cooking the bird, open the foil, pour in the potatoes, stir them with the fat that the duck has rendered, wrap the foil back and continue cooking.

11. After the time has passed, remove the bird, make several punctures in the thickest part of it with a knife, if juice comes out of the meat, the dish is ready. At this time, mix a teaspoon of honey with the fat from your mold, grease your duck with the consistency given to us and send it, without covering it with foil, to the oven to fry. At the same time, the temperature in the oven can be reduced.

12. Cool the finished dish slightly, transfer it completely along with the potatoes to a beautiful huge plate, garnish with herbs if you wish.

13. Duck baked with tangerines is ready! It will definitely become a signature dish on your table.

Duck with tangerines and kiwi in the oven

Recipe for duck with tangerines and kiwi in the oven

This recipe is no less tasty and quite good, the dish comes out rich, catchy, and just lick your fingers.

Its unique feature is that it requires fewer ingredients for production, and therefore is suitable even for those who have a duck carcass and tangerines at home, but do not have any other special goods.

  • Poultry carcass - approximately 1.5 - 2 kilograms
  • Mandarin ducks – 0.5 kg.
  • Kiwi (can be omitted) – 2-3 pcs.
  • Traditional soy sauce – 4 spoons
  • Honey – 1 spoon
  • Pepper, salt

1. Gut and wash the duck, place it on a paper towel and let it dry.

2. Mix pepper and salt, rub the bird with these products, leave in the room for 2-3 hours.

3. Stir honey into sauce until smooth.

4. Peel the tangerines (do not throw away the skin), squeeze the juice out of 3 pieces into the honey mixture, coat the duck with this mixture on all sides and inside. Let the product steep in the sauce for about an hour at room temperature.

5. Place foil on a baking sheet, grease it lightly with vegetable oil, and place the carcass.

6. Disassemble the remaining tangerines into slices, peel the kiwi and cut into half rings.

7. Stuff the carcass with fruit.

Stuff the carcass with fruit

8. Secure the duck with toothpicks, tie the legs with thread, pour the sauce remaining after marinating on top, mixed with 3 tablespoons of plain water.

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9. Place the tangerine peel next to the bird, wrap its wings and tips of the legs in foil, this will prevent these parts from getting burnt, put it in the oven, which should first be preheated to approximately 180 degrees.

Duck with tangerines

10. The duck should be baked in the oven for about 2 hours. If the carcass is large, more time may be needed. With all this, it is important to open the oven from time to time and soak the dish with the drained juice and fat.

Attention! If you see that the duck is starting to burn, everyone’s oven is different, it should be covered with foil and baked in this form until fully cooked. You can check whether the dish is ready or not with a knife. If, having buried it in the meat, you see the appearance of clear fatty juice, your festive treat is ready!

11. Serve the duck baked with tangerines after cooling slightly.

On a note! Rosemary gives duck meat a very unusual and pleasant taste. If you want to get the most special taste, add this spice to your own recipe and you will not regret it.

Calorie content 100 gr. ducks with tangerines – 233 kcal

Unique recipes for duck baked with tangerines

At a formal table, you can’t do without roast, but at some point you get tired of the usual fried chicken or stewed pork, and the hostess wants to surprise the guests with something impressive. A recipe for duck with tangerines in the oven will come to the rescue.

Rosy duck with tangerines and honey in the oven in the sleeve

Citrus fruits added to this bird play the role of not only a flavor component - they also help soften the fibers of the meat and make it easier to digest, because duck is a rather heavy product for digestion. This recipe uses tangerines together with mineola (a type of tangerine, a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit), but if you wish, you can get by with only tangerines (increase their quantity), or add a large grapefruit.


  • duck – 1.5-2 kg;
  • tangerines – 4 pcs.;
  • mineola – 5 pcs.;
  • honey – 3 table. spoons;
  • ground ginger – 1/2 teaspoon. spoons;
  • nutmeg – 1/4 teaspoon. spoons;
  • ground white pepper - 1/2 teaspoon. spoons;
  • salt.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Wash the duck well and make a cut from the bottom along the belly: this will make it easier to process it from the inside.
  2. Peel the mineola (1 pc.), remove the films from the pulp, or simply spin it in a blender until pureed.
  3. Mix with honey and spices. Divide the resulting mass into 2 unequal parts and generously brush the duck on top, over the skin. Smallest - rub inside.
  4. Place in a baking sleeve, secure on both sides and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  5. Peel the remaining citrus fruits and separate into slices. There is no need to remove films.
  6. When the designated period has passed, remove the duck from the sleeve and fill it with some of the citrus slices through the cut made in the carcass. Place the others nearby. If desired, you can scatter a little wild rice here, but then you will need to pour a couple of glasses of water into the sleeve.
  7. Again, pinch its edges very well, preventing air from entering, and place on a baking sheet. Bake at 190 degrees for 2.5 hours.
  8. Then open the sleeve and keep the duck in the oven for another 15 minutes, raising the temperature to 200 degrees.

Stuffed duck with apples and tangerines in the oven

The fundamental advantage of all citrus fruits is their compatibility with most fruits, so you can also add something else to contrast the ceremonial duck. For example, apples. Just take sour (greenish) varieties, as tangerines provide a tangible sweetness, and you risk getting very sugary meat. Spices for this recipe should be selected carefully so as not to overwhelm the fruity smell, so a pinch of curry will be more than enough.


  • duck – 1.5-2 kg;
  • apples – 800 g;
  • tangerines – 500 g;
  • garlic cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • curry – 1/2 tsp. spoons;
  • salt.

Manufacturing method:

  1. After carefully washing the inside of the duck carcass, remove the water from its skin.
  2. Rub the surface with salt and curry.
  3. Peel a couple of tangerines, chop in a blender, stir with garlic passed through a press.
  4. Thoroughly coat the top of the carcass with the consistency given to us and, wrapping it in cling film, put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  5. Remove the skin from the apples and cut them into large cubes. Peel the tangerines too, but don’t necessarily cut the slices.
  6. Fill the marinated duck carcass with some of the apples and place it in a deep baking pan. Distribute the remaining fruits nearby and add a glass of water.
  7. Wrap the legs (where the bare bone is) and the edges of the wings with foil so that they do not burn. Place the bird in a hot oven (200 degrees). Bake for 2 hours, occasionally opening the door and basting the bird with any liquid that collects nearby.
  8. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and cook the duck for another hour.

Exotic delight - duck with tangerines and kiwi in the oven

Another interesting combination of fruits for any meat, especially poultry, is citrus and sour kiwi: it turns out moderately juicy, fresh and not overused. You can bake a duck with this addition using the classic method - stuffing it with fruits, or chopping half their size and using it for the sauce in which it will be marinated. Below is the 1st option.


  • duck – 1.5 kg;
  • kiwi – 5 pcs.;
  • tangerines – 6 pcs.;
  • soy sauce – 100 ml;
  • watery honey – 3 table. spoons;
  • cloves (buds) – 3 pcs.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Heat the honey and stir in the clove buds, crushing them slightly. Add soy sauce.
  2. After rinsing the duck, rub it on top with this sauce and leave it to lie at room temperature for half an hour.
  3. Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut any fruit into quarters.
  4. Peel the tangerines and separate them into slices.
  5. Make an incision on the duck's belly and fill the carcass with fruit through it, not very tightly. The rest will bake next to it.
  6. Sew up the cut or use toothpicks to tighten the meat and skin.
  7. Place the duck in foil and distribute the remaining fruit and tangerine peel next to it. Wrap well with foil.
  8. Bake at 190 degrees for 1.5 hours.
  9. Place a deep baking sheet on the bottom level of the oven, and a mesh on the middle level. Place the duck removed from the foil on it. Bake for another half hour at 200 degrees. Serve the tangerines that were in foil with it after it is ready, and you can dispose of the skin.
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Read also:

Cooking duck in the oven - both with tangerines and other additives - requires vigilance. Since such a dish largely involves baking a whole carcass, it will take a very long time to cook. The time frames indicated above are approximate: It is imperative that you inspect the meat independently. Make a puncture near the wing with a fork or knife and look at the color of the water that comes out - if it is clear, you can remove the bird.

Duck stuffed with apples and tangerines

This bird has a unique taste. There is a crispy and incredibly tasty crust on top, and underneath there is tender meat, saturated with the smells of fruit, garlic and soy sauce. My guests simply sought a second version as soon as possible.

Ingredients for “Duck Stuffed with Apples and Tangerines”:


  • Duck – 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sweet paprika - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Khmeli-suneli - 1 tsp.
  • Salt (To taste)
  • Garlic - 4 teeth.
  • Soy sauce (TM Kikkoman) - 2 tbsp. l.


  • Apple – 3 pcs.
  • Mandarin – 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Soy sauce (TM Kikkoman) - 4 tbsp. l.

Production time: 120 minutes

Number of servings: 7

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
6910.1 kcal
289.8 g
590 g
127.1 g
987.2 kcal
41.4 g
84.3 g
18.2 g
100 g dish
228.8 kcal
9.6 g
19.5 g
4.2 g

Recipe for “Duck stuffed with apples and tangerines”:

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade.

Carefully rub the duck with marinade inside and out

Wash the apples and tangerines and cut them into slices together with the skin. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. You can add soy sauce to the bowl with the fruit, or pour the sauce inside.

Stuff the bird with fruit and pour soy sauce inside.

Sew up and place the duck in a baking sleeve. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 2 hours. 20 minutes before readiness, open the sleeve. Be sure to pour the resulting fat over the duck.

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January 12, 2016 Olga Pokusaeva #

January 12, 2016 Olga Fedyunina # (recipe creator)

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January 2, 2016 Olga Fedyunina # (recipe creator)

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Unique recipes for duck baked with tangerines

At a formal table, you can’t do without roast, but at some point you get tired of the usual fried chicken or stewed pork, and the hostess wants to surprise the guests with something impressive. A recipe for duck with tangerines in the oven will come to the rescue.

Rosy duck with tangerines and honey in the oven in the sleeve

Citrus fruits added to this bird play the role of not only a flavor component - they also help soften the fibers of the meat and make it easier to digest, because duck is a rather heavy product for digestion. This recipe uses tangerines together with mineola (a type of tangerine, a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit), but if you wish, you can get by with only tangerines (increase their quantity), or add a large grapefruit.


  • duck – 1.5-2 kg;
  • tangerines – 4 pcs.;
  • mineola – 5 pcs.;
  • honey – 3 table. spoons;
  • ground ginger – 1/2 teaspoon. spoons;
  • nutmeg – 1/4 teaspoon. spoons;
  • ground white pepper - 1/2 teaspoon. spoons;
  • salt.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Wash the duck well and make a cut from the bottom along the belly: this will make it easier to process it from the inside.
  2. Peel the mineola (1 pc.), remove the films from the pulp, or simply spin it in a blender until pureed.
  3. Mix with honey and spices. Divide the resulting mass into 2 unequal parts and generously brush the duck on top, over the skin. Smallest - rub inside.
  4. Place in a baking sleeve, secure on both sides and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  5. Peel the remaining citrus fruits and separate into slices. There is no need to remove films.
  6. When the designated period has passed, remove the duck from the sleeve and fill it with some of the citrus slices through the cut made in the carcass. Place the others nearby. If desired, you can scatter a little wild rice here, but then you will need to pour a couple of glasses of water into the sleeve.
  7. Again, pinch its edges very well, preventing air from entering, and place on a baking sheet. Bake at 190 degrees for 2.5 hours.
  8. Then open the sleeve and keep the duck in the oven for another 15 minutes, raising the temperature to 200 degrees.

Stuffed duck with apples and tangerines in the oven

The fundamental advantage of all citrus fruits is their compatibility with most fruits, so you can also add something else to contrast the ceremonial duck. For example, apples. Just take sour (greenish) varieties, as tangerines provide a tangible sweetness, and you risk getting very sugary meat. Spices for this recipe should be selected carefully so as not to overwhelm the fruity smell, so a pinch of curry will be more than enough.


  • duck – 1.5-2 kg;
  • apples – 800 g;
  • tangerines – 500 g;
  • garlic cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • curry – 1/2 tsp. spoons;
  • salt.

Manufacturing method:

  1. After carefully washing the inside of the duck carcass, remove the water from its skin.
  2. Rub the surface with salt and curry.
  3. Peel a couple of tangerines, chop in a blender, stir with garlic passed through a press.
  4. Thoroughly coat the top of the carcass with the consistency given to us and, wrapping it in cling film, put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  5. Remove the skin from the apples and cut them into large cubes. Peel the tangerines too, but don’t necessarily cut the slices.
  6. Fill the marinated duck carcass with some of the apples and place it in a deep baking pan. Distribute the remaining fruits nearby and add a glass of water.
  7. Wrap the legs (where the bare bone is) and the edges of the wings with foil so that they do not burn. Place the bird in a hot oven (200 degrees). Bake for 2 hours, occasionally opening the door and basting the bird with any liquid that collects nearby.
  8. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and cook the duck for another hour.

Exotic delight - duck with tangerines and kiwi in the oven

Another interesting combination of fruits for any meat, especially poultry, is citrus and sour kiwi: it turns out moderately juicy, fresh and not overused. You can bake a duck with this addition using the classic method - stuffing it with fruits, or chopping half their size and using it for the sauce in which it will be marinated. Below is the 1st option.


  • duck – 1.5 kg;
  • kiwi – 5 pcs.;
  • tangerines – 6 pcs.;
  • soy sauce – 100 ml;
  • watery honey – 3 table. spoons;
  • cloves (buds) – 3 pcs.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Heat the honey and stir in the clove buds, crushing them slightly. Add soy sauce.
  2. After rinsing the duck, rub it on top with this sauce and leave it to lie at room temperature for half an hour.
  3. Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut any fruit into quarters.
  4. Peel the tangerines and separate them into slices.
  5. Make an incision on the duck's belly and fill the carcass with fruit through it, not very tightly. The rest will bake next to it.
  6. Sew up the cut or use toothpicks to tighten the meat and skin.
  7. Place the duck in foil and distribute the remaining fruit and tangerine peel next to it. Wrap well with foil.
  8. Bake at 190 degrees for 1.5 hours.
  9. Place a deep baking sheet on the bottom level of the oven, and a mesh on the middle level. Place the duck removed from the foil on it. Bake for another half hour at 200 degrees. Serve the tangerines that were in foil with it after it is ready, and you can dispose of the skin.

Read also:

Cooking duck in the oven - both with tangerines and other additives - requires vigilance. Since such a dish largely involves baking a whole carcass, it will take a very long time to cook. The time frames indicated above are approximate: It is imperative that you inspect the meat independently. Make a puncture near the wing with a fork or knife and look at the color of the water that comes out - if it is clear, you can remove the bird.

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