Strawberry compote in a saucepan

Strawberry compote in a saucepan


Strawberries – 3 cups

Sugar – 200-250 g

  • 52 kcal
  • 30 min.
  • 30 min.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

What drink can not only quench your thirst, but also “tire the worm” with benefits for the body? Compote! All housewives know this. The most fragrant and, perhaps, one of the most delicious summer drinks is homemade strawberry compote. Strawberry is the berry of youth and health. It is impossible to resist its unforgettable smell.

There are several options for making strawberry compote. Let's look at the most common method - in a saucepan.

Strawberry compote is cooked directly in a saucepan and stored in it. This option is suitable for lunch, afternoon tea or dinner and is less allergenic than rich strawberry compote for the winter.

To make your drink rich and tasty, stock up on the sweetest varieties of strawberries early. The size of the berries does not matter.

In addition to strawberries, you will need sugar, but there is a variation of strawberry compote with honey, as our grandmothers did. I treat my drink to kids, so I try not to overdo it with allergens.

So, let's start making strawberry compote in a saucepan.

The strawberries are washed with cool water and placed in a sieve or colander. Excess water must drain well.

After this, the berries need to be sorted. Tear off the stem.

Unsullied strawberries go into a deep pan. I use a 3.5 liter container.

100% filled with water. The distance from the edge of the pan remains small.

The pan is placed on the stove. The compote is brought to a boil.

Fill with sweet sand and carefully mix with a long spoon. It immediately turns off and locks with a lid. The pan with compote is removed from the stove.

It is better to cool the strawberry compote cooked in a saucepan in natural conditions. It will infuse and “ripen” just fine.

Strawberry compote is ready!

Our catchy and fragrant drink is poured into tall glasses or glasses and served to the table. Strawberry compote is stored in a saucepan in a cold place for no more than 2 days. You can cook strawberry compote in a saucepan not only with fresh berries, but also with frozen ones.

Strawberry compote: step-by-step recipe for making

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine In Your Own House! Now I will tell you how to cook a delicious strawberry compote. Neither adults nor children will refuse a glass of this fragrant drink in the cool season. It can be preserved without sterilization simply and quickly, just take strawberries, sugar, citric acid and filtered water. The color, taste and richness of the compote depend on the degree of ripeness and variety of berries.

This drink will decorate the table for any holiday. You can not only drink it, but also add it to baked goods, soak cakes and shortcakes with it. Don’t be afraid to experiment; combine strawberries with pears, apples, kiwis and other fruits. Then you can literally amaze your loved ones with brand new unique tastes.


How to cook

Video recipe

Benefit and harm

  1. Strawberries contain vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A, B, C, E, minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, sodium, zinc, copper, therefore they are widely used in healing purposes.
  2. Folic acid regulates the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Increases skin firmness and firmness thanks to antioxidants.
  4. Improves vision.
  5. Accelerates metabolism in the body.
  6. Helps in the treatment (process of alleviating, removing or eliminating symptoms and disease) of gout.
  7. Strengthens memory.
  8. It has an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the salicylic acid included in the composition.
  9. Helps to cope with depression and stress (the nature of the impact is distinguished as neuropsychic, heat or cold, light and other stresses) , as it contains the so-called “joy hormone”.
  10. Strengthens the immune system and protects the body from influenza and acute respiratory viral infections due to the vitamin content (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C.
  11. Helps fight cancer by slowing down the growth of cancer cells.
  12. Removes toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) from the body.
  13. Prevents the development of arthritis thanks to the curcumin and quercetin included in the composition.
  14. Lowers cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  15. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  16. It provokes the burning of accumulated fat and helps fight excess weight.

It is not recommended to consume strawberry compote for people with gastrointestinal diseases due to the high content of fruit acid in it. You should refrain from drinking the drink if you have arterial hypertension, especially for those who take enalapril-based medications. When combined with strawberries, it can harm the kidneys.

Useful tips

  1. Choose whole, undamaged, firm and moderately ripe berries.
  2. Leave small strawberries whole, and cut larger ones into 2 or 4 parts.
  3. The dishes must be clean, without chips or other defects.
  4. I recommend placing rubber gaskets for glass jars in warm water for 10–15 minutes before inserting.
  5. When filling the jars with syrup, leave a little room. This is necessary for the tightest blockage.
  6. It is allowed to completely seal jars only after sterilization. They can be washed with soda and boiled in water or placed in the oven for a while. It is important that the jars do not burst due to sudden temperature changes. Place them in the oven first, and then turn on the oven. Then the heating will be gradual. Don't forget to boil the lids.
  7. Before use, place unstained jars upside down on soft tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) .
  8. The syrup for filling should be used immediately. It should not be prepared ahead of time or stored in the refrigerator.
  9. Strawberries are in perfect harmony with oranges, cherries, and cherries. Rhubarb gives the drink a refreshing sourness, and an unusual aroma comes from dark currants and mint. I also advise you to highlight the taste of the drink with apples, raspberries and any wild berries.
  10. Instead of sugar, you can take a sweetener or honey. For a special taste, I recommend adding cinnamon, vanilla and other spices.
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5 extraordinary options

  • From frozen berries

A fragrant and tasty option that will amuse all your family at any time of the year. I recommend harvesting fruits at the peak of their ripening. First, they need to be carefully washed, then dried, cleared of tails, placed in freezer bags and hidden in the freezer. To make compote, you will need frozen strawberries and blackberries, sugar, and water. You should not cook the mixture for a long time, otherwise the berries will boil and some of the necessary substances will be destroyed. If you don’t like berries in your drink, you should rub them through an iron sieve. Then the seeds will not get into the puree. Add sugar to taste. Cool the drink to room temperature before serving. You can find other recipes for frozen berry compote on our website

  • With apricots

A simple and tasty recipe that will remind you of a wonderful summer in the cool season. For production you will need apricots, strawberries, sugar. Remove the leaves from the washed berries and place them in sterilized jars. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pit and add to the strawberries. Then boil the syrup at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 liter of water, pour it bubbling into jars and start rolling. Then turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a woolen blanket until they cool completely.

  • From canned berries

A necessary, indescribably tasty and rich option. It is perfect for kids, as they are the most susceptible to artificial colors. At the end of cooking, you can add canned berries to the compote of new berries along with syrup from a jar. For example, cherries, cherries, reddish currants.

The pleasant smell and taste is refreshing on hot summer days. Just take strawberries, gooseberries, lemon, figs, sugar, water. Pour all the hearths into boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, then add sugar and a couple of tablespoons of strawberry jam. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat and let sit for several hours. Serve chilled with a variety of desserts.

  • With mint

Perfectly relieves thirst on a hot summer day. Mint emphasizes the refreshing berry flavor and adds zest to the drink. For production you will need purified water, strawberries, sugar, citric acid, mint. Before canning, mint leaves must be removed. If this is not done, then when stored at room temperature, mint can provoke fermentation. You can replace it with lemon balm.


In the article, we looked at a step-by-step recipe for making strawberry compote, found out what ingredients strawberries are mixed with, and how many calories are in the drink. Almost all housewives try to create as many supplies for the winter as possible every summer. Berry compote is an ideal drink for strengthening the immune system and preventing colds.

Do you like strawberry compote? Tell us about it in the comments!

Strawberry compote

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Just like a regular, tasty and fragrant strawberry compote, you can always prepare it at home if you wish. This recipe does not involve preparing berries for the winter; it is served immediately. In the summer heat, strawberry compote with ice cubes is especially good...

Water, berries and sugar are the three necessary ingredients that every housewife has in stock. Maybe you will say that the freshest strawberries are a seasonal berry, but no one bothers you to freeze them for future use, right? And strawberry compote is not only an independent drink, but also a base for strawberry jelly and even kvass.


Making a dish step by step:

To make homemade strawberry compote, we will need the following ingredients: drinking water, strawberries (both fresh and frozen berries are suitable), sugar. Fundamentally: you must regulate the amount of sugar yourself - the sweeter the berries, the less it will be needed.

For strawberry compote, you can use any berries – not only beautiful ones, but also crumpled ones. We sort and wash the strawberries (400 grams). To do this, we fill a huge container with cool water, put the berries in it and let them swim for almost a minute - in this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then take them out and transfer them to a colander.

When the water has drained, remove the tails. If the berries are large, cut them into 2-4 parts.

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, add strawberries.

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Add sweet sand (I used 150 grams, because the berries are not very sweet) and cook strawberry compote.

Almost a few minutes after boiling, remove the pan from the stove (you can simply turn off the gas).

Cover the pan with a lid and let the strawberry compote brew and cool (by the way, some people love to drink it warm). Some of the berries will settle to the bottom, and the water will turn an appetizing pink-red color.

Strain the infused strawberry compote: you can strain it through a sieve or simply remove the berries with a slotted spoon. The strawberries from the compote gave virtually all the taste, color and smell to the drink, so they are no longer so tasty. At my house, however, they eat it instantly.

Pour the strawberry compote into a carafe or jug ​​and, if desired, let it cool in the refrigerator.

I advise adults to drink a fragrant and very tasty strawberry compote with ice cubes, but children (in my opinion) should not be given very cool things. Cook for your health and bon appetit, friends!

Strawberry compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar - 6 of the most delicious recipes

Strawberries are almost everyone's favorite berry. Some people prefer to freeze it for the winter, others prepare jams and preserves. And I propose to cook from it a tasty, necessary and very vitamin compote, which will become a real treasure for the whole family.

Only natural ingredients, a completely controlled cooking process and the ability to provide the family with a healthy and vitamin-rich drink - these are the main advantages of such a compote.

Most often, housewives prepare 3 liters of strawberry compote for the winter. It’s comfortable, fast, and most importantly, the indicated amount of vitamin drink is enough for the whole family. If you are cooking for only two or three, it is best to use 2-liter jars, because the drink can be stored in the refrigerator after opening for no more than a couple of days.

Recipe for strawberry compote for 3 liters without sterilization

If you don’t like to subject the berries to a long-term boiling process, then you can safely use this simple recipe for making strawberry compote. Moreover, we will bottle it into 3-liter jars.

What will be useful:

  • Fresh strawberries – 400 g.
  • Sugar – 250 g.
  • Water – 3 liters.

First you need to prepare the jars. They should be washed well and then sterilized over steam. Then transfer it to a clean towel. Do the same with the lids.

How to cook

Sort the berries, rinse under running water and place in jars. Moreover, they can be laid out either completely or cut into several parts. Everything here is the way you like it.

The number of berries must be such that they fill the third part.

Pour boiling water, cover with sterile lids and leave in this position for 20 minutes. With all this, the water will be evenly colored in a beautiful color.

We pour the water back into the pan, but so as not to overwater the berries. Boil water, add sugar and bring to a boil again.

We again pour the purchased syrup into jars and roll up the lids. Place the lids down and wrap them in a warm blanket. Leave it in this position until it cools completely, and then send it for storage.

Recipe for strawberry compote with citric acid for the winter for a 3 liter jar

If you want to prepare an essentially refreshing drink that would remind you of summer even in winter, then be sure to use this simple and very useful recipe.

What will be useful:

  • Fresh strawberries – 500 g.
  • Sugar – 300 g.
  • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon.
  • Water – 3 liters.

Let's start with the jars - they need to be washed with soda, rinsed well and sterilized over steam. This is perhaps the most common and reliable method of making containers sterile.

How to cook

To make compote, it is better to take small berries. These are perfectly saturated with liquid and give off color perfectly. But if you have a large strawberry, then you can safely cut it into several parts.

Sort the strawberries, transfer them to a sieve and wash under running water. Be sure to let all the water drain out.

Place the berries in jars - with this recipe we need to fill them by a fifth. If you want to get the most intense berry taste, then it is recommended to fill it by a third.

Pour boiling water, cover with sterile lids and let steep for about 20 minutes.

Drain the water, but without the berries, put it on fire and add sugar. If desired, you can add vanillin.

When the syrup boils, add a teaspoon of citric acid to it, stir and let it boil again.

Fill all the jars with this syrup, roll up the lids and place upside down in a warm blanket. Leave until completely cool.

Strawberry compote with lemon and mint for the winter - the most delicious recipe for 3 liters

Fragrant, with a catchy taste of strawberry, lemon and notes of mint - this is how you can describe this drink, which will certainly appeal to both children and adults. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that the amount of mint does not have to exceed 5 leaves. Otherwise, its smell will overwhelm all other tastes.

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What will be useful:

  • Water – 3 liters.
  • Fresh strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 500 g.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Mint – 5 leaves.

First, we prepare the jars - wash them with us, rinse them well and sterilize them over steam. Place the treated containers on a clean towel. You also need to boil the lids.

How to cook

Sort the strawberries and wash them under running water in a sieve. Then remove the stalks and put them in jars to a third of their volume.

Cut the lemon into thin slices and add a couple of slices to each container.

Wash the mint, dry it and put 5 leaves in each jar.

Boil water in a saucepan and pour it over the strawberries. Cover with lids and leave for 20 minutes.

Then pour the liquid back into the pan, add sugar, stir and let it simmer for about a minute. Fill all containers with this liquid and roll up the lids. Turn over and wrap in a warm blanket until completely cool. Store in a pantry or cellar.

Strawberry-cherry (cherry) compote for a three-liter jar for the winter with mint

If you like to combine several berries, then this strawberry-cherry compote will be a real discovery. If desired, the cherries can always be replaced with sour cherries. It will turn out to be no less tasty, but the most important thing is very useful.

What will be useful:

  • Cherry – 300 g.
  • Mint - 2 leaves for each 3 liter jar.
  • Sugar – 300 g.
  • Strawberries – 300 g.
  • Water – 3 liters.
  • Citric acid - teaspoon.

As with all other recipe options, we start by sterilizing the jars and lids. First, wash them with soda, rinse them well, and then put them over steam. The lids should also be washed and boiled.

How to cook

Wash the strawberries and cherries thoroughly, remove all leaves and debris. You don't have to get rid of the seeds. But if you want, you can squeeze them out.

Place similar quantities of strawberries and cherries in the bottom of the jar, and place mint leaves here - 2 pieces per 3 liters.

Pour boiling water over and leave covered for 20 minutes.

Drain the liquid, place on the stove, and bring to a boil. Add sugar, stir and let it boil again.

Pour the prepared syrup over the berries, add citric acid and roll up the lids. Turn the lids down and leave to cool under a warm blanket. Store in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.

Strawberry compote for the winter for 3 liters - the usual step-by-step recipe with oranges

If you want to vary the very sweet taste of strawberry compote, then you can safely use the advice of adding orange to the recipe. We have already prepared this drink with lemon, so why not now use another, no less popular, citrus?

What will be useful:

  • Half an orange, cut into slices.
  • 4 leaves of mint or lemon balm.
  • 250 g sugar.
  • 3 liters of water.
  • 300 g strawberries.

As usual, we sterilize the jars and lids. We place them on a clean towel. In the meantime, we are passionate about berries and oranges.

How to cook

Sort the berries, wash them in running water and then remove the stems.

Place on the bottom of the jar.

Peel the orange and divide into slices. Cut each slice into two parts and add to the strawberries. You can also cut the oranges into slices, in which case you won’t have to peel them.

Put mint and add sugar.

Pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 20 minutes under the lid.

Then drain the liquid, boil it in a saucepan for about 5 minutes and pour it back into the jar. Roll up the lids, turn over and place under a blanket until completely cooled. Store in a cellar or pantry.

How to create strawberry compote for the winter with spices

This recipe will appeal to those who love fragrant and very tasty drinks. This kind of compote is especially pleasant to drink in the most severe winter cold. So don’t be lazy – roll up a couple of jars!

What will be useful:

  • Strawberries – 500 g.
  • Sugar – 250 g.
  • Citric acid – ½ tsp.
  • Cardamom - sliver.
  • Saffron – a pinch.
  • Vanillin – a pinch.
  • Water – 3 liters.

First, as usual, I wash the jars of soda, carefully rinse them and set them to sterilize. This can be done using any convenient method, for example, in a kettle over steam.

How to cook

Pour strawberries into each container, which is approximately a third of the volume.

Add sugar, citric acid and all the spices here.

Pour in boiling water, cover with lids and wait 20 minutes.

Then place the containers in a huge saucepan, add water and sterilize for 30 minutes.

At the very end, roll up the lids and place upside down under a blanket. When the dough has completely cooled down, you need to shake it well so that the sugar is distributed moderately. And then you can put it away for storage in the pantry or cellar.

Isn't it true, what good recipes! And all in one article. And the most important thing here is that you can choose an option to suit your own taste, for example, with orange, or just with seasonings. Or you can prepare everything in a jar, and taste it in the winter - which option turned out to be the most ideal.

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