Candied orange peel

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Candied orange peels are a common and tasty delicacy from the East.

Candied orange peels belong to oriental sweets and have been known in the culinary community for a very long time. No exotic ingredients are needed to make them. All you have to do is buy fruit, stock up on sugar and set aside a small amount of time.

Candied oranges are the most popular, but you can create them from slices of lemons, grapefruits and limes, and the taste can be adjusted by adding different spicy spices. The calorie content of the food is average - approximately 300 kcal per 100 g. It also contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and plant fibers.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to create candied oranges using several recipes.

Delicious candied orange peel

The recipe for candied orange peel at home is very simple and does not require any special skills. Even a novice housewife can handle it without the help of others.

  • Sweet sand - two glasses;
  • Fresh oranges – 5-6 pieces;
  • Sweet powder;
  • Citric acid – 1-2 g (or juice of 1/2 lemon);
  • Spices: star anise, cinnamon, vanilla - optional.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Let's prepare the oranges. Choose citrus fruits that are small in size and have thick rinds. First, you need to rinse them well, then you need to put them in boiling water and quickly remove them. Cut the oranges into bars half a centimeter wide, with a layer of pulp on the crust no more than 1-1.5 cm. If you have oranges the size of tangerines, simply cut them into semicircles 0.5-0.7 cm wide;
  2. To remove bitterness from the crusts, boil them a couple of times in boiling water: put them in a deep container, fill them with water and put them on the flame. When they boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, remove them from the heat, wash them with cool water and put them back on the gas to cook. We repeat this process 3-4 times. After boiling, you need to wash the products and add cool water - it must again heat up to boiling on the flame. You don’t have to stir the mixture, the bitterness from the oranges will come out moderately, and the pulp of the orange slice will remain unbruised;
  3. After boiling down the bitterness, discard the oranges in a colander, let the water drain and dry the slices a little;
  4. Cooking in syrup. Pour 2-3 glasses of water into a saucepan, add sugar, citric acid and spices (star anise and cinnamon will give tartness and spice, and vanilla will give a gentle sweetness). Bring everything to a boil and place pieces of future candied fruits into the bubbling syrup;
  5. It is necessary that the syrup barely covers the slices, laid in a dense layer. Close the lid, reduce the flame to low and leave to simmer for 1-1.5 hours. During the cooking process, the products will become almost transparent and homogeneous. When they are cooked, leave them in the syrup to cool for several hours and later drain them in a colander to get rid of excess water. This syrup may be needed as a sweet sauce for dessert or as a dip for sponge cake;
  6. Drying and decoration. While the candied fruits are slightly damp, roll them in sweet powder or sugar, place them in separate slices on baking paper on a baking sheet and place in the oven, heated to 100 degrees, to “dry” for 30-40 minutes;
  7. Leave the orange slices (a small part) boiled in syrup directly in the syrup and seal them in jars like citrus jam.

The prepared fragrant sweets can be added sliced ​​into jelly or baked goods, used to decorate pastries or cakes, served with tea, or as a healthy and tasty snack at work.

Candied orange peels

Delicious candied orange peels will delight sweet tooth lovers with their citrus scent.

  • Sugar – 1-1.5 cups;
  • Orange peels from 5-7 fruits;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 g (or juice of half a lemon);
  • Salt - a small spoon;
  • Sweet powder.

Recipe for candied orange peels:

  1. Prepare orange peels in advance for 2-3 days to remove bitterness: soak them in cool water, change it 3 times a day and after a certain number of days start cooking in syrup;
  2. You can use a quick cooking method: you can boil the bitterness out of citrus fruits. Pour cool water over the orange peels, place on the gas and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes, turn off the flame, drain the water;
  3. Pour cool water into the container with the crusts again, add salt (1/2 small spoon) and, bringing to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes. Drain the hot water again, pour cool, salted water over the citrus preparations and boil for 5-10 minutes. Cool and boil in salted water 3-4 times, during which the products will soften, the bitter citrus taste will no longer be felt, and they will be ready for cooking in syrup;
  4. After countless boils, discard the orange peels in a colander, wash them again in cool water, and let it drain. Cut the blanks into half-centimeter wide bars. Smooth large crusts can be cut in the shape of a star, this will make the dish more elegant and attractive. The pieces should not be very large;
  5. Pour sweet sand into a bowl and add a little water (1-1.5 cups). Bring to a boil, stir until the sugar dissolves. Pour the chopped orange peels into the syrup and boil, stirring constantly until completely boiled, 30-50 minutes;
  6. At the end of cooking, add citric acid or the juice of half a lemon to the syrup and stir thoroughly. The liquid should completely evaporate and be absorbed by the citrus fruits, and the crusts will become golden and transparent;
  7. Place the cooked candied fruits in a colander and let the syrup drain. After this, place them individually on baking paper on a baking sheet, sprinkle with sweet powder and let dry at room temperature for several hours. To speed up the process, place the baking sheet with the drying pieces in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

The resulting delicacy is stored in a tightly closed box or in a jar for six months, and at the same time does not lose its own smell and does not dry out. And on a festive table you can serve a delicacy in melted chocolate as a unique real sweet.

Multicooker recipe

Thanks to this smart accessory, you can prepare your favorite delicacy very simply, and you won’t have to stand at the stove for a long time.

How to make candied orange peels in a slow cooker? Everything is quite simple. {Instructions} are as follows:

  1. Cut 300 g of orange peels as desired, place them in a container and fill with water. You need to keep them in the refrigerator for 3 days and change the liquid at least once a day;
  2. Place the prepared products into the multicooker bowl, add a little water and activate the “Steam” program for 20 minutes;
  3. After this time, transfer the workpieces to a colander and rinse the multicooker bowl well;
  4. Place the ingredients in the device again, add 450 g of sugar, pour in 300 ml of water, stir;
  5. Start the “Pilaf” or “Cook-Espress” mode and cook the dish until the sound signal;
  6. After this, the candied fruits need to be laid out on a flat, level surface, wait a couple of hours and generously roll them in sweet powder.
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This completes the production. Thanks to a smart device, you can quickly enjoy your favorite sweet treat.

Video: Recipe for candied orange peels

Candied orange peels

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Easter is coming, which means the newest recipes for fragrant, shaggy and delicious Easter cakes are ahead. To make homemade baked goods amuse you not only with their cute appearance, but also with their taste, various spices and herbs are added to them. Candied orange peels are a good addition to Easter cakes; I’ll tell you how to prepare them at home now.

The recipe for candied orange peels does not include the citrus fruits themselves, but the peels, which are most often mercilessly thrown away. In vain, I’ll tell you for you. They produce indescribably fragrant orange zest, which can be prepared for future use (recipe here) or a spectacular orange peel jam that will decorate any dessert. Well, candied orange peels are an excellent addition for home baking, thanks to which ready-made dishes will acquire a pleasant citrus smell.

Before you start making candied orange peels, it is important to process the peels. This is necessary not only to get rid of bitterness, but also to remove the wax that covers all overseas fruits. It's easy to create - just carefully wash the oranges with a brush before eating, and then pour boiling water over them. Let's cook!


Making a dish step by step:

To make the brightest and most fragrant candied orange peels, take orange peel (300 grams - this is the weight of the peels from 3 large oranges), sweet sand, water (the amount indicated only for syrup), lemon juice, and also salt for cooking the peels.

Place orange peels in a suitable size pan, which must be cut into thin strips. Fill with water so that it covers the skin. Add a teaspoon of salt and put everything on fire. Salt will help us get rid of the bitterness that is contained in the snow-white layer of citrus peel. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook over low heat for about 7-10 minutes.

After the allotted time, drain the water, rinse the crusts under cool running water, fill it with water again and add a teaspoon of salt. Cook for another 7-10 minutes until it comes to a boil. We repeat this function 3 times in total. Try a piece of orange peel - if there is still a slight bitterness (but there shouldn’t be any more), repeat the cooking again.

Place the peels, washed under cool water, in a sieve or colander and let the water drain. Let them stand for at least half an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the sweet syrup. To do this, in a small saucepan or saucepan, combine a glass of sugar (this is 180 grams) and 150 ml of water. Heat until the sugar crystals dissolve.

Place the prepared orange peels into the bubbling sweet syrup and cook until the water evaporates over low heat without a lid for about 20-30 minutes.

At the very end, add lemon juice and mix everything carefully.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and add sweet orange peels. All that remains is to dry them. This can be done at room temperature for a day or two, or in a warm (not more than 100 degrees) oven for 3-4 hours. It is important not to overdry the candied orange peels - when ready, they should not stick to your fingers, and at the same time they should bend perfectly.

Store fragrant candied orange peels in an airtight container or bag in a dry, black place. We wish you delicious dishes with such a delicious addition!

Candied orange peel

Almost all ladies are constantly in search of a dietary and indescribably delicious dessert or sweet. After all, sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something tasty and at the same time not harm your figure. And here candied orange peels come to the rescue. Candied orange peels are orange peels that are prepared by boiling in concentrated sweet syrup and then dried in candied form. During the manufacturing process, the crust absorbs sugar, which acts as a natural preservative.

Candied orange peel contains over 60 types of flavonoids and over 170 different types of phytonutrients, and is also rich in various pectins, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Chemical composition of natural candied fruits: environmentally friendly peels of ripe selected oranges, sweet syrup and sweet powder. The product contains no additional chemicals, parabens, fragrances, flavor enhancers or dyes. When choosing this product, carefully study the composition and give preference to the most natural one.

The benefits of candied orange peel

  • The benefits of candied orange peel
  • Harm and contraindications for use
  • Implementation method
  • Homemade candied orange peels
  • Canned candied fruits
  • Orange hot chocolate

Helps in weight loss. One of the main reasons why people don't like orange peel is its bitter taste, but this defect can be quickly removed by cooking and candiing. Candied fruits are incredible assistants for weight loss, because they contain a huge amount of fiber (cleanses the body of cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) , toxins and waste).
The product is nutritious, adds bulk to the meal and thus helps reduce overall calorie intake, thereby promoting weight loss. Candied fruits also prevent the absorption of fatty carbohydrates and the formation of subcutaneous fat. But still, you shouldn’t get too carried away with this product, so as not to provoke weight gain. In the process of calculating the required daily intake of this candied fruit, take into account their calorie content and nutritional value.

Energy value Three hundred one kilocalories
Squirrels Two grams
Fats One gr
Carbohydrates 70 one g

Helps cope with respiratory diseases. The orange peel provides good support for the body during the healing period of asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonia. It has a mild cleansing activity, playing an important role in the destruction and displacement of phlegm. It also contains huge amounts of histamine, repair compounds and antioxidants, which help relieve various respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, colds, flu and lung cancer.

They have a beneficial effect on the condition and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) . Candied fruits are a good source of insoluble polysaccharides (such as dietary fiber), such as pectins, tannins and hemicellulose. These compounds prevent constipation by increasing the size and reducing the time the food is in contact with the intestinal tract. They also play an active role in reducing acidity (gas problems) and preventing vomiting (Vomiting is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach and sometimes the duodenum through the mouth, sometimes through the nose) and heartburn.

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Candied fruits have preventive and bactericidal properties for the oral cavity. Natural, pleasant and tasty protection against cancer. Several research studies have shown that increasing the intake of candied orange peel in the daily diet reduces the risk of developing human cancer, specifically skin, breast and colon cancer. An unsurpassed source of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Candied fruits amazingly suppress the feeling of hunger, improve mood, amazingly tone up, calm the nervous system after a languid and stressful day, and normalize sleep.

Harm and contraindications for use

Candied orange peels may initially be harmful to people with hypersensitivity to citrus fruits. Orange peel is a powerful allergen. This product can be given to children and women during pregnancy on a limited basis, and only after consultation with a physician.

The product is high in calories, and as it should be, in the process of fighting excess weight, it must be consumed carefully.

Also, candied fruits are not allowed in the diet of people with diabetes (regardless of its type).

If you take into account all the contraindications and use natural and environmentally friendly candied orange peels, they are completely harmless, and also indescribably healthy.

Implementation method

The delicacy is ready to eat, and candied fruits will also go perfectly with muffins, cakes and cookies, chocolate, cottage cheese casseroles, yogurt, ice cream, etc. This is an indescribably healthy, tasty and fragrant delicacy, the production of which does not require huge costs. Why throw away orange peels if they can be used with benefits for the body and body. Ready candied fruits must be stored in airtight containers or sealed plastic bags.

Duration of storage: homemade candied orange peels can be stored for no more than 2 months in dry or rolled form. They don’t turn out to be as colorful as store-bought ones, but they are indescribably fragrant, tasty and healthy.

Homemade candied orange peels

To make candied orange peels, we quickly need orange peels, sugar and a dehydrator.

  1. Wash citrus fruits. Peel the skin from the fruit, only the orange part; if you use it with the snow-white layer, the candied fruit will be somewhat bitter. Use the fruit itself for salads or as a snack.
  2. Cut the skin of the fruit into strips 5 cm long and half a centimeter wide. Place two cups of peel in a saucepan with 1.5 cups of water. Bring to a boil (10 minutes). Drain the water. Repeat this process three or four times to get rid of any bitterness.
  3. Measure the amount of resulting peel after cooking. For each cup of crust, add 1/4 cup sugar and 0.5 cup water. Bring to a boil and cook until the skin has absorbed all or almost all of the syrup. Remove from heat.
  4. Pour granulated sugar into a container for rolling crusts. Throw any piece of peel into sugar. Place the sugar coated peels in a dehydrator. Turn on the device. The skin must dry so that it is not sticky to the touch. This can take up to 24 hours or up to eight hours depending on the dehydrator and air humidity. Turn the skins over a couple of times while drying.

Above is the most common and quick recipe for candied orange peel at home, but there are others.

Almost everyone is wondering how to create candied orange peels for the winter and how to prepare candied peels so that they can be stored for as long as possible. Let's look at a quick recipe for canned candied fruits.

Canned candied fruits

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For one half-liter container of canned candied fruits, you will need 5 or 6 new (preferably organically unsullied without wax and other chemicals) oranges, two glasses of sugar, two grams of citric acid (can be replaced with the juice of half a lemon), vanilla, star anise, cinnamon, two hundred grams of sweet powder.

Step-by-step production: wash the thick-skinned small oranges well in advance, dip them in boiling water, and cut off the skin (this procedure is needed to get rid of the chemicals that are usually used to treat oranges before sale). The cut peel must be cut into long strips up to 1 centimeter wide and rolled up like a snail in a roll. Secure the rolls with skewers or toothpicks. To ensure that the prepared candied fruits do not end up becoming bitter, the orange rolls must be boiled in clean water at least three times (the water must be changed each time). Dry the snails. Boil a thick sweet syrup: take half a kilogram of sugar for two glasses of water, add vanilla sugar, cinnamon and star anise. You need to pour orange rolls into the bubbling syrup (the toothpicks can now be removed, they will hold their shape without the help of others). Cook the rolls in syrup for at least an hour and a half. The rolls boiled in syrup quickly need to be transferred to a previously steamed jar, poured with bubbling syrup and rolled up. In winter, you can take citrus rolls out of the jar, sprinkle them generously with sweet powder, and put them in the oven to dry at 100 degrees for 40 minutes - you will get wonderful sugar-marmalade sweets. The syrup can, in turn, be used as an impregnation for cakes, for making various drinks, as jam for pancakes and pancakes, for adding to cereals and other desserts.

Orange hot chocolate

In order to create orange hot chocolate, we will need dark chocolate (bar), 20 grams of cream and 100 grams of candied orange peel. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath, add cream and crushed candied fruits. Then pour into cups - bon appetit. If you want to get the least intense chocolate taste, you need to add 100 ml of milk to the melted chocolate, not cream. This recipe is very high in calories and tonic, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it, but from time to time you can treat yourself to a chocolate-orange delicacy.

Ready-made candied fruits are universally suitable for use, because they can be consumed as an independent nutritious and healthy snack, or added to jelly, baked goods, cottage cheese desserts, porridge, salads - the flight of imagination is inexhaustible, the main thing is to keep in mind that everything you The food you consume must be not only tasty, but also healthy.

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Traditional and spirited recipes for making candied orange peels - a common delicacy to make

Candied orange peels are a dessert that is worth finding the time and energy to make. Crispy, sweet, fragrant bars will be a good addition to tea and coffee, and you can take them to work for a snack.

  1. Traditional recipe
    1. Ingredients
    2. How to cook
  2. How much and how to store
  3. Frisky recipe
  4. Candied orange peel in chocolate
  5. On a note:

All the guys adore fragrant candied fruits,
because they are tastier than candy.

With the advent of winter and the end of the summer and autumn fruit season, various citrus fruits become a frequent guest on our table: oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, pomelo. We enjoy their juicy sweet and sour pulp, make juice, curd, aromatic marmalade from it, add it to vitamin-rich fruit salads and various desserts. Oranges can also be caramelized in dark or snow-white chocolate.

Usually, after using orange slices, the fragrant peel remains unclaimed, which we throw away.

But I am always in favor of making culinary creations economical and waste-free. You can also make very tasty jam from orange peels according to our recipe. Therefore, I decided not to dispose of the skins, but to make candied fruits from them. They came out so delicious that I wanted to share the recipe with you. These candied fruits can be eaten as a snack with tea, cut into cubes and added to the dough when baking muffins, Easter cakes, and pies. By the way, this delicacy is completely suitable for vegetarian and lenten diets, because it completely does not contain animal fats.

To implement the idea, it is better to get oranges with thick, fleshy skin, then the dessert will turn out tastier. By the way, candied fruits can be made not only from oranges, but also from pumpkin and strawberries.

Traditional recipe

Modern housewives don’t like the old traditional recipe, tested by our grandmothers for almost all the years, because it takes a lot of time to make candied citrus peels. The crusts need to be soaked for 3 days in water to remove the bitterness, only after that they can be cooked. Not everyone is ready to expect so much, but the time investment is fully justified; after tasting the dessert, you will be convinced of its ideal taste. And children will be more willing to eat a delicacy that does not have any bitterness.


    Cuisine: Russian Type of dish: dessert Production method: boiling in syrup, drying in the oven Portions: 8-96 hours
  • orange peels from 8-10 oranges
  • salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • for syrup:
  • sweet sand - 2 cups
  • water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.
  • sweet sand for sprinkling candied fruits.

How to cook

How much and how to store

You can store candied fruits at room temperature in an open container for 2-3 weeks, or even a month. But to prevent them from becoming moldy, it is better to put them in a dry, black and cold space (for example, in a refrigerator) for several weeks. Please note that they may become sugary if stored for a long time. But here they don’t stay for a long time, they are too tasty, they scatter like seeds.

Frisky recipe

This recipe differs from the traditional (ordinary) one in the significant reduction in production time, which is especially valuable for busy housewives and for impatient sweet tooths who want to enjoy dessert as quickly as possible.
The point is that the quick recipe does not require pre-soaking in water; the crusts immediately begin to cook. The disadvantage of this method is that the orange zest ends up being sweet, but with a certain hint of bitterness. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what is more important - time costs and perfect taste, or speed and minor taste defects.

All other stages of work in the express version do not differ from the traditional recipe: cooking in saline solution, in syrup, drying and sprinkling with sweet sand.

Candied orange peel in chocolate

How to create candied orange peels so that they look like candies?

Very simple! “Dress” the fragrant sweet bars in a “kaftan” of dark, milk or snow-white chocolate and decorate the top with eye-catching sprinkles. Implementing the idea is quite simple. So, take the required amount of zest and prepare candied fruits from it as described in the first (traditional) recipe. The first stage of work is quite the same.

But the final stage has differences:

  1. Melt one and a half to two bars (150-200g) of your favorite type of chocolate in a water bath.
  2. Take a candied stick by one edge and dip it into the chocolate glaze. You can dip it halfway, then your candied fruit will look very interesting, it will turn out half brown, half orange.
  3. Place the dipped strip on a mesh (or cooking paper) to harden (preferably in a cold space). When the chocolate hardens on one side, you can dip the candied fruit on the other side so that it becomes completely chocolate. I’m not very comfortable dipping candied fruit into chocolate while holding it between my fingers, so I use tweezers or kitchen tongs.

Candied fruits can be eaten either on their own or added to Easter cakes, muffins, buns, cottage cheese casserole, oatmeal, mousses, soufflés, and ice cream. Before adding to a confectionery product, candied fruits are usually cut into small cubes.

On a note:

  • In general, recipes for making candied peels are designed to include the zest of 5-10 oranges. But what can you do if you don’t want to eat that much tropical fruit (or drink that much juice) in one day? The answer is simple: the crusts can be collected over a period of several days, placed in a food container and stored in the refrigerator. There the skin will not deteriorate within 5 days.
  • Even a child can participate in the development of such a dessert. For example, he can sprinkle candied fruits with sugar, dip them in melted chocolate with tweezers, and decorate them with sprinkles.
  • Candied fruits are placed on the table in the deepest bowls, beautiful transparent glasses or in vases.

Read on:

Savory yeast buns with orange zest and juice

Orange curd and other recipes with berries

Orange sponge cake for cake

Fragrant citrus cake with lemon inside

Lemon curd: a recipe for British dessert cream in 2 versions

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