Puff pastry pizza in the oven

Puff pastry pizza in the oven

Almost everyone loves pizza, but not nearly everyone loves fiddling with the dough. In the modern world, when time is so valuable and flies so quickly, spending a lot of time and effort on something is considered wasteful, so the puff pastry pizza recipe is suitable not only for young housewives, but also for busy people.

Naturally, if people are busy, then why not just order pizza delivery. But, not enough people like to wait for the courier, and after a long wait, receive an already cooled dish or something that does not meet expectations. So it will be even more pleasant to prepare the dish yourself, given the fact that cooking will not take much time and effort.

Puff pastry pizza with pepperoni

Required components:

  • Puff pastry (purchased) - 1 piece (500 g);
  • Tomato paste or sauce - 3-4 tbsp;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 270-320 gr.;
  • Pepperoni - 12-15 pieces;
  • Greenish olives - 8-10 pcs;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.

Puff pastry pizza with pepperoni

Manufacturing process:

  1. In order to prepare this pizza, you can use either dough with or without added yeast.
  2. First, remove the packaging from the dough and place it in some container to defrost. The packaging says that the dough should be defrosted for 15-20 minutes, but experience shows that if the dough rests twice as long, then its properties will only be better and it will roll out without any problems.
  3. In the meantime, you can start preparing the pizza toppings. Cut the pepperoni into thin pieces, you should get 12-15 pieces. Wash the promidorki well and cut them in half, and if they are quite large, into 4 pieces. Cut the olives into rings, grate the Mozzarella cheese on a large grater.
  4. When the dough has thawed, you need to roll it into a rectangle of about 25 by 35 cm. Often you put two layers of dough in the package, so roll them out together - just put one on top of the other.
  5. Take out a baking tray, line it with baking paper and place the dough on top. If you don’t have baking paper on hand, grease a baking sheet with oil and place the pizza base directly on it. But it should be noted that it will be even easier to wash the baking sheet later if it is covered with paper.
  6. Using a fork, make small holes in the dough along its entire surface to prevent it from puffing up during heating.
  7. When the job is done, grease the dough with tomato paste, try to coat everything sparingly, and also try not to leave the sides unattended.
  8. Spread pepperoni, cherry tomatoes and olives sparingly over the surface of the pizza; you can add a little dried Italian herbs for flavor.
  9. It is best to use soft cheeses such as Suluguni or Mozzarella for making pizza, because they melt very quickly and at the same time they are tender. You can also eat semi-hard cheeses.
  10. Sprinkle pizza generously with cheese.
  11. Pour a couple of drops of olive oil on top of the pizza, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the pizza at the given temperature for 23-25 ​​minutes.
  12. Cut the finished pizza into portions and serve immediately, before the cheese has time to cool and lose its viscous properties.
  13. Bon appetit!

Pizza on puff pastry with meat tenderloin

Required components:

  • Purchased puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • Sliced ​​meat (ham, balyk, boiled pork) - 50 g;
  • Tomato paste or sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 100 gr;
  • Parmesan cheese (grated) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Green onions - 2-3 pcs;
  • Olives - 8-10 pcs;
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • Oregano and other greens - to taste.

Pizza on puff pastry with meat tenderloin

Manufacturing process:

  1. Pizza made with store-bought puff pastry is one of the easiest dishes to make and is literally the easiest pizza to make that can easily be baked at home. If the recipe were very short, it could take one sentence: “Thaw the puff pastry, roll it out, spread the filling, bake. The most difficult thing in making such a pizza is choosing the right ingredients for the inside.
  2. As mentioned above, the first step is to take the dough out of the package and defrost it. It is best to defrost the dough naturally, or as directed by the manufacturer on the packaging.
  3. Typically, the packaged dough is rectangular in shape and rolled. When the dough is defrosted, you need to carefully straighten it and roll it out, being careful not to cause any mechanical damage. Obviously, pizza is usually round in shape, but puff pastry cannot be stretched or deformed in any way. You can, of course, cut a circle out of the dough using a large round container as a stencil, but then there will be corners that will be redundant. In any case, the chef decides.
  4. While the dough is defrosting, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Tenderloin from various types of meat can be purchased ready-made, or you can ask the merchant to cut the balyk into thin pieces. If you don’t have tomato sauce at home, you can peel the skins of the tomatoes and fry the pulp with spices and the sauce will be ready. The other ingredients just need to be cut and grated as you wish.
  5. Take a baking sheet, grease it with olive oil or use baking paper. Place the dough on top, try not to tear or wrinkle it. Fold the edges in slightly and brush the entire dough, including the edges, with tomato sauce.
  6. Cut the Mozzarella cheese into thin slices and spread throughout the dough. If the cheese is in the form of balls, then you can simply grate it on a large grater and distribute it moderately over the dough. Sprinkle a little oregano on top of the cheese.
  7. Place the meat tenderloin on top of the cheese pad. With all this, there doesn’t have to be a lot of tenderloin, because the taste of the meat covers the taste of the other ingredients. Maximum - 100 gr.
  8. Chop the green onion and sprinkle it sparingly on the pizza, then add the olives (pitted). You can cut them, or you can throw them as is.
  9. On a small grater, grate Parmesan or cheese with a similar structure and sprinkle it on the pizza. It is very important that the cheese is distributed moderately. The final touch in preparation is to simply drizzle the topping with olive oil and the pizza is one hundred percent ready for baking!
  10. Because all the ingredients that are used in the inside can be eaten raw, the dough must be baked according to the manufacturer’s instructions, which are indicated on the package. So it’s best to read the manufacturing time and temperature on the back.
  11. All that remains is to place the dough in the oven preheated to the recommended temperature and wait. It is important to check the readiness of the dish from time to time, because not all ovens are alike and depending on the oven, the properties, cooking speed and temperature may change.
  12. When the dough is ready, the pizza can be removed from the oven. You need to cut the pizza into pieces. Round pizza is cut into 6-8 pieces, and square pizza can simply be cut into rectangles. Sprinkle the finished pizza with herbs; you don’t even need to cut them - just tear them off the stems.
  13. It’s best to cook this kind of pizza one at a time, because after it cools down it becomes less tasty and no microwave will help here. Eat the pizza while it's hot and the cheese is still wet.
  14. Bon appetit!
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We hope that you will cook puff pastry pizza in the oven according to one of these recipes and you and your loved ones will certainly like it!

Pizza with puff pastry

Do you like pizza? The question is rhetorical, because not enough people will refuse the pleasure of snacking on a crispy flatbread with its beloved interior, soaked in sauce, immediately crispy and juicy, under a layer of melted, fragrant cheese! Mmm, mmm and again mmm...

But not everyone loves fiddling with the dough, kneading it, waiting for it to come together, and then also having to wash a mountain of dishes. In this case, a recipe for pizza with puff pastry will help out - take the package out of the refrigerator, defrost it, roll it out and bake!

Pizza is best made with puff pastry dough. If you roll it out and bake it according to all the rules, then in the end you will get a thin and crispy flatbread that will go perfectly with any interior you choose. Naturally, this will not be traditional Italian pizza, but it will also be very tasty. Especially if you take the time to prepare homemade tomato sauce, it is even tastier than store-bought ketchups and is great for pizza. Try it, you won't regret it!

Secrets of making “puff” pizza

Second secret - first you need to bake the dough together with the sauce for a couple of minutes. Because of this, the pizza will turn out crispy and perfectly baked throughout the entire area.

And the third rule says that you should not overload the pizza with insides. Spread your favorite foods (sausage, mushrooms, vegetables) in a thin layer, a little of everything, then they will bake in a matter of minutes, and the crust will not burn or dry out.


  • puff pastry dough – 1 package (500 g)
  • sausage – 200 g
  • cheese – 200 g
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper – 0.5 pcs.
  • olives – 8-10 pcs.
  • tomato paste – 3 tbsp. l.
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.
  • salt and dark pepper - to taste
  • sugar – 0.5 tsp.
  • hot pepper or chili sauce - to taste
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • water – approximately 150 ml


Leave the yeast puff pastry to defrost at room temperature, covering the top with film so as not to dry out. Meanwhile, they are busy making pizza sauce. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and sauté the onion and garlic, diced, in it. Once the onion becomes soft, add crushed bell pepper (preferably reddish) to the frying pan. Fry for a few more minutes, then add tomato paste, simmer for a minute and dilute with water to create a medium sauce mixture, add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 5-7 minutes, add a little sugar and hot pepper to balance the taste. Then we beat everything with an immersion blender - the result is a homogeneous tomato sauce for pizza, thick and tasty, even richer than ketchup.

Prepare the filling. I cut ham and sausage into thin slices, chopped olives into circles, bell peppers into narrow strips, tomatoes into circles. You can choose any toppings to suit your own taste, the main thing is that the products are ready to eat, because they will spend no more than 10 minutes in the oven. As for cheeses, mozzarella is perfect. If you don’t have it, then any hard cheese you have in the refrigerator will do just fine for lazy pizza. I grated the “Russian” cheese and added some silent Parmesan cheese, crumbled by hand, for flavor.

In the meantime, the dough has already defrosted - for puff-yeast dough it will take at least 2 hours. I gathered it into a ball, sprinkled it with flour and kneaded it well with my hands. Then I divided it into two equal parts (you get two huge pizzas). Turned on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees.

Roll out the dough using a rolling pin on a sheet of parchment - very thinly, to a thickness of approximately 2 mm.

I outlined the edge in a circle with a pizza cutter (you can use an ordinary knife) - I made a shallow cut along the entire inner perimeter, stepping back from the edge about 1 cm. And I pricked it with a fork over the entire area so that the puff pastry did not swell and bubble in the oven.

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I spread the sauce, trying not to go beyond the outlined edges.

Transferred the workpiece along with the parchment to a baking sheet. And put it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 5 minutes. The dough is very thin, during this period of time it will be slightly baked, but the sauce will not allow the pizza to grow in the center, only the sides will rise.

I laid the filling on top of the pizza - in an even layer, a little of everything, sprinkled with cheese (if you have mozzarella, then lay it out first, and distribute the filling on top, it will turn out tastier).

I returned the pan to the oven for another 10 minutes at the same temperature - the inside should only brown a little, and the cheese should melt, but not dry out. Keep in mind that the pizza is narrow and flaky, it cooks much faster than with a traditional yeast base, so don’t overcook it in the oven!

We bake the second pizza in the same way, then cut it into portions and enjoy. Bon appetit everyone!

Pizza with puff pastry

People always ask me how to make puff pastry pizza? I will answer, in fact, the same as with yeast dough or unleavened dough. The development is essentially the same. I will say more: most likely, not enough people prepare puff pastry on their own without the help of others; it is labor-intensive, difficult and requires sufficient skills. Frozen puff pastry of good quality and various types is sold in stores.

The international dish is Italian pizza, a flatbread made from narrow dough with a flattened interior. It would seem that everything is simple. In addition, almost everyone loves pizza. I have never realized people order pizza and wait for it to be delivered, and more often than not, what they receive is not what they were expecting. There are no difficulties in making homemade pizza, be it regular pizza or with puff pastry. Even beginners can make yeast dough for pizza, and store-bought dough reduces making pizza to just laying out the ingredients and turning on the oven.

Usually, pizza dough is laid out or stretched on a baking sheet or pizza baking dish, greased with tomato sauce and then the insides are laid out - cheese, tomatoes, sausage or frankfurters, herbs, olives, etc. All that remains is to bake the pizza, which takes no more than 30 min. The most common option is a 4-cheese pizza, containing only tomato sauce and a certain number of types of cheese: mozzarella, Parmesan, Gorgonzola, Emmental, etc.

In Italy, amidst the contrast of “traditional” pizzas, most recipes are quite free in the choice of ingredients and production techniques. Regular Margherita pizza is a sign of Italy, made from greenish basil, snow-white mozzarella and burgundy tomatoes. Right away, if you add anchovies to the ingredients and change the arrangement of ingredients on the dough, the pizza can already be called Neapolitan. The composition of the inside varies greatly depending on the master, the pizzeria, the region, or even the mood.

One of the varieties of pizza making technique is its version on puff pastry. You can often find, for example, a special Marinara - pizza with puff pastry. These pizzas are similar in interior composition to traditional ones, but are prepared on ready-made, most often puff pastry. This is fast, much faster than expecting delivery.

Frozen puff pastry is a semi-finished product, sold in stores, completely accessible and cheap. Homemade puff pastry pizza takes little more time to cook than it takes to bake. You still need to put all the ingredients on the dough. In general, while the oven is heating up, there will be plenty of time for installation. Regardless of the dough on which the pizza is prepared, you always want the inside to have sauce, sausage or tenderloin, mozzarella. In general, you shouldn’t limit yourself. By the way, you can always bake a mini-pizza for lunch instead of bread or a pizza with sausages on puff pastry.

Ingredients for puff pastry pizza

  • Unleavened puff pastry 1 pack
  • Meat tenderloin (ham, meat balyk, boiled pork) 50 g
  • Homemade tomato sauce 2 tbsp. l.
  • Mozzarella 100 g
  • Parmesan (grated) 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Green onions 2-3 pcs
  • Olives 6-8 pcs
  • Olive oil 2 tsp.
  • Mixed greens (basil, parsley, dill) To taste
  • Oregano Spices

How to make pizza with puff pastry

  1. Regular pizza with puff pastry is perhaps the most common pizza that you can prepare at home, without straining at all, quickly and with at least some interior. Take a package of puff pastry, spread out the filling, bake. The most difficult thing is to choose the filling so as not to be disappointed later.
  2. The packaging of the semi-finished product “unleavened puff pastry” must be defrosted in advance. The dough packaging always contains very detailed {instructions} about defrosting and baking modes. In order for the pizza to come out properly, you should not deviate from these tips.

Semi-finished puff pastry

Ingredients for the pizza interior

Spread the semi-finished puff pastry

Brush the dough with sauce and spread the mozzarella

Place thinly sliced ​​meat on top of mozzarella

Sprinkle the pizza with green onions and add olive oil

Sprinkle the entire pizza with grated Parmesan cheese.

Delicious puff pastry pizza recipes

Hello, dear readers! The process of making pizza is an activity that takes a lot of time. Unfortunately, most of it is still spent on preparing just one dough, which is very disappointing. And even if you really like pizza, you don’t always have that much time or energy to create it. In such cases, a good solution is to buy ready-made puff pastry.

The pizza on it comes out very tasty, and you can prepare it in just half an hour. With all this, you can use absolutely any filling - cheese, mushrooms, seafood, meat, sausage, vegetables. Puff pastry pizza can be prepared according to any of the recipes that you can currently familiarize yourself with.

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Sausage, cheese and tomatoes

One of the most popular recipes using puff pastry is pizza with sausage, cheese and tomatoes. All these ingredients blend together seamlessly to make the dish indescribably delicious. You can use both yeast puff pastry and yeast-free dough.

  • Puff pastry;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cheese;
  • Sausage;
  • Olives;
  • Ketchup;
  • Olive oil.
  1. Defrost the dough (500 g). You can simply leave it for 20 minutes, or you can defrost it in the microwave, which will significantly speed up the process.
  2. Take sausage (200-300 g). Cut into thin circles, which should yield approximately 10-15 pieces.
  3. Tomatoes (4 pcs.) Cut into a semicircle.
  4. Cut olives (10 pcs.) into slices. Each of them can be cut into approximately 3-4 equal parts, but simply cutting in half is acceptable.
  5. Grate the cheese (300 g).
  6. Roll out the dough. Then place it on a baking sheet, where there should already be special baking paper. If you don't have paper, just grease it with oil.
  7. Make a few holes in the base to prevent it from puffing up while baking. Spread it with ketchup or tomatoes in your juice (3 tbsp.)
  8. Place the sausage on the base first, then the olives and tomatoes. Then sprinkle everything with cheese. Additionally, you can sprinkle it with spices or herbs, and also add a little olive oil.
  9. Keep the pizza in the oven for 25 minutes. Don't forget that you need to warm it up in advance. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.

Mushrooms, chicken and tomatoes

The combination of mushrooms with chicken, which is complemented by tomatoes, can safely be called impeccable. Such interior is not at all tasteless. Such pizzas are often prepared in pizzerias, and they are very popular there. What is the recipe at home in the oven?

  • Puff pastry (yeast);
  • Champignon;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cheese;
  • Onion;
  • Tomato sauce.
  1. Defrost the dough (250 g). At this time, start cooking chicken fillet (300 g) and prepare all other ingredients.
  2. Wash mushrooms (150 g), cut into thin slices.
  3. Cut half of the onion into halves of rings or even quarters, depending on its size.
  4. Cut one tomato into thin slices.
  5. When the chicken is cooked, cut into small cubes.
  6. Roll out the dough and place it on a prepared (put paper or butter) baking sheet.
  7. Spread the base with tomato sauce (3 tbsp).
  8. Spread the onions, mushrooms, chicken and tomatoes sparingly over the entire area.
  9. Grate the cheese (150 g), sprinkle it over the entire filling. Additionally, you can add Italian herbs.
  10. Set the oven temperature to 200 degrees. Wait until it warms up, and then put the pizza there for 25 minutes. If desired, you can add basil to it when it is ready.

Mini pizza is good because it is served in beautiful whole pieces, as individual portions. It's very comfortable to eat. Mini puff pastry pizza is very easy to make.

The inside may be completely different. We will use two sausages at once, but you can replace them with one, for example, salami.

  • Puff pastry;
  • Cheese;
  • Ham;
  • Boiled sausage;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Mayonnaise.
  1. Defrost the dough (500 g). Roll it out and then cut it into equal circles (you can use a saucer or glass) - this will be your set of small pizzas.
  2. Cut the ham and sausage (100 g each) into very small pieces. You can even use a grater.
  3. Grate cheese (150 g) into small pieces.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with paper and place the mini bases on it. Lubricate the bases with tomato paste (20 g) and mayonnaise (50 g).
  5. Place on their sausage and top with cheese.
  6. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. They must be baked at 200 degrees.

Cooking with gas and using a multicooker - two recipes in one

You can cook puff pastry pizza not only using the oven. Let's look at two options for cooking without an oven - in a frying pan and using a multicooker. The main ingredients here are mushrooms and sausage.

  • Puff pastry;
  • Champignon;
  • Cheese;
  • Sausage;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Basil;
  • Tomato sauce;
  • Oil.
  1. Defrost the dough (500 g), shape it to fit the size of your frying pan.
  2. Wash the mushrooms (8 pcs.), cut into strips.
  3. Cut sausage (300 g) with tomatoes (2 pcs.) into thin slices.
    If the tomatoes are very watery, leave only the pulp.
  4. Grate cheese (200 g) into medium-sized pieces.
  5. Place the base on a heated frying pan. When it is browned on the bottom side, turn it over immediately. The fire should be very weak.
  6. Brush the base with sauce. Alternately place all the ingredients on it, starting with the mushrooms. Lastly, sprinkle everything with cheese and add basil. Cover the pan with a lid. In 10 minutes the dish will be ready.

If you decide to cook it in a slow cooker, then you should do it like this:

  1. Prepare the dough with all the ingredients.
  2. Grease the bottom of the cup with oil. Assign the base a suitable shape and place it in the multicooker.
  3. Spread all the ingredients over the dough.
  4. Turn on the multicooker for half an hour in baking mode. The second pizza can be cooked in 10 minutes less, because everything will be warmed up.


Pizza is a dish that can be prepared in a variety of ways, surprising yourself and your guests every time. Tired of pizza from the oven - here's a slow cooker and stove for you. Tired of pizza with sausage - here's meat, seafood, mushrooms or just vegetables for you. Even a recipe with a photo is not always needed, because... You can create something unusual and delicious without the help of others, simply by changing the ingredients. Making pizza is a creative process that gives not only a tasty dish, but also a good mood. I wish you all good luck! Try it and you will succeed.

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