Diet pumpkin and oatmeal cookies

Diet pumpkin and oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies with pumpkin will help vary the diet of those who prefer to stick to proper nutrition and watch their weight. The dish is prepared without flour, and oatmeal is used as a binding agent.

About the dish

Oatmeal and pumpkin are rich in healthy substances; the dish allows you to satisfy your hunger and get pleasure without harm to your health. Any traditional confectionery product ends up with fatty deposits, and cookies made from oatmeal and pumpkin allow us to avoid this problem.

Adherents of proper nutrition understand that cakes, pastries, sweets and chocolate carry more harm than good. But dietary nutrition does not mean that food must be monotonous and tasteless.

Dietary desserts are easy to prepare on your own, using the right ingredients. A special role in such recipes is given to berries, fruits and vegetables. These products contain the sugar needed by the body and a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

One of the most successful examples of using the right products is pumpkin. Muscat varieties of melons are simply boiled, sweet in taste, and saturate the body with a huge amount of essential substances: vitamins, minerals, pectin, antioxidants and fiber. All these elements can be preserved even after heat treatment.

Pumpkin cookies with oatmeal contain a small amount of calories, which is important when preparing a daily diet for those who have decided to lose weight. The dessert will appeal to adults and children. The fragrant, tender cookies melt in your mouth, and the taste of pumpkin is practically not felt.

Making Tips

Oatmeal is a beautiful aid for the digestive system. In combination with pumpkin, the usefulness of the dish is multiplied. A traditional pumpkin oatmeal cookie recipe uses commonly available ingredients. You can purchase them annually, and there is no need to spend huge amounts of money.

This recipe for butternut squash and oatmeal cookies is quite simple. It will take little time to prepare the dish, but the result will amuse the whole family. Due to the fact that the dish does not include wheat flour, pumpkin-oatmeal cookies are rightfully considered dietary.

Pumpkin cookies with oatmeal are a meatless dish. The egg can be excluded from the list of ingredients if desired. Those who have not yet tried to prepare desserts with healthy pumpkin should definitely prepare them according to the traditional recipe. Any housewife can add any spices and additives to the ingredients in reasonable quantities as desired.

To make this dish, it is better to use nutmeg pumpkin. You can use any oatmeal. The recipe uses dried apricots, which can be replaced with other dried fruits if desired. Dried apricots are an important source of magnesium and potassium, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The orange will bring a citrus flavor into the dish. If desired, you can enhance the smell of cookies using the following seasonings: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom. These spices not only add flavor, but also have the ability to provoke metabolic processes.

Dessert with the smell of Ozari: oatmeal cookies with pumpkin - not harmful to your figure at all

Modern people have heard a lot about proper nutrition, different diets and other basics of a healthy lifestyle. But the information is sometimes very vague or even completely incorrect. Before giving any advice, it is necessary to understand the very concept of dietary nutrition.

What is proper nutrition

Our body, in the process of its own life, uses a certain amount of energy once a day. This expense is individual for each person. Everything depends on the intensity of the physiological actions occurring in the body, as well as on the severity of the person’s work.

Fundamentally! Dietary nutrition is a special system of food consumption that fully satisfies a person’s need for energy, but does not oversaturate him.

The basic principle of any diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) is that food must completely relieve the feeling of hunger. It should be different and contain all the necessary substances and microelements. It is important to follow the regime. According to scientists, food is best absorbed with five or six meals a day.

Fundamentally! Don't forget about drinking enough water.

Diet desserts

It is generally accepted that diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is a serious restriction in food, which a priori cannot bring pleasure. But that's not true. Indeed, you will have to give up some goods, but they can easily be replaced with the most healthy food.

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It is especially difficult for girls to give up cakes, chocolates and other sweet pleasures. But you can prepare desserts yourself that will be truly tasty and appetizing, but at the same time low in calories.

What can you use to make the desired dessert?

  1. It is important to choose the right products for making desserts. The most common option is fruits and berries. They do not contain enough calories, they are sweet, and they contain a large amount of vitamins. Various mousses, jellies, puddings or just salads are made from fruits and berries.
  2. The second tasty and necessary product is dried fruits. They contain a huge amount of fiber, which is useful for digestion, and also contain leisurely carbohydrates that can provide the body with energy forever.
  3. It is curious that in desserts, in extreme times, completely unusual products are used, for example, vegetables. Pumpkin, beets and even tomatoes are increasingly being used to make sweets, and this is easy to explain. Vegetables contain even fewer calories than fruits. Antioxidants, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) , microelements - vegetables are simply replete with these substances. Eating such desserts will be beneficial and will not spoil your figure.

Savory recipes

Oatmeal cookies are considered one of the best dietary desserts. The flakes included in its composition have a positive effect on digestion, without adding extra pounds.

All the harmful substances that make up store-bought cookies are really not very healthy, but the product prepared at home is completely harmless.

In order not to make the cookies completely “lenten”, various products are added to them, for example pumpkin. It is one of those products that are recommended by nutritionists around the world.

Fundamentally! 100 g of pumpkin contains only 28 kcal.

The most common

  • pumpkin – 150 g;
  • oatmeal – 40-60 g;
  • honey – 1 tbsp;
  • baking soda – 0.25 tsp;
  • table vinegar 9% – 1 tsp;
  • vanillin – 1 g;
  • salt – 1/4 tsp;
  • flour – 0.75 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp.

Additionally you need to prepare:

  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.


  1. Cut raw pumpkin into medium-sized pieces, add water and cook for 5-7 minutes after boiling.
  2. Heat the oatmeal in a frying pan for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Pour the roasted oatmeal into a blender and grind until small crumbs.
  4. Add pumpkin, honey, vanillin and soda, previously dissolved in vinegar, and grind everything in a blender.
  5. Add flour to the pumpkin mixture.
  6. While stirring the dough, pour sunflower oil into it.
  7. Grease a baking sheet with oil mixed with water.
  8. Form balls the size of walnuts (dust your hands with flour for convenience) and place them on a baking sheet.
  9. Bake at 170 degrees for 30 minutes, checking doneness with a toothpick or skewer.

With banana and cinnamon

The traditional recipe can be varied with other products: bananas, nuts, raisins. To make a delicious dessert for tea, you will need to take:

  • 160 g pumpkin puree (you can use baby food);
  • 0.25 kg oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 100-120 g butter;
  • 1/4 tbsp. raisins and the same amount of walnuts.
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  1. First you need to carefully grind the cereal and nuts in a blender. But some fans prefer not to crush the flakes at all, so that they can be felt in the dessert.
  2. Then other ingredients are added and everything is crushed until a homogeneous creamy consistency is formed.
  3. Cinnamon and raisins are added at the end, then everything is mixed again.
  4. Place the cookies on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour at 180-200 degrees.

Without flour

To lose weight, it is recommended to limit your carbohydrate intake, so you can make oatmeal cookies without adding flour.

For this you will need:

  • 70 g of previously grated pumpkin;
  • 1/2 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • 1/4 stick of butter;
  • 1 testicle;
  • 4 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.


  1. Separate the white from the yolk and thoroughly beat the first until foam forms.
  2. Add oatmeal previously ground in a blender (or coffee grinder) to the protein mixture.
  3. Add pumpkin, butter, cinnamon and honey. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Prepare a baking sheet, line it with baking parchment and lay out the future cookies.
  5. Bake in the oven at 170-190 degrees for 15-20 minutes. It needs to be warmed up in advance.

Economical option

If you don't have enough supplies left in the refrigerator, you can make an economical version of cookies with a minimum of ingredients.

For this masterpiece you will need:

  • 1 chicken egg (can be replaced with 2 quail eggs);
  • 1/4 pack of margarine;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1/2 tbsp. pumpkins.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. Grind the eggs and sugar.
  2. Carefully melt the margarine in a water bath, then add flour and sugar-egg mixture to it.
  3. Next, you need to grate the entire pumpkin and mix with the rest of the ingredients. The result should be a sour cream-like mixture, vaguely reminiscent of fermented baked milk.
  4. Form future cookies from the acquired mass and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 150 degrees, preheating the oven in advance.

Useful tips

To make the most delicious cookies, a real housewife must know a few common secrets:

  1. Follow the recipe. If you are cooking for the first time, you should not change the recipe, because different dough requires a personal approach. Therefore, before connecting the components, check their quantity.
  2. Oil is a very capricious product, you need to know how to work with it. If you melt it, the baked goods will turn out buttery. Hard butter, not previously removed to warm up, will make the cookies tough and unsweetened.
  3. From time to time, the pan should be rotated 180 degrees to ensure even baking.
  4. Allow the baking sheet to cool before adding the new batch. If this is not done, the cookies will burn.
  5. It is necessary to cool the baked goods on special grids or on baking parchment.

Useful video: you can even post it

Pumpkin oatmeal cookies without eggs and with the least amount of flour. You can eat it even during fasting. The recipe is in the video below.


Oatmeal cookies with pumpkin are an excellent product, containing a fairly low amount of calories, but at the same time incredibly tasty and necessary. Even those who don’t like raw pumpkin will definitely enjoy this dish!

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Oatmeal cookies with pumpkin

Cooking: 30 minutes

I think every housewife has baked traditional oatmeal cookies at least once in her life. What if you make it 100% lean? And add pumpkin to it? It will give the sweetness and the most saturated color to the liver. And, of course, it will make it even more useful

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I recommend baking it exactly this way the first time, and later, if you want, adding any nuts or raisins.

I used honey as a sweetener, but you can safely replace it with sugar to taste.

Ingredients for Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

for test


Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

I cut the raw pumpkin randomly into small pieces.

She poured water on it and sent it out to cook.

After boiling, boil it for 5-7 minutes.

At this time, I sent the oatmeal to a dry frying pan.

I baked it for 3-4 minutes. I dumped it into a blender.

Grind the fried flakes into crumbs.

I added lightly boiled pumpkin to them.

Then I put honey, vanillin and soda dissolved in vinegar into the blender.

I whipped all the ingredients in a blender and placed them in a separate bowl.

Sifted flour to get a pumpkin-oatmeal consistency.

It doesn't need to be used very much.

Let the dough slightly stick to your hands.

At the kneading stage, I poured in sunflower oil.

The dough is ready - it should turn out slightly sticky, not languid, and soft.

I greased the mold with sunflower oil, combining it with water.

Using floured hands, I formed the dough into small balls slightly larger than a walnut.

I got 12 pieces.

I sent it out to bake at 170°C for 30 minutes.

It’s better to navigate your own oven and inspect the cookies with a skewer - the inside of the cookies doesn’t have to be raw, but it’s important not to miss a moment and not dry them out.

I sprinkled the finished healthy cookies with sweet powder!

Oatmeal cookies with pumpkin

Pumpkin is a versatile vegetable with which you can cook meat, meat and vegetable casseroles, and a lot of sweet desserts. And baking pumpkin and oatmeal cookies is a delight. The result will be not only tasty, but also necessary baked goods.

Beautiful, colorful cookies come from pumpkin, and the flavor comes from spices: ground ginger, cinnamon, cardamom. You can add different fillings to the dough: raisins, dried apricots, nuts, poppy seeds. Try cooking!

Step-by-step recipe for oatmeal cookies with pumpkin

  • Pumpkin puree – 230 g;
  • Oatmeal – 160 g;
  • Wheat flour – 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil without aroma – 50 ml;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 80 g;
  • Baking soda – 1 small spoon;
  • Salt – 5 g;
  • Ground cinnamon – 10 g;
  • Ground ginger -10 g.

How to Make Pumpkin and Oatmeal Cookies

First, peel the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces and cook in a small amount of water.

While the pumpkin is on the stove, you need to start making the dough. To do this, break two eggs into a bowl, add vegetable oil and add sugar and a pinch of salt.

Beat the mixture with a mixer.

Then add ground cinnamon and ginger.

Beat again with a mixer.

Add oatmeal.

By this time the pumpkin is already cooked. Remove it from the water and use a blender or ordinary potato masher to puree it. Add puree to oatmeal.

Stir all the ingredients and set the dough aside for 15-20 minutes to allow the flakes to swell.

Then add sifted flour and soda.

Stir the dough with flour.

Spoon the dough onto a silicone mat or greased baking sheet. Leave little space between the products, because the size of the cookies will increase during baking.

Preheat the oven to 180*C and bake the cookies until done.

When baking, the cookies rose and baked perfectly. Oatmeal cookies with pumpkin came out with a slightly crispy crust and soft inside.

Fragrant, healthy, tasty cookies and a glass of milk are the best breakfast or snack. Enjoy cooking with seasonal vegetables and fruits.

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