Pink salmon cutlets with lard

Pink salmon cutlets with lard

There are as many different taste preferences as there are people in the world.
For some, serve only meat three times a day, while others will be in seventh heaven over a fish dish. For example, my husband eats everything, but has a special passion for minced fish products with lard. At the same time, the fish must, of course, be the freshest and caught by him himself. Then it's a holiday! But for almost all fish lovers, a dish prepared from purchased fish can serve as a holiday.
We have so many delicious fish dishes on our website, take at least the cutlets made from minced reddish and snow-white fish. At the moment, pink salmon is practically constantly available on the market. By the way, it is the cheapest fish from a decent class of fish. And if it hasn’t been lying around in the store for six months, then it looks quite appetizing. My family doesn’t really like it because of its dry taste, so I have to prepare it in a special way. Once I tried cutlets with lard from it, instead of the usual catch. Naturally, when you catch your own, it tastes better, and it also made good cutlets.

To prepare pink salmon cutlets with lard, we will need:

fresh pink salmon - about a kilogram, no less, so that the fillet comes out 500 g
fresh lard - 200 g (you can also use salted)
onions - 2 pcs.
testicle – 1 pc.
snow-white stale bread -200 g
milk -1 cup
you will also need breadcrumbs, as well as salt and pepper, herbs and oil for frying the cutlets.

How to cook pink salmon cutlets with lard.

1. Pass the lard through a small meat grinder.
2. Add onion, which we also grind through a meat grinder.
3. We cut up the pink salmon, separate the fillets, and this can also be passed through a meat grinder, or through a blender.
Try 2 options. The taste is slightly different. 4. Cut off the crusts from snow-white bread and soak the pulp in slightly heated milk.
5. Now the softened bread needs to be mixed with a blender until smooth.
And then add a raw egg there. Mix everything again. 6. Now combine all the ingredients in a wide bowl, add salt and pepper to taste, you can also add special fish seasonings and herbs.
Mix everything. 7.Prepare a frying pan and breadcrumbs.
8. Roll a small amount of minced meat in breadcrumbs, forming cutlets in the form of balls.
9. Place them in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.
10.Fry over low heat until golden brown for 5 minutes (no less) on both sides. After this, you can slightly (10 minutes) keep it on low heat until it reaches the point).

The dish is ready. You can serve with cabbage and potatoes.

9 recipes for pink salmon fish cutlets - very tasty!

This dish will fit perfectly into any weight loss diet! Due to the fact that pink salmon does not contain many calories - only 140 calories per 100 g, this makes it irreplaceable in dietary nutrition. In addition, 100 grams of fish given to us contains as much as 20 grams of proteins. For comparison, in chicken fillet you will find 23 grams of protein, so pink salmon is only slightly inferior to the main product of all those losing weight and can become a real substitute if you are already tired of chicken meat.

The big advantage of this fish for us is that it makes good dietary cutlets that will amuse you with their low calorie content, but at the same time will amaze you with their wonderful taste. There are a large number of methods for preparing this common dish using different ingredients. Obviously, depending on the composition, the calorie content of this dish will change, but on average, such cutlets contain about 120-150 calories. Also, the calorie content of the dish will vary depending on the method of its preparation: you can bake the cutlets, fry or steam them. For diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) and proper nutrition, steaming or oven cooking is preferable.

Juicy pink salmon cutlets - recipe

So, to prepare a tasty dish, we will need:

  • 1 kg pink salmon fillet (FG further). You can use fresh fillets or frozen ones (you need to defrost them in advance so that all excess liquid is drained). Don't forget to dry the fillets with napkins.
  • loaf. Since this is a dietary recipe, we will use very little loaf so as not to significantly increase the calorie content. Take just a couple of slices and soak them in water. We use only the pulp of the loaf.
  • a bunch of greenery. If you are a lover of greens, you can choose any one to suit your taste. Dill or parsley goes well. You can also safely add green onions to the cutlets, this will give your cutlets extra juiciness.
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt. This way we will make our pink salmon cutlets juicy. Just remember that yogurt should be natural without added sugar. You can replace yogurt with low-fat sour cream.
  • 2 chicken eggs

We pass the FG through a meat grinder. Add the softened loaf, chopped green onions and herbs, yogurt, and eggs to the minced meat. Mix everything, add salt and pepper. Form cutlets and fry in a frying pan. To remove excess oil from the cutlets, immediately place them on a paper napkin.

Chopped pink salmon cutlets

You can cook juicy and tasty pink salmon cutlets with mayonnaise and starch without minced fish. Chopped cutlets are a good option if you like your cutlets quite tender!

  • Take 400 grams of fillet, wash it under running water and dry it thoroughly with a towel or cardboard napkins. Our task is to finely chop the fillet into small pieces. In general, if you wish, you can chop it into medium pieces.
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise. This recipe uses mayonnaise, but if you are on a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) , then you can always replace it with natural yogurt..
  • 1 onion. Chop the onion into small or medium pieces. This vegetable will give extra juiciness to our cutlets.
  • 1 testicle
  • starch. You only need 1 tablespoon.
  • Don't forget to add salt and pepper to your taste.

Just mix the ingredients and fry the cutlets in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown. Place the finished cutlets on a napkin to remove excess fat.

Recipe for pink salmon fish cutlets in a frying pan

If you are on a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) and want to get a truly dietary dish, then we will tell you how to cook cutlets in a frying pan without frying. The main secret of production is a non-stick frying pan and parchment. We will fry our cutlets on small pieces of parchment in a frying pan. So, we don’t need vegetable oil; the cutlets will be low-calorie and dietary.

  • 300 grams of minced meat. You can prepare it using a meat grinder or blender.
  • 1 testicle.
  • 1 onion. Finely chop.
  • a bunch of greenery. Add any greens you like.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.
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Mix all ingredients. Place pieces of parchment on a frying pan and place a cutlet on any piece. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. After that, carefully remove the parchment and add a little water to the pan. Simmer our pp cutlets for a few minutes and enjoy!

How to create delicious fish cutlets from pink salmon - recipe in the oven

. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg FG. Grind the washed and dried fillet in a meat grinder.
  • 1 onion and 1 carrot. We clean the vegetables and put them in a meat grinder together with the fish. This way we will get a homogeneous mass.
  • 1 testicle.
  • 125 grams of milk or cream. If you are not on a diet, you can safely use cream, so the cutlets will be tastier and juicier. It is imperative to cool the milk or cream.
  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal. We use rolled oats, these flakes are rich in fiber.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Add egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat with vegetables. Add milk or cream and oatmeal! Mix and put in the refrigerator for an hour. During this period of time, our flakes will swell and we can simply make cutlets.

We will bake the cutlets for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Canned pink salmon cutlets

If you like canned food, then you can always make cutlets even from this finished product.

  • 1 can of natural pink salmon. We choose pink salmon in our juice, so its calorie content will not differ much from the freshest one. Mash with a fork until smooth.
  • 2 testicles.
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat flour.
  • 1 medium onion. Finely chop it or grind it in a blender.
  • Salt and pepper to taste. It doesn't matter what kind of green.

Just mix all the ingredients. Don't be alarmed if you don't get traditional minced meat, because these cutlets are more like pancakes. Cook our fish fritters on both sides until crusty.

For those who watch their own figure and try to stick to a healthy diet, recipes can always be improved. You will be able to experience the following options:

  • cutlets with vegetables. Such dishes contain fewer calories, but at the same time more essential substances. In addition, do not forget that vegetables are a good source of not only vitamins, but also fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) from body. As an additive to pp cutlets, you can use zucchini, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and carrots.
  • cutlets with cottage cheese. For some, this may seem like a rather strange option, however, it is a good method to introduce more protein into your diet. If hot recipes are absolutely not suitable for you, you can always cook any steamed dish. This can be created using a double boiler. If you don’t have one, then a slow cooker will do. It must be emphasized that such cutlets can be consumed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for pink salmon cutlets with cottage cheese

Are you following a healthy diet and want to add more protein to your diet? Then you definitely need to try fish cutlets with cottage cheese. This way you will not only get a tasty and healthy dish, but also significantly increase your protein intake, which is very important.

  • 500 grams of pink salmon. We use either fresh fillet or frozen.
  • 300 g of cottage cheese. You can use both regular cottage cheese (9%-18% fat content) and low-fat cottage cheese. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, it is better to use 2% cottage cheese.
  • 2 testicles.
  • 3 slices of white bread. Fill it with milk or plain water, wait until it is completely softened and separate the crust from the crumb.
  • 1 medium onion. We will beat it in a blender.
  • It doesn’t matter what kind of greens, salt and pepper to taste.

We will prepare the minced meat using a blender. We put all the ingredients in there and grind them. This means you will have a smooth mixture and can simply form into patties. Don’t forget to form the cutlets with your hands dipped in cool water, so they won’t stick. If desired, you can lightly roll in flour.

Steamed pink salmon cutlets

  • 500 g FG. You can prepare minced meat using any method that suits you.
  • To make the cutlets juicy, add chopped onion. Let's take two onions.
  • 1 testicle
  • 4 tablespoons flour.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all the ingredients. We will cook in a double boiler. Production time is about 30 minutes. Such fish cutlets are perfectly suitable for a dietary diet.


Pink salmon cutlets with semolina

Such cutlets turn out to be the most tender and fit perfectly into a diet or even a children's menu.

  • 400 g FG. We prepare minced meat using any convenient method.
  • semolina. In total, you will need approximately 5 level tablespoons of semolina. There is no need to put more, because the semolina magically swells.
  • 1 testicle.
  • Onion. We chop it finely.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all the ingredients and leave to brew for half an hour. Then fry the cutlets on both sides.

How to create pink salmon cutlets with vegetables

You will need the usual set of ingredients:

  • 500 g FG. Pass through a meat grinder
  • 1 medium zucchini. We wash it and grate it. Let's also add an onion. We chop it finely.
  • 1 testicle.
  • 1 tablespoon of semolina.

Mix all ingredients, salt and pepper. Let it brew for 20 minutes and prepare the cutlets.

As you can see, pink salmon cutlets are a good option for lunch and dinner. Be sure to try this dish and share your impressions.

Pink salmon fish cutlets - very tasty recipes

Fish from the salmon family is one of the more desirable seafood products. It contains many polyunsaturated acids, essential microelements, and protein that the body needs. The low energy value of such products allows them to be included in the menu for people on a diet. Fasting people also often prefer these snacks.

Pink salmon is one of the most accessible representatives of the salmon family. What distinguishes it from other types of fish is not only its relatively low cost, but also its low calorie content. But specifically due to the fact that this product does not have a high fat content, almost all housewives do not risk preparing pink salmon cutlets, believing that they will come out dry. The fears are in vain: when prepared correctly, this dish turns out tender and juicy.

  1. Traditional recipe for pink salmon cutlets
  2. Recipe for pink salmon fillet cutlets
  3. Pink salmon cutlets in the oven
  4. Steamed pink salmon cutlets in a slow cooker
  5. Pink salmon cutlets with lard
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Traditional recipe for pink salmon cutlets

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kg;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • lard – 100 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs, vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

  • Scroll pink salmon fillet through a meat grinder twice.
  • Peel and finely chop the onion, mix with minced fish.
  • Grind the lard using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Crush the garlic with a hand press.
  • Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  • Add garlic, lard and herbs to the minced meat, stir thoroughly.
  • Break an egg into a bowl with minced meat, add salt and pepper. Stir.
  • Add a little breadcrumbs and knead the minced meat until it becomes dense and viscous.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan.
  • Wet your hands with water, form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Place in the pan at a small distance from each other.
  • Fry over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side.
  • Add a little warm water, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Pink salmon cutlets are usually served with a side dish. Mashed potatoes and rice are excellent. The dish can be supplemented with sour cream or any sauce suitable for fish dishes.

Recipe for pink salmon fillet cutlets

  • Pink salmon fillet – 500 g
  • Stale wheat bread – 1 slice
  • Milk or water – 100 ml
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Vegetable or ghee oil – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Mix pink salmon fillet with bread soaked in milk and grind in a food processor. Dilute the mixture with the remaining milk from soaking, add salt and pepper, mix well and beat until smooth.

Form cutlets from the acquired mass, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan hot with fat until golden brown.

Turn over to the other side and fry. Then reduce the heat and warm under the lid for 5-7 minutes.

You can serve with any side dish. Bon appetit.

Pink salmon cutlets in the oven

  • pink salmon fillet – 0.8 kg;
  • lard (fresh) – 0.2 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 50 ml;
  • tomato paste – 50 ml;
  • breadcrumbs - how much will be needed;
  • Provençal herbs - to taste.

  • Cut the lard and pink salmon fillet into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  • Remove the skin from the onion and chop the vegetable as finely as possible.
  • Stir the crushed ingredients by adding salt and pepper.
  • Form cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs.
  • Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place the cutlets in it.
  • In a separate cup, mix tomato paste with mayonnaise and herbs de Provence.
  • Place the baking sheet with the cutlets in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • After 10 minutes, remove the cutlets and turn them over. Return to oven.
  • After another 5 minutes, brush the cutlets with the prepared sauce and place in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Pink salmon cutlets cooked with lard turn out juicy and, when baked in the oven, retain their shape perfectly, despite the absence of eggs in the minced meat.

Fundamentally! Pink salmon fillets can be ground using a meat grinder, blender, or manually. When using kitchen appliances, the cutlets will be the most tender, especially if the minced meat is rolled twice. If you chop pink salmon fillets with a knife, the cutlets will come out juicier. Which option you prefer depends on your taste

Steamed pink salmon cutlets in a slow cooker

  • pink salmon fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • semolina – 80 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

  • Cut the pink salmon fillet and peeled onion as finely as possible using a sharp knife. Stir together. When preparing cutlets for children or old people, it is better to grind the products using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Add egg, salt, pepper, stir. If you are cooking for children, it is better not to add pepper.
  • Add semolina, stir. Wait 20-30 minutes for the semolina to swell.
  • Using water to wet your hands, form patties and place them on a multi-cooker grid designed for steaming goods.
  • Pour a liter of hot water into the multicooker bowl.
  • Set up a grid of cutlets in your space.
  • Turn on the unit in steaming mode for 25 minutes. If the water was cool, set the timer for a longer time (30-35 minutes).

This recipe for pink salmon cutlets will not hurt to know for those who are on a diet. Such products are also suitable for baby food, unless we are talking about infants.

Pink salmon cutlets with lard

  • 0.5 kg pink salmon fillet;
  • 150 grams of lard;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 testicle;
  • 2 tbsp. lie ketchup or tomato paste;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for making the dish at home:

  1. Peel the onion and chop very finely, combine in a bowl with ketchup/tomato paste and mix. Wash pink salmon fillet and lard, pass both products through a meat grinder.
  2. Add the egg to the minced fish, salt and pepper to taste, stir. Add onion with tomato paste, stir again until smooth. Beat the purchased minced meat (picking it up with your hands and throwing it into a bowl), cover with a lid or cling film and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Minced pink salmon cutlets with lard should be kept in the cold for 20-30 minutes. After the designated time, heat 3-4 tbsp in a frying pan. vegetable oil. Place several cutlets from the fish mass into a frying pan with oil, having previously formed them with your hands (to prevent the minced meat from sticking, you need to wet your hands in cool water).
  4. Fry pink salmon cutlets with lard for approximately 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Transfer the finished cutlets to a separate dish, place a few more fish cutlets in the frying pan and fry them until cooked.
  5. Serve the finished pink salmon cutlets with lard to the table hot, with any side dish of your choice. Bon appetit!

Recipe for fish cutlets with lard - very tasty

Note to the owner!

    The cutlet (both the dish and the name) came to us in Russia from France. True, it was once a small piece of meat on a bone. And only over time, when cutlery appeared, they began to create fish cutlets from minced meat - both meat and fish. At the same time, it should be noted that not all fish are equally healthy.

Read also:  Pink salmon in sour cream

Fish caught in the open sea or ocean is naturally not so fatty.
Artificially farmed fish is fattier. But in the first case, the fish is much healthier - such fish grew without the use of drugs. But in terms of iron, zinc, and phosphorus content, artificially grown fish are inferior to wild ones. In addition, sea fish contains iodine, which is beneficial for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Those living far from the sea need to include fish dishes in their menu at least once a week.

Nowadays, it is not necessary to take uncut fish or remove bones.
This is quite a labor-intensive and tedious process. It is more convenient to purchase frozen fillets in the store. It is better if the fillet was prepared on a fishing trawler immediately after the catch. This is written on the packaging.

  • It is necessary to defrost fish fillets evenly. At night (that is, in the dark), remove from the freezer and leave in the refrigerator until morning. In the morning, take it out and let it defrost completely at room temperature for an hour.
  • No. 1 Fish cutlets in Kaliningrad style

    This recipe, if you adhere to its main rules, turns out quite tasty.
    We will need:

    • Two small onions
    • clove of garlic,
    • Half a kilo of fish fillet, preferably pike perch or cod.
    • The fish must be dry and not greasy. Mackerel, herring or salmon cannot be used for cutlets, they will spoil the taste.
    • Two hundred grams of salted lard, prepared in the usual way. Suitable with thin layers of meat.
    • One tablespoon of Helmanns full-fat mayonnaise,
    • Seasoning for fish Kamis, you can use other seasonings to taste,
    • Two tablespoons of flour,
    • Two hundred grams of snow-white bread and half a glass of milk,
    • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    • If desired, you can use one testicle, or you can do without it.

    1. Make the minced meat: mince the fish, lard, onion, garlic, mix thoroughly, add spices and mayonnaise, mix again.
    2. Soak white bread in hot milk. When it gets wet, add it to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Form cutlets and roll them in flour.
    3. In hot oil over medium heat, fry the cutlets on both sides and fry over low heat in a frying pan for 7 minutes.

    No. 2 Tender cutlets with lard

    Another very tasty recipe, in which we grind all the ingredients through a meat grinder, as a result the cutlets come out juicy, soft and very fragrant.

    To make fish cutlets with lard you need:

    • Fish loin - 700 gr.
    • 100 grams of lard (smoked, salted).
    • 1 onion.
    • 1 testicle.
    • A couple of spoons of flour.
    • Ready breading.
    • Clove of garlic.
    • Salt, pepper, spices, oil to taste.

      First you need to cook the fish. You can use fillets of lean fish, or you can take a whole one, but then you will have to remove bones - large and small. You don’t have to touch the very small bones - the meat grinder will do its job. So, we pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder.

    Next, finely chop the onion and lard and literally put it through a meat grinder in the same way. Mix with minced fish and drive in the egg here. Here it is important to realize that the egg perfectly holds the minced meat together. But the meat can simply be spoiled specifically by the egg, making it tough. Therefore, we add one egg to no more than half a kilo of minced meat.

    To make the minced meat thick, crumble some regular bread into it. The bread will draw excess water from the minced meat onto itself. But don't overdo it with bread. He should not replace the minced fish in the cutlet by more than one half. Add it evenly and mix well.

  • We also do not forget that any meat, be it fish or beef, requires excellent seasoning. Those who like generous vents can purchase a ready-made mixture for fish and add it lightly to the stirred preparation. If you don’t really like the taste of seasonings, you can get by with ordinary salt and ground pepper.
  • When the minced meat is completely ready for frying, we make small rounded or oval pieces, cover them with breadcrumbs or flour, and place them in a preheated frying pan over medium heat. We keep an eye on the cutlets so they don't burn. When the bottom is covered with a light crispy crust, you can turn the cutlets over and cover the frying pan with a lid, leaving a gap. Fry at the same temperature to avoid drying out.

  • Visually determine readiness and place on the other side.
    When fully cooked, place on a prepared plate. Any side dish and cuttings of all vegetables can complement the dish. To decorate your presentation, let your imagination fly.
  • No. 3 City fish cutlets


    • Fillet (pollock, cod) – 1 kg.
    • Large potatoes – 5 pcs.
    • Butter – 20 gr.
    • Testicle – 2 pcs.
    • Dill - 30 gr.
    • Half a glass of grated cheese - at least some not very hard one, Russian will do, but finely grated soft Parmesan can also be used. (optional)
    • Smoked lard (bacon) – 200g.
    • Breadcrumbs – 50 gr.
    • Salt to taste.
    • Oil for frying.

    Cod and pollock belong to the cod family; the nutritional value of these fish is uniform. The meat is dietary, suitable for those who are watching their weight. The cod fishery is caught almost every year, so you can always buy relatively fresh, boneless cuts.

    If you want fattier meat, buy cod fillet, but pollock fillet is significantly cheaper. And for gourmets, there are several very tasty recipes for blue whiting fish cutlets.

    1. Thaw fish fillets. Boil the fillet in salted water.
    2. Place the cooked fillet on a board and let cool.
    3. Boil potatoes in salted water, drain, add oil and create mashed potatoes.
    4. Cut the cooled fish fillet into squares or you can tear it into random shapes with your hands.
    5. Cut the lard into small cubes and simmer in a frying pan for almost two minutes. Make sure that it does not burn, but only becomes slightly transparent.
    6. Mix fish fillet with mashed potatoes. Add eggs. The ratio of fish and puree is 60% to 40%.
    7. Finely chop the washed dill and add to the fillet. Add grated cheese.
    8. Add the cooled bacon cubes.
    9. From the acquired mass, create small cutlets, squeezing out the water, roll first in flour, then in the egg, and if desired, after the egg, in breadcrumbs.
    10. Fry in a heated frying pan on both sides.
    11. Serve hot on a plate with lettuce leaves.

    Such fish cutlets will go perfectly with vegetable salads and a wide variety of side dishes - porridge and pasta.

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