Wafer rolls with cream

Wafer rolls with cream

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I would like to share with you my favorite recipe for delicious and very crispy waffles for an electric waffle iron. A small master class on how to create wafer rolls)

The main thing is that this is a very ordinary waffle recipe ! Without milk, sour cream and everything else)

For waffle batter

It will be useful for you:
200 grams of butter or margarine (whatever)
3 eggs
2 cups flour
1 cup sweet sand
Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Add sugar. I pour it all out, mix it and leave it for a short time so that I stir less and the sugar dissolves itself)

Stir the sugar, add vanillin and eggs. Beat into a homogeneous mass. You can use a fork or a mixer.

Add flour. Whisk. You should get a mixture of thick, thick sour cream.

I grease the electric waffle iron with a brush with a piece of butter once before baking.
I put about a tablespoon of dough in the middle, bake until done - keep an eye on it)

All that remains is to twist the waffles using an iron cone or just with your fingers so that the tubes come out. You need to do this right away, because in almost less than a minute, they will become very crispy. Usually I remove the waffle, throw the newest portion into the electric waffle iron and roll the finished one right there.

Very tasty waffles in an electric waffle iron are ready! I get from this test (taking into account the not very good electric waffle iron, which bakes unevenly in thickness and is a bit thick) 27-30 not bad waffles, not huge, and not small either.

How to create cream for wafer rolls.

Recipe for savory waffle cream made from butter and condensed milk :
A regular waffle cream recipe from my mother. A very, very ordinary cream recipe))) I even have two creams - ordinary and chocolate based on the 1st recipe.

Take 250 grams of butter and let it soften at room temperature while you bake the waffles.

For chocolate cream, set aside half.

For regular buttercream with condensed milk, add half a can of condensed milk. In other words, if you are making only this, then add the entire can of condensed milk to all 250 grams of butter (it is better to cool it in the refrigerator in advance). If divided in half - half) And beat until creamy!

How to create chocolate cream:
Melt a good teaspoon of butter in the microwave. Add a tablespoon of cocoa immediately to the hot mixture (or as much as will fit). I use the most common and cheapest one. Stir well. Mix the slightly cooled mixture with softened butter and condensed milk and beat. If it comes out a little liquid, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We fill the wafer rolls with cream using a syringe (in the latter case, you can use a bag) and immediately put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely. This cream does not soften the waffles and remains crispy even if they sit in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Savory wafer rolls with cream are ready.

Even more delicious recipes in the About Savory section!

Wafer rolls with custard

  • Comments
  • To favorites
  • Butter 200grams
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Wheat flour 1.5 cups
  • Chicken egg 5 pcs
  • Milk 0.5 l.
  • Sugar 200grams
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp
  • Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • Will be useful for you : 30-60 minutes
  • Geography of the dish : Russian
  • Main ingredient : Butter
  • Type of dish : Lunch
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Preparing waffle rolls. We need to melt the butter and let it cool.

Beat eggs with sugar until smooth. Pour in the melted butter and mix everything well.

Add flour, mix well. The dough for the tubes is ready.

Prepare the custard. In a separate bowl, mix eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar. Add flour and mix well so that there are no lumps.

Pour the egg mixture into warm milk while stirring. Continue heating the mixture while stirring continuously, bring to a boil and remove from heat. The cream is ready.

Pour a little batter into the waffle iron and press well. The dough is baked, you can remove it and quickly twist it (but not very tightly, so that there is room to fill it with cream), if it cools down, you won’t twist it anymore, it will break.

The tubes are baked, the cream is ready, now you need to take the cream into a pastry syringe and fill the tubes with it.

The custard tubes are ready. Bon appetit.

Cream for wafer rolls: classic and unique recipes

Waffle rolls are one of the favorite delicacies from childhood, which were prepared in ordinary waffle irons. This is not only a tasty dish, but also a quick one to make. To vary the waffle rolls, you can experiment with the insides. Usually these are sweet chocolate or butter creams, condensed milk, fruits and nuts.

Waffle rolls: traditional recipe


  1. Margarine – 250 g
  2. Testicles – 5 pcs.
  3. Sugar – 400 g
  4. Flour – 700 g
  5. Boiled condensed milk – 1 b.
  6. Butter – 300 g
  7. Vegetable oil


  • First you need to prepare the dough for crispy waffles. Melt the margarine in the microwave, then cool to room temperature.
  • Break the eggs into a deep container and beat them until thick foam.
  • Add flour, sugar and margarine to the beaten eggs. Almost all housewives combine flour with starch in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Knead the dough until smooth (it is better to use a mixer).
  • Preheat the waffle iron, grease it with vegetable oil and bake the waffles (approximately 3 - 4 minutes each).
  • It is recommended to roll the waffle into a tube immediately after baking, until it has cooled down.
  • Cool the finished tubes, and at this time prepare the cream: beat the boiled condensed milk with butter until smooth.
  • Fill the wafer rolls with condensed cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate if desired.

Chocolate interior for wafer rolls


  1. Egg yolks – 3 pcs.
  2. Dark or milk chocolate – 100 g
  3. Butter – 3 tsp.
  4. Vanilla sugar – ¼ tsp.
  5. Sweet powder – 3 tbsp.


  • Separate the whites from the yolks.
  • Place the yolks in a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and sweet powder.
  • Grind the mixture until smooth. Place in a water bath and cook until thickened. Almost all housewives use gelatin instead of yolks.
  • Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in the microwave or water bath.
  • Pour the chocolate mixture into the thickened yolks and stir thoroughly.
  • Add butter to the inside and stir again.
  • The cream should be homogeneous and quite thick.
  • Fill the wafer rolls with the resulting cream.

Fruity interior is a delight for those with a sweet tooth!


  1. Banana – 3 pcs.
  2. Raspberries – 150 g
  3. Kiwi – 2 pcs.
  4. Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  5. Sweet powder - for decoration


  • Sort, wash and completely dry the raspberries. Add sugar, stir and leave for half an hour.
  • Peel the bananas and kiwi and blend in a blender.
  • Add raspberries and sugar to the mixture and beat again.
  • Fill the tubes with the prepared fruit entrails, sprinkle them with sweet powder and serve with tea.
  • If you wish, you can decorate the wafer rolls with melted chocolate or whipped cream. Instead of banana, kiwi and raspberries, you can take any other berries and fruits at your own discretion. If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare fruit filling, use ordinary homemade jam - it will also turn out very tasty.
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Custard – sophisticated and delicious!


  1. Milk – 2 tbsp.
  2. Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  3. Testicles – 3 pcs.
  4. Flour – 2 tbsp.
  5. Butter – 70 g
  6. Vanillin – ¼ tsp.


  • Pour the milk into an enamel pan and place it on low heat.
  • While the milk is heating, break the eggs into a deep bowl and mash them with sugar until smooth.
  • Add flour to the finished mass and stir everything again (the mixture should turn out without lumps). Remove the milk from the stove and carefully pour it into the prepared mass, stirring constantly.
  • When you mix both masses, place the pan on low heat and cook the cream until thickened.
  • When the cream thickens, add butter and vanilla.
  • While the butter is melting, stir the mixture until it is homogeneous.
  • Cool the finished custard and add lemon or orange zest if desired. It is perfect for the inside of straws, waffle cakes and pastries.

Walnut interior for wafer rolls


  1. Walnuts – 250 g
  2. Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  3. Honey - ¼ tbsp.
  4. Ground cinnamon – ¼ tsp.


  • Pass the walnuts through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  • Add sugar, cinnamon and honey to the nuts. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  • Fill the wafer rolls with the nut innards. Instead of walnuts, you can take any others.

Read also:

Protein cream for sweet lover


  1. Egg whites – 4 pcs.
  2. Sugar – 250 g.


  • Break the eggs and carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
  • Place the yolks in the refrigerator (they may be useful for making other dishes), and place the whites in a bowl with high sides.
  • Add sweet sand to the whites and beat the mixture with a mixer at low speed for 1 - 2 minutes.
  • Place the bowl in a water bath (the water does not have to touch the bottom of the bowl). In a water bath, beat the mixture at medium speed for about 7 minutes (the sugar should dissolve).
  • Remove the bowl from the water bath and continue whisking for about a minute.
  • Fill a pastry bag with the finished protein cream and fill the finished wafer rolls.

Preparing cream ganache


  1. Chocolate – 300 g
  2. Cream 35% fat – 200 ml.


  • Pour the cream into a saucepan, place it on the heat and bring to a low boil.
  • Without waiting for it to cool, add the chocolate pieces.
  • Cook the cream until the chocolate is completely dissolved, stirring constantly.
  • Place the finished ganache in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • After cooling, pour the cream into a mixer and beat until lightened.
  • Fill the wafer rolls with the prepared cream.

Read also:

Wafer rolls are a delicious delicacy that you can easily prepare at home. You can vary them using different internals. You can prepare completely any filling, guided by your preferences and the tastes of your own family. You can serve the straws with tea, coffee or milkshake.

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Wafer rolls with cream

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I would like to share with you my favorite recipe for delicious and very crispy waffles for an electric waffle iron. A small master class on how to create wafer rolls)

The main thing is that this is a very ordinary waffle recipe ! Without milk, sour cream and everything else)

For waffle batter

It will be useful for you:
200 grams of butter or margarine (whatever)
3 eggs
2 cups flour
1 cup sweet sand
Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Add sugar. I pour it all out, mix it and leave it for a short time so that I stir less and the sugar dissolves itself)

Stir the sugar, add vanillin and eggs. Beat into a homogeneous mass. You can use a fork or a mixer.

Add flour. Whisk. You should get a mixture of thick, thick sour cream.

I grease the electric waffle iron with a brush with a piece of butter once before baking.
I put about a tablespoon of dough in the middle, bake until done - keep an eye on it)

All that remains is to twist the waffles using an iron cone or just with your fingers so that the tubes come out. You need to do this right away, because in almost less than a minute, they will become very crispy. Usually I remove the waffle, throw the newest portion into the electric waffle iron and roll the finished one right there.

Very tasty waffles in an electric waffle iron are ready! I get from this test (taking into account the not very good electric waffle iron, which bakes unevenly in thickness and is a bit thick) 27-30 not bad waffles, not huge, and not small either.

How to create cream for wafer rolls.

Recipe for savory waffle cream made from butter and condensed milk :
A regular waffle cream recipe from my mother. A very, very ordinary cream recipe))) I even have two creams - ordinary and chocolate based on the 1st recipe.

Take 250 grams of butter and let it soften at room temperature while you bake the waffles.

For chocolate cream, set aside half.

For regular buttercream with condensed milk, add half a can of condensed milk. In other words, if you are making only this, then add the entire can of condensed milk to all 250 grams of butter (it is better to cool it in the refrigerator in advance). If divided in half - half) And beat until creamy!

How to create chocolate cream:
Melt a good teaspoon of butter in the microwave. Add a tablespoon of cocoa immediately to the hot mixture (or as much as will fit). I use the most common and cheapest one. Stir well. Mix the slightly cooled mixture with softened butter and condensed milk and beat. If it comes out a little liquid, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We fill the wafer rolls with cream using a syringe (in the latter case, you can use a bag) and immediately put it in the refrigerator until it hardens completely. This cream does not soften the waffles and remains crispy even if they sit in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Savory wafer rolls with cream are ready.

Even more delicious recipes in the About Savory section!

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