Homebaked bread

Homebaked bread

Regular homemade bread

Having looked through the recipes on the website, not all of them, of course, regretted my eyes, but out of the 10 pages I looked at, I couldn’t find something ordinary for a “bread-lover”, so I decided to share. Take a look, maybe some of you will find this recipe interesting. Based on this recipe, I bake crumpets and pies, buns, and Spanish coconuts.

Homemade bread with honey

Rye bread with honey flavor

Homemade bread with entrails

This turned out to be a fascinating piece of bread! Soft, fragrant! The next day it remained just as appetizing and tasty! Try it! I'm treating you!

Homemade bread made from four types of flour

The bread is soft, fragrant, with a delicious crispy crust. Lately, I often bake similar bread, and everyone in my household really likes it. We especially love bread made with mixed flour and seeds.

Homemade bread with seeds

Don’t rush to eat this bread while it’s hot, let it cool slightly and brew. Very tasty. The seeds give the bread a very pleasant taste.

Homemade bread

A beautiful, not difficult bread recipe. Does not go stale for a long time (3-4 days); you'll just have time to eat it. The recipe is taken from the program “Eating at Home” by Yulia Vysotskaya - I have slightly simplified it. I hope you like it.

Homemade kefir bread-2 (with fried onions)

Delicious, tender, satisfying bread. Those who tried the first recipe will also appreciate the second one with the addition of fried onions.

Regular homemade bread

I found this easy-to-make bread on the Internet. Be sure to try baking it, it’s delicious, with a crispy crust, and besides, it’s very beautiful

Homebaked bread

Inspired by our cooks’ bread recipes, I decided to try baking some bread at home myself. For the base, I took the dough from Tanya (Aquarius). But she made it in a bread maker, and I, in the absence of one, baked it in the oven. And this is what happened.

Regular homemade bread with onions

Everyone on the website bakes bread intensively, so I wanted to experiment. I don’t have a bread maker, I used the oven. The oven is very simple, eaten in a moment.

Homebaked bread . Homemade bread is the most beloved and most delicious bread. It will be a beautiful addition not only to a variety of dishes, but also to a cup of hot tea or coffee. Sourdough or kefir bread, rye or white bread, bread with garlic or yeast, yeast-free bread - any of these options is not bad in its own way! And homemade bread cannot be compared with store-bought bread, because it always comes out one hundred percent natural, and any housewife literally understands what exactly it was made from!

Most often, homemade bread is baked in the oven, but recently such a successful kitchen device as a bread machine is gaining popularity - it is good because it allows you to immediately knead the dough for future bread. And some housewives bake homemade bread in a slow cooker.

The taste of homemade bread is almost entirely determined by the quality and freshness of the goods used to make it, as well as by the precise dosing of ingredients and strict adherence to the recipe. In this case, adding this or that product “by eye” is unacceptable. The flour must be thoroughly sifted (this will enrich the dough with oxygen), and all watery ingredients (whey, milk, water, etc.) must be warm.

If homemade bread is not baked in a bread machine, the dough must be kneaded by hand for five to ten minutes. And later it is left for several hours under a clean towel and kneaded. But you should not knead the dough very intensively - in this case, the bread may turn out languid. That is why all movements should be very light and delicate.

Bread baking pans are usually filled halfway or two-thirds with dough - the dough must be able to rise. If the bread is simply baked on a baking sheet, without using molds, you can slip the freshest cabbage leaf under each loaf - this is what our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did when baking bread in ovens. As for the baking temperature, the best temperature for baking homemade bread in the oven will be in the range from two hundred and thirty to two hundred and fifty degrees.

Homemade bread is stored either in wooden bread bins, or in clean enamel pans, and the bread must be covered with a clean cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) or a towel. And best of all, such bread would be stored in tightly closed ceramic containers, so it wouldn’t hurt to get one as soon as possible.

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There are many recipes for making homemade bread now, and among them there will certainly be some of the most successful and most beloved recipes!

Bread with yeast

Recipes: 13

500 gr.
flour 310 ml.
milk 30 gr.
milk powder 30 gr.
sugar 15 gr.
new yeast 1 tbsp. butter


Bene Gusto

  • 03 April 2019, 19:01

Whole grain wheat flour - 350 gr.
wheat flour - 150 gr.
sugar - 5 gr.
fresh yeast - 20 gr.
salt - 2 gr.
and kuban mistral rice (already boiled) - 4 tbsp.

  • 14
  • 8


  • March 30, 2016, 16:00

with lid
1 tbsp.
water 1 tbsp.
honey 0.5 tbsp.
strawberry bread

  • 29
  • 39


  • 04 July 2011, 18:05

with lid
1 tbsp.
water 1 tbsp.
honey 1 large lemon

  • 51
  • 67


  • 12 April 2011, 17:41

large container (6 l.) for
dough wheat flour (highest grade) – 800 gr.
second grade flour or whole grain coarse flour – 320 gr.
fresh yeast – 42 gr.
warm water – 750 ml.
salt – 1 tbsp.

  • 31
  • 48


  • December 12, 2010, 15:39

yeast “saf moment” – 1 pack (11 g)
water – 50 + 250 g.
milk – 200 gr.
sugar – 5 + 75 gr.
wheat flour – 650 gr.
rye flour – 300 gr.

  • 11
  • 27


  • November 18, 2010, 12:50

490 gr.
premium flour 490 gr.
water 15 gr.
compressed yeast or 5 gr. dry, dough:

  • 27
  • 55


  • 06 November 2010, 08:52

3 tbsp.
flour + 1 tbsp. (half a kilo of flour) 310 ml.
warm water 1 packet of yeast (calculated for half a kilo of flour)
1 tbsp.
sugar 1 tbsp.
sea ​​salt a little flour for dusting

  • 28
  • 62

Allenka(alarm clock)

  • March 28, 2010, 20:42

for brewing:
rye flour – 100 gr.
malt – 50 gr.
anise, cumin, coriander - only 7-8 g.
water – 300 gr.
for the dough:

  • 54
  • 114


  • 08 February 2010, 02:53

pumpkin bread with yeast:
pumpkin puree half a tbsp.
(st. 250 ml.) wheat flour 3 tbsp.
warm boiled water 1 tbsp.
(I took the water in which the pumpkin was boiled) yeast 1/2 tsp.
(dry fast-acting) salt 1 tsp.

  • 53
  • 77

mama tasi

  • January 25, 2010, 04:26

wheat flour 2 tbsp.
(st. 250 ml.) boiled water, warm 1 tbsp.
salt 1 tsp
yeast (dry instant) 1/2 tsp.

  • 68
  • 96

mama tasi

  • 11 January 2010, 18:22

for this bread we need two doughs “rye” and “wheat”
1st “preparatory” wheat dough
100 gr.
wheat flour 100 gr.
water 1 gr.
yeast 2nd “sour” rye dough

  • 18
  • 36


  • 27 November 2009, 15:17

200 gr.
premium flour 12 gr.
new yeast 200 ml.
warm (40°) water dough:
200 gr. premium flour

  • 28
  • 70


  • 05 March 2009, 22:38

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

Homemade wheat bread that you will definitely succeed in

Stop complaining about the properties of store-bought bread, fill your life with a new meaning, and your home with a special smell and spirit - start baking bread yourself. And this is no longer cooking - this is a sacrament and a sacred rite. Bake for the occasion and just for the pleasure of homemade wheat bread in the style of slow food, the spiritual candidate of fast food.

Try to check for yourself, from personal experience, what bread . Yes, this is just the most common flour plus water, yeast and salt. All? No. We will need more time, and from us, accordingly, patience. All? No. You will have to learn to open your heart, putting the warmth of your own soul through your hands into the dough . For making bread is always a sacrament. Experienced Hindus call this phenomenon “prabhava” - a manifestation of a new essence, which cannot be achieved only by mechanical summation of certain substances. Indeed, if you don’t know what the bread is made of, you won’t even guess: it is something special, alive, warm, aromatic.

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All? Yes, now is the time to move on to the details. The sage states: “ Even the longest journey begins with the first step .” Let us add on our own: it is good to know in which direction this path begins. In baking, as nowhere else, it is most important not to discourage yourself from moving on with the first tasteless whitish dense bricks, and also not to get stuck on them, being overwhelmed with ecstasy from the first shy fruits of your own independent creativity.

Homemade bread in leisurely style

I developed this bread recipe for those who really want to bake their own bread, but don’t understand where to start. All my friends and acquaintances had already baked the bread and felt the “bread itch” in their hands. To make it, you need a minimum of initial knowledge... and a bit of luck. In general, it is much better to see with your own eyes at least once how this is done, because words cannot always convey the fundamental aspects.

What is necessary:

  • 500 g premium wheat flour
  • 10 g medium table salt
  • 1/4 tsp. instant yeast
  • butter for greasing the pan
  • water
  • wheat flour for kneading dough, as needed

What to create:
Pour 350 g of warm (23–25 ° C) drinking water into a wide and deep bowl, dissolve salt in it. Add the yeast and let it settle to the bottom. Then add approximately 2/3 of all the sifted flour and knead with a wooden spatula (spoon) to form a pancake batter mixture, 5 minutes. The longer you knead, the fluffier the bread will end up. The dough should become homogeneous.

Add the remaining flour to a moderately liquid dough and carefully knead it in a bowl with your hands. Once it comes together, place it on the table, lightly dusted with flour, and continue kneading, working mainly with the base of your palm (“heel”). Press it firmly on the dough, pull it away from you, and return the formed, retracted edge back towards you, folding the dough in half. After any stretching or folding, turn the dough 90°. The total kneading time must be at least 5 minutes, and the standard is 10 minutes. At first the dough will have a sticky consistency - this is normal. No need to add flour! By the end of kneading, the dough should become smooth and pliable, perhaps slightly sticking to your fingers, but not to the table.

Place the kneaded dough on the table, cover it with a bowl on top and let it sit for 20 minutes. To proof (the controlled fermentation process before baking), grease a baking dish with butter. Fold the edges of the dough on all sides under the bottom, as if you were going to twist it inside out, but stopped halfway. If everything is done correctly, the dough should take the shape of a slightly convex hemisphere with noticeable surface tension. It is important to observe the measure and not allow excessively powerful tension when tears already appear on the upper surface of the dough. Place the assembled dough in a mold, wrap it in cling film so that it does not interfere with the next increase in size of the dough, and leave it at 19 ° C for 8–9 hours.

When the dough has risen and reaches the edge of the pan, place a rack in the oven at medium height and heat it to 220°C. Sprinkle the bread with water and pierce it in several places to the very bottom of the pan with a narrow wooden skewer.

Bake the prepared bread in a preheated oven for 45–50 minutes. If the crust is browning too much, cover the top of the bread with foil or reduce the temperature to 200°C. Remove the pan from the oven, leave for 5 minutes, then carefully transfer the bread onto a wire rack until it cools completely. You can cut the bread no earlier than an hour after finishing baking. You will get bread weighing 650–700 g.

1) Usually the quality of homemade bread is determined by the number of rises and folds of the dough: the more there are, the fluffier the bread.
The recipe presented below is a compromise, somewhat lighter in nature - the dough, in fact, is baked after the first rise, if you do not take into account the short rest at the very beginning. But, despite this, the slow food theory found its true embodiment in it, which is the basis for making self-sufficient bread with a distinctive taste. And although the whole procedure takes a lot of time, not so many active actions will be needed. 2) It is convenient to start the dough in the evening for morning baking or in the morning for evening baking.
3) The bread according to this recipe has a golden brown crust, a noticeable sweetness in taste, a wet crumb with uneven, somewhat rough pores.

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Video Cooking Master class Cooking recipe Regular bread “Brick” with dry yeast in the oven Grandma’s recipe for homemade bread with water Food products

If you still don’t understand how to bake homemade bread, this quick and easy recipe is for you! It’s very simple and quick to prepare; all the ingredients are accessible and available to every housewife!


  • wheat flour 400 g,
  • dry yeast 5 g,
  • sugar 20 g,
  • salt 7 g.
  • warm water 250 ml,
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp or 20 ml,
  • sesame seeds, oil for greasing the pan and bread

How to bake bread at home:

  1. In this video, you will learn how to make bread with dry yeast at home. Baking homemade bread can be done either in the oven, in a slow cooker, in a convection oven, or in a bread maker. And so, a recipe for homemade snow-white bread with water and dry yeast. In order to prepare delicious homemade bread, we will need the following ingredients: wheat flour 400 g, dry yeast 5 g, sugar 20 g, salt 7 g. Mix the dry ingredients.
  2. Add warm water 250 ml. Vegetable oil 2 tbsp or 20 ml.
  3. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough. You can use your hands, I will knead using a kitchen machine. First at low speed (1) 2 minutes, then 7-10 minutes at speed (2). If you knead by hand, the entire process will take about 15 minutes. The bread dough should be homogeneous and pleasant to the touch.
  4. Grease a container with vegetable oil and place the dough into it. Cover with cling film and let stand warm for 30-40 minutes. I put it in the oven with the light on.
  5. The temperature in the oven should be no higher than 30-35 degrees.
  6. After 40 minutes, knead the dough as in the video. First roll it out, then roll it inward. And repeat this a couple of times.
  7. We form our bread by stretching the dough into a sausage. Grease the form in which we will bake our homemade snow-white bread with vegetable oil.
  8. Send the dough into the mold. Cover with cling film.
  9. Place in a warm place to prove for 60-90 minutes.
  10. Mix 1 tbsp vegetable oil and 1 tbsp water. Grease our bread.
  11. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. You can use flax seeds.
  12. We bake homemade bread at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for about 40-50 minutes. The time depends on the power of your oven. To ensure that our snow-white “Brick” bread has a beautiful, uniform color, 10 minutes before it’s ready, cover the top of the bread with foil so that the top doesn’t burn.
  13. Baking homemade bread takes little time, so please do not open the oven door while the bread is baking. Patience, just patience!
  14. Homemade wheat bread should cool slightly in the pan. After this, take it out of the mold and let it rest for another 10-20 minutes. Slice our delicious snow-white “Brick” bread and enjoy the smell and taste! Crispy narrow crust, indescribably tender crumb, this is a very tasty bread!
  15. Now you understand how quickly and easily you can create your grandmother’s homemade bread. Yes, my grandmother used to bake this! She specifically shared this recipe with me!
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What a wonderful bread, I will definitely try to bake it according to your recipe. Thanks for sharing your grandma's recipe.

  • answer

And thank you for your comment! Try it, the recipe is very simple, and what a smell there is in the kitchen when you take the bread out of the oven. mmmmmm

  • answer

MMMM - I can imagine. My grandmother also baked bread in a Russian oven. The smell of fragrant bread was so strong in the kitchen that the children couldn’t wait for grandma to finally take the bread out of the oven. She poured us the freshest milk and cut off a piece of bread. We gobbled it up on both cheeks. Grandma looked at us and smiled happily.

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