Airy, soft; good milk dough for pies

Airy, soft - a good milk dough for pies

Dear, rosy, appetizing. In parables, in ditties, on the table. There are countless recipes for pies, innards for hundreds, if not thousands, even more recipes for dough - with or without yeast, with water, milk, kefir, whey, with or without eggs, with butter or vegetable oil. One housewife finds the best recipe and sticks to it all the time, while another is in search and experiments. We offer you three more step-by-step recipes in the cookbook with photos of yeast dough for pies with milk. We prepare fluffy pies from sour dough.

Yeast dough for pies made with milk and dry yeast

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 1 glass (250 ml);
  • testicle - 1 pc.;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.

Quantity: for 20-30 pies

Production time: 1 hour.

  1. Sift flour and sugar into a mixing bowl. Pour in yeast.
  2. Stir, pour warm milk. The temperature of the milk should be a little warm. You can check by dropping a drop on your hand: if the heat is not felt, the temperature is suitable - approximately equal to body temperature. This is necessary for the proper functioning of yeast. The coolest milk will not wake them up, but hot milk will destroy them.
  3. Break the egg into a bowl, add butter, beat lightly with a fork and pour into a bowl with flour and milk.
  4. Knead the yeast dough.
  5. Transfer to a board dusted with flour and knead well with your hands.
  6. Then grease a clean bowl with vegetable oil and place the dough there.
  7. Cover with cling film and place in a warm place to rise.

Creator: Victoria S.

Yeast dough for pies with milk and vegetable oil

How to create a dough perfectly suitable for frying yeast pies in a frying pan - in a simple recipe.

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • instant yeast – 8 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • wheat flour – 450 g.

Quantity: about 20 pies.

Production time: 1 hour.

  1. Pour warm milk and butter into a bowl. Add sugar and salt. We break the egg. Shake with a fork.
  2. Mix 1/3 of the flour with yeast and pour into the watery ingredients. Mix.
  3. Next, add flour in parts until you get a smooth mass.
  4. Roll it into a ball, transfer it to another container, greased with oil, cover with a towel or film. Keep warm for about 45 minutes.
  5. During this period of time, the yeast mass will double in size.

Yeast dough for pies in milk with {live} yeast

We prepare the dough with raw yeast - these pies are great for baking in the oven.

  • milk – 1 glass (200 ml);
  • live yeast (compressed) – 25 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • flour - 2-3 cups.

Quantity: 15-20 pies

Production time: 1 hour 15 minutes.

  1. Take the milk out of the refrigerator in advance and warm it to room temperature. Pour sugar into it and add yeast. Stir until everything dissolves in milk.
  2. Add salt and oil. Mix again.
  3. Add flour evenly. It may require more or less. The dough mixture in this step is sticky and viscous. If you add more flour, the sticking will stop, but the yeast pies will turn out hard.
  4. Leave to rise under a towel. Usually it takes about 40-60 minutes. About halfway through, the dough needs to be kneaded to release carbon dioxide from it so that it forms again. The mass will be the most airy.

Proofing is required before baking the pies. Therefore, we place the preparations on a baking sheet, cover them from drying out with a towel and leave them for 30 minutes. You can bake pies.

Creator: Lena Shchepacheva

The quantity of ingredients is perfectly adjusted. It is not difficult to understand the approximate proportions: 1/4 liter of milk goes to 1/2 kg of flour. The amount of vegetable oil and other ingredients varies. Once you try all three recipes, you will feel the best dose for yourself.

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The range of entrails for fried pies is wide: with meat, cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, peas. Lazy pies can be created with sausages - they are perfectly fried and look appetizing. The list of baking fillers is even more extensive. Not counting snack bars, sweet entrails - apples, cherries, jams, cottage cheese, poppy seeds.

If you are planning dessert baking, it is better to add yeast and sugar. Sweet yeast dough takes longer to proof.

You understand everything else about pies. Bake, previously greased with egg, on a baking sheet covered with parchment. And fry in hot, unflavored vegetable oil. You can even cover it with a lid, but don’t skimp on the oil for frying - the pies will be covered with delicious pimples.

It’s hard to give up on aromatic and very tasty baked goods. It's harder to brake just in time.

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Yeast dough with milk.

September 4, 2015

A universally suitable dough for all times, suitable for sweet pies, pies and buns, as well as for products with savory interior. The dough can be flavored to taste with various additives, such as, for example, lemon zest or vanilla. The products are very soft and airy. The dough is not at all capricious and if you follow the detailed instructions, it always comes out with a bang!

  • Preparation: 15 m
  • Production: 1h 50m
  • Number of servings:


Flour: 400 – 500 gr. (+ 20-30 gr. for dusting)

Milk: 1 tbsp. (250 ml)

Butter: 100 gr

Granulated sugar: 5 tbsp. (without a slide) – if the baked goods are not sweet, add 3 tbsp.

Dry yeast: 1 sachet (11g.)


1 Heat the milk until warm, about 35-36 C, if you can’t measure the temperature, then dip your finger in the milk, it should be warm enough and your finger should endure it. The temperature of the milk is very important so that the yeast does not die and is activated. Pour sugar into the milk and stir, watch the temperature so that the milk does not cool down! Yeast absolutely loves sweet, warm environments. Next, stir the yeast in the milk and leave it alone for 15 minutes, in a warm place, without covering it with anything.

2 Milk with yeast will give foam, which may then begin to fall off, do not be alarmed - this is a normal, natural process.

Beat 3 eggs until smooth with salt. The eggs should be at room temperature! If you did not have time to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, soak them in warm water for a few minutes.

4 Melt the butter, I use the microwave and pour it into the eggs. The oil doesn't have to be hot to prevent the eggs from curdling.

5 Add the appropriate yeast with milk to the egg-butter mixture.

6 Add the sifted flour. I highly recommend sifting the flour through a fine sieve in advance, this will saturate it with oxygen and make the baked goods very airy. You can sift the flour directly into the liquid, a few tablespoons at a time. stirring first with a whisk while the dough is liquid, then, when it becomes impossible to stir, start kneading with your hands.

7 I constantly add flour to see how much the dough will take. We knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands, but is not very tough, in other words, if 300 grams of flour is enough for you, do not try to stuff more into the dough, referring to the recipe, since the flour is different and its quantity may vary and depend from almost all reasons: oil fat content, flour properties, egg size, etc. I usually knead the dough not in a bowl, but on a table lightly powdered with flour. When kneading the dough, keep in mind that the dough loves hands! Especially men's and children's. So feel free to invite your family and let them have some fun. Knead it, throw it on the table, spank it, in general the dough needs a pretty good massage! I usually knead this dough for about 5-8 minutes; I have to knead some types of baked goods for 15 minutes. I don’t have a bread machine, but if you have one, I advise you to use its services))

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8 When you and I have kneaded the dough, grease it with vegetable oil so that a crust does not form and put it in a clean bowl, also greased with oil. Cover the dough with a towel or cling film and place it in a warm space. I usually use the oven, there is no draft and it’s warm)) I preheat the oven to 50C and put a bowl of dough in there for two batches. After 45-50 minutes, check to see if the dough has risen, knead it lightly and wait again for 45-60 minutes. Two approaches will be enough.

9 The dough has doubled in size, do not knead it.

Yeast dough for pies made with milk


Fresh yeast – 16 g

Butter – 35 g

  • 261 kcal
  • 1 hour 50 minutes
  • 1 hour 50 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Previously, when I didn’t bake pies and was afraid to even think about it, it seemed to me that baking with yeast dough was a very difficult process. More precisely, not the baking itself, but the production of this yeast dough. But after trying it once, I realized that I shouldn’t be afraid to start my experiments with such a test, because in fact there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to observe all the proportions and manufacturing techniques, then the result will certainly amuse you.

My first experience showed that even recipes in books are not always perfect, so my second baking with yeast dough was already at the highest level, because the proportions of the ingredients were adjusted by me. I make yeast dough with milk for pies and always use the freshest or, as they are also called, live yeast. I also constantly use kitchen scales and recommend them to you.

The given amount of ingredients is enough for two small pies, or I make one large pie and have enough left over for a few more cheesecakes or pies. If you make one pies, you will have enough for 20-24 pies, depending on their size.

So, let's take all the products on the list. Be sure to keep in mind that the eggs, yeast and milk should be at room temperature, and it’s even best to warm the milk a little until warm, but under no circumstances hot.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl. With this we will saturate it with oxygen, and baking with such dough will be airy and tender. We take specifically 400 grams of flour, and if it comes in handy, we’ll add more later.

Add a little warm milk to the yeast so that the yeast dissolves.

Make a well in the flour and pour in the dissolved yeast.

Pour a little milk in there.

Add flour from the edges of the funnel into the liquid and mix the mixture with a spoon. Let's add a little sugar, 10 grams is enough, so the yeast will work better.

Pour in the rest of the milk, mixing in the flour from the edges, but not all of it. This will be a dough, now you need to give it time so that it increases 2-3 times. She will have time to create this in 25-30 minutes. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave it alone for this time. While the dough is rising, melt the butter and break the eggs into a bowl, beating them lightly with a fork.

After the time indicated above has passed, remove the towel from the bowl and see that the dough has risen perfectly, you can further prepare the dough.

Pour in melted, but not hot, butter, add salt.

Pour in the eggs and add the rest of the sugar, mix everything, adding flour.

It may be that you will have to add a little more flour, this depends on its properties and moisture content. Knead the dough by hand for about 5-7 minutes and look at its thickness, it does not have to be hard, it has to be soft. This is how it looks.

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Cover it with a towel again, it will be better if the towel is slightly wet. Leave the dough to rise for 1 hour, do not disturb it during this time. During this period of time, you can prepare the filling for pies or pies. After an hour, remove the towel, the yeast dough for milk pies is ready. Look how it has grown.

Gently knead it and place it on a work surface sprinkled with flour. At this point, it’s better not to knead the dough, just knead it a couple of times so that it doesn’t stick to your hands. The less you knead it at this time, the fluffier the finished product will be.

Just a few steps and the dough is ready to use! This yeast dough with milk is perfect for baking pies and pies. Try this dough too, you will certainly succeed!

Frisky yeast dough with milk

Friends, now Savory Kitchen will tell you how to quite simply and quickly prepare yeast dough with milk. The recipe is especially suitable for novice cooks and housewives who do not have time to cook. You will spend almost 10 minutes of active work to knead the dough, and another 15 minutes so that it rises slightly, and you can start working with it. The dough is rightfully considered frisky, because... we will not expect proofing and rising. With all this, the products will turn out soft, airy, tender and will not go stale for a certain number of days.

The dough is not at all fussy, and if you don’t deviate from the recipe, it will turn out perfect. You can flavor it with any additives to suit your taste, for example, vanilla, ground cinnamon, ginger powder, lemon or orange zest...

With all this, quick yeast dough is very suitable, because... perfect for sweet and savory baked goods: pies, pies, buns, pizza, buns, kulebyaki, bagels, rolls, khachapuri, for baking sausages in it...

Everything you don’t do will turn out delicious, tender, airy and rich.

For sweet baked goods, you can only double the amount of sugar, although this is not at all necessary. Sweet products are prepared with the inside of cottage cheese, thick jam, boiled condensed milk, fresh or canned berries and fruits, etc.

For salted innards, they use boiled meat, offal pate, stewed cabbage, boiled potatoes with fried onions, fried mushrooms with onions, rice with eggs and green onions...

Now let's see how to prepare frisky yeast dough with milk; the recipe is accompanied by step-by-step photos for your convenience.

  1. Ingredients
  2. How to make frisky yeast dough with milk
  3. A few tips for baking products from quick yeast dough with milk


  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml
  • Testicles - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch

How to make frisky yeast dough with milk

  1. Heat the milk to a warm temperature (37-40°C), pour it into a bowl, add dry yeast, sugar and stir until the yeast is completely dispersed. Let it sit for a couple of minutes so that the yeast starts working, and in the meantime prepare the flour.

Fundamentally! Use the freshest and highest quality yeast, because... the outcome of a successful test depends on their properties. Do not use cool milk under any circumstances, otherwise the yeast will not work.

Fundamentally! Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature, otherwise they will cool the milk, which will have a bad effect on the yeast and the result of the finished dough.

Tip: instead of vegetable oil, you can use margarine or butter, then the dough will be more rich.

During this entire process, lubricate your palms with vegetable oil.

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