The correct development for making homemade wine from apples

The correct development for making homemade wine from apples

For amateur winemakers who do not have access to large quantities of good grapes, I recommend making wine from apples according to the recipe posted below. It turns out to be a very tasty and necessary drink in limited quantities with a strength of 10-12 degrees. I will prove that making apple wine at home is easier than you think.

Any varieties of greenish, yellowish and burgundy apples (summer and winter) are suitable for winemaking, the main thing is that the fruits themselves are ripe and as juicy as possible. It is allowed to combine different varieties, obtaining noteworthy blends, for example, sour apples with the sweetest ones.


  • apples - 20 kg;
  • sugar - 150-400 grams per liter of juice.

The creators of almost all recipes recommend diluting the juice with water to produce more wine. I believe that the main thing is not quantity, but property, so I recommend making apple wine from untainted juice.

Adding water is only advisable when using unripe, very sour apples (the taste of the juice stings the tongue very much). But even in this case, the acidity is reduced with an insignificant amount of water - up to 100 ml per liter of juice, and not diluted in a ratio of one to two or one to three.

Apple wine recipe

1. Preparing apples

Do not wash apples picked from the tree or collected on the ground, since yeast lives on the skin, which is necessary for fermentation. If the apples are very dirty, they can be wiped with a dry cloth or lightly brushed with a clean shoe brush.

To avoid bitterness in the finished homemade wine, I advise you to remove the seeds and core from apples, and cut out rotten, spoiled and moldy parts from warped fruits.

2. Juicing

The method of processing apples depends on the available equipment. If you have a juicer, I recommend using this particular kitchen tool. The result will be untainted juice with the least amount of pulp, which will simplify the upcoming production.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a mechanical grater. The applesauce will have to be squeezed out using the other method later. For example, with gauze (a very labor-intensive process) or with a press. In any case, the small task is to get at least a liquid puree at the end.

3. Juice settling

Place the purchased apple juice (or liquid puree) in an open container with a wide neck (large saucepan or barrel) for 2-3 days, tying the upper part with gauze to protect it from insects. During this period of time, feral yeast spores will get into the mixture, and it will begin to decompose into two fractions - pulp (remains of skin, pulp) and ordinary apple juice. The pulp will accumulate on top of the juice. In order for the yeast to get inside, you need to mix the contents of the container with a clean hand or a wooden stick for the first 2 days, 3-4 times a day.

On the third day, the pulp will form a dense layer on the surface; it should be removed with a saucepan or colander. Only juice and a small (3-5 mm) film should remain in the container. The step is considered complete when foam, hissing and a corresponding vinegar-alcohol smell appear in the wort, indicating that fermentation has begun.

4. Adding sugar

The amount depends on the initial sweetness of the fruit; the sweeter the juice, the less sugar is added to apple wine, especially at the initial step. If the sugar content exceeds 20%, the wine will ferment poorly or fermentation will stop completely. To prevent this from happening, it is better to add sugar in parts rather than pour it all at once.

Full quantity: to obtain dry apple wine, I recommend adding 150-220 grams of sugar per 1 liter of fermented juice, concentration for sweet and dessert types - 300-400 grams per liter. It’s better not to exceed these standards, otherwise the wine will turn out cloying.

The first batch (100-150 grams per liter) is added immediately after removal from the pulp. Sugar is simply poured into the fermenting juice and stirred.

After 4-5 days, you can add a second portion (50-100 grams per liter). To do this, you need to remove the water seal, pour half as much wort into a separate container as you plan to add sugar (for example, for 500 g you need 250 ml), add sugar to the drained juice, and mix. Pour the purchased sweet syrup back into the container with wine. Install the water seal again.

The function of adding sugar can be repeated 1-2 more times after any 4-5 days using the technology described a little higher, adding 30-80 grams per liter of juice.

5. Fermentation

First you need to exclude the possibility of contact of the wort with air. If you don’t create this, you will end up with vinegar instead of apple wine. I recommend using glass bottles, jars or plastic mineral water bottles as hermetically sealed containers.

Next, you need to take care of the removal of carbon dioxide, which will be released during the fermentation process. To do this, install a water seal. It is done as follows: create a small hole in the lid of the vessel into which to insert a small diameter tube (cambric). Place the end of the tube located in the vessel very high so that it does not become clogged with foam. Lower the other end of the cambric into a glass of water by 2-3 cm. Now the gases inside the container will freely come out, but the air will not be able to get into the container with wine.

Other options are to put a glove on the honey jar with a small hole in your finger (made with a needle) or purchase a special water seal lid.

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

Fill the vessel with fermenting juice no more than 4/5 in height, because it is necessary to add volume for carbon dioxide and foam.

During fermentation, the container must be in a dark and warm place (18-25°C), a temperature of 20-22 degrees is considered good. The fermentation process of apple wine lasts from 30 to 60 days. Its completion is determined by the long-term absence of gas bubbles in a glass of water (a deflated glove) and the appearance of sediment on the bottom.

Attention! If fermentation continues longer than 55 days, to avoid a bitter aftertaste, the wine should be poured into another container without sediment at the bottom and the water seal should be installed again.

6. Maturation

The young apple wine purchased at the last step can already be drunk, but it has a harsh smell and taste. These shortcomings are eliminated with endurance.

Another completely clean and dry sealed container will come in handy. Here it is important to exclude the possibility of foreign yeast getting in, so I recommend thoroughly washing the prepared vessel with hot boiled water and then drying it with a hairdryer.

Using a water seal tube, pour the apple wine from one container to another. First, drain the upper, lightest layers, then move on to the lower ones, trying not to touch the sediment on the bottom. If desired, the filtered drink can be sweetened (add sugar to taste) or fortified (pour in 40% alcohol or vodka in an amount of 2-15% of the wine size). Hardening aids storage, but the flavor becomes harsher.

Fill the vessel to the top with wine and seal it tightly. If sugar was added, it is better to keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days for re-fermentation. Store wine in a cool, dark place (6-16°C) for 60-120 days. There is still enough time for it to fully ripen and improve its taste.

At first, once every 10-15 days it is necessary to remove the wine from the sediment by pouring it into another container. Over time, sediment will appear less frequently, and then the frequency of filtration can also be reduced. Homemade apple wine is considered ready when sediment no longer falls or its amount is small. After this, the wine can be bottled and hermetically sealed.

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The resulting drink is dark amber in color with the smell of ripe fruit. Strength – 10-12% (without fixing). Shelf life – up to 3 years when stored in a cool, black place in hermetically sealed containers.

Apple wine at home - ordinary apple wine recipes

Hi all! Last year I decided to try winemaking for the first time and started with homemade apple wine (it just happened to be a fruitful year for these fruits). I installed it in September and by the New Year we had a good drink. The result made me and my family very happy. Now I want to share these ordinary recipes with you.

To produce it, it is necessary to take fruits that are unsullied and without wormholes. But what can you do with those that are a little spoiled? Well, for example, make wonderful jam, marmalade or bake a fluffy charlotte.

In terms of the size of a bucket of apples, I got half as much wine, so consider what kind of container to use for fermentation. But, with all this, keep in mind that in this process the pulp will still rise. Therefore, fill it no more than two-thirds of the container size.

I have selected four different recipes, which I will now introduce you to. And it’s up to you to choose which option is most interesting and acceptable to you. I would also like to remind you that any variety describes its own taste - whether it is sour or sweeter, and proceed from this with the proportions of sugar. I added a sweet variety, so I needed no more than 200 grams of sugar per 1 liter of juice.

Typically, apples are not washed before processing. Because the skin contains its own (natural) yeast in the form of a small coating.

The usual recipe for apple wine at home without yeast

This recipe produces wonderful apple wine at 12 degrees. This mix of ingredients makes approximately 3 liters, so calculate the amount based on the size of your container.


  • Apples - 7 kg (10 liter bucket)
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Boiled water (cooled) - 1 cup


1. Cut the apples into slices. Then pass them through a meat grinder. Add sugar to this mass and stir thoroughly. Pour in water, stir again and cover the container with a lid or cling film. Leave to ferment for 4 days.

2. After the elapsed time, juice should be squeezed out of the infused mass. First, stir it so that the juice that has settled at the bottom is moderately distributed. Then use one of the following methods:

  • You can take double cotton fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) (either linen or completely dense tulle), put a portion of puree on it, wrap it and squeeze it with your hands using pressure. Then throw out the pulp, wash the cloth under the tap to clear it of clogged pulp, and do everything again until you squeeze out the entire mass. It takes a long time, of course, but it’s necessary! The denser the tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) , the less sediment there will be in the wine and the more transparent it will be.
  • You can use a juicer. This is probably the easiest.
  • You can use a special press to squeeze juice. in a linen bag (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , put it in a press and press. Similar to the first option, rinse the bag under water every time.

3. It doesn’t matter what method you use, the main result is. You will get fermented apple juice. Pour it into the vessel in which you will infuse the wine. Insert a funnel into the bottle and place gauze in it, and then pour. If you don’t get a lot of juice, you can dilute it with a little filtered water, nothing terrible will happen. Put a glove on top of the neck, make a puncture in it in the area of ​​the finger and wrap it tightly with tape or tape. The glove will inflate within 24 hours.

4. When the glove is deflated, the fermentation process can be considered complete. Then tightly cap the bottle or pour it into three-liter jars, close the lids and leave to brew for at least 3 months. The longer the wine sits, the cleaner and more transparent it will be.

During this period of time, sediment will appear on the day. When you pour the drink into bottles, use gauze so that this sediment remains on it.

Apple wine with apple juice

At first, this recipe is not very similar to the first one, but still there are some differences in the upcoming processing and manufacturing process. As a result, the wine should turn out transparent and tasty, approximately 8 degrees.


  • Apples – 3 kg
  • Sugar - 150-200 grams per 1 liter of juice (depending on the taste of the fruit)

If you want to get a sweet or semi-sweet wine, then the amount of added sugar should be increased by 1.5-2 times.


1. Cut the apples into slices and remove cores and seeds. Then grind them either through a meat grinder, or, alternatively, you can use a blender. Place this mixture in a bucket and cover with cling film, a lid or a plastic bag. Leave to ferment for 4 days. Once a day, not counting the last day, stir the mixture twice.

2. After fermentation, the mass must be squeezed through tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) into a huge container. Gauze is not suitable for this. It’s better to take any fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) (cotton, linen or tulle) and fold it in half. You can choose another method described in the first recipe. Then add half the calculated sugar there, stir until dissolved and pour into a bottle or jar.

If the apples are sweet, then it is enough to calculate 150 grams per 1 liter of juice. If they are sour, then add 250 grams per 1 liter of juice.

3. Put a glove with a hole in the finger (pierce it with a needle) around the neck and tie it. If you have a special water seal, then use it. Place the container in a dark place out of direct sunlight for 7 days.

4. After 7 days, dissolve the remaining sugar and close it again with a water dispenser or put on a glove. Leave to stand until all the pulp has settled to the bottom and the drink has brightened. Then, so that there is no sediment, pour it into another container. Some people do this using a narrow tube or hose. It’s easier for me to use a funnel and gauze. I fold the gauze in two or three times, put it in a funnel and pour the wine through it.

5. Close the jar or bottle with a lid and put it in the refrigerator (or other cold space) for 2-3 months. During this time there may still be some sediment. In this case, pour it again using the same principle, and then pour it into clean bottles or jars. Store wine in a cool, dark place.

How to make wine from apples without juicing

This option is even simpler than the previous ones, because it does not require chopping apples and tedious squeezing of juice. But the wine, despite all this, should turn out no worse than in the two previous methods. This is exactly why I made the recipe last year.

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  • Apples – 5 kg
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 kg
  • Water - 5 l.


1. Peel and core apples. Cut them into slices and put them in any huge container. Fill with cool water (not boiled). Then cover with film or gauze and leave for 3 days. With all this, you will need to stir them once a day.

2. After 3 days, pour the juice through cheesecloth into a large container and very squeeze the apples. Then dilute the sugar in it until dissolved and pour into the bottle through a funnel. Next, put the glove on it (don’t forget to pierce a hole in it with a needle on your finger) and secure it. Or use a water dispenser. Leave the bottle to infuse and ferment until the glove settles, approximately 2 weeks.

3. When the fermentation process has come to an end, pour the wine into bottles, close and place in a black, cold space for 3 months to reach a suitable condition. If you put it in September, then it will be just right for the New Year.

Video on how to make wine from apples at home

I suggest you study the next method by watching the video. The manufacturing process is described carefully and clearly. So, if you still have any questions, they should be cleared up. Using this material, you can make excellent homemade wine, which you can later share with your family and friends.


  • Apples
  • Sugar - 150 g per liter of juice (or 250-300 g for sweet wine)

I hope I was able to convey to you correctly and clearly how to create apple wine at home. So, if you have a substantial harvest and you no longer understand what to do with the fruit, then prepare this excellent and tasty drink, which you can enjoy at the next holiday. But don't overdo it!

If you have your own method, then I would be happy to get acquainted with it. Describe it in the comments. Happy manufacturing for you! Bye!

The usual step-by-step recipe for apple wine at home

If the apple harvest was huge, along with pride in one’s own work, new problems arise, how to process this harvest. We propose to create wine from apples. There are so many options for homemade apple wine that it will be difficult to find a recipe that suits you. Making homemade wine from apples without the help of others is not as difficult as almost everyone thinks, so it’s time for wine-making tests.

Suitable apple varieties for different types of wines

Not all winemakers know how to create apple wine at home. For a drink made from apples, autumn varieties that have the appropriate sourness are perfect. Fans of fortified drinks should know that it is better to use Antonovka; a tart taste can be obtained if the drink is created from wild species. Winter varieties and ozari are good for making sweet and semi-sweet wines.

In any wine, the sour taste is what makes the drink most enjoyable. Therefore, if you make wine from only sweet apples, you must add fruits and berries with a sour taste (lemon, orange zest, rowan, grated or raisins). Sour and sweet varieties are more popular among winemakers.

Stages of home winemaking

You can make wine from apples at home using the usual step-by-step recipe for those who have a lot of such fruits on their property. It is important to take into account that apples retain their beneficial characteristics after heat treatment, therefore a drink prepared from them can be called pharmaceutical. The strength of the wine does not exceed 12 degrees. For delicious homemade wine you will need 20 kg of fruits and 4 kg of sweet sand. If desired, the purchased juice can be diluted with water, this will help reduce the rich taste of the product.

You can make wine from apples by following the following method:

      1. all fruits must certainly be ripe;
      2. To avoid a bitter taste in the wine, be sure to remove the seeds;
      3. Crush the washed apples in a wooden bowl until pureed;
      4. leave everything for the best fermentation in this container for a couple of days;
      5. After two days, strain using any convenient method. Please note that purchased apple juice will contain particles and impurities and will not be completely pure;
      6. You can add sugar evenly to the juice. Its quantity directly depends on the sweetness of the fruit. Typically, 400 g of sugar is consumed per 1 liter of drink;
      7. pour the wort into bottles/jars, put on a glove and poke a small hole in it;

    Attention! It is convenient to use ready-made containers as containers

      1. On the fifth day, add another portion of sugar. Divide the remaining sugar into 2 parts and add any 5 days;
      2. fermentation is quite rapid, you should put a rubber glove on the bottle;
      3. The drink is infused at a temperature of 23 degrees. Fermentation lasts from 30 to 90 days;
      4. If, while making wine from apple juice, sediment begins to form on the bottom of the container, it means that the fermentation process is going well;
      5. when the glove is deflated, fermentation is complete, and it is necessary to remove the drink from the sediment, pour it into a clean container and put it in a black, cold space to infuse for 4 months;
      6. In the future, the wine must be constantly removed from the sediment. If no sediment appears on the bottom of the container within 2 weeks, the wine is ready.

    The finished wine has a distinctive apple smell and amber color. Its shelf life does not exceed 3 years. If you understand how to create wine from compote, then preparing the product according to a traditional recipe will be even easier.

    Applesauce - the base of a delicious wine

    The recipe for apple wine at home from juice is not the only one in winemaking. Recipes for wine without yeast, where the base is a fragrant fruit puree, have many fans. You should take 3 liters of water, 2.5 kg of sugar and 15 kg of apples. The apples must be crushed until pureed, and the seeds must be removed one hundred percent.

    Cover the purchased puree with a napkin and leave to infuse for 3 days. After 12 hours, stir the composition. After 3 days, remove the resulting pulp and pour the liquid into a prepared vessel, where it will ferment.

    Dilute half the sugar with water and pour the solution into the wine, placing a water seal on the container. After 4 days, add the remaining sugar. Typically fermentation takes about 50 days. If the active process has not ended, it is necessary to remove the drink from the sediment and pour it into a sterile container, re-closing it with a water seal. The absence of sediment indicates the wine is ready. You can find out what kind of sediment in finished wine is considered normal here.

    Fortified drink made from fruit slices

    The recipe for fortified apple wine does not differ from the traditional one, except for the use of vodka. You need to prepare:

        • apples – 10 kg;
        • sugar – 2.5 kg;
        • raisins – 100 g;
        • vodka – 200 g.

    The strength of the product can reach 16 degrees. Apples must be cut into slices and the seeds removed. Place the slices into a container, cover with sugar, raisins and leave to ferment for 21 days in a space without access to sunlight. Then strain the liquid. Combine the purchased juice with sugar, pour it into the prepared glass bottle, closing it with a rubber glove with a hole made. After 14 days, remove the sediment and add vodka to the composition. Infuse the product for 21 days at low temperature, then strain. The result is fortified wine. You can read more about fortified wine in our article.

    Cider made from apples

    Cider is an excellent choice for wine. To make it, you need 8 kg of apple slices (without seeds), the zest of 2 lemons, 2 kg of sugar and 10 liters of water. The drink will taste better if the apples are juicy and sour. First, you need to grind the zest and sugar until smooth, then add apples to the mixture, place it in a deep container and fill it with water. Be sure to cover the container with a cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) to protect it from insects. After a week, the composition must be poured and strained. The result should be a light-colored drink, which must be poured into containers and stored in a cool space. Apple cider can be stored for a short time - no more than a month.

    Apple wine will be an ideal option for people who adore new tastes and are not afraid of tests. The drink comes out very tasty and fragrant, and most importantly, it retains all the beneficial characteristics of the fruit. Making wine is quite simple, and even an inexperienced winemaker will be able to figure out the recipe without any difficulties.

    The usual step-by-step recipe for apple wine at home

    If the apple harvest was huge, along with pride in one’s own work, new problems arise, how to process this harvest. We propose to create wine from apples. There are so many options for homemade apple wine that it will be difficult to find a recipe that suits you. Making homemade wine from apples without the help of others is not as difficult as almost everyone thinks, so it’s time for wine-making tests.

    Suitable apple varieties for different types of wines

    Not all winemakers know how to create apple wine at home. For a drink made from apples, autumn varieties that have the appropriate sourness are perfect. Fans of fortified drinks should know that it is better to use Antonovka; a tart taste can be obtained if the drink is created from wild species. Winter varieties and ozari are good for making sweet and semi-sweet wines.

    In any wine, the sour taste is what makes the drink most enjoyable. Therefore, if you make wine from only sweet apples, you must add fruits and berries with a sour taste (lemon, orange zest, rowan, grated or raisins). Sour and sweet varieties are more popular among winemakers.

    Stages of home winemaking

    You can make wine from apples at home using the usual step-by-step recipe for those who have a lot of such fruits on their property. It is important to take into account that apples retain their beneficial characteristics after heat treatment, therefore a drink prepared from them can be called pharmaceutical. The strength of the wine does not exceed 12 degrees. For delicious homemade wine you will need 20 kg of fruits and 4 kg of sweet sand. If desired, the purchased juice can be diluted with water, this will help reduce the rich taste of the product.

    You can make wine from apples by following the following method:

        1. all fruits must certainly be ripe;
        2. To avoid a bitter taste in the wine, be sure to remove the seeds;
        3. Crush the washed apples in a wooden bowl until pureed;
        4. leave everything for the best fermentation in this container for a couple of days;
        5. After two days, strain using any convenient method. Please note that purchased apple juice will contain particles and impurities and will not be completely pure;
        6. You can add sugar evenly to the juice. Its quantity directly depends on the sweetness of the fruit. Typically, 400 g of sugar is consumed per 1 liter of drink;
        7. pour the wort into bottles/jars, put on a glove and poke a small hole in it;

      Attention! It is convenient to use ready-made containers as containers

        1. On the fifth day, add another portion of sugar. Divide the remaining sugar into 2 parts and add any 5 days;
        2. fermentation is quite rapid, you should put a rubber glove on the bottle;
        3. The drink is infused at a temperature of 23 degrees. Fermentation lasts from 30 to 90 days;
        4. If, while making wine from apple juice, sediment begins to form on the bottom of the container, it means that the fermentation process is going well;
        5. when the glove is deflated, fermentation is complete, and it is necessary to remove the drink from the sediment, pour it into a clean container and put it in a black, cold space to infuse for 4 months;
        6. In the future, the wine must be constantly removed from the sediment. If no sediment appears on the bottom of the container within 2 weeks, the wine is ready.

      The finished wine has a distinctive apple smell and amber color. Its shelf life does not exceed 3 years. If you understand how to create wine from compote, then preparing the product according to a traditional recipe will be even easier.

      Applesauce - the base of a delicious wine

      The recipe for apple wine at home from juice is not the only one in winemaking. Recipes for wine without yeast, where the base is a fragrant fruit puree, have many fans. You should take 3 liters of water, 2.5 kg of sugar and 15 kg of apples. The apples must be crushed until pureed, and the seeds must be removed one hundred percent.

      Cover the purchased puree with a napkin and leave to infuse for 3 days. After 12 hours, stir the composition. After 3 days, remove the resulting pulp and pour the liquid into a prepared vessel, where it will ferment.

      Dilute half the sugar with water and pour the solution into the wine, placing a water seal on the container. After 4 days, add the remaining sugar. Typically fermentation takes about 50 days. If the active process has not ended, it is necessary to remove the drink from the sediment and pour it into a sterile container, re-closing it with a water seal. The absence of sediment indicates the wine is ready. You can find out what kind of sediment in finished wine is considered normal here.

      Fortified drink made from fruit slices

      The recipe for fortified apple wine does not differ from the traditional one, except for the use of vodka. You need to prepare:

          • apples – 10 kg;
          • sugar – 2.5 kg;
          • raisins – 100 g;
          • vodka – 200 g.

      The strength of the product can reach 16 degrees. Apples must be cut into slices and the seeds removed. Place the slices into a container, cover with sugar, raisins and leave to ferment for 21 days in a space without access to sunlight. Then strain the liquid. Combine the purchased juice with sugar, pour it into the prepared glass bottle, closing it with a rubber glove with a hole made. After 14 days, remove the sediment and add vodka to the composition. Infuse the product for 21 days at low temperature, then strain. The result is fortified wine. You can read more about fortified wine in our article.

      Cider made from apples

      Cider is an excellent choice for wine. To make it, you need 8 kg of apple slices (without seeds), the zest of 2 lemons, 2 kg of sugar and 10 liters of water. The drink will taste better if the apples are juicy and sour. First, you need to grind the zest and sugar until smooth, then add apples to the mixture, place it in a deep container and fill it with water. Be sure to cover the container with a cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) to protect it from insects. After a week, the composition must be poured and strained. The result should be a light-colored drink, which must be poured into containers and stored in a cool space. Apple cider can be stored for a short time - no more than a month.

      Apple wine will be an ideal option for people who adore new tastes and are not afraid of tests. The drink comes out very tasty and fragrant, and most importantly, it retains all the beneficial characteristics of the fruit. Making wine is quite simple, and even an inexperienced winemaker will be able to figure out the recipe without any difficulties.

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