Hercules porridge in a slow cooker

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker

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Hercules porridge is a great way to start a new day and gain a boost of vigor and energy! Learn how to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker.

Manufacturing Description:


  • Hercules - 1 Cup (It doesn’t matter what kind of oatmeal is suitable for you.)
  • Milk - 4 Cups (If you want to create a thicker porridge, take 3 cups.)
  • Butter – 20 G
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

Number of servings: 4

How to cook “Oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker”

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Girls, I prepared porridge according to this recipe, it came out very tasty, nothing unnecessary.

How absurd is it that it takes an hour to cook porridge? Maybe that’s why the milk is decreasing? No matter what kind of porridge is prepared in a slow cooker in 10-15 minutes

Dear friends, the walls of the bowl must be greased with butter and nothing will escape, the porridge will be cooked without “accidents”

It is generally accepted that 2 glasses of milk means 1 glass of cereal + add half a glass of boiled water (this way the porridge is less likely to burn - the water evaporates) And I think for such a proportion 3 tablespoons of sugar is a lot! (well, this is not for everyone) - I add 1.5-2 spoons maximum and my son is very happy. And thanks for the recipe

In order not to run away, you need to measure not with glasses, but with the measuring cup that comes with the kit.

This recipe made a wonderful porridge. Thanks to the creator! For those who don’t succeed, make sure that the dish is prepared in the “Milk porridge” mode. Nothing comes off or burns.

I bought a multicooker “PHILIPS”, HD3330/00, with a clay bowl. I decided to make oatmeal porridge. I did everything according to the recipe. For some reason, after some time, the porridge began to pour out of the multicooker. I had to turn it off. Wash the multicooker. What can you do with the leftover porridge in the bowl? And for some reason the sound signal did not work? Someone help!

Dmitry is right when he says, grease the edges of the crockpot with oil too, it will prevent the milk from rising above the oiled borders

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker - 4 recipes for making oatmeal

Greetings, dear blog readers. Delicious and necessary rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker - at the moment this is my almost every day breakfast. The warm mixture and the positive effect on digestion were the deciding factors for me in choosing this dish. When a plate of porridge appears on the table, you immediately remember your carefree childhood. Both then and now, this dish is hearty and tasty. The multicooker further simplifies the process and makes cooking quick and easy.

I like to use the delayed start feature. In the evening I add cereal and add water. And early in the day I smell an indescribable smell hanging in the apartment. Even waking up has become easier and more willing

There are a lot of manufacturing options: the most dietary one is made with water or the most satisfying one is made with milk. You can vary the taste with different additives: with pumpkin, fruit or dried fruit. How long to cook the porridge depends on your technique and grains. I have a Redmond multicooker. Using the “Porridge” mode, I cook the cereal for only 10-20 minutes. I simmer whole grains on the “Stew” mode for about 1.5 hours.

Recipe for making oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker with milk for the morning

A traditional option for a healthy, wholesome breakfast. Milk oatmeal is the most satisfying among similar recipes, because it does not require dilution with water. It's that rich, creamy taste reminiscent of the smell of youth.

For breakfast you will need:

  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter;
  • honey.

How to cook:

1. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl.

2. Pour in the full amount of milk indicated in the recipe.

Dish proportions: 1 part cereal and 3 parts milk.

3. Lightly salt for taste. Stir, close the lid and set the “Porridge” mode for 20 minutes.

4. After the designated period, add a piece of butter and carefully stir the oatmeal until it melts.

The dish can be served with honey. Just add a spoonful of healthy sweetness to your serving plate.

For breakfast, I also recommend making a cartoon cottage cheese casserole. The baked goods come out much fluffier and more tender than in the oven.

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker with water - whole grain recipe

This option cannot be called frisky, but it is literally very useful. Specifically, unprocessed whole grains are considered a storehouse of valuable microelements and vitamins for which cereals are famous.

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  • 100 g oats;
  • 3–5 pcs. small pears (depending on size);
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • water.

Step-by-step cooking process:

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1. Prepare the grain the night before. Fill it with water in a deep cup and leave it overnight (that is, in the dark) .

2. During the day, the oats will swell, increase in size, and begin to sprout.

3. Drain the liquid and rinse thoroughly in a colander under running water.

4. Place in the multicooker bowl. Fill with water so that its level covers the grain by 2 centimeters.

5. Close the lid of the device and set the “Porridge” mode. Production will take approximately 1.5 hours.

6. Add peeled and finely chopped pear, butter and honey to the finished dish.

Instead of pears, you can add any fresh fruit or stewed vegetables.

Stir everything well and enjoy a healthy breakfast

How to cook rolled oats in a slow cooker with delayed start?

One of the most useful functions of the multi is the ability to set a program with a delayed start. There is no need to jump up a little light, because the device will independently start the manufacturing process. The proportions in this recipe are determined in multi-glasses, but you can use ordinary ones.

For the dish prepare:

  • 2 multi-cups oatmeal;
  • 4 multi-glasses of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sweet sand;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 cups raisins;
  • 2 – 3 pcs. apples.

How to program breakfast preparation:

1. Prepare all the ingredients the night before - wash, peel and finely chop the apples, wash the raisins.

2. Place everything in a bowl, add oatmeal. Lightly salt and add sugar.

3. Pour in water and stir.

4. Set up the delayed start function for the Porridge program. To do this, press the timer key, set the countdown time and select the mode for cooking porridge.

5. After the set period, the device will begin to prepare the dish in the selected mode.

For this recipe, cereals that need to be cooked for a long time are suitable. The quick-made oatmeal will instantly soften here. Use any dried fruits and fruits that you can find in everyday life.

Delicious oatmeal with milk and water in a slow cooker

Warm and quick oatmeal with a minimum of necessary ingredients. The recipe is given without sugar, but if you have a sweet tooth, you can add sand to taste. For the most rich and varied taste, I recommend adding honey, syrup, jam to the finished dish and decorating the plate with fruit.

List of required products:

  • 50 g or 1 multi-cup of cereal;
  • 160 ml or 1 multi-glass of water;
  • 320 ml, in other words 2 multi-glasses of milk;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

1. Pour water and milk into the bowl of the device. Pour the cereal in there.

2. Salt the dish. If you are using sugar, add it at this step.

Close the lid and set the “Milk porridge” mode for 10 minutes.

Here is a simple but necessary selection of oatmeal recipes. Try it and rolled oats will become a favorite breakfast option not only for you, but for the whole family. Or maybe you have your own secrets for making the dish? Share in the comments, I will be very curious to read. See you soon!

Hercules porridge in a slow cooker

The content of the article:

People of all ages and specialties love to eat Hercules porridge for breakfast. It is preferred by children and older people, dieters and athletes, as well as those for whom a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are most important. And this is justified, because people of all ages know that rolled oats contain a lot of necessary substances, such as vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) , minerals, fiber and organic acids. And this dish is considered quite simple to prepare, especially if you have a multicooker in the kitchen. After reading the recipes in this article for us, it will become clear how to prepare oatmeal porridge with milk or water, spending absolutely little time and effort.

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How to cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker

To cook oatmeal porridge in a slow cooker, you first need to choose the right ingredients. The largest amount of necessary substances is stored in the grain that has been least processed. For this reason, it is recommended for us to choose flakes that need to be boiled for about fifteen minutes, rather than pouring boiling water over them and covering with a lid. The package of cereal must be undamaged; the expiration date should also be checked. It is necessary to store cereals in a dry container with a closed lid.

Hercules porridge can be prepared with water or milk. And you can also take a 1:2 mixture of water and milk. The beneficial characteristics of porridge cooked in a slow cooker are not lost. If the quality of the water is in doubt, it is recommended to boil the water or milk beforehand. After all, the “Porridge” or “Milk porridge” mode in the multicooker does not bring the product to a boil. You can do this right away by simply setting the “Frisky warming up” or “Rice/Pilaf” mode. In this mode, the product can heat up to 100 degrees.

You need to keep in mind the correct proportions during the cooking process. In a slow cooker (unlike a saucepan), the liquid does not evaporate, so the proportions must be correctly maintained at 2:1. If you add more milk or water, the porridge will turn out very watery.

It is not allowed to open the multicooker lid during production. The temperature regime is disrupted, which causes the production time to increase. It is also recommended to lightly grease the middle of the cooking bowl with butter. Thanks to this, the porridge will not splash very much and foam intensely. Production time is about 20 minutes. But it may vary slightly in different models. For example, a Mulinex or Polaris multicooker will bring the product to readiness in 10 minutes if you set the “Multicook” mode.

It is worth paying special attention to the delayed start mode. It is convenient to put all the necessary products into the bowl the night before and choose the time when the porridge should be ready. During the day, breakfast will prepare itself; you won’t have to spend a minute on it. The multicooker will signal when the dish is ready and your loved ones can be fed with nutritious and tender porridge.

Hercules porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Hercules porridge with milk, cooked in a slow cooker, will remind almost all people of the taste of youth. The energy from consuming this nutritious breakfast will last until lunch. A boost of strength will help you start your working day productively and in a good mood. But you need to keep in mind that if you put a huge amount of high-fat milk, sugar and butter in your porridge, it can contribute to excess weight gain.


  • rolled oats flakes 100 g;
  • milk – 400 ml (fat content at least 2.5%);
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter 30 g (85%);
  • salt 0.5 tsp.

Manufacturing method:

  1. You need to prepare all the ingredients. The cereal must be dry, clean, and not have a suspicious aroma. It is recommended to take all ingredients at room temperature.
  2. Pour the cereal into the multicooker container.
  3. Now you need to add salt and sugar. If you wish, you can add cinnamon, vanilla or other spices.
  4. Pour milk over all ingredients.
  5. Add butter. If you need to follow a diet, instead of butter you can add fruits or berries - it will also turn out very tasty.
  6. Place the container with the food in the multicooker and select the “Porridge” cooking mode. Different models have their own mode for making rolled oats. Here you need to pay attention to what is indicated on the packaging. If the flakes are well made, then the dish will be ready by the end of the program. If it is whole grain cereal, then you need to cook for 40 minutes.

At the end of cooking in a multicooker, rolled oatmeal porridge with milk is completely ready for consumption. Serve hot!

Hercules porridge on water in a slow cooker

Hercules porridge in water, prepared in a slow cooker, can be eaten not only for breakfast, but also for lunch or dinner. This dish will not harm your figure, because it contains fewer calories. Makes a healthy main dish or a hearty side dish. For greater benefits, let’s slightly reduce the amount of butter.

Before cooking, you need to find out what viscosity the dish should be. If you want watery porridge, then you need to take cereal and water in a ratio of 1:3. For a medium mixture, 1:2, and for a thick mixture, 1:1. This recipe indicates the amount of ingredients for medium-thick porridge.

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  • rolled oats flakes 200 g;
  • water 400 ml;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter 20 g;
  • salt 0.5 tsp.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Pour the flakes into a bowl and add water.
  2. Add sugar and salt.
  3. Turn on the “Cooking” or “Porridge” mode. The duration will depend on the built-in mode.
  4. When the cooking process is finished, it is recommended to lift the lid of the multicooker and add butter. This technique will make the dish more fragrant and light.
  5. You can consume it right away, but it’s better to let the porridge sit for 10 minutes.

If you need to feed your baby oatmeal porridge, it is recommended to add honey, fruit puree or jam to the finished dish. Adults will also like fragrant flakes with these additives. You can also decorate the dish with berries or pieces of fruit. For a special taste, coconut flakes or cocoa powder are suitable. It’s worth playing with additives and choosing a more successful combination for a real breakfast.

Recipe for making rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker

Oatmeal is a very popular dish among people of all ages and professions. She is adored by adults and children, athletes and dieters, as well as those who watch their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is not just so, because everyone understands that oatmeal is simply a storehouse of necessary substances - minerals, fiber, organic acids and vitamins. In addition, cooking with it is a complete pleasure, especially if you have a multicooker in your household. In my own simple recipe, I will tell you how to cook oatmeal porridge with water or milk in a slow cooker, spending a minimum of time and effort.

How to choose products

To get the maximum benefit from porridge, you need to choose the “right” cereal. It is believed that the less the grain is processed, the more it retains the necessary substances. Therefore, buy flakes that need to be cooked for 10-15 minutes , and not simply pour boiling water over them. The packaging must be undamaged and have an expiration date. Oatmeal must be stored in a dry place and in a closed container.

Oatmeal can be cooked in either water or milk. I prefer to cook it with a consistency of water and milk in a 1:2 ratio. You can take milk of any fat content.


Product title Quantity
Cereals 1 stack
Water 1 stack
Milk 2 stacks
Salt taste
Sugar taste
Butter 20 g

Step-by-step production

  1. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl.

Serving the dish

Sweet porridge can be served with honey, jam, preserves and other sweet sauces. If you like unsweetened porridge, you can serve it as a side dish with meat dishes stewed in sauce, or as an independent dish, sprinkled with grated cheese.

Recipe video

Look how quickly and easily oatmeal is prepared in a slow cooker. Even a child can handle this!

Making Tips

  • To prevent the milk from “running away” during cooking, grease the sides of the bowl with soft butter, not reaching the top by about 5 cm.
  • If your multicooker has a delayed start program , you can use it to prepare such a dish early in the day for breakfast, putting all the ingredients from the evening into the bowl. In this case, use shelf-stable milk so that it does not spoil until the morning, or cook it in water.
  • When making sweet porridge, add a few raisins to the cereal . You can also add any other fresh or dried fruits, cut into pieces.

Other manufacturing options

Hercules porridge in water can be cooked using the usual method, in a saucepan on the stove. You can also cook oatmeal porridge with milk. The main thing is to make sure your breakfast doesn’t burn and stir it constantly.

If you want to create your own diet that is very healthy, cook oatmeal in a slow cooker not from flakes, but from oats. Such a dish will retain maximum of the necessary substances. You can cook oatmeal in milk or water.

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