Buckwheat bread

Buckwheat bread

Buckwheat bread is a necessary and gluten-free product and is therefore perfectly suitable for the diet of those losing weight and people with gluten allergies. The beneficial characteristics of buckwheat have long been known to people. Modern manufacturers have begun to intensively produce buckwheat flour, which is not inferior in its beneficial and nutritional qualities to whole grain cereals.

One of the most favorite dishes with the addition of buckwheat flour is bread. Buckwheat bread has an indescribable smell and a slight nutty taste. In the process of making bread, we are accustomed to using wheat flour, how can we add buckwheat flour to the recipe to make tasty and desirable bread? Most often, wheat-buckwheat bread is prepared, where flour is used in the following proportions. Using 70 5 percent wheat flour and 20 5 percent buckwheat flour, the result is a smoked yeast bread with a soft, shaggy texture and mild buckwheat flavor. If you use a 50/50 ratio, the bread will have the most pronounced buckwheat and nut flavor, but the loaf will not be as rich and will have a crumbly, tender texture. Beware of using 100% buckwheat flour in yeast bread, the texture will not be uniform and the bread will not work at all.

  • Buckwheat bread in the oven
  • Buckwheat bread in a bread machine
  • Buckwheat bread in a slow cooker
  • Unblemished Buckwheat Bread Recipe
  • Buckwheat bread recipe without flour
  • Buckwheat-rye bread recipe

The main ingredient is buckwheat flour, which enriches the body with essential amino acids, fiber and protein. These days there are a lot of different recipes for making bread from buckwheat flour, let's look at the most popular ones.

Buckwheat bread in the oven

To make bread from buckwheat flour in the oven you will need: 450 grams of premium whole grain wheat flour, seven grams of salt, 10 grams of sugar, one and a half teaspoons of instant yeast, two tablespoons of cool-pressed vegetable oil, 50 grams of high-quality, finely ground buckwheat flour.

The first thing you need to do is combine two types of flour and sift the resulting mixture through a sieve. Combine 1 glass of warm water with dry yeast, add the yeast mixture to the flour mixture, and stir a little so that a mixture of watery sour cream comes out. Leave the dough for three to four minutes until bubbles appear on the surface. Add 1 more glass of water, salt, sugar, butter and knead the dough.

The dough must be kneaded thoroughly so that it becomes elastic and without lumps. Cover the dough with a towel and allow it to rise until it doubles in size. Once the dough has tripled in size, knead again, roll out a layer one centimeter wide, grease it with butter or sesame oil, and roll into a roll. This size should yield two loaves. Place the loaves on a baking sheet and leave them in a warm place for 30 minutes until they rise. Then bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. That's it, the wheat-buckwheat bread is ready.

Buckwheat bread in a bread machine

To make bread from buckwheat flour in a bread machine you will need: 1 tsp. fast-acting dry yeast, grade I whole grain wheat flour - 300 g, high-quality buckwheat flour 100 g, salt - 1 tsp, sugar two teaspoons, vegetable oil (unrefined) 2 tbsp. l. and two hundred eighty ml of warm water.

On the bread machine, you need to select the appropriate program; the preliminary time for making bread in the bread machine is four hours. Step-by-step recipe: all ingredients must be loaded into the bread machine bowl in the order indicated in the recipe. Start the main bread kneading mode. During the kneading process, watch the dough; it may be necessary to add either flour, oil or water.

Remove the finished ball from the dough and, without the help of others, form a neat box, put the ball back into the bowl (you can remove the knife from it), close the bread maker with the lid. The principle is that until it is completely ready, do not open the lid again. There are a lot of options for making bread in a bread machine, you need to try and experiment, maybe you will like a certain bread recipe.

Buckwheat bread in a slow cooker

To make buckwheat bread in a slow cooker, only 50 minutes are spent on preparation and 50 minutes on the manufacturing process. In order to bake bread weighing 600 grams you will need: three hundred grams of wheat flour, 100 grams of buckwheat flour, one and a half teaspoons of quick-acting yeast, 300 ml of forty-degree water, one heaped teaspoon of salt, one heaped tablespoon of sugar, three tablespoons vegetable oil.

The first thing you need to create is to prepare the dough, for this you need to combine 100 grams of wheat flour with salt, sugar and dry yeast, add water, mix thoroughly and leave in a warm place for about 20 minutes. After the dough has risen (size doubled), add buckwheat flour, remaining wheat flour, vegetable oil and knead as best as possible.

As a result, the dough should be smooth and elastic. Place in the multicooker bowl and leave for another 20 minutes (at a temperature of 40 degrees). After the dough has risen, select the “Baking” mode, set it to 30 minutes, after this time the loaf must be turned over and baked for another 20 minutes.

Unblemished Buckwheat Bread Recipe

To make bread from buckwheat flour without wheat, you will need: one glass of warm milk or warm, unstained water, 20 grams of active dry yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, half a glass of buckwheat flour, two eggs, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one glass of corn starch.

Combine the yeast with sugar and warm liquid, add all the other ingredients, thoroughly knead the dough, cover with a towel and allow the dough to triple in size. Carefully place the baking sheet with the risen dough in the preheated oven for an hour. The oven must not be opened for the first 40 minutes.

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This type is one hundred percent gluten-free and has a lot of medicinal and necessary parameters:

  • can be used by people with diabetes and allergies to gluten;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) ;
  • cleanses the walls of blood vessels, compacting them;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • saturates the body with micronutrients, fiber, amino acids and vitamins.

Buckwheat bread recipe without yeast

To make bread from buckwheat flour without yeast you will need: two hundred ml of warm milk, half a teaspoon of soda, the juice of half a lemon, half a tsp. crushed sea salt, 2 tbsp. l. at least some unrefined vegetable oil, better than olive oil, 100 grams of coarse buckwheat flour, 100 grams of 1st grade wheat flour.

The result will be yeast-free bread with an energy value of two hundred and three kilocalories and nutritional value:

Squirrels 7.65 g
Fats 2.43 g
Carbohydrates 37.73 g

A step-by-step recipe for making yeast-free buckwheat bread: pour soda slaked with lemon juice into the milk, add vegetable oil and salt. Add alternately sifted buckwheat and wheat flour to the resulting watery mixture. Knead the purchased dough with your hands. The dough will be thick, because among the parameters of buckwheat flour there is also rapid absorption of water. The well-kneaded ball must be transferred to a baking sheet and formed into the desired loaf shape. Place the baking sheet in the previously prepared oven (temperature 180 degrees) and bake for approximately thirty to fifty minutes, until completely cooked.

Yeast-free bread is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, during the recovery period after liver surgery, and for hypertensive patients. It can be added to children's diets, to the diet of women during lactation and pregnancy.

Buckwheat-rye bread recipe

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To make buckwheat-rye bread you will need: 300 grams of whole wheat flour (grade 1), 50 grams of rye flour, 50 grams of buckwheat flour, two hundred 70 ml of 30 degree water or skim milk heated to forty degrees, two tablespoons of rye malt , one tablespoon of watery honey, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, one teaspoon of fast-acting yeast.

Mix all watery ingredients. Mix all the dry ingredients, it is better to pass them all through a sieve for greater oxygen enrichment. First add the watery mixture into the bread machine, then pour the dry mixture on top, turn on the mixing mode (this process takes 10 minutes). The dough should ultimately be soft and at the same time dense and not sticky, and keep its shape.

After kneading, the oven lid must be closed and forgotten until the bread is completely prepared. The finished product must be removed from the oven and left until it cools completely. Now that’s it, the wheat-buckwheat-rye bread is ready to eat.

There are an indescribable number of recipes for making baked goods from buckwheat flour, try, experiment, find a winner. Bon appetit.

Buckwheat bread in the oven


Wheat flour – 200 gr;

Buckwheat flour – 100 g;

vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;

Dry yeast – 1 tsp;

  • 217 kcal
  • 40 min.
  • 40 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

Buckwheat flour, like the cereal of the same name, is rich in vitamins and minerals and is ideal for any kind of baking, from pancakes to homemade bread. Now I would like to offer you a recipe for delicious, fragrant homemade bread with the addition of buckwheat flour. What comes out is a much needed, tasty and soft bread with the gentle smell of buckwheat.

Let's prepare the ingredients. The water must be warm.

Mix yeast with warm water and sugar.

Add other ingredients.

Knead soft elastic dough.

Place in a bowl and cover with film, place in a warm space for 1-1.5 hours. I often put a bowl of dough in the oven at a temperature of 30 degrees, there are no drafts and a constant temperature - these are ideal for its growth. The dough should increase in size by 2-3 times.

Then knead the dough well and roll it into a layer.

Roll the dough into a roll.

Place the dough into the mold. Cover tightly with film and place again in a warm space for 30 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees, 40 minutes.

Take out the finished bread, leave it in the pan for 10 minutes, and then take it out and cool one hundred percent on a wire rack. Buckwheat bread cooked in the oven can be served warm or chilled.

5 best buckwheat bread recipes

Buckwheat is famous for its beneficial qualities. Flour purchased from buckwheat grains is rich in vitamins A, group B, E, PP, and mineral substances. But bread made from buckwheat flour does not contain gluten, which is why people with allergies to this type of protein include it in their diet. Buckwheat bread is indispensable during a gluten-free diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) as a harmless and tasty alternative to ordinary flour products. The so-called fitness bread, created for those who play sports, is baked on its basis.

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Typically, this type of bread contains wheat flour - it contains gluten, which is necessary for baking. But you can experiment: add a small amount, exchange it for the most valuable one, or choose a recipe that uses only ground buckwheat.

The total number of calories depends on the properties and ratio of flour, as well as the presence of additional ingredients. The lowest calorie bread will be bread baked from flaxseed flour and buckwheat flour that has not undergone heat treatment.

You don’t have to buy this product: you can bake bread at home according to one of your favorite recipes, adding nuts, raisins, olive or flaxseed oil, and spices. The finished product will be nutritious and low in calories.

Not all stores sell buckwheat flour. A home mill will solve this problem. Buckwheat is washed, calcined, and ground. If you purchase greenish (unroasted) buckwheat for this purpose and grind it without pre-heating, the bread will turn out even more vitamin-rich.

In the recipes below, where oil is mentioned, any of the vegetable oils are added to the dough - sunflower, olive, sesame, corn, etc.

From buckwheat flour

You can bake the product only with buckwheat flour, and the result will be gluten-free, fragrant, slightly sweet bread. But the presence of wheat flour in the dough makes it sticky, forces it to rise and keep its shape.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 200 g buckwheat flour;
  • 1 cup starch (corn);
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 20 g of dry “quick” yeast;
  • 200 ml slightly warmed milk (water);
  • 3 tbsp. oils;
  • 2 testicles.

Add sugar, yeast, and then all other products to the milk (water). Knead the dough and cover. Leave it to “grow” for 2 hours (the size will increase 3 times). Preheat the oven in advance. Bake for 60 minutes at 180°C (do not open the oven for the first 40 minutes).

Gluten-free bread prepared according to this recipe:

  • strengthens and cleanses blood vessels;
  • tones the body;
  • saturates with a maximum of vitamins;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • stimulates the immune system.

This bread is baked with yeast, but it does not threaten the health of patients with sweet diabetes and is not dangerous for those with allergies to gluten.

Yeast-free bread

Bread with wheat flour will appeal to those who do not consume yeast baked goods.

The recipe for baking yeast-free bread contains:

  • 100 g buckwheat flour;
  • 100 g wheat (preferably first grade);
  • 0.5 tsp sea ​​salt (small);
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 200 ml heated milk;
  • half a lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. oil (unrefined).
  1. Sift the flour.
  2. Quench soda with lemon.
  3. Prepare the dough: pour soda into milk, add salt, add butter, then flour, alternating buckwheat with wheat.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands. Form a loaf and preheat the oven to 180°C.
  5. Bake for 30-50 minutes.

The product baked according to this recipe is good for digestion. It is recommended for high blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels, during pregnancy and lactation.

On rye sourdough and in the oven

In the oven you can bake a buckwheat-wheat loaf with rye sourdough. Making sourdough bread takes four days: a natural yeast substitute should work just fine.

Making sourdough

To obtain the starter you will need rye flour (300 g) and water.

Divide the flour into three parts of 100 g each. Dilute the first part with water to a thick mass, put in a warm place overnight (that is, in the dark) . In the morning, add the second part of the flour, and dilute the resulting thick mixture with water to its previous state. On the 3rd day - repeat. By the fourth day the starter will be ready.

Baking a loaf

  • 100 g finely ground buckwheat flour;
  • 250 g of first grade wheat;
  • 60 g peeled rye;
  • 1 cup sourdough;
  • 2.5 tsp. with a pile of sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 180 ml slightly heated water;
  • 50 ml milk.
  1. Mix water with milk, add salt, flour, sourdough.
  2. Knead until an elastic form is obtained.
  3. Let the dough rest until it grows in size (2-3 hours).
  4. Preheat the oven to 220-230°C, place a frying pan or bowl with hot water.
  5. Place the bread in the oven and adjust the temperature.
  6. Bake for the first quarter of an hour at 230°C. Then remove the frying pan with water from the oven, reduce the heat to 200°C and then bake for 30 minutes.
  7. After baking, wrap the loaf in damp gauze or a towel for half an hour.
  8. In appearance, bread made from buckwheat flour baked in the oven resembles an ordinary loaf. But it is more aromatic and pleasant to the taste, and the sourdough makes it healthier for the body.

Bread machine recipe (bread with honey and seeds)

When baking bread from buckwheat flour in a bread machine, fewer problems arise. For the oven and multicooker, the dough is kneaded by hand, it sticks very much. The sweetish taste of bread can be enriched with honey and sunflower seeds.

  • 300 g wheat flour (v.s.);
  • 100 g buckwheat;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk (powdered);
  • 1 tsp "fast" yeast;
  • 50 g peeled sunflower seeds;
  • 1.5 tbsp. sweet sand;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt;
  • 15 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. heated honey;
  • 260 ml water.

  1. Prepare the bread machine, set the time to 4 hours.
  2. Add the dough ingredients in this order: yeast, flour, sugar, salt, milk powder, butter, honey.
  3. Pour in water.
  4. Place the seeds in the additive dispenser.
  5. Immediately transfer the finished bread onto a wire rack to cool.
  6. Making it in a bread machine takes less time and is no hassle.

Multicooker recipe

This yeast-free and gluten-free recipe is intended to be made in a slow cooker. Its base is a mixture of 3 types of flour (rice, buckwheat, corn) without sugar.

For baking you will need:

  • 60 g buckwheat flour;
  • 90 g corn;
  • 100 g rice;
  • 1 tsp baking soda;
  • 50 g starch (potato);
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 2 tbsp. oils;
  • 250 ml kefir.
  1. Mix dry and watery ingredients separately.
  2. Pour dry ingredients into watery ingredients. Stir until lumps disappear.
  3. Fill the multicooker bowl with dough and set the “Baking” mode. Turn the dough over after half an hour. Total baking time is 50 minutes.
  4. When made in a slow cooker, such bread will not rise enough, but the finished product will have a crispy crust, and the bread itself will be soft and satisfying.
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Product value, contraindications

Products of this type appeared not so long ago, but their range is constantly growing. Against the backdrop of increased enthusiasm for gluten-free dietary products, buckwheat noodles, cookies, and pancakes appear. Bread baked from crushed buckwheat, as well as recipes for making it, continues to be in great demand. It remains to compare the benefits and harm that this product can bring.

Manifestations of the healing effect of buckwheat bread:

  • dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow (Blood is the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue) ;
  • lowers cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) ;
  • reduces the risk of developing gallstone disease;
  • reduces the secretion of bile acid;
  • improves appetite;
  • removes toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) , excess fluid;
  • reduces swelling;
  • cleanses the skin and restores its healthy appearance.
  • inflammatory diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) of the intestinal tract (Crohn's disease);
  • buckwheat intolerance.

It is important to keep in mind that it is not recommended to exceed the bread consumption rate (150 g). In huge quantities, even the most useful types of this product cause spasms, pain (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage) , and gas formation.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat bread for the health of the body

Bread is a very popular food product. It is baked from various cultivated plants. One of the more necessary types of this product is bread made with buckwheat flour. It is characterized by a rich composition and a huge number of necessary parameters.

Buckwheat bread contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) E, A, B, PP, fiber, vegetable proteins, amino acids, cobalt, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, selenium and other beneficial substances.

  1. The benefits and harms of greenish buckwheat bread
  2. The benefits and harms of buckwheat flour bread for weight loss
  3. The benefits and harms of buckwheat bread for gastritis

The benefits and harms of greenish buckwheat bread

This product is beneficial for the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. In addition, it does not contain gluten, which often causes allergic reactions.

Green buckwheat bread is especially useful for those suffering from diabetes. It is recommended for athletes and people whose work involves heavy physical overload.

Regular consumption of this product has the following beneficial effects on health:

  • improves appetite;
  • prevents edema (excessive accumulation of fluid in the extracellular tissue spaces of the body) ;
  • supports skin health;
  • cleanses the body of various harmful substances;
  • helps with atherosclerosis;
  • prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves blood circulation (blood circulation throughout the body) ;
  • increases blood clotting (internal environment of the human and animal body) ;
  • reduces the risk of the onset and development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • prevents diseases (disorders of normal functioning, performance) of the heart;
  • helps with apathy (from the Greek dispassion, a state of detachment) , acquired lethargy and irritability;
  • promotes digestion;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • removes excess water from the body;
  • prevents anemia.

But bread made from greenish buckwheat is not good for everyone. Contraindications to the use of the product include:

  • personal intolerance;
  • excessive flatulence;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • recently undergone surgery.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat flour bread for weight loss

This bread is recommended for consumption by people suffering from excess weight. It is perfectly absorbed, does not cause heaviness in the stomach, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) from harmful substances and perfectly relieves hunger. In addition, buckwheat bread has a low glycemic index, so it can be eaten if you have diabetes.

To get rid of excess weight, you need to choose a high-quality product and observe moderation in its use. It is not allowed to eat buckwheat bread, which contains huge amounts of sugar, starch and various harmful additives, because this will lead to a reverse effect.

It should be noted that the abuse of this product not only promotes obesity, but also increases the possibility of the appearance and development of various gastrointestinal diseases (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) . In addition, excessive passion for similar baked goods can lead to metabolic disorders and increased gas formation.

The benefits and harms of buckwheat bread for gastritis

During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, the consumption of all bakery products is prohibited. But without an exacerbation, you can eat certain types of bread, including buckwheat. People suffering from gastritis are not allowed to eat bread containing:

  • leavening agents;
  • flavorings;
  • preservatives;
  • huge amounts of sugar and starch;
  • vegetable fats;
  • margarine.

To avoid harm to the body, it is recommended to eat yesterday’s or dried product, because fresh bread can worsen the course of the disease. It should be noted that uncontrolled consumption of buckwheat bread for gastritis is more likely to lead to subsequent health dilemmas:

  • irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • slowing down the healing process.

Such bread is contraindicated for peptic ulcers, kidney pathologies, personal intolerance and a tendency to excessive gas formation.

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