Meatloaf with egg

Meatloaf with egg

Cooking: 1 hour 10 minutes

I would like to share with you a recipe for making meatloaf with eggs.

Such an obvious dish comes from the last century, but at the same time dressed up, solemn and savory. If we take into account the various options for making this roll, then any housewife will be able to make her own unique version with a twist.

So, if you are tired of cutlets, you can prepare such a festive roll using virtually the same set of products

Don't like eggs?

Replace them with fried mushrooms, vegetables, ham, cheese, your favorite porridge, pasta, or any kind of meat. There are many other things that can be wrapped in such a roll.

Obvious appearance?

Wrap it in bacon strips or make an attractive net out of them. Wrap the roll in chicken or any other fillet, omelette or puff pastry. Make your own unique design for this dish.

Don't like minced cutlets?

The flight of fantasy here is limitless. Choose your combination of types and proportions of meat. Add mushrooms, raw or processed vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, spices and spices. Get creative and create your own culinary masterpiece.

How do you cook meatloaf?

Meatloaf Ingredients

for meat storage

for the inside

Egg Meatloaf Recipe

Pour milk over the bread crumb. The milk must cover the bread crumbs almost completely.

I use 3 slices of crustless loaf. Instead of bread, you can use semolina or raw grated potatoes.

Prepare onions and meat for grinding in a meat grinder.

Grind the meat and onions using a meat grinder.

I usually use a nozzle with medium diameter holes.

Peel the carrots and grate them on a medium grater.

If you don't like carrots, you can do without them.

Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Peel the garlic, remove the core and pass through a press.

Combine minced meat, herbs, garlic, carrots and bread crumbs with all the milk in a suitable container.

Add 2 eggs, salt and spices.

Mix the minced meat well.

In order for the roll to keep its shape perfectly and to be as juicy as possible, it is best to beat the minced meat. To do this, separate part of the minced meat and “throw” it into a bowl with minced meat, repeat the function 20-25 times.

If you are not convinced of the taste of the minced meat, you can separate a small flat cake and fry it in a frying pan. Add salt or spices to the minced meat as needed.

Boil soft-boiled eggs and peel.

For a roll measuring 35 cm you will need 5-6 small chicken eggs.

Do not use large eggs, the roll will not hold its shape well, it is better to cut them into halves.

Cover the pan with 2 layers of foil and grease the foil with oil.

Don't forget to throw extra foil on the sides so you can wrap the roll.

Spread the minced meat in an even layer on the foil.

Place boiled eggs in the center.

In order for the eggs to fit tightly to each other, you can trim the edges a little.

Helping yourself with foil, wrap the edges of the roll overlapping each other.

Using hands dipped in water, fix the seam and give the roll a suitable shape.

Wrap the roll in foil and place in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 45-55 minutes.

Unfold the foil and place the roll in the oven for another 10-20 minutes until it turns golden brown.

PS: Depending on the characteristics of your oven, the manufacturing time and temperature may be slightly different.

Give the finished roll time to cool and gain flavor.

Serve as a cool appetizer or main meat dish.

Meatloaf with egg in the oven: a fascinating and appetizing dish

Meatloaf with egg in the oven. At first glance it will seem like a complicated dish, but nothing like that. The ingredients are ordinary, the production itself does not require any special capabilities. Prepare and see for yourself. Amaze your family with this delicacy.

Read also:  Marbled beef

  1. Meatloaf with egg in the oven: ingredients
  2. Meatloaf with egg in the oven: recipe
  3. Meatloaf with egg in the oven: Video

Meatloaf with egg in the oven: ingredients

  1. 400 (four hundred) grams of minced meat
  2. 4 (four) pieces – eggs
  3. Salt and dry spices to taste
  4. 1 (one) piece – onion
  5. 1 (one) teaspoon – starch

Meatloaf with egg in the oven: recipe

  • Boil eggs
  • Finely chop the onion
  • Add onion to minced meat. I take ground beef. You can eat mixed - pork and beef, in equal proportions
  • Then add one egg to the minced meat. Salt and add spices. Stir thoroughly.
  • Place the minced meat on foil and distribute it sparingly. Place the boiled eggs and sprinkle them with starch
  • Roll the roll using foil
  • Place it in a previously preheated oven at 180 degrees for 50 minutes.
  • After this time, take out the roll, unwrap it and cut into circles

Meatloaf with egg in the oven: Video

You can also fry the roll in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Roll it in breadcrumbs. For this roll, I take minced chicken and stuff it with cheese and herbs. It comes out indescribably tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. Improvise, bake or fry. It turns out equally delicious.

How to bake homemade meatloaf with eggs in the oven

You can prepare a huge number of different dishes from minced meat. One of them is meatloaf with egg. This is a great solution for those who are tired of classic cutlets, meatballs or meatballs. The roll is quite easy to prepare, it is equally good for an everyday lunch or a formal table.

For cooking, turkey, chicken, pork, veal, or beef mince, as well as a mixture of various types of meat, are used. If the mass is very dry, it is better to add lard twisted through a meat grinder to it, then the dish will turn out to be truly tender and melting in your mouth. A chicken egg is most often used as the entrails, but you can also use a quail product. Mushrooms, stewed vegetables or other ingredients are also used for filling.

The products are prepared in different ways: stewed in a frying pan with the lid closed, or baked. In extreme cases, it looks like “Scotch eggs.” To make the finished roll look most presentable, you can wrap it in thin strips of bacon and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. It mixes well with any side dishes and is therefore served with bread and vegetable salad, porridge or potato dishes.

Traditional meatloaf with egg

For those who have not yet become skilled in developing this culinary masterpiece, it is best to start with the traditional version of the recipe. It will take a little more than an hour to prepare the dish, but you will delight your family and guests with a surprisingly tasty delicacy. For 8 servings of roll you need:

  • 0.5 kg of meat (1 or several types)
  • 1 large onion (about 200 g)
  • 34 teaspoons salt
  • 1 pinch ground dark pepper
  • 100 g milk
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • 50 grams of oil (to grease the foil)

The eggs are hard-boiled, then you need to let them cool and peel them. Onions and garlic are peeled and washed. The veins and film are cut off from the meat, it is washed and, together with vegetables, is ground through a meat grinder.

The onion-meat mixture with garlic is placed in a deep bowl (comfortable for mixing minced meat), milk is poured into it and breadcrumbs are sprinkled in, after which everything is painstakingly mixed. It is better to beat the meat mass by picking it up and throwing it forcefully back into the bowl - this will make the product plastic and hold its shape perfectly even without adding raw eggs.

Read also:  Frozen mushroom soup

The foil is greased with vegetable oil, then placed on a baking sheet. The meat mass is placed on top and leveled so that it looks like a rectangle about 2 cm wide. The eggs are placed on it, then carefully lifting the edges of the foil, a roll is formed. Its seam is secured with hands dipped in water (so that the meat does not stick to the palms). The finished product resembles a sausage in shape and appearance. It needs to be wrapped in foil (you can even use 2 layers) and put in the oven for 1 hour. The roll is baked at 200 degrees.

15 minutes before turning off the oven, you need to unroll the foil to form an appetizing, crispy crust. The dish is served barely warm; it is better to grease it with barbecue sauce or ketchup. For a spectacular ceremonial serving, the product should be placed on lettuce leaves, pouring mayonnaise on top.

Meat roll with quail eggs

If you want to amaze your guests or family members with an unusual meat dish, a roll with quail eggs is perfect. It requires:

  • 1 kg of minced meat (you can create it yourself, or buy it ready-made in the store)
  • 1 medium onion
  • 100 g milk
  • 1 piece (100 g) white bread
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 20 quail eggs
  • 1 small carrot
  • 4 sprigs parsley
  • 30 grams of butter and the same amount of lean fat
  • 1 teaspoon salt and the same amount of ground pepper

You can also add herbs to taste - this will give the finished dish a special smell and make it special.

First you need to boil the quail eggs. To do this, they are boiled for 5 minutes, then filled with cool water until completely cooled and peeled. It is necessary to act very carefully so as not to crush them.

The greens are washed and finely chopped. Onions and carrots are peeled, washed under running water and finely chopped. Then they are sautéed in vegetable fat until they become transparent and begin to emit the appropriate smell.

The minced meat is placed in a deep bowl, eggs beaten with salt and pepper are added there, and then bread soaked in milk (the crumb without the crust is used). Everything is painstakingly mixed, after which the frying and finely chopped parsley are added. The products are mixed again to form a homogeneous mass.

The baking sheet is covered with parchment soaked in butter or waxed paper, on top of which the minced meat is placed. It is formed into something like a sausage, and quail eggs are placed on top of it. They need to be lightly dented so that they are actually one hundred percent inside the meat mass.

The product is inserted into a baking sleeve or wrapped in foil and cooked for about an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. 10 minutes before it’s ready, you’ll want to unwrap the roll so it browns. After finishing cooking, you need to let the dish “finish”, then put it on a tray or a huge plate, cutting it into slices.

Mushroom inside for roll

The roll can be filled not only with eggs, but also with stewed vegetables or mushrooms; such a dish turns out even more tender and juicier than an ordinary meat roll with egg filling. To create a filling for 1 kilogram of meat, you need to wash and chop 300 grams of mushrooms, mix them with 1 finely chopped onion, pour in 100 grams of vegetable oil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

Boiled and peeled eggs, prepared for the inside, can be cut into cubes and mixed with cooled fried mushrooms. Next, this mix is ​​placed on top of the minced meat, formed in the form of a rectangular cake. You need to carefully lift its edges with your hands, then wrap them so that the inside is inside the meat mass. The roll is baked for 1 hour, 10-15 minutes before the end of baking you need to unfold the foil and let it brown.

Read also:  Buckwheat soup with mushrooms

Making meatloaf with whole or chopped eggs is very easy. After spending 1-1.5 hours, you will get a very unusual, tasty and appetizing delicacy that everyone who tries it will probably like.

Minced meat roll with egg and cheese in the oven

Meat rolls are prepared not only from fillet, but also from minced meat. They are supplemented with vegetable, egg, mushroom or cheese innards and fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven in foil, a bag or baking sleeve, in baking paper or simply on a baking sheet.

A minced meatloaf with egg and cheese baked in the oven turns out superbly tender, beautiful and tasty. To ensure that the roll retains all the juices inside and becomes juicy, wrap it in baking paper. For flavor, add spices and garlic to the minced meat.

Minced chicken and pork roll with egg and cheese: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Minced pork – 300 g;
  • Minced chicken – 300 g;
  • Hard cheese (Poshekhonsky) – 70 g;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Breadcrumbs – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Khmeli-suneli – 0.5 tsp;
  • Seasoning for minced meat – 1 tsp;
  • Hot reddish pepper – 3 pinches;
  • Ground dark pepper and salt.

Production time: 65 min.

How to cook minced meatloaf with egg and cheese in the oven

1. Place minced pork and chicken (preferably homemade) into a bowl and mix. If it does not contain onions, then add 1 small onion, which we previously grate or chop in a blender bowl.

2. Add the egg, seasoning and salt (3 pinches).

3. Pour the crackers into a bowl and add the cloves of garlic that have been passed through a press.

4. Mix the workpiece well, beating the mass on the bottom of the bowl 3-4 times. This way the minced meat will become fluffy and retain its juiciness during baking.

5. Grate the boiled egg and cheese coarsely, chop the parsley finely, and place everything in a bowl.

6. Add mayonnaise, mix and the tasty interior for the roll is ready.

7. Pour oil (1 tsp) onto a piece of baking paper, distribute it by hand and place it on the work surface.

8. Place the meat mixture on the prepared paper and knead it moderately with your fingers into a not very narrow layer. Turn on the oven at 190 degrees.

9. Add the egg filling in the center of the layer and, moving away from the edges, distribute it.

10. Supporting the edges of the paper, cover the filling with minced meat on both sides.

11. Seal all the edges, turn over and make the meatloaf similar in thickness. It will be more convenient to form it if your hands are wetted in water.

12. Wrap the meat loaf in paper, wrapping the ends of the paper. This way, when baking, the dish will cook moderately and retain all the juices inside. There will be no need to wash dishes. Transfer to a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 45-50 minutes. There is no need to open the dish; the minced meat in the oven under the paper will be moderately covered with a brown crust.

13. Take out the most delicious fragrant meatloaf with egg and cheese and leave to rest for 10 minutes.

14. Then we remove the paper.

15. Cut the juicy beautiful roll into pieces and serve immediately with a hot side dish, pickles or the freshest vegetable salad.

On topic, minced meatloaves:

Tips for making:

  • According to this recipe, you can prepare a roll from any minced meat with an interior of fried vegetables, dried fruits, whole boiled eggs or several types of cheese.
  • You can supplement the minced meat with other spices to taste. Dried marjoram, basil and rosemary work well.
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