Dough for tartlets

Dough for tartlets

It has long been the case that on any festive table there must be a huge number of different dishes: first, second, various salads, tenderloins and, of course, appetizers. They are the ones who make the menu of any holiday inimitable and unique. An appetizer is the kind of thing where you can show all the imagination that you have, because it is important that it is not only tasty, but also beautiful. That’s why tartlets are very common at the moment. It would seem that there is nothing special about them, but they fly apart in a few seconds. It is usually customary to buy the baskets ready-made, but for such a wonderful sweet you can try preparing the dough at home, in addition, it will be even cheaper than buying it in the store, and, of course, tastier.

Dough for tartlets with sour cream

Servings: 25 pieces

Tartlets are very small sand braids made from crumbly, savory dough that simply melt in your mouth. To fill them, it is customary to use sweet, salty or spicy filling. Typically, the size of the baskets does not exceed 10 cm, and another positive feature is that they can be very easily created at home. The main thing is to have the entire necessary set of goods, several silicone or steel molds and, of course, the desire to create tartlets.

Set of goods for making

  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 100 grams of margarine or butter;
  • 60 grams of sour cream;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Manufacturing method

  1. How to prepare this delicacy at home? The recipe is indescribably simple. It is necessary to sift premium flour into a bowl and then mix with salt. Next, you need to grate the frozen margarine into this mixture on a large grater, stirring occasionally (this is necessary so that the margarine does not begin to melt and spreads moderately throughout the flour).
  2. When all the margarine has been crushed using a grater, you need to mix the mixture with your hands and mix it heavily, and grind it, trying to create crumbs.
  3. After these simple steps are completed, all that remains is to add sour cream, and then knead everything well again, without wasting time.
    The result of kneading should be the following: dense, smooth and elastic dough; if the result is not like that (crumbs appear), you need to add a little more flour and knead again. In the end, everything that comes out needs to be rolled into a careful ball.
  4. Afterwards, the shortbread should be placed in a bowl and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it hardens and does not “run off” anywhere. While the “bun” is cooling, you can prepare the baking tins and also start preheating the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
  5. We take the “bun” out of the refrigerator and cut it into small pieces approximately 1 centimeter wide. We place any piece in a baking dish and carefully level it around the entire perimeter so that the braid, firstly, comes out beautiful, and, secondly, is of uniform thickness. The bottom of the workpiece should be poked with a fork (to prevent the creation of air bubbles). You can also prevent such an unpleasant situation by adding any cereal, for example, peas. It will act as a load and will not allow the contents to swell, rise and deform the bottom.
  6. We send the finished future braids to the oven and bake them there until ready. Baking time will depend on the size of the basket and the thickness of its walls. A golden color and a wonderful smell will be a signal that it’s time to remove the braids.
  7. Take the finished shortbread tartlets out of the oven and let them cool slightly, then take them out of the molds and remove the cereal, which acted as a load. Now you can put any filling you like in them and serve them to the table.
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This recipe for tartlets is not bad because you don’t even need to grease the molds for them, because they themselves are already quite greasy. So you need to pay attention to their calorie content and try to use the lightest possible filling for a dish prepared using this method.

Traditional shortcrust pastry for tartlets

Servings: 25–30 pieces

How to make sand braids? Very quickly and simply, without experiencing any special problems. In addition, this recipe goes with virtually any filling. From the same preparations you can create both an appetizer and use them for a sweet dessert. The choice of what the baked masterpiece will be and what its shape will be remains up to the hostess of the holiday.

Set of goods for making

  • 200 g butter;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50-100 g sugar (depending on the inside);
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Manufacturing method

  1. The process of making tartlet dough should begin by chopping the butter. It is worth seeing that the butter does not have to be melted or melted; the harder it is, the better. Cut it into small pieces and add them to the flour. Then gently knead any piece of butter with a spoon, trying to create a homogeneous mass. This must be done very quickly so that the butter does not have time to melt from the warmth of your hands.
  2. Now you will need to beat the eggs in another bowl, and then add salt and sugar (the amount of sugar can be adjusted depending on the inside or on the hostess’s own preferences). Once the sugar is in the bowl, everything needs to be beaten well again until a snow-white egg foam forms.
  3. Now you need to combine the flour and egg mixture and quickly knead a tasty dough for tartlets at home.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. When everything is ready, the cup with its contents goes into the refrigerator for 15 minutes to harden a little and rest.
  5. After the time has passed, the dough should be removed from the refrigerator and divided into small pieces. Any piece made should be placed in the center of the mold (you can bake in both silicone and steel), and then carefully level it around the entire perimeter. Now the workpiece needs to be pierced with a fork so that during baking the bottom does not rise and an air bubble does not form.
  6. The pieces should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for no more than 10–15 minutes (baking time depends on the personal characteristics of the oven). The main thing is not to forget about them and constantly supervise them, because due to the thin walls they quickly bake and can burn in a moment.
  7. This recipe can also be used to make almost any shortbread pie or shortbread cookies. He's all-purpose.

Thanks to this method, you can bake a huge number of delicious baskets (from 25 to 30 pieces). And these remarkable preparations can be filled with a variety of entrails: meat salads, chicken salads, mushrooms, eggs, caviar, as well as various sweet additives: berries, chocolate, cream and jam. They don’t do anything with these braids, but they always come out very cool and original.

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These well-known traditional recipes help to prepare a lot of tasty baskets for the holiday, and the main thing is that they can be prepared in advance and not worry that they will go stale. On the day of the holiday, all that remains is to fill them with some tasty interior, decorate and serve to the table, to the satisfaction of all the gathered guests.

Cook deliciously and bon appetit!

Shortbread dough for tartlets: recipe with step-by-step photos

Tartlets can now be purchased in virtually any hypermarket. But not all of them are tasty. Therefore, it is better to create the dough for tartlets at home. Almost 10-15 minutes are needed to make shortcrust pastry (plus 20 minutes for baking), from which tartlets can be baked both in molds and without molds, making braids of different shapes.

Ingredients needed

We only need 4 ingredients. For 7 huge or 10 medium-sized tartlets, prepare:

  • 200 g margarine or butter;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 eggs or 4 yolks;
  • little salt (so that the braids are not too bland);
  • peas, which will not allow the dough to rise.

If you use yolks rather than eggs, the baskets will turn out to be bright yellowish in color.

Recipe for making tartlets with photo

Cut the softened margarine or butter into small pieces, add to the dish with flour, knead well (preferably with your hands).

You should end up with a mixture that crumbles.

Beat the eggs and add to the margarine and flour.

Knead the dough well until it becomes elastic. If it sticks to your hands, add a little more flour.

Now it can be rolled out and cut into pieces of suitable size.

If you use cutters, you can cut out circles directly with them.

I use muffin tins, so the baskets are quite large.

If desired, you can make tartlets of any shape from shortcrust pastry, only the edges must be painstakingly fastened together.

The molds are greased with margarine, after which their bottom is covered with dough.

Peas are poured into the bottom of the baskets themselves.

The oven is heated to 200 degrees, after which the tartlets are baked in it for 15-20 minutes. Once they acquire a beautiful golden color, the manufacturing process is complete.

Cooled shortcrust pastry tartlets can be filled with entrails. Follow the highlighted link and check out 4 types of ordinary but delicious innards.

Unsweetened shortbread dough for tartlets and tarts

Store-bought tartlets are not always tasty, and in their composition, in addition to flour, oil and water, there are many other components.

That’s why I found a basic recipe for shortcrust pastry and prepare them at home. By the way, you can use it to create a base for hearty open pies (tarts).

How to make unsweetened shortcrust pastry for tartlets

  • flour - 225 g;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • cool water 80-90 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the molds.

Production time: 6 hours

1. Mix the sifted flour with a teaspoon of salt. Add 125 g of chilled butter.

2. Gently grind the ingredients until crumbs come out.

3. Add water.

4. Knead soft shortbread dough. We really don’t want to crumple it, otherwise the dough will be inelastic later, and the tartlets will turn out “woody”.

5. Wrap the finished dough in a bag or cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

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6. After an hour, take out the dough, divide it into parts and roll it into a layer up to 5 mm wide.

7. Using a mold or glass, cut out a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the shape.

8. Grease the tartlet molds with vegetable oil and preheat the oven to 200°C.

9. Lay out the dough and form a side.

10. Pierce with a fork, add peas (you can use rice, chickpeas or beans).

11. Place the molds with the dough in the preheated oven and bake for no more than 15 minutes.

12. Take out the finished tartlets and pour in the peas. Cool the baskets and fill them with salads, hearty entrails and other favorite delicacies.

You can prepare tartlets for future use. They are stored unsurpassedly and do not lose their own taste. Must be stored in a cool, dry place.

I read that you can put it in the freezer by packing it in a tight bag, but I haven’t tried doing that myself. They usually don't stay with me

Prize: what to create from leftover shortcrust pastry

I still had dough left, but I had enough of the baskets, so I made cookies like crackers.

1. Roll out the dough into a narrow layer of 3-4 mm. Cut out cookies with a cookie cutter.

2. Place on a greased baking sheet.

3. Bake for 8-10 minutes at 200°C. Let the finished cookies cool. And crunchy :-)

I did something impromptu with the crackers. I think completely successful

Unsweetened shortbread tartlets

Preparation time: 15 min.

Production time: 35 min.

Number of servings: 30 pcs.


Preparing shortbread tartlets

Small sand tartlets are an excellent banquet appetizer, perfect for serving with a slice of delicious fish or a spoonful of caviar. You can prepare shortbread tartlets for any holiday at home, and even a few days before the celebration, because they are perfectly stored for some time in the refrigerator without losing their parameters.

How to prepare “Savoury shortbread tartlets” step by step with photos at home

Prepare the ingredients for the tartlets: flour, room temperature butter, salt and egg. I have a large testicle weighing 68 grams; during production, count specifically on this weight, because testicles come in smaller sizes.

Mix the egg and softened butter with a spatula.

Sift flour and salt on top.

Quickly knead the elastic shortbread dough.

Roll out the dough into a layer about 0.3-0.4 cm wide. Cut out round pieces with a mold with a wavy edge.

Place the preparations in molds for small tartlets and bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for about 10-12 minutes.

Carefully remove the shortbread tartlets from the mold and cool.

We advise

Reviews (15):

The right thing, listen!

Wonderful tartlets! Very comfortable delivery.

If only before putting it in the oven, I would sprinkle each tartlet with some kind of cereal so that the dough does not rise too much. Well, this is not for everyone)

Nope, I finished it, earlier I put in various beans and I even have special balls lying around here and there, but later I threw it away - too much time is running out. It’s faster for me to create a lot of holes than to pick out and pour out these beans later. These tartlets do not rise on their own, this is a baking dish, it’s not very flat, the bottom is completely shallow, that’s why they came out like that. And absolutely, if someone is comfortable, then this is also a good method, you can fall asleep!

For shortcrust pastry, such development is not needed, but if it were puff pastry, then it would be possible to load it.

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