Recipes for liqueurs made from reddish rowan, because it’s rainy autumn

Recipes for liqueurs made from reddish rowan, because it’s rainy autumn

A folk sign says: there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - a sign of rainy dawn. The autumn of 2016 turned out to be really rainy, and it was easy to predict such weather. Rowan branches are bursting with languid burgundy fruits. A lot of rowan - rainy autumn, and also the most delicious drinks at home, among which liqueurs take up a lot of space.

I have already told you how to prepare tinctures and wine from reddish rowan. In those articles you can find virtually all the relevant information on this raw material, including useful characteristics of the plant and some tricks for preparing the fruit. You will also learn a lot of interesting things from Don Pomazan’s article with recipes for liqueurs made from reddish rowan. By the way, it describes a unique recipe that was randomly used by Vitaly. The result was a most delicious drink, one of the best that he, and I, prepared at home.

Liqueurs from reddish rowan are also prepared at home. The result is a very high-quality product that has no analogues, either in taste or smell. As before, it is very important to properly prepare the fruits, and the rest is done by time and an excellent alcohol base, in which vodka, alcohol, good moonshine, and cognac have proven equally excellent. It’s true that it’s easier to make such liqueurs with alcohol and the infusion time can be reduced.

But, unfortunately, the aging period cannot be shortened - the liqueur gains flavor for at least six months, but the entire flavor spectrum appears only after a year. Over time, the not very pleasant bitterness of rowan, which is virtually impossible to get rid of one hundred percent, is transformed into a pleasant astringency that gently spreads across the palate.

As for preparing rowan fruits, everything is simple. Obviously, they need to be collected after the first frost - freezing leads to the destruction of the bitter glycoside of sorbic acid and the bitterness goes away. If there is no such ability, simply place the fruits in the freezer for one night (that is, in the dark) . After defrosting, the fruits must be processed within a week, otherwise they may be lost. After freezing, it is better to wash the rowan with warm water or completely rinse it with boiling water. This will remove the bitterness even more effectively, and the fruit will burst due to temperature changes, which is great, because the bursting berry releases taste and smell more quickly.

I give you several recipes. Choose according to your own taste and do not forget that the best homemade drinks are drinks acquired as a result of successful experiences, and sometimes not very successful ones. So, successful and unsuccessful experiences for you!

Regular reddish rowan liqueur with vodka

  • 2 kg of reddish rowan fruits
  • 150-500 g sugar
  • 2.5 l vodka

Collect rowan after the first frost or leave it overnight (that is, at night) in the freezer. Let the fruits thaw, remove the branches and dry. Place the prepared rowan on a baking sheet with parchment and place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 15-20 minutes, so that the fruits release juice and shrink slightly. After this, transfer the rowan into a jar of a suitable size, sprinkle with sugar to taste (start with a small amount of 150 grams, the liqueur can always be sweetened after infusion) and pour in vodka. Infuse in a dark, warm place for at least eight weeks. Strain the liqueur through several layers of gauze, lightly squeeze the fruits. Pour the drink into bottles and keep for at least 6 months.

Rowan liqueur with lemon

  • 1 kg of reddish rowan fruits
  • 0.5 l of food alcohol
  • 0.5 l water
  • zest of half a lemon
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 100-200 g sugar

We take rowan after the first frost or leave it overnight (that is, at night) in the freezer. After thawing, pour boiling water over the fruits, and then rinse under running warm water. Pour the fruits into a jar of a suitable size, add the zest of half a lemon and juice, and then fill everything with a mixture of alcohol and water so that it covers the rowan one hundred percent. Leave the tightly closed jar in a warm, dark place for one month.

We drain the infusion through a sieve, and sprinkle the rowan fruits with sugar to taste. We wait another 5 days until the sugar is converted into syrup and absorbs the remaining alcohol. Drain the syrup, mix it with the infusion, filter and leave the liqueur in a cold place to age. Usually the drink develops a pleasant taste and smell within a year, but it becomes perfect only after two to three years, so be patient.

Homemade rowan liqueur with prunes

The addition of prunes allows you to get a drink with a light smoky smell and taste, which makes the liqueur the most exciting (Scotch whiskey lovers will appreciate it). If you love prunes, then be sure to try tinctures with them, you will find recipes in this article. Some of the vodka in this recipe can be replaced with a small amount of alcohol, but in the end, with vodka, you will get a drink of good strength, around 20-30%.

  • 2 kg of reddish rowan fruits
  • 100-150 g sugar
  • 50-75 ml water
  • 100 g prunes
  • 2.5 l vodka

Freeze the rowan, let it thaw and wash under warm water. Make a thick syrup from sugar and water. Place the rowan fruits into a suitable sized jar, add prunes and immediately pour in the bubbling syrup. Let the mixture cool to room temperature and add vodka. Close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark, warm place for at least 8 weeks. Then drain the infusion through several layers of gauze, delicately squeeze out the rowan berries and prunes, filter the drink and bottle it. The finished liqueur should be aged for at least 6 months, but the longer the better.

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Another rowan liqueur with honey

  • 1 kg of reddish rowan fruits
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 liter of alcohol
  • 1 liter of water
  • ½-1 cinnamon stick
  • honey to taste

Freeze the rowan overnight (that is, in the dark) , then let it thaw and wash it under warm water (you can douse it with boiling water beforehand). Pour into a jar of a suitable size, add sugar, cinnamon to taste and fill everything with alcohol diluted in half with water. Close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark, warm place for a period of 6 weeks to six months, as long as you have enough patience. Then drain the infusion through several layers of gauze, lightly squeeze the fruits and add honey to the drink to taste, having previously dissolved it in warm water. If necessary, filter the liqueur, then bottle it and send it for long-term aging, at least for 1 year.

Healing rowan liqueur with cognac

Healing rowan liqueur helps with gastrointestinal disorders, gallbladder diseases, promotes the destruction of kidney stones, and is also often used to detoxify the liver (very useful in early January).

  • 300 g reddish rowan
  • 3-4 dried dates
  • 10 raisins
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 100 ml alcohol
  • 100 ml cognac
  • 800 ml vodka

Freeze the rowan, pour boiling water over it and wash under warm water. Transfer the fruits to a suitable sized jar, add dates, raisins, sugar, alcohol and cognac. Pour in another 300 ml of vodka (to completely cover the rowan), close the jar tightly and leave in a warm, dark place for at least 4-6 weeks. Drain the infusion through a sieve, and pour the remaining vodka over the rowan. After a week, drain the second infusion, combine it with the first, filter, bottle and age for a year. Drink in small quantities after meals as a digestif.

Two best recipes for reddish rowan liqueur

Homemade liqueur from reddish rowan is a tasty and necessary drink in limited quantities that helps strengthen the immune system. Ripe, juicy berries collected after the first frost are perfect for liqueurs. Under the influence of cold, reddish rowan becomes sweeter, and some of the bitterness is lost. If there have not been frosts yet, put the berries in the freezer for 1-2 hours so that they reach a suitable condition.

The alcohol base can be vodka, ethyl alcohol 40-45% or moonshine. I do not recommend preparing liqueur from reddish rowan using natural fermentation (without vodka). The berry ferments poorly, and the result is not worth the effort, there are no advantages in taste.

Swift liqueur from reddish rowan

A common recipe reminiscent of making liqueurs.


  • rowan berries – 2 kg;
  • vodka – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 liter.


1. Separate the berries from the branches, sort and wash with water in a colander.

2. Add water and sugar to the pan, bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, removing the snow-white foam.

3. Pour the hot syrup over the berries and stir.

4. Pour the mixture, which has cooled to room temperature, into a container for infusion, for example, a jar. Add vodka, stir.

5. Close the lid tightly and leave in a dark place for 20-25 days. Shake once every 3-5 days.

6. Strain the homemade rowan liqueur through a couple of layers of gauze.

7. Pour the drink into bottles and seal tightly. Store in a cellar or refrigerator. Shelf life up to 5 years. Approximate strength – 15-18%.

Traditional liqueur made from reddish rowan

The difficult development of production is compensated by a rich tart-sweet taste with light sour notes.


  • berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • vodka – 0.8 liters;
  • water – 0.5 liters (optional).


1. Wash the berries separated from the branches, dry them, and place them in an even layer on a baking sheet.

2. Place the reddish rowan in an oven preheated to 60°C. Bake until fragrant and juices begin to release, usually 12-15 minutes.

3. Remove the berries from the oven, cool to room temperature, pour into a jar for infusion, add vodka, stir.

4. Close the lid tightly and place the jar for 30-35 days in a warm, well-lit room, for example, in a room by a window.

5. Strain the infusion through 2-3 layers of gauze without squeezing. Seal the watery part and put it in the refrigerator.

6. Cover the berries with sugar, shake a couple of times, and seal tightly.

7. Transfer the jar to a dark room at room temperature. Leave for 20-25 days. During this period of time, the sugar will absorb the remaining alcohol from the berries.

8. Strain the rowan syrup through cheesecloth, mix it with the infusion purchased in step 5. Keep refrigerated. The result will be a sweet, thick liqueur made from reddish rowan, reminiscent of liqueur. If the taste is satisfactory, production is completed.

Lovers of strong alcohol can skip the subsequent steps, adding vodka (alcohol) to reduce the sweetness at their own discretion. The upcoming development is aimed at reducing the strength.

9. Pour cool water over the berries, shake a couple of times, close the jar and keep in a dark place for 10-14 days.

10. Strain without squeezing through cheesecloth, mix with the rowan liqueur prepared in step eight.

11. Pour the drink into bottles. When stored in the refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is 5-6 years. Strength when diluted with water is 12-15 degrees.

Rowan liqueur: 4 recipes at home

Rowan liqueur is a very worthy drink that has no similar analogues. Its taste and smell are simply indescribable.

The most difficult thing to make is the time it takes to cure. After all, a rowan drink becomes a real work of alcoholic art only after a year, or even three.

Edible alcohol, vodka and moonshine of the highest quality can be used as an alcohol base. You can also experiment with a cognac base.

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They also make wine and tincture from rowan.

  • 1 Unique rowan liqueur
  • 2 The usual recipe for rowan liqueur
  • 3 Rowan liqueur with citrus notes
  • 4 Rowan tincture with smoky taste and smell

Unique rowan liqueur


Reddish rowan – 1 kg

Sweet sand – 500 g

Preparation method

Rowan must be thoroughly washed, spoiled berries and excess debris removed, and slightly dried.

Place the prepared berries in an even layer on a baking sheet and bake in a previously preheated oven at 60 degrees for 12–15 minutes.

As soon as a powerful smell appears and the rowan begins to release juice, remove the baking sheet from the oven and cool the contents to room temperature.

Pour the baked fruits into a glass jar and pour in the alcohol base. Leave for one month in a dark place.

After 30 days, strain the rowan tincture into a clean container, and cover the berries with sweet sand. Shake well and transfer to a dark space at room temperature for 20–25 days.

Now we filter the rowan syrup and mix it with the tincture.

We pass the finished drink through a filter, bottle it, cool it and serve it.

The shelf life of the liqueur is 5–6 years, if stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

The usual recipe for rowan liqueur


Reddish rowan fruits – 2 kg

Sweet sand – 1 kg

Preparation method

We prepare the berries as described in the previous recipe, step 1.

We prepare a basic sweet syrup from water and sweet sand.

Pour hot syrup over the prepared rowan and cool to room temperature.

Then pour the cooled mixture into a glass container for infusion and add vodka. Mix well and leave for 20–25 days in a dark place. From time to time, every 3-5 days, shake the contents of the container.

We filter the finished rowan liqueur and bottle it.

The strength of the drink is about 15–18 degrees. Store for no more than 5 years in the refrigerator.

Rowan liqueur with citrus notes


Reddish rowan – 1 kg

Edible alcohol – 500 ml

Zest of half a lemon

Juice of half a lemon

Sweet sand – 200 g

Preparation method

Rowan should be placed in the freezer (that is, in the dark)

The next day, defrost the berries, pour boiling water over them and then rinse under running water.

Pour the prepared fruits into a glass container of a suitable size, add two lemon components and fill with a mixture of alcohol and water (the alcohol should cover the entire rowan).

Close the jar with a lid and leave for 30 days in a warm, poorly lit place.

After a month, we filter the infusion into a new container, and cover the berries with sweet sand and leave for 5–7 days.

Once the rowan syrup appears, it needs to be drained and mixed with the infusion.

We filter the finished drink and bottle it.

Before you start tasting the liqueur, you need to leave it in a cold place for one year, or preferably three, to stabilize the taste.

Rowan tincture with smoky taste and smell

The drink gets its fascinating flavor from prunes, which will be added during the manufacturing process.

The strength of the liqueur is about 20–30 degrees.


Reddish rowan – 2 kg

Prunes – 100 g

Sweet sand – 150 g

Preparation method

We prepare the rowan fruits using the method described in the previous recipe, only excluding the “pouring boiling water” step.

Place the berries and prunes in a suitable sized container.

Then, without cooling, pour it into a container with rowan berries and prunes.

Once the mixture has cooled to room temperature, add the alcohol base. Leave in a dark, warm room for 8–10 weeks.

Once the infusion period is completed, the drink must be strained, squeezed out the pulp, passed through a filter and bottled.

Before tasting, the finished rowan liqueur should be kept for at least six months in a cold place.

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Tincture of reddish rowan at home - 7 best recipes

Autumn is the time when you have the opportunity to replenish your supplies with fruits and berries. In the middle of them, a reddish rowan occupies a special space. Even in ancient times, our forefathers knew about the medicinal properties of this plant. Useful properties were used to heal various ailments and added to food.

Nowadays, it is used in cooking and cosmetology. Despite the bitter and tart taste, rowan berries make good alcoholic drinks - tart wine, fragrant liqueurs and liqueurs, savory moonshine. And the tincture of reddish rowan is considered a very elite, unique drink that will decorate any feast.

Because of its own specific taste, at home, reddish rowan is mainly used to make only alcoholic drinks, and less often compotes and jam. Additional ingredients are added to recipes for rowan tinctures: spices, citrus fruits, dried fruits, ginger, herbs, honey and sugar. Vodka, sugar moonshine, alcohol, and less often cognac, brandy, and rum are used as alcohol.

  1. Harvesting and storage of berries
  2. Rowan tincture with alcohol
  3. video - the usual recipe for making rowanberry
  4. “Nizhyn mountain ash” - an ancient recipe
  5. Tincture of apples and reddish rowan
  6. Rowan tincture with vodka and mint
  7. Recipe for reddish rowan tincture with cognac
  8. Swift tincture of reddish rowan with cinnamon

Harvesting and storage of berries

Usually, the collection of reddish rowan fruits occurs either before or after the roses. In the first case, it is September, the berries become large and turn a striking reddish color. The collected rowan at this time has an increased bitterness and is not as juicy. But it can be stored for a long time and is excellent for drying for future use.

Rowan collected after frost becomes sweet, juicy, and easy to collect. Such raw materials are more suitable for jams, juices and tinctures.

In order to preserve the fruits longer, they are dried. Beforehand, the berries are washed and sorted, leaving the larger ones. Then dry on a towel and place on a baking sheet. Drying occurs at a temperature of 70-80°C. Part of the rowan can be caramelized by keeping it at a temperature of 170-180C for 20 minutes; such fruits will give the drink color and additional flavors.

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Rowan tincture with alcohol

This is a traditional rowan tincture; by analogy, you can create a drink using high-quality moonshine, the alcohol strength must be at least 50%. The freshest, frozen rowan is suitable for this recipe. Instead of sugar, honey can be used, adding it to taste, but the neat appearance of the drink is slightly spoiled, because honey imparts cloudiness to the tincture.


  • Fresh reddish rowan – 3 kg;
  • Sugar – 250 gr;
  • Alcohol 50-60% – 2 l.

How to create:

  1. Separate the fruits from the tassels, wash with water, and dry on a towel.
  2. Place the berries in a five-liter container, sprinkling any layer with sugar.
  3. Pour in the alcohol base, filling the contents of the jar up to the shoulders. Infuse the berries for 10 days.
  4. Strain the infusion into a clean container and leave for 2-3 weeks before use.

The remaining berries can be reused by filling them with a new batch of alcohol and leaving for 1-2 months.

video - the usual recipe for making rowanberry

“Nizhyn mountain ash” - an ancient recipe

Tincture is the owner of the prestigious Large Gold Medal, acquired in 1889 at the Global Exhibition in Paris. All French newspapers wrote about this drink as a Russian miracle. The tincture owes its creation to the Russian “Vodka King” Pyotr Arsenvich Smirnov. And its recipe was kept secret and a special legend was even invented about its origin.

To make the drink, we use the unique Nevezhinsky rowan, collected after the first autumn frosts; it becomes the softest and sweetest. Or use other cultivated varieties with the highest sugar content. For alcohol, grain or fruit distillate (as in the ancient recipe) has proven to be ideal, but vodka or alcohol diluted with water will do.

Composition of Nizhyn tincture:

  • Reddish rowan;
  • Strong alcohol 45-50%.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the collected berries, removing all dirt, and let them drain.
  2. Fill the container one hundred percent with rowan berries, without compacting. The standard is to use an oak barrel, but if you don’t have one, you can get by with a glass jar.
  3. Fill the barrel with distillate to the top and seal with a stopper.
  4. After a day, the rowan will absorb some of the alcohol, so you need to top up the container until it is completely full. Repeat the function for the first three days.
  5. After two weeks, turn the barrel over a couple of times, being careful not to shake the contents, so as not to damage the berries. Then rotate the container in this way for any two weeks, for 2 months.
  6. Strain the infusion from the barrel and pour into bottles. Withstand at least 6 months, 1 year as standard. The longer the tincture is aged, the tastier it becomes.

To soften the tincture, you can add fructose. 1 teaspoon per liter of drink. The shelf life in a closed container in a cool, dark place is unlimited.

Tincture of apples and reddish rowan


  • Vodka – 750 ml;
  • Rowan berries – 250 gr;
  • Apples – 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 150 gr.


  1. Apples of fragrant types, wash. Cut out the core with the seeds and cut into small slices.
  2. Sort out the frost-hit rowan, wash and dry.
  3. Place rowan berries and apples in a jar, sprinkle with any sugar.
  4. Pour in the alcohol base; it must cover the berries and fruits.
  5. Cover the neck with a towel and leave for 2-3 months until the berries become dull.
  6. Strain the finished drink and pour into a glass container. Before serving, let the drink rest for a few days.

Rowan tincture with vodka and mint

A unique tincture with a pleasant strong taste and refreshing aroma. This drink is pleasant to drink both on a hot afternoon and in the evening in the company of friends. You can replace the mint in the recipe with lemon balm.


  • Reddish rowan fruits – 500 g;
  • Vodka – 1000 ml;
  • Sweet sand – 50 g;
  • Fresh mint - to taste.

How to create:

  1. Prepare the berries as in previous recipes, crush them into a paste with a rolling pin.
  2. Place in a glass container and add vodka.
  3. Leave for 15 days.
  4. Strain the vodka infusion and squeeze out the thick fraction using gauze.
  5. Fry the sugar in a frying pan until it turns coffee brown, add to the infusion and stir thoroughly.
  6. Pour boiling water over the mint and heat over low heat for 15 minutes. Allow to cool and add mint water to the tincture.
  7. Pour the drink into bottles and leave for 5-7 days before testing.

Recipe for reddish rowan tincture with cognac

Based on the ingredients, this drink is financially expensive. But rowanberry, made with cognac, will satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious gourmets with its smell and taste.


  • Cognac – 500 ml;
  • Rowan – 250 gr;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp;
  • Oak bark – 1 tbsp;
  • Zest of half an orange.

How to create a tincture:

  1. Place unblemished berries together with the rest of the ingredients in a jar.
  2. Pour in cognac, close the lid, and shake.
  3. Leave in a cold place for three months.
  4. Strain the rowan extract and filter through cotton pads.

Swift tincture of reddish rowan with cinnamon


  • Rowan – 1 kg;
  • Moonshine, vodka – 500 ml;
  • Sugar – 300 gr;
  • Water – 500 ml;
  • Zest of half a lemon;
  • Cinnamon – 1–2 sticks.

Step-by-step manufacturing recipe:

  1. Make regular syrup from water and sugar.
  2. Pour boiling water over the fruits for one minute.
  3. Rub the berries through a fine sieve. Squeeze the rowan juice through cheesecloth.
  4. Grind the cinnamon with a rolling pin.
  5. Mix rowan juice, zest, cinnamon and syrup in a jar. Pour in sweet moonshine.
  6. Leave in the refrigerator for a day.
  7. Filter the tincture.

Attention, excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!

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