Blog of Maria Snow White

Blog of Maria Snow White

Pavlova cake

Hi all. Now I’m in a hurry to bring you the most summer cake, meet me - this is Pavlova. Easy to make, indescribably beautiful and delicious! And these are not all the words about this dessert) If you have never prepared it without the help of others, then now is the time!

Pavlova - what is it anyway? This is a cake made from meringue (whipped egg whites), with a narrow crispy crust and a weightless soufflé inside. Using the same principle, you can prepare this dessert in the form of a cake! Everything is limited only by your imagination!

There are a lot of recipes on the Internet, but the results are not always good. Having prepared this delicacy myself a year and a half ago, I was very disappointed, the cake simply fell apart in front of my eyes! Later, for a long time I did not dare to repeat it. And I just started making meringues according to the recipe. True, the cake came out quite crispy. But I achieved the most delicious thing in a cake - soufflé - relatively recently.

At the moment I am ready to share with you the best Pavlova recipe.

Impeccable Pavlova, what is she like? In my opinion, these are 4 parameters: beautiful on the outside (these must have clear edges), white (the cream color immediately aggravates the appearance), narrow crust and soufflé on the inside.

If you found answers to the questions: “How to create a white Pavlova cake?”, “How to achieve clear edges so that Pavlova does not spill in the oven?”, “How to achieve a soufflé inside Pavlova?”, then this is literally for you)

So, how to cook a Pavlova cake at home, step-by-step recipe with photos.

Ingredients (10−12 pieces):

  1. 150 g protein
  2. 300 g sugar
  3. 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  4. 1 tablespoon starch (any kind you can)

To begin with, you can take a different amount of protein, the main thing is to realize one simple thing - 1 part protein and 2 parts sugar. In other words, if you want to make the smallest amount of cakes, then taking, for example, 100 grams of protein, you will need 200 grams of sugar. Everything is simple here, you just need to have a kitchen scale in the house. You won’t even have to ask about the number of eggs, because eggs, as annoying as it may sound, are different and if you want a consistently good result, you’ll have to splurge and buy scales (by the way, they are cheap, you can find options for around 1000 rubles ).

Next, I would like to immediately remind you of the rules for working with proteins. Protein fears fat and water. Therefore, we carefully make sure that the yolk does not get in when separating the eggs. Make sure the bowl, bowl and whisks are clean. It is better to wipe them first with alcohol, vodka, lemon juice or vinegar to degrease the surface. When pouring egg whites from a bowl into the mixer bowl, make sure that no water from the bottom surface of the bowl gets into the bowl.

We will prepare Pavlova from Swiss meringue. What exactly is Swiss meringue? This is simply heating the protein and sugar in a water bath until the mixture is completely dissolved. In this way, our mass is then simply whipped and, most importantly, forms a strong structure at the exit! It is as a result of such an act that Pavlova emerges as beautiful and strong.

That's all the main points) Let's start manufacturing.

Place a saucepan with water on the stove over medium heat. You don’t need to pour a lot of water, a third of the volume is enough.

Place the egg whites and sugar in a heatproof bowl and mix. The bowl, of course, must be larger than the saucepan)

As soon as the water in the saucepan boils, place our whites and sugar on top. And, stirring the mixture, wait for the sugar to completely dissolve. It takes me 5-7 minutes.

How to check that the sugar has completely dissolved? Just rub the mass between your fingers, if there are no grains, then you can remove it from the bath.

Pour the whites into the mixer bowl and begin to beat. Beat at high mixer speed until stiff peaks form. If you have a hand mixer, then you can beat in the same bowl, the main thing is to keep in mind that the whites will noticeably increase in volume.

Halfway through whisking, add lemon juice.

This photo shows what the finished meringue looks like. The mass must stand on the rim with a stake! It takes me about 7 minutes to beat, but that’s with my mixer. You will have the rest of the numbers. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I do not recommend taking a small amount of protein, because almost all mixers cannot beat this mass because the whisk does not reach the bottom. And one more thing, if you can’t beat the mass with a low-power hand mixer (please note that a blender is not suitable for us!), then start whipping right in the bathhouse! Don’t worry, the protein won’t cook, almost everyone has already tried it)

Once you have reached such a beak, add starch, in my case corn, and mix with a silicone spatula or mixer at low speed.

We transfer the meringue into a pastry bag with a nozzle (I have a 10 mm closed star) and place “nests” on a baking sheet.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or a mat in advance.

We send our cakes to a preheated oven and dry them for about an hour at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. I dry using convection, but you can just use the top-bottom mode.

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The main thing here is not to raise the temperature above 90 degrees, otherwise Pavlova will become creamy in color.

How do you know when the cake is ready? They should just move away from the paper. Don’t overdry them, otherwise you won’t get a soufflé inside! You will have to experiment a little with your oven. If the stove is gas, dry it with the door ajar.

It’s better to leave the finished Pavlova to cool in the oven with the door open, so it won’t crack due to temperature changes. This is the kind of soufflé that should be inside!

And then we fill the cake to our own taste (for me, the most delicious inside is lemon curd), and decorate it with cream of your choice. For me, Pavlova tastes best with creams such as cream cheese, Mascarpone cream, whipped cream, cream cheese. I have all these creams on my website, just click on them and you will be taken to the appropriate page. For this number of cakes you will need 350-400 grams of cream.

The finished cake cannot be stored for a long time because it gets soggy from the light cream. I recommend eating it within the first 2-4 hours. But it can easily withstand 12 hours in the refrigerator, the crunch just disappears a little. The preparations themselves, without the insides and cream, can be stored for 5-7 days at room temperature.

This is what I got!

Be sure to please your family and friends with this delicacy! Light cream, sourness from the Kurd, gentle crunch and weightless soufflé - all this together gives a stunning taste! I'm sure all guests will appreciate it!

Well, if you want to watch a video of the making of this cake, I advise you to subscribe to my page on Instagram. There's still a lot of exciting stuff there! Here is the link - Maria Snow White.

Pavlova cake

Everyone knows the history of this dessert, I won’t repeat it. I love Pavlova, and I specifically love the dessert version in the form of cakes. For some reason I like the cake version less. I don’t understand why, maybe in the form of a cake it’s not so pleasing to the eye?

When I was a child, no one had heard of Pavlova. But my mother is skilled at making meringues. Like no one else. They came out flawless: smooth, airy, perfectly baked.

And now I think, how did she manage to do this? There was no mixer, it was impossible to set the temperature in the oven, the ovens of the Russian era were still the same. I remember there were two bricks in our oven for the most even distribution of heat.

At the moment, creating such cakes is not at all difficult. Let's create it?

The main thing is that we need to beat the whites and sugar very well. This is the basis of our success. So let's talk about this in a little more detail. There are many opinions regarding how to properly beat egg whites for meringue.

Some say that it is necessary to “age” the whites, others say to take the whites cool, others say that just a pinch of salt will make your meringue fluffy and stable.

In my experience, you can only get a perfectly whipped meringue if:

  1. No not a drop of fat. It means that:
    • Firstly, you need to be very careful when separating the white from the yolk. After all, the yolk is fat. If the yolk breaks without regret, set this egg aside. Take another and carefully separate the protein. Even a gram of yolk will spoil the whole picture for us.
    • Secondly, the dishes in which you will beat the meringue and the whisks with which you will beat must be completely clean and dry. If, for example, before this you beat buttercream with the same whisks, then you need to rinse them very thoroughly (with soap or dishwashing detergent) so that there is not a drop of fat on them either.
  2. There is not a drop of water . Wipe the dishes and whisks dry.
  3. Room temperature whites . Yes, yes, I understand that almost everyone thinks that whites should be cool, but my experience indicates that specifically room temperature proteins give consistently good results.
  4. The whites correctly .

How is this true?

First, beat the whites alone (without sugar) at a leisurely speed . Specifically at a leisurely pace. We need the protein to be saturated with air. If we immediately start beating at high speed, the protein will not have time to get enough air and the meringue will settle. The protein will become more fluffy, there will be a lot of bubbles, but they will be large and unequal in size. As you beat, the structure will begin to change: the bubbles will become small and equal in size. Once the protein has become snow-white, fluffy, consisting of equal small bubbles (this process takes several minutes), you can begin to introduce sugar and increase the speed. It’s important not to kill the protein so that it doesn’t turn into flakes.

We introduce sugar in several stages (4-5), do not pour it out right away. When adding sugar, you can increase the mixer speed to medium.

After all the sugar has been added, increase the speed to high and beat our meringue to hard peaks (5 - 7 minutes).

All! If you follow all these simple rules, you will have a good result!

Let's move on to the recipe))))

  • Squirrels 4 pcs.
  • Sugar 220 gr.
  • Starch 15 gr.
  • Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp.
  • Cream 33-35% 150 gr.
  • Curd cheese 150 gr.
  • Sweet powder 30 gr.
  • Vanilla extract 1 drop.
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Fruits and berries, mint leaves for decoration (optional).

  1. Beat the whites with sugar. I have outlined all aspects very carefully above.
  2. Add starch and vinegar and carefully mix the mixture with a spatula. Swiftly and confidently, with radial movements from top to bottom. In principle, you don’t have to add starch and vinegar, but specifically they allow the cake to remain wet inside and distinguish Pavlova from ordinary meringue.
  3. We transfer the mixture into a pastry bag and squeeze the cakes onto the prepared baking sheet (lined with a non-stick mat or baking paper, just do not grease with oil, remember about the meringue and fat). I like to create cakes in the form of round nests, into which I later put cream.
  4. Place in an oven preheated in advance to 110-115C or 90C on convection. Bake for 60-80 minutes. Do not open the oven during baking. And it’s better to let it cool right in the oven.

  1. Prepare the cream: beat the cream until stiff peaks form. In order for the cream to whip perfectly, it must be perfectly cooled.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the curd cheese with sweet powder and vanilla extract, add whipped cream to it, beat everything until smooth. We decorate the tops of our cakes with the purchased cream. I prefer to transfer the cream into a pastry bag and squeeze beautiful caps onto the cakes.
  3. On top of the cream we decorate with any fruits and berries, mint leaves and sprinkle with lightly sweet powder.

The indicated sizes will make approximately 8 huge cakes.

Everything is ready!))) Bon appetit!

By the way, in the photo I have meringue with orange-lemon curd. See his recipe here.

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Traditional pavlova dessert

Wonderful dessert! Will decorate any formal table! These cakes are one of the options for serving the famous cake. The meringue comes out with a crispy crust and a moist center. It is topped with soft whipped cream, which is traditionally whipped without sugar. The cakes are decorated with berries and fruits.

  1. Main
  2. Recipe groups
  3. Traditional pavlova dessert

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 6 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
279 kcal
Belkov: 4 g
Zhirov: 14 g
Carbohydrates: 36 g
Used: 7 / 26 / 67
H 8 / C 0 / B 92

Production time: 2 hours

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

First, let's prepare the meringue. Prepare all the necessary ingredients. You will also need unstained and completely dry dishes for whipping egg whites. You can take a glass, enamel, clay or porcelain container, but not an aluminum one, because the protein in it will turn grayish.

Step 2:

How to beat egg whites correctly? When separating the whites from the yolks, make sure that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites, otherwise they won’t beat. The eggs should be fresh and perfectly chilled (out of the refrigerator). To beat, use the mixer at the lowest speed, increasing the speed evenly. Make sure that the stirrer reaches the bottom of the dish, otherwise the whites at the bottom may remain watery. Add sweet powder in several stages without stopping the beating process.

Step 3:

Add cornstarch to beaten egg whites. You can replace it with potato starch, but reduce the amount by half. Thanks to starch, the finished meringue will be crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside. Pour in lemon juice. Beat for another 2-3 minutes until stiff peaks form. A perfectly whipped protein mass will become dense, smooth and shiny.

Step 4:

Carefully transfer the protein mixture into a piping bag.

Step 5:

To prevent the meringue from sticking to the bottom of the pan during baking, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease it with butter. Squeeze out 6 baskets with a depression in the center (as in the photo) from the cooking bag.

Step 6:

In advance (10-15 minutes before baking), preheat the oven to 140° C. Bake the braids for about 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 100 degrees. Bake for about 30-40 minutes. Because everyone's oven is different, it may be useful to change the time and temperature. When the products turn yellow, check. They should be dry on top and slightly wet and sticky on the bottom. Do not remove the braids right away. Leave them in the slightly open oven for 10 minutes.

Step 7:

How to whip cream correctly? It is important that the cream be fat (at least 33%). The bowl must be cool, so before whipping, keep it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Beat with a mixer at low speed, increasing the speed evenly. Add 1 tbsp. l. sweet powder. How do you know if the cream is whipped enough? The creamy mass must retain its shape and not spill. The main thing here is not to over-whip the cream so that it does not turn into butter.

Step 8:

Transfer the whipped cream to a clean, dry piping bag. Choose a nozzle at your discretion. Fill the finished braids with cream, squeezing it into a beautiful pattern. If you don't have a piping bag, transfer the cream mixture into a thick plastic bag, cut off a small corner and squeeze the cream through the hole. Or just use a spoon. Please note that the protein braids are quite fragile, so handle them carefully so as not to destroy them.

Step 9:

Decorate the dessert with berries. Fresh fruits must be washed and dried with cardboard towels in advance. Thaw frozen berries (be sure to drain the liquid formed from defrosting). I used raspberries and blueberries, you can take any berries to suit your own taste. Cherries (pitted), apricots, and canned peaches are excellent when mixed with buttercream. Serve the dessert right away, because the braids may get soggy from the cream.

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Pavlova cake comes from either New Zealand or Australia. It was created in honor of the Russian dancer Anna Pavlova, who toured these countries. The dessert comes out dressed up, light and tender in taste. To say it's delicious is an understatement. Try it and enjoy!

Keep in mind that ovens bake differently. Temperature and cooking time may vary from those indicated in the recipe. To ensure that any baked dish turns out successfully, use the useful information in the article about ovens here

Pavlova cake and the secrets of meringue

If you couldn’t make meringues, you will definitely succeed now! This airy delicacy is easy to prepare, and if you add cream and fruit, this dessert will become a unique table decoration!

Ingredients for “Pavlova Cake and Meringue Secrets”:

  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Sweet powder - 80 g
  • Cream (from 30%) – 200 ml
  • Berry - to taste

Production time: 120 minutes

Number of servings: 3

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
952.7 kcal
8.1 g
66.5 g
85.5 g
317.6 kcal
2.7 g
22.2 g
28.5 g
100 g dish
317.6 kcal
2.7 g
22.2 g
28.5 g

Recipe for “Pavlova cake and the secrets of meringue”:

1. The most important thing is to carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that nothing unnecessary gets into the protein mass.
2. The mixing bowl and whisk should be dry and unstained, preferably chilled.
You can degrease them with vinegar. 3. The whites should also be cool.
4. It is better to use sweet powder, because it dissolves better.
Take 60-65 grams for one protein. 5. It is better to start whipping at low speed, increasing it evenly.
6. Add sweet powder in small portions, whisking continuously.
7. The protein mass must be whipped to stiff peaks.
8. Bake meringues at low temperature. Baking time depends on the oven and the size of the meringue and is 1.5-3 hours.

So, let's prepare the meringue.
Meringue is a protein mass from which meringues will be baked. Beat the egg whites at medium speed into a thick foam. Add sweet powder evenly, then beat at high speed for about 5 minutes until stiff peaks form. Our goal is an elastic and smooth meringue. If you turn the whisk or bowl over, the meringue does not have to change shape.

Transfer the finished mixture into a pastry bag or bag and place the “nests” on a baking sheet covered with parchment or a silicone mat.

Bake in the oven at 50-60 degrees for 1.5-2.5 hours.
If the oven is gas, then open the door slightly. You need to focus on your oven; you can increase the temperature to 100 degrees. When the base is dry (you can find this by knocking on it or tasting it), throw it in the oven until it cools completely. Beat the cream with sweet powder to taste and pipe it into meringue pieces using a pastry bag, decorate with berries or fruit.

If the meringue darkens or cracks, it means the baking temperature is very high.
You can use sugar, it will work too, you just need to beat it longer.
The blanks can be created in advance; they store well in an airtight package for 2 weeks.
Add coloring if desired.
Bon appetit!

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