Custard with condensed milk - the best recipes for a cake or biscuit

Custard with condensed milk - the best recipes for a cake or biscuit

Housewives love custard with condensed milk. The ease of production and the ability to give even a simple dessert the most delicate creamy taste made it a winner among other layers. They can be used to fill eclairs, soak biscuits and puff pastries “Napoleons”, and if you use boiled concentrated milk, then “Honey cakes”.

How to make custard with condensed milk?

Making custard with condensed milk is very simple. To do this, boil whole milk together with sugar and flour over low heat until thick, cool to room temperature and beat with butter and condensed milk. From time to time, the milk-flour mixture is diluted with beaten yolks, they give the mass thickness, density and rich color.

  1. A delicious custard for a cake with condensed milk will only be made from high-quality, natural products with the highest percentage of fat content. Milk must have at least 3.2% fat content, butter must have at least 72%, and condensed milk must comply with GOST.
  2. When mixing, all ingredients should be at a similar temperature.
  3. An indispensable condition when making cream with eggs is a water bath and constant stirring. This will prevent the cream from burning and the eggs from curdling.

Custard with condensed milk and butter

Custard with condensed milk and butter is a classic in the world of favorite sweets. This is a basic recipe, having mastered it, you can move on and include new ingredients in the cream. The main thing here is not to rush and cool the milk mass to the same temperature as butter and condensed milk. Otherwise, the oil will simply dissolve in the hot base and the cream will lose stability.

  • condensed milk – 300 g;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • milk – 400 ml;
  • flour – 80 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 20 g.
  1. Warm the milk, add sugar and flour.
  2. Cook the mixture for about 7 minutes, stirring constantly and breaking up lumps.
  3. Cool and stir with a spoon with soft butter and condensed milk.
  4. Beat the custard buttercream with condensed milk until fluffy.

Recipe for custard for “Napoleon” with condensed milk

Custard for “Napoleon” with condensed milk has a variety of production variations. Usually, it is prepared with beaten eggs, by simmering the mass until thick. Unlike other recipes, this one does not require intermediate cooling: condensed milk is boiled in a milk base, whipped with butter and ready for immediate use.

  • milk – 350 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • flour – 20 g;
  • condensed milk – 250 g;
  • butter – 300 g.
  1. Combine flour and sugar, beat in eggs and stir.
  2. Pour in the milk and keep on the stove for a few minutes.
  3. Add condensed milk to the hot mixture and cook for 7 minutes.
  4. Once the base thickens, remove from heat and add butter.
  5. Beat for 3 minutes until the custard with milk and condensed milk reaches homogeneity.

Custard with condensed milk for eclairs - recipe

Custard for eclairs with condensed milk meets all the requirements for an airy cake. Acquired by mixing milk-egg mass with butter and condensed milk, it has a light mixture, creamy taste and delicate color of whipped yolks. The cream is easy to prepare, and the difficulty of obtaining a mass without lumps is solved using a mixer or sieve.

  • milk – 200 ml;
  • condensed milk – 250 g;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • cognac – 40 ml;
  • sweet powder – 200 g.
  1. Warm the milk.
  2. Beat the yolks with sweet powder.
  3. Pour milk into the egg mixture and stir quickly.
  4. Return to the stove and cook until thick. Cool.
  5. Beat the butter until white and combine with the milk base.
  6. Add cognac and condensed milk and whisk thoroughly.
  7. True custard with condensed milk has a thick consistency and a yellow color.

Custard for sponge cake with condensed milk

Custard for a cake with condensed milk will adequately emphasize the base of the baked goods. The most popular are biscuits. Their porous texture is fertile ground for various impregnations. This cream, with a traditional milk-flour base, whipped with butter and condensed milk, is delicate and stable, and is suitable for layering and decoration.

  • milk – 1 l;
  • testicle – 3 pcs.;
  • flour – 60 g;
  • butter – 250 g;
  • condensed milk – 300 g;
  • sugar – 80 g.
  1. Combine flour with sugar and beaten eggs.
  2. Pour in milk and bring to a boil.
  3. Cool quickly and add butter and condensed milk.
  4. Beat custard with condensed milk for 3 minutes.

Custard with condensed milk without eggs - recipe

Custard with condensed milk without eggs is a candidate for intolerance to products of animal origin. Even without yolks, the cream comes out tender and pliable, and thanks to the cream and vanillin, it also has a caramel-creamy taste. Not only can they be used to layer cakes, but they can also be served as a separate dessert.

  • cream – 200 g;
  • milk – 250 g;
  • condensed milk – 380 g;
  • flour – 60 g;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch.
  1. Combine sugar, milk, flour and vanillin and simmer for 10 minutes until the mixture thickens. Refrigerate.
  2. Beat with butter, cream and condensed milk for 5 minutes.

Custard with condensed milk and sour cream

Custard with condensed milk comes in a variety of mixtures, so as needed to soak the languid shortcakes, you will need custard sour cream. Its distinctive feature is its highest density, so even when applied in a thick layer it does not settle. You should work with it immediately, and immediately put the finished product in the cold.

  • sour cream – 300 g;
  • condensed milk – 250 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • flour – 40 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.
  1. Grind the egg with sugar and flour.
  2. Add sour cream and heat the mixture in a water bath until thick.
  3. Stir 50 g of butter into the hot mixture. Cool the purchased cream.
  4. Beat the rest of the butter with condensed milk.
  5. Combine two chilled bases.
  6. Custard sour cream with condensed milk should be applied to the product immediately.

Custard on water with condensed milk

Custard with condensed milk for a cake can be created on an aqua base. This option is indispensable if there is no milk in the house or if the milk is irreversibly burnt. In this scenario, it is better to cook the cream from condensed milk, dilute it with water, beat it with butter, which will make the cream very soft and stable, and start decorating the cake.

  • water – 150 ml;
  • yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • condensed milk – 380 g;
  • butter – 150 g.
  1. Stir the yolks, water and condensed milk.
  2. Cook over heat for 10 minutes until thickened.
  3. Cool and beat with soft butter.
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Custard with condensed milk on agar-agar

Fans of low-calorie desserts can make custard with condensed milk without butter. To do this, you will need a gelling agent that can create a stable mass. Following the dogma that a dietary cream should also be healthy, you can’t find a better agar-agar: it doesn’t require soaking, hardens quickly and makes the cream look like a mousse.

  • condensed milk – 380 g;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • agar-agar – 2 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • lemon juice – 80 ml.
  1. Combine milk and condensed milk.
  2. Immediately add agar-agar and a pinch of salt.
  3. Warm the mixture over the fire.
  4. When boiling, remove from heat, add lemon juice and stir.

Custard with boiled condensed milk - recipe

Custard with boiled condensed milk will add charm to simple baked goods. Often it is used to soak dry “Medovik” shortcakes or stuff profiteroles. This recipe impresses with its ease of preparation. All that is necessary is to beat the boiled condensed milk with the cooled milk-flour base, adding a couple of spoons of cocoa for the most striking taste and color.

  • milk – 1 l;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • flour – 90 g;
  • boiled condensed milk – 190 g;
  • cocoa – 60 g.
  1. Whisk the milk and flour. Place the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. Refrigerate.
  2. Add butter, condensed milk and cocoa.
  3. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Making the most delicious custard with condensed milk

When making a cake, the shortcakes are greased with one or another creamy mixture. Custard with condensed milk is a fabulous layer for any cake, even the most complex one. The recipe for such a layer can be found anywhere, be it on the Internet or in a cookbook.

Custard is, one might say, a traditional British cream, or custard.

We can say that this is the basis from which confectioners begin to be taught in culinary schools. British cream is usually added to a huge number of confectionery dishes. If you freeze or bake it, you will get independent dishes. Even in the production of such mind-blowing desserts as Cheesecake and Tiramisu, the base is taken specifically from custard.

Eclairs, Napoleon and a huge number of other dishes are prepared with custard.

This creamy mass is used to fill the internal voids of the dough or layers of cakes. Under no circumstances should you use custard to decorate your culinary product - it looks very unpresentable.

The recipe for condensed milk custard comes with both ordinary and boiled condensed milk. Custard with condensed milk is a savory creamy mass with butter.

How to make custard with condensed milk. Here's the recipe for you!

Condensed milk or cream - can be prepared with regular milk, or with boiled milk

Milk - one glass

Wheat flour - 2.5 tablespoons

Sweet sand - 2.5 tablespoons

Vanilla - to taste

Butter - half a pack (100 g)

Vanilla - to taste

Mix flour and sugar with milk, set to warm on the burner at low temperature.

And stir constantly. Bring to a boil.

Afterwards, cool slightly.

In a separate saucepan, combine condensed milk and butter. Later beat with a mixer.

Mix the milk mixture with the butter mixture. The custard is ready!

To make a delicious cake, they often use the following recipe for kustard with boiled condensed milk.

Yolks (egg) – 8 pieces

Boiled condensed milk – 1 can

Milk – 0.8 liters

Vanilla - to taste

Flour – 2.5 tablespoons

The recipe is simple:

Separate the yolks from the whites, beat them together with the sifted flour and add vanillin. Next, combine the milk and egg-flour mixture. Place on the burner at low temperature and stir. Bring to a boil, remove from the burner. Add a can of boiled condensed milk, mix gently, and the creamy substance is ready.

Custard is also prepared with the addition of cottage cheese and cocoa.

I would also like to offer you another exciting recipe for making chocolate custard with condensed milk.

This recipe is certainly suitable for making a cake with dry shortcakes, for example, a honey cake, because it perfectly saturates all layers of the cake.

Butter - pack

Flour - 4.5 tablespoons, maybe with a slide

Sugar - 1 glass

Cocoa – 3.5 tablespoons

Boiled condensed milk - half a jar

Developing the production of this wonderful chocolate creamy substance for a delicious cake:

Mix milk and flour, beat with a mixer and put on low heat. The temperature should be low and the creamy substance should not curdle or become very thick. Stir constantly. As soon as the cream begins to boil, immediately remove it from the burner.

Then, when the creamy mass has cooled slightly, add butter to it and beat with a mixer. Add all remaining ingredients evenly: sugar and condensed milk.

Add cocoa powder at the very end. You will get a wonderful chocolate custard for pastries, cakes, or you can serve it as an independent dessert.

There is also a recipe for custard with cognac:

Condensed milk – 1 can

Egg strings – 5 pieces

Vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon

Butter – 150 g.

Cognac - to taste

Stir the yolks, water, condensed milk and place on the burner; the creamy mass should thicken. Add 100 g of butter and beat well with a mixer.

Melt the remaining butter and mix with cocoa. Add chocolate butter to creamy mixture. In the final step, add cognac and stir well. The result is a thick but airy, delicious creamy mousse. This is a mind-blowing recipe.

There is another development for making custard.

I suggest you try making caramel cream with condensed milk.

Sugar – 1 tablespoon

Flour – 3 tablespoons

Condensed milk – 1 can

Combine sugar, milk and flour. Place on low heat. Then bring to a boil and cool. Beat the butter, cream and condensed milk into the creamy mixture.

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It is important to remember that such a sweet confectionery dish quickly spoils and should not be prepared in advance.

Any housewife wants to amuse her household with something tasty. Constantly want to experience something new. I always want to amaze my loved ones with something. In this sense, custard is something you can pamper yourself and your family with. You can freeze it, and it will turn out to be delicious ice cream, which is something that is incredibly vital in the summer heat.

You can bake a bushard, and it will be a wonderful baked delicacy. It will be completely an independent dish for itself.

If you add egg whites to the custard, you get a thin, light-textured, wonderful soufflé.

Custard, or custard cream mass, is a real panacea for those with a sweet tooth.

In any case, no matter what you decide to cook: eclairs, cake, other cakes, cheesecake or tiramisu, you will certainly need the ability to cook custard.

Cook in a good mood, and your loved ones will be ecstatic about your dishes. Invite guests, create an atmosphere of comfort and celebration, beauty and a strong home.

Think positive, and your baked goods will turn out very tasty, charged with positivity and your positive feelings.

Custard is a very tasty confectionery dish that has become a true culinary classic. Try to cook it - you won't regret it.

Custard with condensed milk

Custard with condensed milk is very easy to make and has a very delicate taste. It has long and deservedly become a favorite of almost all housewives. It can be used in virtually all sweet dishes - cakes, pastries, fruit desserts, as part of ice cream and simply as a snack with a bun or cookies. Children especially love it; these delicacies can eat it with a spoon instead of “first, second and compote.”

You can create a cream with both ordinary and boiled condensed milk.


  • How to make custard with condensed milk
  • 1 Custard with boiled condensed milk
  • 2 Condensed milk custard with eggs
  • 3 Custard with cocoa, condensed milk and nuts
  • 4 Tips for making
  • Condensed milk – 200 ml;
  • Butter – 80 g;
  • Milk – 250 ml;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l. (optional);
  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp. l.


Plain condensed milk added to the custard gives it the most delicate texture and taste and allows the cakes to soak well. This cream is perfect for honey, sponge, shortbread and puff pastry cakes, as well as eclairs and other melt-in-your-mouth cakes.

First, we take the butter out of the refrigerator, because we need it to become soft. Now we are making the cream. To do this, put the milk in a saucepan on low heat and carefully, stirring with a spoon or whisk, add sugar and flour, trying to avoid the formation of lumps.

Stirring constantly, cook the mixture until thickened. As soon as we see that it turns into cream, turn off the stove and leave the mass to cool to room temperature.

When the custard has cooled, combine it with softened butter and condensed milk, mix with a spoon, and then beat thoroughly with a mixer (a blender will not work, it will not give the desired fluffiness).

If desired, you can add vanilla at the very end of beating for flavor.

All! The unusually delicious airy cream is ready, you can assemble the cake or fill the eclairs.

↑ Custard with boiled condensed milk

The recipe for making such a cream is virtually no different from the previous one. But the taste and smell of custard with boiled condensed milk is completely different - caramel, and its mixture is the thickest.

The cream is perfect for a cake or pastry, but due to its thickness it will take longer to soak the shortcakes, and it is also the sweetest.


  • Boiled condensed milk – 250-300 ml;
  • Milk – 400 ml;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 200 g (1 pack).


We take the butter out of the refrigerator, leave it to soften, and get carried away with the custard. Over low heat, stirring, cook the milk with sugar and flour, not allowing it to boil. After thickening, remove the cream from the heat and leave to cool.

At this time, in another bowl, use a mixer to beat soft butter (for convenience, cut it into small pieces) and condensed milk. Depending on how sweet the cream is for you, you can add more or less boiled condensed milk than indicated in the recipe.

When the custard has cooled to 30 degrees, mix it with the mixture of condensed milk and butter and beat again.

A thick custard with boiled condensed milk came out. It is better to leave the finished cake coated with this cream for soaking overnight (that is, in the dark) in the refrigerator, and later you can cut it and eat it.

↑ Condensed milk custard with eggs

The egg yolk gives the cream a yellow color and thickens the consistency.


  • Condensed milk – 300 ml;
  • Milk – 300 ml;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.


In a saucepan, whisk the milk, yolk and flour by hand (add in a little at a time so that no lumps form).

Place in a water bath. If we just cook on the stove, the egg will curl. Stir without ceasing.

Once the cream thickens, remove it, mix with butter and sugar and let cool.

After the cream has cooled to room temperature, pour condensed milk into it and beat with a mixer.

You can grease any cakes with this custard with condensed milk, but honey cakes with this cream are especially good.

↑ Custard with cocoa, condensed milk and nuts

If you need chocolate cream, you don’t necessarily need to melt the chocolate bars, you can simply add cocoa to the custard with condensed milk.


  • Condensed milk – 100 ml (or boiled condensed milk – 50-60 ml);
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Milk – 500 ml;
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Walnuts – 100 g;
  • Cocoa (regular, not instant) – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Heat the milk and flour over low heat, always stirring. After 7 minutes, remove from heat; the cream should already thicken.
  2. Cool to room temperature, beat with a mixer with soft butter and sugar.
  3. Add condensed milk, you can use any kind, but I prefer boiled milk - it makes the cream thicker and sweeter. Beat well again.
  4. Carefully, little by little, add cocoa, constantly stirring the cream with a spoon, then you will be able to avoid the formation of lumps.
  5. Grind the walnuts and add to the cream.
  6. Now turn on the mixer again, for almost half a minute, so that everything is just mixed perfectly. The cream is ready!
Read also:  Sweet pancake rolls

↑ Manufacturing Tips

  • All components of the cream should be very fatty and natural. No palm oil, milk powder or anything else. Milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%. Natural butter - 72.5%, condensed milk - only made according to GOST. This guarantees that you get a good, thick, and not spreading, cream.
  • When mixing, the ingredients must be at a similar temperature so that a homogeneous mass emerges, without separation of products or lumps.
  • The essential conditions for making egg custard are a water bath and constant stirring. This way the cream won’t burn and the egg won’t curl.
  • Depending on the thickness of the cream that suits you, reduce or increase the amount of regular milk. The less milk, the thicker the cream.

  • In order not to overcook (it will become very thick and lumpy) or undercook (it will be very watery) the cream, determine its readiness using a spoon (preferably wood): when the mass moderately entwines the spoon, then it is time to remove it from the heat.
  • In order to vary the taste of the cream, you can add coffee, ground nuts, coconut flakes, vanilla, and lemon zest to it.
  • This cream should not be stored. Use immediately and eat the cake or pastry prepared with it within 24 hours.

Recipe for custard with condensed milk

Recipe for custard with condensed milk

I would like to offer you an excellent recipe for custard with condensed milk. This cream is suitable for cakes, for the inside of baskets, tubes, eclairs, etc. The cream is not bad because it does not contain a drop of oil; it is prepared on the basis of condensed milk. It comes out thick and very tasty! Condensed milk should only be used according to GOST standards, made from milk and sugar, without various additives and palm oil.


Manufacturing stages

Pour milk into the pan, add starch and raw yolks.

Whisk everything well.

Add condensed milk to the egg-milk mixture.

Condensed milk should be used only of the highest quality, this is important! I use this condensed milk all the time.

Carefully whisk the entire mixture until smooth.

Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low and simmer until mixture thickens (stirring constantly). My cream became thick after just 3 minutes.

Cool the finished excellent custard with condensed milk, stirring occasionally so that a crust does not form on top. That's all, the cream is ready to use!

Bon appetit!

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Hello Lena!

Hello Lena! Tell me, have you tried making Napoleon with this cream? It turns out delicious, otherwise I’m looking for a tasty cream for Napoleon.

  • answer

Just for Napoleon - this

Just for Napoleon - this is the best option for cream. I tried it naturally, very tasty and non-greasy. If you want a thicker cream, add softened butter to the finished cream.

  • answer

Thanks a lot!

  • answer

Helen, I cooked it yesterday

Helen, yesterday I made a sponge cake with this delicious custard. Easy to prepare, good results! I didn’t feel any particular difference from the traditional version (with butter), but the fat content of the cream was significantly less, which couldn’t help but amuse me. I also added lemon juice and zest to the cream to dilute the sweetness, and it came out with a light lemon color. I just wanted to eat it all without anything and not share it with anyone

This is the cake we enjoyed yesterday. By the way, I decorated it with wet meringue according to your recipe. I really liked it.

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