Cold-method pickles in jars for the winter - 5 step-by-step recipes with photos

Cold-method pickles in jars for the winter - 5 step-by-step recipes with photos

In Rus', cucumbers were salted in oak tubs, which ultimately gave the finished product a unique taste and smell. This is unique in this day and age. Moreover, in apartment conditions it is virtually impossible to create this. Still, there are recipes by which you can prepare very tasty pickles, like barrel ones, for the winter.

Recipe for making pickles using the cool method

We present to your attention a recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter using the so-called “cool method” - as opposed to the usual ones using hot brine. With this method you will get hard and crispy cucumbers. We will salt in a 3-liter jar.

Cooking time – 1 hour.


Manufacturing process

Eat healthy!

Cold salted cucumbers: traditional recipe

In this traditional recipe, you are invited to use cool pickling of cucumbers for the winter, which, unlike the hot method, is more convenient and quicker. The secret of this recipe is the use of high-quality cucumbers and water and adherence to process technology.


  • Cucumbers – 1.5 kg.
  • Water – 1.5 l
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Dark peppercorns – 6 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas – 4–6 pcs.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Carefully select the cucumbers for pickling so that they are of a similar size and have black skin. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly under running water.
  2. Take either spring or bottled water. If you use regular tap water, leave it for 24 hours and then cool it. Prepare a brine from the required amount of water and salt.
  3. Place peppercorns and dill umbrellas in a pickling jar.
  4. Place the cucumbers tightly and perfectly in the jar.
  5. Fill the cucumbers with the prepared brine to the very top of the jar.
  6. Place the jar of cucumbers in a black space or cover it with a thick blanket. Soak the cucumbers for 3 days at home temperature.
  7. During this time, the fermentation process will occur in the cucumbers. Remove the film that forms on the surface from time to time and gradually add clean water.
  8. After 3 days, roll up the jar of cucumbers with an iron lid or seal it tightly with a plastic one and immediately transfer it to storage in a cool space.

Cold method of pickling cucumbers

The secret to making delicious pickles according to the proposed recipe is to avoid tap water and store the pickles only in a cold place. Such cucumbers do not need to be boiled, cooked, or sterilized. Salt in a three-liter jar. The recipe is convenient for pickling a huge number of cucumbers for the winter.


  • Cucumbers – 1.5–2 kg.
  • Water (only well or purified) – 1.5 l.
  • Salt – 90 g.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Currant leaves – 7 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves – 7 pcs.
  • Oak leaves – 7 pcs.
  • Dill with inflorescences - several branches.
  • Horseradish leaves – 2 pcs.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Soak the cucumbers for 6 hours in cool water, then thoroughly wash and remove the ends on both sides.
  2. Peel the garlic.
  3. Wash all the leaves and dill indicated in the recipe thoroughly under running water.
  4. Rinse the jars with any product. There is no need to dry them or sterilize them.
  5. Place some of the washed leaves and a couple of cloves of garlic into the jars.
  6. Pack the prepared cucumbers tightly and perfectly into the jars, topping them with leaves and dill and filling the jar to the very top.
  7. Cover the top layer of vegetables with the remaining leaves.
  8. To make brine, pour the required amount of unstained water into a pan (remember: not tap water) and dissolve in it the amount of salt indicated in the recipe. Stir the brine using a wooden spoon and leave it for a couple of minutes to allow other impurities to settle to the bottom.
  9. Pour unstained brine into jars with cucumbers.
  10. Seal the jars tightly with special “double” plastic lids. Soak these lids slightly in hot water, otherwise they will not fit on the jar.
  11. Immediately transfer the jars to a cool place for storage. Such cucumbers can be eaten only after one month.

Cold pickling of cucumbers in jars for the winter

This is the most successful (time-tested) and common way of pickling cucumbers for the winter. It is convenient when you need to pickle a huge amount of fruit and you are limited by time. By following this recipe, you will get crispy and durable pickles.

Ingredients ( for a 3-liter jar ):

  • Cucumbers – 2 kg.
  • Cherry and horseradish leaves to taste.
  • Dill umbrellas – 4 pcs.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves.
  • Dark pepper – 6 pcs.
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Place washed horseradish and cherry leaves at the bottom of a clean, dry jar.
  2. Place dill umbrellas on them.
  3. Peel the garlic and cut it into pieces.
  4. Carefully wash the cucumbers and place them tightly in a jar with herbs.
  5. Place the chopped garlic between the cucumbers.
  6. Pour the required amount of salt into the jar with the cucumbers.
  7. If you are convinced of its good quality, pour cool running water over the vegetables to the very top of the jar.
  8. Leave the cucumbers for 3 days at normal home temperature. During this period of time, the cucumbers will undergo a fermentation process.
  9. After 3 days, pour the brine out of the jar.
  10. Add one heaped tablespoon of salt to the cucumbers and add cool tap water.
  11. Close the jar tightly with a plastic lid and store in a cool place. The fermentation process of cucumbers will end, and they will be perfectly preserved until the end of winter.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers in your own juice

This is a special and exciting recipe for cool pickling of cucumbers for the winter. It does not use water, but only cucumbers, salt and spices. All excellent and unusual (overgrown, crooked and lettuce) fruits will be processed. It is best to prepare such cucumbers in 3-liter jars. The ratio of cucumbers and grated cucumber mass should be 50:50.


  • Cucumbers - many different ones.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of grated cucumbers.
  • Cherry, currant and grape leaves - 2 pcs each.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves per jar.
  • Dill - 3 umbrellas per jar.
  • Tarragon, dark pepper, cloves and chili to taste.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Divide the cucumbers, setting aside separately those that you will pickle and those that you will chop. Wash the fruits thoroughly under running water and be sure to dry them with a cardboard towel.
  2. Grind unusual (huge, crooked and salad) cucumbers on a large grater or using a meat grinder and determine their size. Determine the required number of chopped cucumbers as you fill the jars with them.
  3. For one liter of chopped cucumbers, add two tablespoons. l. salt. Make this condition literally, because the least amount of salt will cause the cucumbers to sour. Stir the mixture with salt so that the cucumbers release their own juice.
  4. Sterilize the jars using at least some method.
  5. Wash all the leaves well and put them in jars. Place dill umbrellas and dark peppercorns there.
  6. Then put three tablespoons in each jar. l. chopped cucumbers and place the excellent fruits tightly. Place the mass on top of the laid cucumbers and use a spoon to compact it very tightly so that all the free space is filled. If there are empty spaces left, add cucumber juice to the jars. The jars must be filled to the very top.
  7. Pour boiling water over the plastic lids and seal the jars tightly.
  8. Immediately transfer the cucumbers to a cool place for storage.
  9. These cucumbers will be ready to eat only after two weeks. By extending the shelf life, their taste will only improve.
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Crispy cucumbers for the winter, cold pickling

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter using the cool method so that they remain crispy, can be stored in the apartment, and the brine in the jars does not become cloudy. We have collected tested recipes for you based on reviews from housewives on the Internet, so that your preparation will probably be a success and decorate your table on cool winter evenings.

For hot pickling, I always use one trick: I put half a teaspoon of oak bark (which can be purchased at a pharmacy) in a jar of cucumbers. The cucumbers remain firm and crispy. Unfortunately, I haven’t tried using oak bark to pickle cucumbers using the cool method, so you can try one jar of pickling like this and later share the result in the comments. A detailed recipe for crispy cucumbers for the winter is here.

Secrets of proper pickling of cucumbers using the cool method

What is so good about cool pickling of cucumbers? For example, preserves prepared in a cool way do not necessarily need to be rolled under steel lids. It is perfectly stored in ordinary nylon jars. True, there is one aspect here. If you close the cucumbers with specific lids, then you need to store them only in the basement or upper compartment of the refrigerator. But hermetically sealed jars can be thrown at room temperature.

Pickling cucumbers using the cool method does not take much time. The cucumbers go into the jar almost straight from the garden and are filled with cool water. Saving time and labor costs.

Those who are opposed to vinegar will obviously like cool pickling of cucumbers for the winter, since this product (like citric acid) is not included in these recipes. The only preservative used in all versions is salt.

Cool pickling of cucumbers does not require sterilization. And this fact will also amuse almost all housewives. After all, almost everyone considers this process labor-intensive. Well, standing in the summer heat at a hot stove next to water bubbling in a pan is an incomprehensible pleasure.

And a few words about the fundamental rules. The amount of salt in recipes is indicated literally and these proportions must be observed. Lack of salt can cause cucumbers in jars to turn sour. For cold preservation, you should use ordinary salt - coarse rock salt. Other varieties, especially iodized seasonings, are not allowed to be used for preservation!

Cold pickling of cucumbers

Recipe No. 1 “Traditional”

For the most part, the abundance of recipes for cool pickling of cucumbers is explained only by the introduction of various seasonings and spices. But they all agree on one thing: in addition to salt and cucumbers, there must certainly be dill in the jar. Absolutely, for the most common method of cool pickling, you need to prepare (based on a 1 liter jar):

  • cucumbers – 600 g;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons (approximately 50-60 g) per liter of water;
  • dill and tarragon - 1 umbrella;
  • garlic cloves – 1 pc.;
  • cherry and horseradish (leaves) – 1 pc.;
  • pepper – 3 aromatic peas, 5 black peas, 1 hot pepper.

Wash the cucumbers, add cool water and leave for 1.5 hours. Wash the horseradish and cherry leaves and place them in the bottom of a clean (preferably with baking soda) jar. Next add dill, tarragon, a clove of garlic cut into 3-4 pieces and all types of peppers. Now there is a line of cucumbers. They need to be laid quite tightly. In order for more cucumbers to fit into the jar during pickling, you first need to put huge fruits and it is better to place them vertically.

To make the brine, pour a little water into a mug and dissolve the salt in it. After this, you need to pour cool and clean water into the jar with cucumbers so that it is filled approximately halfway. Pour the brine there, and then top up with cool water again.

All that remains is to close the jars with nylon lids and put them away for storage. After 3-4 days, the preservation must be checked for the presence of brine in them. Cucumbers will most likely absorb a certain amount of water, and the brine will have to be added. To do this, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water and pour the required amount into the jars. Now the cucumbers can be stored completely.

Cold pickling of cucumbers

Recipe No. 2 “from a barrel”

When pickled in barrels, cucumbers turn out juicy, crispy and actually have a natural color. But no one is stopping you from getting preserves of the same quality in an ordinary glass jar. To do this you need to take (based on a 3 liter jar):

  • cucumbers – 1.6 kg;
  • salt – 75 g per liter of water;
  • dill – 50 g;
  • currants, also oak or nut (leaves) - 5 and 3 pcs. respectively;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • horseradish root and leaves - a piece 2 cm long and 1-2 leaves;
  • hot pepper - to taste.

Rinse the cucumbers with running water, place in a large saucepan or bucket and fill with cool water.
Vegetables must be kept in water for at least 6 hours. Place horseradish leaves and the root of this plant cut into pieces at the bottom of an unstained jar, washed with baking soda. Then he will add hot peppers, oak and currant leaves, and later umbrellas and sprigs of dill. Place the cooked cucumbers quite tightly on top of the greens.

In a separate bowl, prepare brine for cucumbers based on the formula 75 g of salt per 1 liter of water. The salt must be poured into the water and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the prepared brine over the cucumbers. The liquid must reach the very edge of the neck. Cover the jars with cucumbers with nylon lids, place them in a tray or on flat plates, transfer them to a cold space and “forget” about them for 2.5 days.

During this period of time, part of the brine will be taken up by the cucumbers, and part will seep under the lids, so it will have to be added by preparing the liquid in the already indicated proportions. Close the jars again with lids and put them away for permanent storage.

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Cold pickling of cucumbers

Recipe No. 3 “In its own juice”

This recipe is unique for two reasons. Firstly, it will not require water at all. Secondly, you can use not only strong and beautiful cucumbers, but also “clumsy” and overgrown fruits, but not . The following products are useful for such pickling (based on a 3-liter jar):

  • cucumbers – approximately 3-3.5 kg (maybe a little more);
  • salt – 2 tablespoons per liter of “own juice”;
  • dill - 3-4 umbrellas;
  • garlic cloves – 3-4 pcs.;
  • currants, horseradish, cherries, grapes (leaves) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • tarragon, cloves, chili pepper and peppercorns - optional.

Sort the cucumbers into two piles. Put wonderful fruits for pickling in one, and those that will be used for making cucumber mass in the other. Wash all vegetables and dry slightly. Pass the cucumbers from the 2nd pile through a meat grinder or grate them on a small or medium grater. Add salt to the resulting mass at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter of chopped cucumbers. This proportion must be observed! Mix the mixture well so that the cucumbers release juice.

Place herbs, unstained leaves, dill and pepper in prepared jars (it is better to take large jars - 3 liters is normal). Then put 3-4 tablespoons of cucumber mass (the bottom should be completely covered with it) and lay out the cucumbers for pickling as tightly as possible. Place the cucumber mixture on top of the whole cucumbers again, pushing it into all the empty spaces with a spoon. Spread the cucumber mixture almost to the very top of the jar. Now you need to pour the resulting cucumber juice into it. Wait a little while until it fills the voids and add the cucumber mixture to the very top of the jar.

Close the jars with nylon lids and immediately store them in a cool place. After a couple of weeks, you can already take the finished cucumbers out of the jar for testing.

Recommendation for pickling cucumbers using the cool method

Inexperienced housewives sometimes forget about their preservation and cucumbers in a jar, emerging from under the brine, can become moldy.
Mustard powder and currant leaves will help prevent this problem. Mustard should be poured onto the bottom of the jar, and the cucumbers themselves should be sprinkled on top with salt and covered with currant leaves. True, in this case the brine will turn out cloudy, but these are details. Bon appetit!

Cold pickling of cucumbers

6 years ago I made these cucumbers for the first time and now I cook them every year! My guests are constantly in ecstasy from their taste and crunch. It turns out really quite delicious!

Ingredients for “Cool pickling of cucumbers”:

  • Garlic (at the bottom, in the center, at the top of the jar) - 3 teeth.
  • Currant leaf (several pieces)
  • Dill (inflorescences or paws)
  • Dark pepper (dried) - 8-10 pcs.
  • Horseradish (leaves)
  • Cherry leaf (if available)
  • Red hot pepper (drop on top)
  • Salt (heaped) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cucumber (for a 3-liter jar)

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
142.2 kcal
7.2 g
1.2 g
27.8 g
100 g dish
40.6 kcal
2.1 g
0.3 g
7.9 g

Recipe for “Pickling cucumbers using the cool method”:

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  • Reviews

August 23, 2019 Darina # (recipe creator)

October 14, 2018 katjxa #

August 9, 2017 irash1 #

August 11, 2017 Darina # (recipe creator)

November 2, 2016 olya11154 #

November 6, 2016 Darina # (recipe creator)

July 19, 2016 lapo4ka1972 #

January 12, 2016 Dinni #

September 22, 2015 k samohin2012 #

September 12, 2015 dabda #

August 12, 2015 Lydia0507 #

August 12, 2015 Darina # (recipe creator)

August 6, 2015 laini #

July 1, 2015 romanrum #

July 5, 2015 Darina # (recipe creator)

July 30, 2014 Anechka54 #

September 11, 2014 Darina # (recipe creator)

June 28, 2014 svitage #

August 13, 2013 lena bogochanova #

August 13, 2013 lena bogochanova #

August 31, 2013 Darina # (recipe creator)

August 11, 2014 marina vladi 201 #

August 10, 2015 nady1209 #

for 1 liter of water – 1 table. a spoonful of salt with a pea. For 3 liters. The bank needs 3 tables. spoons with a heap! I didn't add horseradish roots, just leaves.

July 30, 2012 Nikylihka #

August 23, 2013 MIR70 #

September 5, 2011 marina davididi #

August 13, 2013 Rencha1 #

One problem is that horseradish does not grow here.

October 24, 2014 olga_solntse #

August 5, 2011 zuzechka #

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Cold method cucumbers for the winter - the best pickling recipes

It is not clear when the habit of making food preparations for the winter entered the life of the Slavs, but at the moment we preserve on a subconscious, genetic level. But I am sure that the cucumbers were pickled for the first time using the cool method. Therefore, the end result is crispy, indescribably tasty cucumbers. Previously, they were made simply, in barrels; in Russian times, wooden containers were mainly replaced by pots; today housewives have adapted jars.

The advantages of the cool recipe are obvious: vegetables do not lose their beneficial properties, the real cucumber taste is preserved, it becomes more saturated, and the preparation time is significantly reduced.

How to pickle cucumbers using the cool method for the winter

Knowing just a few secrets will provide you with top-quality pickles, such that you can safely show off your skills to your girlfriends.

  • Not every cucumber is suitable for pickling. Use smooth salad varieties for food. For preservation, stock up on vegetables with tubercles and dark spikes.
  • Choose vegetables of the same size, then they will be salted immediately.
  • Soaking is an indispensable procedure. Take the time, thanks to this the greens will turn out strong, dense, without voids inside, and besides, they will have a delicious crunch.
  • Place the bottom layer in jars vertically, select large specimens. Add small change to the top, then more will go in. But do not compact it too tightly; the greens will lose their crispness.
  • It’s up to you to sterilize the jars or do without the tedious procedure given to us; you can simply rinse the container thoroughly. Conservation is unsurpassed in all respects.
  • The choice of lid is influenced by the storage space for pickles. Jars with a nylon lid require a cool room. Sealing with a steel lid is not so demanding on the temperature of the content; the container will not explode even at room temperature.
  • Only large salt, rock salt, without additives. Other types are taboo!
  • If the brine becomes cloudy during the salting process, do not be alarmed, this is normal. When the cucumbers are salted, the brine will become light again.

What is added to cucumber preparations using the cool method?

Place small carrots, onions, squash, bell peppers - the containers will take on a beautiful, dressed-up look. In addition to the usual garlic, dill and peppercorns, when salting you can add basil, hot chili, cherry, oak leaves, horseradish.

Traditional regular recipe for pickling cucumbers

An easier version of cool salting, considered traditional. In my opinion, one of the best and fastest, since you will appreciate the result after three days.

You will need for a 3 liter container:

  • Vegetables.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Peppercorns – 6 pcs.
  • Salt – 3 heaped tablespoons.
  • Cherry, horseradish - a few leaves.
  • Dill umbrellas.
  • If you want to create spicy cucumbers, add hot chili peppers.
  1. The next day, soak the cucumbers in cool water and remove the stems.
  2. Place leafy greens on the bottom of the jar.
  3. Place the cucumbers, placing the bottom row vertically. Fill the jars with garlic and fill the jars to the top with small greens.
  4. Dissolve the salt, pour the brine into the jar.
  5. Close with a nylon lid. For winter storage, store in a cool cellar. If you decide to consume the snack right away, keep it in the apartment for 3 days and take a sample.

Cool salted cucumbers with mustard

You will receive indescribable pleasure if you take a cucumber in your hand, pickled according to this recipe, and crunch it with all your heart. Thanks to mustard, mold will not grow in the jar, since mustard powder is a natural disinfectant.

Useful for a three-liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Mustard powder or grains - a small spoon.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves.
  • Pepper – 6-8 peas.
  • Cherry leaves, horseradish, dill sprigs.
  • For brine, take 2 huge heaped spoons for any liter of water.
  1. Soak the vegetables in cool water, cut off the ends.
  2. Put greens in the jars; if you find oak leaves, they will be in place.
  3. Fill the containers with greens, adding chopped garlic between them.
  4. Sprinkle mustard additive on top.
  5. Dissolve salt in water and pour into canned food.
  6. Close it under the nylon lid and leave the workpiece in the apartment. Our task: wait for the brine to ferment and brighten. Look at the banks from time to time. If the water flows out during fermentation and finishes covering the greens, add a little to the top.
  7. When the brine becomes light, the cucumbers are ready to eat; take them into the cold to stop the process.

Crispy cucumbers - cool recipe in a saucepan (video)

An enameled or stainless steel pan is a suitable container for pickles. I offer a regular video recipe, that’s what I do too.

Lightly salted cucumbers using the cool method

recipes for lightly salted cucumbers salted with cool brine. I have already introduced them by sharing a selection on another page. Here I give the most common version of lightly salted. You can salt it in a saucepan or jar.

  • Cucumbers.
  • Dill, peppercorns, garlic, cherry, currant leaves, horseradish - to taste.
  • Salt - 70 grams per liter of water.
  1. Soak the greens, then trim them.
  2. Place half of the pickling greens plus the garlic on the bottom of the container in a cushion.
  3. Next, lay out the cucumbers, cover them with the remaining leaves.
  4. Make a brine by dissolving salt in cool water. I determine how much water is needed by eye, but if you are preserving it in a jar, you can add water, then drain it and measure how much is included.
  5. Lightly salted cucumbers will be ready in a day; if the specimens are large, wait a little longer.

Pickling cucumbers in cool water - a recipe for the winter

  • Cucumbers – 2 kg.
  • Lavrushka – 2 pcs.
  • Dill - 4 umbrellas.
  • Horseradish leaves – 2 pcs.
  • Horseradish root - a piece.
  • Garlic cloves – 3 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves – 3 pcs.
  • Parsley, celery, tarragon - 3 sprigs each.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Capsicum - pod.
  • Peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Salt – 70-80 gr. per liter of water.
  1. Select size 1 cucumbers, soak, then trim.
  2. Start putting the ingredients in the jar with herbs and seasonings. Then make a layer of cucumber and lay the greens again. Cover the top with dill umbrellas.
  3. Prepare the brine and pour it into the jars to the very top. Cover with gauze and leave in the apartment for 2-3 days.
  4. When foam appears, drain the brine and boil it. cool and return to jar.
  5. Immediately after this, roll it up or close it with a regular lid. Transfer to the pantry, cellar.

Cucumbers - cool recipe with vodka

A very popular option for cool salting. A small amount of alcohol in the jar will make the cucumbers crispy.

Take for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Vodka – 50 ml.
  • Water – 1.5 liters.
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons.
  • Sweet sand – 2 huge spoons.
  • Pepper – 6-8 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves – 4 pcs.
  • Dill, horseradish, cherry leaves.
  1. Soak the vegetables in cool water in advance, cut off the butts.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves in half.
  3. Line the bottom of the jar with horseradish and cherry leaves. Fill the container with vegetables, sprinkling with garlic.
  4. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, boil, and be sure to cool.
  5. Pour in the brine, add vodka. Close it under a nylon lid or roll up a steel one.
  6. Leave the jars to stand at room temperature for 2-3 days. Then they are removed to a cool room. The cucumbers will be ready in a couple of months.

How to prepare pickled cucumbers

Cool poured fermented greens are a very common winter canning recipe. Amazing option! The cucumbers turn out crispy and breathtakingly tasty.

  • Cucumbers, finely chopped garlic, bitter hot pepper, horseradish, dill - determine the quantity for each jar.
  • Salt - 100 gr. based on a 3-liter jar (four spoons).
  1. At the bottom of each jar, place half the greens, chop the garlic, chop the pepper, place the vegetables tightly, and top with the remaining greens.
  2. Pour salt directly into the jar and pour cool water into it. Close with lids.
  3. The jars should stand for about three days, there will be foam - remove it. Then put them in the basement or put them in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. Help yourself to your health!

Video recipe for cool pickling “Like barrels”

The hostess claims that the taste of the snack will be the same as before, when salted in containers. I looked closely at the video and there was no hesitation left, it will be so. I recommend following the advice, and may your cucumbers turn out no worse.

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