How long to stew chicken hearts: rules and methods for making offal

How long to stew chicken hearts: rules and methods for making offal

Almost all housewives undeservedly ignore chicken by-products. The main reason for this mistrust is that they cannot prepare them correctly. Take, for example, chicken hearts. This tender meat can be boiled, stewed, fried, and even made into kebab. Everything will depend on the personal desire and imagination of the hostess. After cooking, stewing is the most popular cooking option, one of the main characteristics of which is the duration of the process. Every product has its own time frame. Therefore, the question immediately arises: how long to stew chicken hearts? Everything will depend on the method of manufacturing the product.

Dish in a pot with sour cream

In the old days in Rus', meat was often stewed in pots. This method is still quite popular today. To find out how much to stew chicken hearts in this way, you need to try and prepare the dish yourself. Moreover, it will be easy to create. For work you may need: 300 grams of chicken hearts, salt, 2 medium-sized onions and 100 grams of sour cream.

In practice, it’s easier to figure out how long to stew chicken hearts. Since all the ingredients will be assembled, you can start cooking right away:

  1. First, you need to wash the offal well, and then be sure to trim off the fat and remaining parts of the vessels. If the product is fresh, then blood may remain inside it (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) . It definitely needs to be removed. This can be done using 2 methods. If the hearts are used completely, then you need to press firmly on each of them to remove the remaining clots inside. If the recipe requires the product to be crushed, the pieces just need to be thoroughly washed with water.
  2. Carefully cut the onion into half rings. In principle, the shape of the blanks can be random.
  3. Combine the products together, add sour cream, salt and mix well.
  4. Place everything into pots and place in a preheated oven. How long to stew chicken hearts? In principle, 30 minutes will be enough for this.

After this, the finished dish is served hot. As a supplement, you can eat any side dish (potatoes, pasta or boiled rice).

Extinguishing rules

To literally understand how long to stew chicken hearts, you need to find out more about the product itself. Of all the offal, they are the smallest. The weight of 1 heart does not exceed 30 grams. This is muscle tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) red in color with a rather dense structure. However, such a product does not require long-term temperature treatment. Half an hour is enough to extinguish it. During this period of time, the meat has time to cook perfectly.

Longer heat treatment can cause the hearts to become hard and tasteless. In addition, you need to take into account the recipe and manufacturing technology of a particular dish. For example, when stewing with vegetables, such by-products are added first. Joint processing usually lasts no more than 20 minutes. When using milk products, the duration of the process increases. So, the hearts are stewed in cream for about 40 minutes. In this case, the work must be carried out on low heat, because with high boiling, the milk may curdle.

Braising in a frying pan

At home, housewives often use a frying pan for stewing. This is very convenient, considering the minimal duration of the entire process. How long to simmer chicken hearts in a frying pan? Depending on the specific recipe, this processing requires from 30 to 40 minutes. For example, you can see a very common option - chicken hearts stewed in mayonnaise. This dish is quite simple to prepare. A small set of goods will be useful: 1 kilogram of chicken hearts, ground pepper, 3 tablespoons of any mayonnaise, onion, salt and a little vegetable oil.

  1. First, the offal must be processed by removing excess pieces of fat and large remnants of blood vessels.
  2. Place them in a deep plate, sprinkle with pepper and salt.
  3. Add mayonnaise and mix everything well.
  4. Heat a small amount of oil in a frying pan and transfer the cooked products into it.
  5. Place chopped onion on top.
  6. Simmer over low heat for 35-40 minutes.

Free time can be spent on making a side dish. Boiled pasta goes perfectly with this dish.

Technology to help

It is very convenient to cook chicken offal in a slow cooker. With all this, using even the most ordinary recipe, you can create an appetizing and very tasty dish. How long should chicken hearts be stewed in this case? To answer this question, you need to look at the entire technology of making the dish one by one. First you need to prepare the main ingredients: 0.7 kilograms of chicken hearts, 1 carrot, a little salt, 2 onions, sour cream, bay leaf, vegetable oil, half a glass of water and a little flour.

Anyone can cook this dish in a slow cooker:

  1. First, you need to randomly chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  2. Place the products in a bowl and lightly fry them, setting the “baking” mode.
  3. Add processed offal and add all remaining ingredients. Flour is added by those who like the thickest gravy.
  4. Close the lid, then set the “quenching” mode and the timer for 60 minutes.

In a slow cooker, the dish naturally takes longer to cook. But this method eliminates any additional labor costs and allows you to completely forget about cooking for an hour.

Chicken hearts stewed with vegetables in a frying pan

Friends and guests of my blog, now we have a dish in our room that will make you ecstatic. After all, you can’t imagine a tastier dinner. Naturally, one of you will say that the hearts can be stewed in sour cream and onions and it will be simply amazing. But my wife and I are used to experimenting and made it even better. Vegetables will be a nice addition for them.

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But before we start cooking, let’s first figure out why chicken hearts are so good? Everything is very simple here, they prepare simply and quickly. They turn out tender and satisfying, and most importantly, completely cheap in cost. I also want to pay attention to calories, because they contain only 160 kcal. per 100 grams of product. This means that almost everyone can take them into food, but do not overdo it, because they can increase the level of cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .

You can serve the dish with rice, pasta or potatoes. You can also prepare some simple salad as a side dish, but that’s whatever you like.

By the way, if any of you are interested in the methods of making offal, you can look at these articles on how to fry beef liver in a frying pan or cook liver cutlets. For lovers of this product, it will be very useful to add these recipes to your cookbook. Believe me, they are filling and they are irreplaceable for a good dinner.

How to cook chicken hearts simply and deliciously?

As I said above, the hearts cook very quickly, and all because they are very small. The time allotted for stewing them, together with vegetables, is about 20-30 minutes. Naturally, there are still exceptions; if you stew them in milk or sour cream, then the heat treatment increases to 40 minutes.

Fundamentally! If you cook them for more time, then this offal can become tough and not tasty. We need to ensure that the hearts come out soft and tender.


  • Chicken hearts – 500 gr.;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Seasoning for chicken - 1 teaspoon;
  • Adjika – 0.5 tsp;
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Greens – 30-40 gr.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for frying – 2 tbsp. l.

Step 1. Wash the hearts, remove the remaining vessels and excess fat.

If the offal is fresh, then there may be blood inside it (the internal environment of the body formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and post-cellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) , which needs to be removed. Creating this function is very simple, you just need to press a little on each of them and the clots will blow out. Or cut them in half and wash them well.

Step 2. Wash the onion, peel it and cut it into quarter rings.

Step 3. Cut the peeled and washed carrots into strips.

Step 4. Remove the seeds from the pepper and, like carrots and onions, cut into small pieces.

Step 5. Garlic, you need to finely chop. The smaller you do this, the more flavorful the dish will be. But I would like to tell you how you can create it faster. Press the clove with the wide edge of a knife, then quickly tap it with the blade and chop it.

Well, now that the vegetables have been prepared, it’s time to move on to the main thing. We will cook the hearts in a frying pan, preferably with a thick bottom, so that it heats up well.

Cooking chicken hearts in a frying pan with onions

Step 6. Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it well. We send the prepared hearts into it. Stir-fry them until all the water has boiled away. Only then add the onion. Mix the whole mass and immediately add the carrots to the frying pan.

I would like to digress a little from the main recipe and tell you how to stew hearts with one onion. It also turns out very tasty. And the production time will take only 25 minutes. This is an option if you want to create dinner quickly.

First put the onion in the frying pan and immediately send the hearts in order not to waste time. Immediately salt and pepper all the contents to taste. For a regular dish, these ingredients will be enough. Mix everything and cover with a lid, simmer for about 25 minutes over medium heat. Then remove the lid and fry the dish for another 6-8 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated. The hearts are ready, you can serve them with any side dish.

Well, I told you how you can fry just hearts and at the same time use a minimum of goods, only onions and the necessary spices. For now, let's get back to the main recipe. Still, it will be much tastier. You will see this for yourself when you continue to cook with me, and then taste it.

Hearts stewed with vegetables in a frying pan

Step 7. Mix the carrots together with the hearts and add the peppers to the frying pan. You can add garlic right away. There is already such a smell floating around the room that you are already eager to sit down at the table. But you need to be patient, there is very little left.

Step 8. Lightly fry everything together (almost 2-3 minutes) and add chicken seasoning. I do this by eye, because I have prepared this dish many times and understand how much to add so as not to overdo it.

Step 9. Immediately add a little salt and pepper to the hearts and vegetables.

Do not overdo it with salt, because soy sauce will be added. If you are not sure how much you need to pour it in, you can do it a little later, when the sauce is poured. Then the dish can be tasted.

Step 10. Add a little adjika. Then mix the whole mass.

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By the way, for those who are curious, for all recipes, I try to use adjika in Abkhazian style, it is the most spicy with a pronounced taste.

Step 11. Pour a little soy sauce, add some salt if necessary and simmer the hearts until all the vegetables become soft.

Step 12. Finely chop the greens. I took the most ordinary parsley and dill.

Step 13. Add the greens to our general ingredients and the chicken hearts are ready.

Step 14. Now you can prepare pasta for it and place the dish on plates. Bon appetit.

I think you liked this recipe. And for now, a small addition to the article.

Recipe for making chicken hearts in sour cream.

I suggest you watch a video that I found on the Internet not long ago. I didn’t have to cook it myself, but from the way the creator carefully takes care of everything, it’s immediately clear that it turns out very tasty. That’s why we decided to share this video with you. Actually, look.

Well, that’s all I wanted to share with you. Prepare the dish using any method you like. Also share it with your friends on social networks. If you have any questions about these recipes, ask in the comments, I will certainly answer.

Chicken hearts stewed with onions

Cooking: 40 minutes

Chicken hearts stewed with onions is a fairly common dish and it is not without its own special taste.

For those who love offal, this recipe will be needed for the daily menu. Chicken hearts will be a good addition to any side dish, and your family dinners will become more varied.

Ease of manufacture

Chicken hearts are quite easy to prepare and can be used to create a nutritious dish that will delight you with its taste.

The main thing is to put them out correctly and then they will become soft and tender. Otherwise, you don’t need to have any special culinary skills to make this dish.

Chicken heart soup is very nutritious and satisfying. If you like offal then you will definitely like it.


  • Chicken hearts – 450 g
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Olive oil – 30 g
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Dark ground pepper – 2 pinches

How to cook chicken hearts stewed with onions

Wash the chicken hearts and clean them.

Cut them in half and remove unnecessary parts: the remains of blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) and ducts.

Fry the cooked hearts in olive oil.

You can immediately salt and pepper them. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the hearts brown on all sides.

Cut the peeled onions into large cubes.

Add chopped onion to the pan.

The onion should become soft, transparent and slightly fried.

Pour hot water into the frying pan and begin to simmer the hearts over low heat under the lid. After 40 minutes the dish is ready.

Serve chicken hearts stewed with onions with any side dish: porridge, potatoes or pasta.

Chicken hearts - 5 very tasty, simple and fast recipes with step-by-step photos

Chicken hearts are the smallest offal, but despite this, they are very healthy. Chicken hearts are considered a dietary dish, so it is useful to include them in the diet of pregnant women, children, athletes, people with heart disease and in the postoperative period. Dishes made from chicken hearts amaze with their variety. You can make soup from them, bake them in the oven, create a shish kebab, or stew them as a separate dish. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. Chicken hearts cooked with sour cream will allow you to vary your daily menu. Moreover, the preparation time for this dish is relatively short - 30 minutes. In addition, chicken hearts are easily accessible and economical products.

Chicken hearts recipe from our reader


Manufacturing process

Chicken hearts stewed in tomato sauce

The process of making this dish takes no more than 30 minutes. It is important to pay attention to the manufacturing process; if chicken hearts are stewed for a very long time, they turn out hard and less tasty.


  • Chicken hearts ─ 700 g.
  • Onions ─ 300 g.
  • Tomato paste ─ 3 tbsp.
  • A mixture of herbs of Provence ─ to taste.
  • Ground black pepper ─ to taste.
  • Olive oil ─ 1 tsp.
  • Purified water ─ 200 ml.
  • Garlic ─ 2 cloves.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Chicken hearts must be boiled in hot water in advance.
  2. Then pour olive oil into a deep saucepan and fry the onion, chopped into small cubes in advance. It must be fried until transparent.
  3. Add tomato paste to the onion, mix thoroughly, simmer for a couple of minutes. Add spices to taste, specifically a mixture of herbs of Provence, dark ground pepper and salt.
  4. Place chicken hearts in a saucepan, fill them with water, bring to a boil and cover with a lid. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, add chopped or pressed garlic, stir.

Hearts in tomato sauce according to the usual recipe are ready. They can be served with buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad or mashed potatoes. Bon appetit.

Chicken hearts baked in the oven

Not everyone knows that chicken hearts can not only be boiled and stewed, but also baked. In this recipe, offal is baked together with vegetables, so the dish combines a side dish and a meat component. The ensemble is harmoniously and appropriately mixed according to taste traits.

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  • Chicken hearts ─ 400 g.
  • Onions ─ 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper ─ 1 pc.
  • Champignons ─ 300 g.
  • Hard cheese ─ 150 g.
  • Low-fat mayonnaise ─ 3 tbsp.
  • Khmeli-suneli ─ 0.5 tsp.
  • Olive oil ─ 1 tbsp.
  • Ground dark pepper to taste.
  • Salt to taste.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash the chicken hearts under running water, remove the film and fat from them. Fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with khmeli-suneli seasoning, add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Place the fried chicken hearts in a deep baking dish with the bottom layer.
  3. Wash the champignons under cool water, remove damaged areas, remove membranes from the caps and cut into thin slices. Place the mushrooms on top of the chicken hearts and distribute evenly.
  4. Peel the onions and add to the rest of the ingredients. It must be cut into half rings.
  5. Wash the bell pepper under cool water, remove the seeds and membranes, cut into thin strips or small strips. Place on top of the onion.
  6. Grate the hard cheese on a medium grater and mix it in a separate bowl with mayonnaise. Spread the cheese mixture in an even layer on top of the bell peppers.
  7. The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees in advance. The finished form is sent to a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Ready-made chicken hearts with a side dish of vegetables are served hot. Bon appetit.

Chicken hearts in sour cream sauce

Chicken hearts stewed in sour cream turn out quite tender. Hearts cooked as a whole are consistently juicy and have a pleasant creamy taste. Mixes well with rice, mashed potatoes and other side dishes. Instead of sour cream for stewing, you can use heavy cream.


  • Chicken hearts ─ 700 gr.
  • Onion ─ 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil ─ 2 tbsp.
  • Purified water ─ 2 tbsp.
  • Flour ─ 2 tbsp.
  • Fat sour cream ─ 100 g.
  • Ground black pepper ─ to taste.
  • Salt to taste.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash the hearts in advance in cool water and soak for one hour.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes, place it in a frying pan heated with sunflower oil. Once half cooked, add butter to the onion.
  3. Remove the hearts from the water, wash, cut off excess fat and tubes. If the by-products are large, they must be cut into halves and sent to the onion. The hearts are fried for about 7 minutes, and then poured into water, salt and pepper are added.
  4. Simmer the dish under a closed lid for about 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. Dissolve flour in a small volume of water and get rid of lumps. This mixture is poured into the hearts and brought to thicken. After this, add fat sour cream or cream.
  6. The dishes must be mixed well to distribute the sour cream evenly and simmer for about 5 minutes over high heat.
  7. After this, turn down the heat and simmer the hearts for 10 minutes, under a closed lid on the lowest heat.

Serve warm.

Marinated hearts

This appetizer will appeal to all lovers of Asian cuisine. The next time the marinated hearts are fried, they are constantly covered with a crispy, golden crust, but inside they always remain juicy and soft. The dish is completely easy to prepare, and a successful marinade will always make an ordinary, everyday dish not completely ordinary.


  • Chicken hearts ─ 500 g.
  • Ginger root ─ 10 g.
  • Garlic ─ 10 g.
  • Hot pepper ─ 20 g.
  • Orange ─ 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce ─ 40 ml.
  • Olive oil ─ 20 ml.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash the hearts well under running water. Each of them must be lightly pressed to remove the blood clot (internal environment of the human and animal body) from the inside. It is necessary to remove all excess from the heart, specifically blood vessels and films.
  2. Previously cooked chicken hearts must be emptied of water. To do this, place them on paper towels for 15 minutes to remove water.
  3. Place the prepared offal in an enamel or clay bowl. After making the hearts, you can make the marinade.
  4. The garlic must be peeled, the ginger root must be washed under cool water and peeled. The garlic cloves and ginger root must be passed through a press or grated on a small grater. Transfer the spices into a deep bowl.
  5. Wash the chili pepper under cool water, remove the stem and get rid of the seeds. Cut it lengthwise into 2 halves, and then cut each half into half rings. It is better to work with pepper while wearing gloves, otherwise you can get a dermatological burn. Spicy lovers can throw pepper seeds inside and add them to the marinade. Sliced ​​peppers are placed in a bowl with ginger and garlic.
  6. The orange is washed under cool water, cut in half, the juice is squeezed out from each half and sent to a mixture of garlic, ginger and pepper, and thoroughly mixed.
  7. Soy sauce and olive oil are added to the acquired consistency. Chicken hearts are poured with marinade.
  8. Cover a deep container with chicken hearts with cling film or a tight lid and leave for 1.5 - 3 hours in a cool place.
  9. After this time, the marinated hearts are strung on wooden skewers and fried in a dry frying pan.
  10. The process of frying typical kebabs takes about 20 minutes, but during the process they must be constantly rotated so that they are moderately fried on all sides.
  11. The appetizer is served only hot.

Garnish the shashlik of chicken hearts with the freshest herbs and serve with any side dish.

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