Solyanka with sausage - an ordinary, frisky and tasty recipe

Solyanka with sausage - an ordinary, frisky and tasty recipe

Greetings, dear readers! Now I’ll tell you how to cook hodgepodge with sausage quickly and deliciously. This thick, richly flavored soup is perfect for a home-cooked lunch. It stimulates appetite and perfectly relieves hunger. There are a huge number of options for making hodgepodge. The most economical recipe is considered to be one that includes sausage, carrots, onions and pickles.

For a festive dinner, you can create a hodgepodge by combining sausage with meat. Cooks often add additional ingredients to the soup, for example, olives and mushrooms (a separate article is devoted to hodgepodge with mushrooms). For lovers of a special taste, I recommend replacing boiled sausage with raw smoked sausage. Then the dish will turn out fragrant and nutritious.

Solyanka recipe with sausage

Video recipe

Useful tips

  1. I recommend serving the soup in a deep bowl. If desired, you can add grated garlic or hot pepper.
  2. For decoration, use chopped parsley, green onions, and lemon wedges. Sliced ​​lemon can be served in a separate bowl so that your guests can independently adjust the acidity of the soup to taste.
  3. Radishes and spicy Korean carrots are often served on a separate plate.
  4. The soup should be eaten hot. Cooled fat on a plate makes the dish tasteless and unpresentable.
  5. You can serve garlic croutons with hodgepodge. To do this, just cut the rye bread into thin pieces, fry over high heat until crunchy, lightly salt and sprinkle with grated garlic. A garlic baguette is considered a good candidate. First you need to create a mixture of butter, garlic and chopped herbs. Then cut the bun into portions, spread them with the prepared mixture, put in the oven and bake until golden brown.
  6. To obtain a concentrated broth, it is better to consume a certain amount of meat with bones. Also add celery root, dried mushrooms and bay leaf to the broth.
  7. To prepare a clear broth, do not forget to constantly skim off the foam.
  8. In addition to cucumbers, you can add sauerkraut to the soup. We have a recipe for a separate dish - solyanka with cabbage.

5 extraordinary options

  • Combined meat (traditional recipe)

A soup with a richer, more intense taste that will leave your dinner guests in complete ecstasy. To make it, take raw beef, smoked sausage and meat, sausages, carrots, pickled cucumbers, tomato paste, flour, onions, spices, lemon, olives. Cut the boiled beef into thin cubes. Fry the remaining meat ingredients in a frying pan and then add to the broth. Before adding the cucumbers, I recommend simmering them in a frying pan with a small amount of water. To improve the taste, you can use bay leaves, cucumber pickle and herbs.

  • With sausage and smoked meats

A mind-blowing meat soup that will amuse all your loved ones with its indescribable taste and smell. To prepare it, you need to take boiled sausage, fresh balyk, smoked sausage, potatoes, onions, pickled cucumbers, tomato paste. Be sure to ensure that the food is not overcooked. I recommend adding tomato paste at the end of frying the cucumbers and onions. Serve the dish with olives, sour cream and lemon.

  • With mushrooms

A vegetarian option in which mushrooms replace meat or sausage. For production, you will need fresh or dried snow-white mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, sunflower oil, onions, tomato paste, bay leaves, peppercorns, and salt. Don't forget to peel the cucumbers. Be sure to wash and chop the mushrooms.

  • With sausage and chicken

The usual first dish of Russian cuisine, for the preparation of which you will need chicken fillet, smoked meats, onions, pickles, tomato paste, vegetable oil, olives, salt, sugar, spices, sour cream. Cut all smoked products into strips. Before serving, garnish the soup with lemon wedges and cilantro.

An excellent hearty soup that's great for guys. It quickly relieves hunger, so it is completely possible to do without a second course. To make it, you will need chicken or beef broth with pieces of meat, white or reddish beans, sausages, boiled pork, onions, carrots, potatoes, tomato paste, pitted olives, celery stalk, vegetable oil, pepper, salt, bay leaf. Before serving, garnish the dish with chopped garden herbs and a few slices of lemon.


In the article, we learned what is needed to make sausage hodgepodge, looked at the step-by-step recipe with photos, and found out how many calories are in the dish. The soup cooks quickly and comes out nutritious and rich. Classic solyanka is usually prepared using meat. But if you don’t have it at home, you can take boiled or smoked sausage.

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Do you like to cook solyanka with sausage? Tell us about it in the comments!

Solyanka with sausage - a regular recipe

Do you like hodgepodge but don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time? Then try the recipe for frisky hodgepodge with sausage and olives.

Unlike the traditional recipe, it is not necessary to cook the broth. If you take a “provided” set of smoked meats, the soup will turn out rich and very tasty. It is possible (and even necessary) to mix different types of smoked meats and sausages: sausage, wieners, smoked or boiled-smoked beef, lard, tongue, sausages - a little of everything to create an assortment. The rest of the manufacturing technique will be classic. Season the solyanka with tomato paste, pickles (and brine), and also add olives.


  • sausage, sausages, smoked meat, lard, tongue, frankfurters, boiled smoked beef – 450 g
  • onions – 2 pcs. (120 g)
  • carrots – 1 pc. (70 g)
  • tomato paste – 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon – 2 thin slices
  • pickled cucumbers – 1 pc. (120 g)
  • cucumber pickle – 50-100 ml
  • water – approximately 1 liter
  • olives – 1 handful
  • salt – 0.5 tsp. or to taste
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • ground dark pepper - to taste
  • greens (dill and parsley) – 0.5 bunch.
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.


In a thick-bottomed saucepan (or large saucepan), heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add diced onion. Fry for a short time, simmer for almost 1 minute so that the onion softens slightly. Next add carrots, grated on a small grater. Continue frying for another 1-2 minutes until the vegetables are lightly browned.

Add smoked meats to the pan - an assortment of various types of sausages and smoked meat; the composition must certainly contain sausages, they will give the soup a special delicate taste and softness. Fry for another 5 minutes, until the smoked meats are browned and release their fat (in fact, for this reason, you should not pour a lot of oil when frying onions and carrots).

Add tomato paste, stir and fry for several minutes, stirring.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes and place in a saucepan. Pour in the cucumber pickle and boil everything together for a few minutes.

Cut the olives (pitted) into rings, and the lemon into small pieces. Send them into the soup, add bay leaf.

Pour hot water from the kettle - the amount of water can be freely adjusted to taste and depending on how thick you like your soups. Bring to a boil, add salt and pepper to taste. It is necessary to add salt carefully, because as the hodgepodge infuses, it will still develop its own taste. Cook for 10 minutes. At the end, add a little chopped herbs, remove from heat and let it brew under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Serve hot, with sour cream or just as is. Bon appetit!

Solyanka with sausage. Homemade recipes

“Solyanka” has many options, it can be made with meat, with sausage or mushroom. The first two versions of this soup are the most popular. I already wrote about meat, now it’s time for sausage.

This option is often used after feasts, because there is a lot of tenderloin left in a couple of pieces, which can be frozen or immediately used in a nutritious soup, which replaces both the 1st and 2nd courses.

“Solyanka” with sausage: a recipe for making it at home

If you do not have all the listed ingredients, then use a purchased mixture for Solyanka; almost all manufacturers of semi-finished meat products have it.

It looks approximately like the photo below.

Potatoes make the soup thickest and most nutritious.

  • It doesn’t matter what kind of sausage with a total weight of 500 g (olives, cervelat, sausage, balyk, smoked meats)
  • 1 can of olives
  • 4 cucumbers
  • Capers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt pepper
  • Tomato paste
  • 2 potatoes

We cook the base for the soup immediately with pieces of potatoes. At the same time, cook pieces of onion and cucumber with a spoon of tomato paste over low heat.

Once the potatoes become soft, add all the chopped sausage mixture to them.

Simmer the cucumber and onion for about seven minutes, then put them in a common pan.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, squeeze half the lemon into the soup, and cut half into circles for serving in plates.

We cut the olives not very finely and put them in the soup after they are ready. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

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Traditional sausage soup recipe

When you buy smoked meats, you can shred a little lard or meat from the ribs and send them to cook in a soup with the rest of the sausage.
Take a little of different types of sausages, then you will get the most meaty and rich taste.

Olives or black olives must be pitted; you can also take them stuffed with lemon.

  • 1 sausage
  • Smoked ribs – 200 g
  • Salami – 100 g
  • Carbonate – 100 g
  • Gherkins – 1 jar
  • 1 chicken breast
  • Garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 can of olives
  • Tomato paste

This option does not require frying onions and cucumbers.

Cook chicken breast broth. We take out the meat and cut it, mix it with the rest of the assorted sausages and put it in the broth.

We also cut the gherkins and onions, garlic and send them to cook.

Season with tomato paste and cook for 10 minutes.

The cucumbers will crunch, but the smell from the sausage will not yet be released into the broth along with the taste.

Add lemon slices and olive pieces.

Solyanka recipe with sausage and pickles

Pickled cucumbers are one of the most important components of Solyanka, but they taste better when they are peeled and stewed until soft.

  • Potatoes – 200 g
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Tomato paste
  • Assorted sausages that you have on hand – 400 g
  • Olives

Potatoes from available products take the longest to cook, so we cook potato cubes in 2 liters of water until tender.

Sauté onions, carrots, cucumbers and lemon slices with tomato paste.

All vegetables should become soft, this will take 5 to 10 minutes.

Cut the sausage mixture or defrost the cold cuts.

Add them to the pan, followed by the sautéed vegetables.

We cut the olives and place them on plates along with the herbs.

The usual step-by-step recipe for Solyanka with sausage, potatoes and cabbage

Cabbage is not included in the classic recipe for this soup, but almost all families add it; where there are pickled cucumbers, salted cabbage will do. Just don’t take a lot of it, so as not to turn it into cabbage soup.

Potatoes will also complement the soup, but they taste better when they have already boiled in the broth and fall apart on their own.

  • Boiled sausage – 0.3 kg
  • Smoked sausage – 0.2 kg
  • Balyk – 0.2 kg
  • Sauerkraut – 150 g
  • Pickled cucumbers – 5 pieces
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp. l. Tomato paste
  • 6 potatoes
  • Salt pepper

Chop the peeled potato tubers and set them to boil in three liters of cool water, add peppercorns to it.

We prepare the sausage and send it to fry with tomato paste. There is no need to add oil, otherwise it will turn out very greasy.

After the sausage, you need to simmer the onions and pickles with tomato paste.

It is better to peel the cucumbers. Simmer for 10 minutes until everything becomes very soft.

We rinse the cabbage a little, squeeze it out and add it to the potatoes to cook, after 5 minutes add the sausage and cucumber mixture.

For scent, add a couple of bay leaves. Place sour cream, a lemon slice and a couple of olives into a bowl of soup.

How to cook soup with sausage and meat

Naturally, the recipe for “Solyanka” came to us from antiquity, specifically with meat; sausage had not yet been invented at that time. Well, we know that the most delicious soup is always cooked with broth.

So, here I offer you a recipe in which various types of sausage perfectly complement meat and meat broth.

By the way, we put the meat in cool water, then when it gradually boils it will give all its juices to the broth.

Also put 1 onion in the broth and cook together with the meat without cutting it. After the broth is ready, you can remove the onion.

  • Beef on the bone – 600 g
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Pepper, salt
  • 3 pickled cucumbers
  • Sausages – 100 g
  • Sausage – 100 g
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Olives – 1 jar
  • 1 lemon

Cook beef broth, add 1 whole onion and peppercorns to the meat.

Chop the cooked and cooled meat and add it to the chopped sausage.

Cut the chopped cucumbers lengthwise and pour in a cup of broth, then cook for 6 minutes.

The cucumbers will then become soft and add them to the broth.

Fry the onion with tomato paste until soft and also add to the pan.

Place the sausage-meat mixture after the onion mixture.

Season with salt and pepper.

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Leave to cook for another 10 minutes and steep for another 15 minutes.

Then add lemon, pieces of olives or olives and herbs.

Lemon can be squeezed into the broth itself.

Recipe with sausage and olives in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is perfect for making this soup. The manufacturing rules are still the same.

The onion and cucumber should not crunch in the soup, so we simmer them together with the rest of the ingredients.

  • 4 potato tubers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • Sausage – 0.2 kg
  • Smoked chicken – 0.2 kg
  • Pepper, salt
  • Olives
  • 1 lemon

Grind the carrots, onions and cucumbers into strips and put them in a slow cooker to simmer with water. Press the “Frying” mode.

Add sausage pieces and tomato paste to them. Simmer for four minutes.

Pour two liters of water and place potato cubes and half a cup of cucumber or olive brine into a common bowl. Switch the mode to “Soup”.

10 minutes before cooking, pour in the olives or black olives, cut into three parts.

Squeeze half a lemon into the soup and wait for the potato cubes to become soft.

Place a pinch of chopped herbs and a spoonful of sour cream on a plate.

It is also important to mix a little cucumber brine with the broth, but so as not to oversalt the soup, because the sausage will also release fat and salt into the liquid.

Well, pickles and olives will share, so you will add salt to this dish after it has been cooked and infused. And then you will understand that you need to add spices or it will be too much.

By the way, lemon is added from time to time to the soup itself during the cooking process, from time to time to the cucumbers at the time of stewing, and most often to the plate itself before lunch.

Smoked meats are an ideal product for this soup, but you can also divide them and cook pea soup.

Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Solyanka with sausage

Solyanka can be prepared not only from various smoked meats and delicacies, but also from sausage! It also turns out delicious, and, what’s important, very, very fast. This is far from an exotic recipe, because the taste of this dish is familiar to almost everyone, but not everyone knows how to cook it. Solyanka with sausage prepared according to this recipe is nutritious, slightly spicy in taste, fragrant and appetizing.

Ingredients for making solyanka with sausage:

  • water – 3-3.5 l
  • boiled sausage – 150 g
  • hunting sausages – 5 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • reddish onion – 2 pcs.
  • potatoes – 6-7 pcs.
  • large pickled cucumbers – 3-4 pcs.
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  • lemon – 3-4 slices
  • olives – 100 g
  • vegetable oil - for sautéing
  • salt, spices - to taste

Recipe for making solyanka with sausage:

If you have chicken or meat broth, you can cook hodgepodge using the broth, but this is not necessary. Place peeled and diced potatoes into boiling water.

In the meantime, prepare the vegetables for the dressing: grate the carrots coarsely, peel the onion and cut into half rings, grate the pickled cucumbers on a large grater.

For the “inside” you should prepare olives, lemon and sausage: cut the sausages into circles, boiled sausage into strips. If you took pitted olives, you can cut them into rings.

To make the dressing, first sauté the onions and carrots in oil until soft.

Then add cucumbers to them and mix.

Then add tomato paste to the pan and stir thoroughly.

Let it simmer for about 3-4 minutes and add the vegetables to the pan with the hodgepodge. When the dressing is already in the pan, you can salt and pepper the hodgepodge and add other spices.

Then add sausage and sausages to the pan.

Add olives and lemon to the hodgepodge. Keep in mind that sausage, olives and lemon are added when the potatoes in the solyanka are already soft. Add greens if desired. If the hodgepodge tastes not very spicy, you can pour a little cucumber pickle into it.

Solyanka is served hot, optionally with the addition of sour cream or low-fat yogurt without additives. Also, to taste, the dish is complemented with herbs of your choice and garlic if desired. It’s quite difficult to describe the taste of solyanka, because every time it comes out different, you can simply note that it is a tasty candidate for other soups and borschts. Solyanka with sausage is ready!

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