Stewed fish in a slow cooker recipe

Stewed fish in a slow cooker recipe


Fish 1 kg. (no matter what - horse mackerel, mackerel, river fish) 242
Bulb onions 1 PC. 43
Vegetable oil 100 ml. 899
Salt 1.5 tsp.
Lemon 1/2 pcs. (juice) 43
Spices for fish 1 tsp.
Bay leaf 4-5 pcs.
Dark peppercorns 10 pieces.
Water 3/4 cup

Step-by-step recipe for making fish stew in a slow cooker with photos

This is how the delicacy is prepared:

    Clean the fish, rinse, cut into small pieces. Transfer to a container, add salt, sprinkle with spices, and stir thoroughly.

Take the onion, remove the skins, cut into rings.

  • Place part of the onion rings into the bowl, then the fish, bay leaf, again the onion, fish, bay leaf, add a few peppercorns, pour in vegetable oil, water diluted with lemon juice, cover the multicooker with a lid, set the “Stew” mode to working position, timer set to 7 o'clock. That's it, your unique and irresistibly delicious slow cooker fish stew will be ready soon!
  • Video recipe Stewed fish in a slow cooker

    Beef goulash for future use or homemade beef stew

    You can also pamper your family with indescribably tasty and appetizing beef goulash. This meat dish can be eaten for future use. This homemade beef stew is sure to please everyone without exception!

    So, in order to prepare a delicacy according to this recipe, you will need:

    ground red pepper;

    And the food is prepared like this:

      Rinse the meat thoroughly, cut into cubes, mix with chopped onion and fat, and send to stew in its juice.

    Salt the bubbling food, season with reddish and aromatic pepper, marjoram, and garlic.

    Add water during cooking.

  • When the meat is ready, place it in containers and send them to sterilize for an hour and a half. That's all, the stew is ready!
  • Canned river fish in a slow cooker

    Fishing is becoming more and more popular every year, winning the hearts of not only guys, but also ladies. Entire families are increasingly going fishing. But the housewives have to decide how and what to cook from the caught fish. Often the catch contains a lot of fish that are difficult to find anywhere. It is not suitable for frying, boiling, baking and salting. One such fish is the chub, which has a huge number of small bones. In this case, making canned food would be a good solution.

    Tips for making canned river fish

    • Canned food can be made from any type of fish: river, lake, sea. But river and sea fish should not be cooked together. But if you add lake crucian carp to river fish, the taste of the dish will only benefit from this.
    • You need to add spices to canned food. Coriander helps get rid of the specific fishy aroma, this applies primarily to river fish. But you shouldn’t overuse spices. The taste of canned food can simply be spoiled by adding too much.
    • Black peppercorns are needed, but in very small doses (3-5 pieces). You should add cloves only if you ultimately want a spicy taste.
    • If the fish has been frozen, it must be thawed. Cut off the heads, remove the tails and fins. Tails and fins can be easily removed with scissors.

    How to cook canned river fish in a slow cooker

    Cut the fish, cleared of heads, tails and fins, into small pieces. Wash in running water.

    Pour a third of a glass of sunflower oil into the multicooker bowl. Lay out the fish in layers. There are large pieces at the bottom, the higher they are, the smaller they are.

    When all the fish is laid, add salt (1 tablespoon without top). Add three bay leaves, 5 aromatic peppercorns, 5 dark peppercorns, 1/2 teaspoon coriander (ground or peas). Prepare 400 ml. strong brew of dark tea (4-6 g), in which stir 1 tablespoon of sugar. Pour the tea leaves over the fish. Add water so that the fish is covered by 1 centimeter of water.

    Set to cook on the “stew” program for 5-7 hours. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the fish bones. During production they should become soft.

    Place ready-made canned river fish into jars. Before placing, lightly mash the fish with a fork. Cover with plastic lids. After cooling, store in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

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    You can eat them as a snack, add them to salads, or make sandwiches. Also used in the insides of pies and pies with cabbage or rice.

    Homemade canned river fish in a slow cooker

    Canned fish is not bad because it is suitable not only for making quick soup, but also for serving with boiled potatoes - very tasty! If you or your other half like to spend time by the river with a fishing rod, then pay attention to this article! You can prepare canned food from even the smallest river fish in a slow cooker. Stop pampering your cat with the freshest river gifts, it’s time to prepare the most delicious homemade canned food. In this article you will find recipes that will help you prepare your catch deliciously, and later store it in jars for a long time.

    Canned fish with added oil

    To make such canned river fish in a slow cooker, dip, chebachki, bream and no matter what other river fish you have are suitable. We will prepare canned food that will be no worse in taste and quality than the most expensive store-bought ones!

    Required for manufacturing:

    • kilogram of fish;
    • 10-15 dark peppercorns;
    • two carnations;
    • Bay leaf;
    • onion;
    • three tablespoons of sunflower oil;
    • half a liter of water;
    • salt.

    You don’t have to add onion, but it won’t be superfluous and will give a special smell and taste to canned fish. You can really make amazing canned food from river fish in a slow cooker. Follow the instructions and get the most delicious product!

    Making canned fish with oil

    First you need to cook the fish: remove the heads, gut them, cut off the fins and tails, remove the scales. Cut the fish into portions if it is large. Canned small river fish in a slow cooker are prepared from whole carcasses.

    1. Cut the onion into rings and place the fish pieces on top.
    2. Add all the seasonings prescribed above, be sure to add salt.
    3. Fill with half a liter of water and set to “Extinguishing” mode.

    When the fish is ready, you can eat it right away, or you can put it in jars, put it in the refrigerator and take it out if necessary. We will tell you how to seal canned river fish prepared in a slow cooker in jars so that they can be stored for a long time at the end of the article.

    This fish can be eaten directly with the bones - they will be boiled, soft and will not interfere at all with the taste of the canned food.

    Homemade canned fish with vegetables

    It’s very pleasant to open a jar of such canned food on a cool winter evening and eat it with boiled potatoes, remembering the summer days and the fishing on which you managed to catch this fish! You can also cook a light soup, it will be very tasty, and it will take minimal time to prepare - just add potatoes, bring it to readiness, and you can take a spoon.

    What will you need to make homemade canned river fish in a slow cooker? The main thing is fish, and everything else is available in any home. Will come in handy:

    • about 3 kg of small river fish;
    • kilogram of carrots;
    • onion (1 kg);
    • 3 kg of tomatoes;
    • three tablespoons of sugar;
    • two tablespoons of salt (more is possible, you need to taste it);
    • a teaspoon of ground dark pepper;
    • two glasses of sunflower oil;
    • a glass of table vinegar - 9%.

    Making canned fish with vegetables

    Canned river fish cooked in a slow cooker tastes like good-quality sprat in tomato sauce. Prepare the product for future use so that any day you can open a jar of delicious fish that you caught yourself with potatoes!

    1. Carrots and onions need to be peeled. Cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into cubes or circles. Fry in sunflower oil until beautifully golden brown.
    2. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, mix with carrots and onions, add sugar, salt, pepper, sunflower oil.
    3. Clean the fish from heads, fins, entrails and scales. Place in a slow cooker, pour in vegetable sauce.
    4. Set the “Extinguishing” mode, wait for the ready signal.
    5. Open the lid, pour in the prepared vinegar, and set the setting to high.

    When the canned food is ready, you can eat it immediately without insisting. There is no need to remove the bones, you won’t even feel them, they will be soft and cooked!

    Canned food in tomato sauce

    I would like to immediately warn you that preparing such home-made canned food is unsafe, because after eating it you will never want to eat store-bought ones! River fish makes indescribably tasty, perfect canned food, which can be used for cooking soups or simply eaten with potatoes or bread. Another advantage of such canned food is profit. Even if you or your spouse are not fishermen, you can buy river fish even cheaper than sea fish.

    • a kilogram of river fish (any kind);
    • onion;
    • 5 tablespoons of tomato paste;
    • two bay leaves;
    • a mixture of ground peppers;
    • two tablespoons of 9% vinegar;
    • salt.
    Read also:  Pilaf in a slow cooker recipe

    There is absolutely nothing superfluous or difficult to find in the list. Well, preparing such canned food is very simple.

    Making canned food in tomato sauce

    1. Remove fish heads, tails and fins. Gut it, clean it of scales; we don’t need it in cans.
    2. Chop the onion using any convenient method.
    3. Place onions and fish in the bottom of the multicooker pan. Add salt, pepper, stir. Pour in a little water - a glass will be enough. Set to “Stew” for 1 hour.
    4. After the readiness signal, you need to add tomato paste and vinegar. Taste and add more salt or seasonings as needed. Add a bay leaf and set it to “Stew” again, but for half the time.

    When hot, such canned food is not as tasty as when cool, so we advise you to wait until it cools completely.

    We looked at recipes for canned river fish in a slow cooker. Now I would like to tell you how to preserve the product for a long time in jars.

    Rules for closing canned food in jars

    There are a huge number of methods for closing jars so that the food in them is stored for a long time.

    If you are going to close canned food immediately when ready, while it is still hot, then use this method:

    1. Rinse the jars without detergent, but with baking soda. Place an iron plate or basin on the stove, pour a little water - about a finger from the bottom. Place the jars upside down and bring to a boil.
    2. Boil the jars over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Carefully remove the dishes and put the lids on to boil. Place the canned food and close the lids tightly.
    3. Turn the jars upside down until they cool completely.

    If you are closing already cooled canned goods, then place them in unstained jars, place them in a bowl of water and boil for 15 minutes, covering, but not sealing, with lids. Then close the lids.

    Canned fish in a slow cooker: recipes for making sea and river fish

    Canned fish is one of the most valuable dishes from a time-saving point of view: it is enough to store a couple of jars in the refrigerator or pantry so that you can then quickly prepare a hot dish, soup or appetizers for the festive table. But you can’t be sure about the properties of a store-bought product, so it’s time to learn how to cook homemade canned fish in a slow cooker, especially since it’s not at all difficult.

    Homemade canned herring in a slow cooker

    One of the most accessible fish on the shelves of Russian stores is herring - it is cheap, available virtually everywhere, and quite easy to work with. It has a medium fat content, is easy to clean, and is perfect for almost any kind of heat treatment. It is also used to make canned food, often marinated in tomato sauce—preferably homemade too. If desired, it can be combined in equal proportions with mackerel.


    • herring – 0.8 kg;
    • large tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
    • onion;
    • a mixture of ground peppers;
    • salt;
    • coriander seeds;
    • bay leaf.

    Manufacturing method:

    1. Gut the herring, cut off the heads, remove the tail. The seeds do not need to be removed, as they will soften during the heat treatment process.
    2. Chop the peeled onion and place it in a slow cooker.
    3. Place herring cut into pieces 3-4 cm wide on top.
    4. Sprinkle with spices, while the coriander grains are previously ground in a mortar.
    5. On the “Stew” program, closing the multicooker, cook the herring for 4 hours.
    6. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then remove them, remove their skins, chop the pulp and puree in a blender.
    7. Add to the fish, continue cooking it for another 2 hours. Distribute the finished dish into small glass jars, close and refrigerate.

    Homemade sprats in oil in a slow cooker

    About a couple of decades ago, not a single New Year's table was complete without Baltic sprats: they were the emblem of the holiday and usually decorated snack sandwiches. Nowadays it is difficult to purchase true, high-quality sprats from the Baltic states, so you can create such canned fish in oil in a slow cooker without the help of others - you only need a huge amount of capelin and strong dark tea, with which it is poured.


    • capelin – 1.2 kg;
    • tea bags (dark tea) – 10 pcs.;
    • boiling water – 200 ml;
    • Bay leaf;
    • dark peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
    • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil without aroma – 120 ml;
    • watery smoke - 1 tsp. (optional).
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    Manufacturing method:

    1. Pour boiling water over the tea bags, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour - you need a very strong brew: this is what will give the sprats their appropriate color.
    2. Rinse the capelin, remove the heads, gut the insides. Scrape the scales with a knife.
    3. In a large cup, mix vegetable oil with brewed tea, add salt, stir.
    4. Place the capelin in a multicooker in layers, pour in the purchased “marinade”. Add spices.
    5. If desired, drop some “watery smoke” there – it imparts the smell of smoking.
    6. Close the multicooker and activate the “Stew” program. Set the timer for 2 hours.
    7. Take out the resulting canned food, place it in layers in small glass jars (the standard size should be 250-300 ml), screw on the lids. Before serving, they should stand in the refrigerator for at least 3 days - this will help them settle and be one hundred percent saturated with the “marinade”.

    Canned fish in a slow cooker from river fish

    A cheap and very tasty option is canned food made from independently caught river fish - perch or crucian carp. There is practically no need to cut them up due to their small size, just clean them, and all the small bones quickly soften during stewing, so they are not removed. You can preserve river fish with the traditional carrot-onion consistency, in tea (like sprats), in vinegar, and with tomato paste: only the most economical and common method is proposed below.


    • perch – 1 kg;
    • onions – 3 pcs.;
    • carrots – 3 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - half a glass;
    • salt, spices.

    Manufacturing method:

    1. Clean the scales of the perches, remove the heads and tails, and rinse the inside.
    2. Sprinkle with salt, place in a glass bowl and leave for an hour.
    3. Grate the peeled carrots and onions and mix.
    4. Cut the salted perch into large portions and combine with the carrot and onion mixture.
    5. Transfer all these products into a slow cooker, add oil, add spices.
    6. Selecting the “Stew” mode and lowering the lid, cook the canned food for 4 hours.
    7. Place the hot ones in glass containers and roll them onto their lids.

    Homemade canned fish in a slow cooker from pike in tomato sauce

    If you look at a delicious fish that you wouldn’t be ashamed to serve to guests at a ceremonial table, then it’s worth mentioning pike - it has very tender meat and a pleasant taste, it is unrivaled for preservation. But pike must be prepared carefully so that it does not become hard during the heat treatment process. The tomato sauce perfectly preserves its juiciness, as well as the presence of basic vegetables in the jar - carrots and onions. Preserves fish using 6% vinegar.


    • pike – 2 kg;
    • tomato paste – 100 g;
    • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
    • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • ground dark pepper – 1 tsp;
    • sugar – 1 tsp;
    • vinegar 6% – 1 tsp;
    • onion;
    • carrots – 2 pcs.

    Manufacturing method:

    1. Gut the pike under running water and peel the scales with a knife.
    2. Cut crosswise into 3 cm wide portions.
    3. Sprinkle with salt, lightly rub it into the fish and place the pike in a glass cup.
    4. Cover it with film and put it in the cold overnight (that is, in the dark) , and ideally for a full day.
    5. When it is well saturated with salt, it can be moved to the slow cooker.
    6. Finely chop the onion and carrots and place them in layers on the pike in the same order.
    7. Combine tomato paste with vegetable oil, add spices (sugar, pepper, salt). Add a glass of cool water.
    8. Pour the purchased sauce over the fish and immediately close the multicooker. Activate the “Extinguishing” program for 3 hours.
    9. Place in glass jars prepared in advance, drop a little vinegar into each, and roll up the lids. The shelf life of these canned foods is 2-3 months.

    Read also:

    All canned fish in a slow cooker are prepared according to approximately the same principle: the selected fish is gutted, cut as needed, salted and filled with sauce or marinade. To a greater extent, it is preserved in strong tea, oil, tomato paste, vinegar or dry wine, although some cook fish in their own juice. Afterwards all that remains is to simmer it (which takes several hours) and roll it up. However, keep in mind that home-canned fish cannot be stored for longer than six months.

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