Sea buckthorn jelly

Sea buckthorn jelly


Sea buckthorn – 0.5 kg

Sweet sand - 0.5 tbsp.

  • 58 kcal
  • 15 minutes.
  • 15 minutes.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

I love jelly, and sea buckthorn jelly was no exception to the rule. And my family doesn’t like them, but as they say: “Whatever happens, it’s for the best,” because the whole pot of such a fragrant and healthy drink goes to me! Previously, I was not skilled at cooking jelly, and it always came out with excellent lumps of starch in the mass, although it thickened.

Everything comes with experience (and reading on the Internet). It turned out that it is necessary to pour the starch with cool water, because it is in hot water that the same lumps form, and, God forbid, if you pour the starch itself into a hot liquid with fruit, you will get one solid lump. So what am I talking about?

Sea buckthorn jelly is an excellent and necessary ozari drink, which I highly recommend you try. Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

We rinse the sea buckthorn in water, freeing the berries from debris, leaves, etc.

Remove the cuttings and pour the mixture into a saucepan or saucepan.

Add sweet sand based on the taste of the berries. If they are sour, then add more, if they are sweet, then less. Fill with hot water and place the container on the stove, bringing its contents to a boil.

Boil for about 5-10 minutes. As the berry compote changes its color from orange to yellowish, remove the container from the stove and rinse the berries with a potato press.

Strain the compote through a strainer, removing the pulp and seeds. Again, pour the liquid into the pan and place it on the stove, turning on low heat.

In a cup or glass, dilute the starch with a small amount of cool water and pour it into the compote, stirring immediately. Let the sea buckthorn jelly simmer on the stove for about 1 minute, making sure that it does not boil. Then remove the container from the stove.

Let the sea buckthorn drink cool slightly and pour it into the prepared cups or glasses, decorating it to your liking.

How to properly prepare sea buckthorn jelly?

  • Popular recipes
    • Recipe 1
    • Recipe 2
    • Recipe 3
    • Recipe 4
    • Recipe 5
    • Recipe 6
    • Recipe 7
  • Benefits of berries

Sea buckthorn is the ultimate gift of the dawn. When the entire harvest has long been collected and processed, the time has come for this wonderful berry to be given to us - one of the richest in vitamins and microelements. You can make a huge number of necessary drinks and desserts from it, and it is useful for anyone to know how to properly prepare sea buckthorn jelly.

Popular recipes

The berry itself is not everyone’s favorite delicacy, but some people like its specific taste. But it has a lot of usefulness, so sea buckthorn jelly will be very helpful for adults, children, and those who have decided to watch their weight and lose a couple of extra pounds by summer.

Recipe 1

To prepare a tasty jelly rich in vitamins, you need to sort out and thoroughly wash the berries, then grind them with a rolling pin, pass them through a sieve, or grind them in a blender until they become mushy. Next you need to prepare the syrup: pour water into a saucepan (about half a liter), add sugar to taste and stir until completely dissolved. After boiling, add potato starch and stir everything thoroughly. At the last step, berry puree is poured into the resulting mixture. Ready jelly can be consumed either hot or chilled.

Any jelly will be unpleasant to drink if there are lumps in it. And not all housewives, especially beginners, manage to avoid this task for us. In order for the jelly to cook without lumps, you must follow the usual rules:

  • It is forbidden to add dry starch to the syrup: it will not have time to dissolve moderately, and lumps will certainly form;
  • Do not add starch to hot water;
  • The starch must be poured into a separate bowl, filled with water and stirred until the lumps are completely dissolved manually or using a mixer.

So, the manufacturing process is as follows: diluted starch in the required quantity is poured into the diluted syrup in a narrow stream, and then berry puree is added. If these criteria are met, you will be able to create an impeccable jelly.

Anyone can adjust the thickness of the jelly to their own taste. Some people like watery jelly, while others, on the contrary, like it very thick, which can be eaten with a spoon.

Recipe 2

Autumn is a wonderful time when you can eat the freshest berries, rich in vitamins. But in winter, the body needs vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) doubly. In this case, you can prepare jelly from frozen sea buckthorn:

  • the berries are previously defrosted using a natural method, left in a container for several hours, and then washed;
  • the berries are rubbed through a sieve, the juice is placed in a separate container;
  • the cake is poured with water and boiled, then filtered;
  • Add starch to the purchased broth and mix thoroughly;
  • pour sea buckthorn juice into the purchased composition.

Recipe 3

Kissel is prepared not only with potato starch, but also with corn starch. In the first case, the jelly comes out transparent, and in the 2nd case it becomes pearlescent. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • four tablespoons of corn starch are diluted in ½ glass of cold milk;
  • the berry is rubbed, as in previous versions;
  • starch and milk are poured into sweet syrup;
  • Lastly, add berry puree.

This kind of jelly has the most tender taste, and, most likely, children will like it.

Recipe 4

There are also two recipes with the addition of milk and oatmeal, which will be useful to everyone without exception, and can also serve as a good nutritious breakfast and energize those who are on a diet. To do this you need:

  • boil milk with sugar;
  • add pre-diluted starch in a narrow stream;
  • cook for three to four minutes, stirring;
  • Add sea buckthorn jam to the hot milk jelly, previously poured into glasses.
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Recipe 5

Making jelly with oatmeal will take time, so you need to prepare the ingredients in advance. The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  • You need to pour oatmeal into a container, fill it with cool water and leave it for a day;
  • you need to add prepared berry puree to the brewed oatmeal (for the most specific taste, you can add the freshest orange juice);
  • all ingredients are whipped in a blender;
  • the acquired composition is filtered through a sieve and brought to low heat until cooked for 5 minutes.

If desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey. The drink comes out catchy, beautiful, with a homogeneous mixture.

Recipe 6

Everyone has different tastes: some people like the taste of sea buckthorn, while others do not experience ecstasy from it. But almost all housewives have learned to combine healthy berries with other fruits that are no less healthy. The end result is a very tasty product. These include cranberry-sea buckthorn jelly. For this:

  • it is necessary to wash the berries or defrost them in advance if frozen fruits are consumed;
  • prepare the starch in advance, dissolving all the lumps;
  • squeeze the juice out of the berries, place the juice and cake in various containers;
  • boil water, then add berry pulp to it;
  • Strain the broth with the cake;
  • add sugar and diluted starch;
  • at the very end add the squeezed juice, which was initially in a separate container.

In some cases, dry berries are used to make jelly. Then a decoction is first prepared, which will become the base.

Recipe 7

The next option for using savory berries is a good option for children who do not like jelly in any form. But you can feed them with a vitamin composition by preparing a jelly dessert. For this, berries, fresh or frozen, are useful, and jam is also suitable. To make the dish nutritious, it is made with milk. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce caloric intake, drink water. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • gelatin must be poured with one part of milk and left for some time so that it swells;
  • then add the second part of the milk, bring to a boil;
  • Lastly, add berry puree or jam.

After this, the composition needs to be poured into molds and left in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

In addition, you can make a decoction, tea, fruit drink, or compote from sea buckthorn. In hot weather, these will be medicinal, refreshing drinks that will saturate the body with vitamins and relieve thirst.

Benefits of berries

Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of vitamins: it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, helps in the fight against colds, increases immunity, and is successfully used in cosmetology.

Apart from vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, the berry is rich in B vitamins, which promote normal brain activity, is an antioxidant, and helps maintain skin condition. in good condition, lowers cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) , relieves inflammatory processes. Plus, sea buckthorn is simply an anti-stress remedy that gives the body more energy and improves mood.

You will learn aspects of making sea buckthorn jelly from the following video.

Sea buckthorn jelly

Option 1: Traditional recipe for sea buckthorn jelly

You probably already understand the benefits of sea buckthorn. Therefore, now we will not talk about this, but about how to prepare an indescribable drink, common in Slavic cuisine. Specifically, tart jelly with light sweet and sour aspects.


  • 205 grams of fresh sea buckthorn;
  • two liters of water;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • four tablespoons of starch;
  • half a glass of cool boiled water.

Step-by-step recipe for sea buckthorn jelly

Sort the sea buckthorn, removing small leaves and thin twigs. Place in a colander. Wash in clean water.

Place the cooked berries into a wide saucepan. There is no need to dry them. Pour a couple of liters in there. filtered water.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil over high heat. Boil for another 5 minutes.

Turn off the stove and pour the boiling water with the berries through a sieve into another pan. Squeeze out the sea buckthorn. Discard the remaining cake.

Return the beautiful yellowish liquid to low heat. Add a few tablespoons of sugar.

While the crystals dissolve when heated, mix potato starch in half a glass of cool water. Stir the dressing until the mixture is completely homogeneous.

Pour the starch mixture into the pan in a thin stream. Not intensively, but constantly stirring the sea buckthorn jelly, wait until it begins to boil.

Turn off the burner and pour (immediately) into glasses. Serve warm with crackers or biscuits.

Sea buckthorn has a somewhat strong taste. If you want to soften it slightly, add a little citric acid or juice at the very end. Also adjust the amount of sugar depending on your preference. But you shouldn’t store the jelly; make only as much as you need for serving.

Option 2: A quick recipe for jelly made from sea buckthorn syrup

To create jelly quickly, without boiling or straining the broth, take ready-made sea buckthorn syrup. It will be enough to dissolve it in hot water and later mix it with starch dressing. And, voila, the desired drink is ready to be served!


  • liter of filtered water;
  • 95 liters of sea buckthorn syrup;
  • two tablespoons of starch;
  • slice of lemon.

How to cook

Pour three glasses (full) of water into a saucepan. Turn on high heat.

While the liquid is boiling, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of potato starch in a glass of water.

Pour a homogeneous (without even the smallest lump) dressing into the boiling liquid. Also enter the entire planned amount of sea buckthorn syrup. Squeeze a slice of lemon.

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Using a spatula, wait until the sea buckthorn jelly begins to boil. Turn off the fire.

You can serve the drink right away, pouring it into cups or glass glasses. Serve the jelly with ordinary pastries without cream. Regarding the freshest lemon. If you don't have it, add a little acid.

Option 3: Frozen sea buckthorn jelly

The freshest sea buckthorn may not be at hand. But this does not mean that you will have to give up jelly. It is completely acceptable to take the ice cream option, which almost all housewives prepare in the summer.


  • a couple of liters water;
  • a glass of frozen sea buckthorn;
  • 40 grams of starch (potato);
  • 40 grams of sugar (snow white);
  • 95 grams of water.

How to quickly prepare sea buckthorn jelly

Heat three liters of water in an electric kettle. While it is boiling, transfer the frozen berries to a sieve.

Place the sea buckthorn in a bowl and pour a liter of hot water from the kettle.

Pour the remaining liquid into a saucepan. Throw the berries that have become soft there (without the boiling water in which they thawed).

Add sugar immediately. Turn on the high heat of the burner. Bring to a boil, which will take a couple of minutes.

At the same time, dissolve the starch in a small volume of cold water. Once you have a uniform thickness, set aside.

Strain the boiling sea buckthorn, squeezing out the berries. Add the starch mixture to the resulting liquid. Stir and cover with a lid.

Serve sea buckthorn jelly after a few minutes, during which the starch will “bind” the liquid and make it thick. By the way, be sure to achieve uniformity, otherwise frozen starch lumps will spoil the delicate structure of the drink.

Option 4: Sea buckthorn jelly with apple juice

Light apple juice will certainly decorate the drink presented now. In addition, this ingredient replaces citric acid, which will appeal to those who do not like adding it as a taste regulator.


  • a glass of fresh sea buckthorn;
  • liter of clean water;
  • liter of natural apple juice;
  • four tablespoons of snow-white sugar;
  • four tablespoons of starch.

Step by step recipe

Sort out the freshest berries, remove any debris and wash in a colander. Pour into a saucepan and pour in three and a half full glasses of water.

Turn on the stove and bring the liquid with the berries to a boil. After this, cook for another 5 minutes.

Strain the soft sea buckthorn in a sieve and squeeze out the cake (throw it away). Return the berry mixture to low heat.

Add sugar and a liter of apple juice. Mix.

Now dissolve the planned amount of potato starch in a glass of cool water.

Pour the dressing without any lumps into the pan. Connect without stopping. Wait until it boils and remove from the stove.

Serve sea buckthorn jelly warm. There is no point in using citric acid in this recipe, since we included natural apple juice in the recipe, which will “play” the same role. By the way, if you buy it and don’t squeeze it yourself, pay attention to the presence of sugar. You may have to reduce its size in the recipe so that the jelly does not turn out cloying.

Option 5: Sea buckthorn jelly with mint and sweet powder

For an extreme version of jelly, we would like to suggest replacing sugar with powder, which will dissolve together with starch even faster, and mint, which can refresh and fill the drink with indescribable aromas.


  • 41 grams of starch;
  • 41 grams of sweet powder;
  • two liters of water;
  • two or three sprigs of mint;
  • one and a half glasses of sea buckthorn;
  • half a glass of water for starch.

How to cook

Pour clean, fresh sea buckthorn into a saucepan. To fill with water. At medium temperature, bring to active bubbling. Continue boiling for another 5 minutes.

Place soft berries in a sieve. Pour the fragrant liquid through it. Then wipe the sea buckthorn and remove the cake.

Return the resulting mixture to the heat in a clean saucepan. Place washed mint sprigs. Simmer the burners over low heat.

At this time, combine potato starch and sweet powder. Dissolve the dry mixture in half a glass of water until all lumps disappear.

Having achieved the required mixture, pour the sweet thick dressing into a saucepan. Combine until the sea buckthorn jelly begins to boil.

After turning off the burner, let the drink sit for a while and cool. After 10-12 minutes, the jelly can already be poured into glasses and served warm with buns or cookies. By the way, you need to remove the mint sprigs from the pan and garnish with the freshest leaves when serving.


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Recipe for jelly from frozen sea buckthorn, recipe for jelly from frozen sea buckthorn.

Saturday, June 10, 2017 16:17 + to quote book

Sea buckthorn jelly can safely be called one of the most common and at the same time necessary dishes that are found in classic Russian cuisine. Now, unfortunately, almost everyone has forgotten that such a drink can benefit the entire body.

Specifically, it can strengthen the immune system; with such an assistant, not a single cold will be terrible. In winter, it is best to prepare jelly from frozen

The greatest benefit can be obtained only from freshly prepared jelly.

You can buy ready-made products on sale that just need to be diluted with water, boiled slightly and that’s it. Sea buckthorn jelly prepared in this way will not retain enough of the necessary substances inside. To a greater extent, it will contain preservatives used to extend the shelf life of the semi-finished product.

A thick drink made from sea buckthorn berries will benefit the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, evenly restored, and even vision may improve. In addition, the drink will help remove harmful waste and toxins from the body (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) . The immune system will also be strengthened.

In the cool season, tasty and necessary sea buckthorn jelly can simply be prepared from frozen berries. It is best to store them in a separate container and for such preparation choose excellent, ripe berries without flaws.

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  • sea ​​buckthorn berries – 1 cup;
  • sugar -1 glass;
  • potato starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 3 glasses.

During production, it is better to take an incomplete glass of sugar, so the taste will be the most natural and light:

  1. Wash the sea buckthorn berries well and allow them to defrost slightly. It is best that they do not melt completely, so it will be easier to grind them. Some housewives enjoy using a blender for this purpose.
  2. Place a saucepan with water and sugar on the fire and bring everything to a boil.
  3. Add the berries only when the syrup is already boiling.
  4. Add starch, previously diluted in cool water.
  5. After thoroughly mixing, it is necessary to boil the jelly for 3-5 minutes, and then remove from the stove.

The simplicity and ease of making the drink is very attractive to housewives. In little time you can brew the desired and tasty drink for the whole family. This jelly can be drunk both hot and cool.

Almost everyone likes the most watery jelly mixture. Housewives most often arrive at the perfect solution using the experimental method. Sea buckthorn jelly, the recipe for which helps to obtain the specific desired thickness, is prepared easily and quickly.

  1. Before you start cooking the jelly, carefully sort and rinse the fruits.
  2. Squeeze the juice into a separate container, cover it with a lid or plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Sea buckthorn cake is filled with water and boiled for 5 - 6 minutes.
  4. Strain everything and add sugar to the water.
  5. The sugar and sea buckthorn water should come to a boil, and the resulting foam must be skimmed off.
  6. Starch for jelly is diluted with cool boiled water, when it is one hundred percent dissolved, it is filtered to remove lumps.
  7. The diluted starch is slowly introduced into the syrup and watch to ensure that everything does not boil.
  8. At the very end, chilled sea buckthorn juice is added.
  9. Mix everything and immediately remove from heat.

Almost all housewives use dried fruits instead of fresh sea buckthorn in this recipe. In this case, a decoction of them is prepared in advance; it will serve as a substitute for the freshest berry juice.

A recipe demonstrating how to brew sea buckthorn tea fully reveals all the most beneficial characteristics of the berries. The taste of the drink may seem specific at first, because it certainly contains other additives. To prepare sea buckthorn tea you need to take:

  • fresh sea buckthorn berries - 150 g;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • brewing dark tea.

  1. If there is no honey in the house, simply replace it with regular sugar; you will need exactly the same amount.
  2. All berries must first be rinsed very well a couple of times under running water.
  3. Grind half the sea buckthorn in a blender until it turns into puree.
  4. Place crushed sea buckthorn in a teapot and add dark tea leaves. For the drink, it is better to drink tea without other additives or flavorings.
  5. Pour the second half of the berries into the kettle and pour boiling water over everything. Immediately cover the teapot with a towel and leave the drink to steep for 15 – 20 minutes.
  6. The purchased tea must be filtered through a strainer and honey or sugar added to taste.

There are no secrets to making the drink, but its benefits can be felt if similar tea drinking becomes constant: the skin will begin to rejuvenate , it will retain its elasticity and healthy color for a long time. In general, thanks to such a fragrant drink, you can improve the health of your entire body.

Sea buckthorn jelly has a rather specific taste, which is why almost everyone simply doesn’t like it. The most experienced housewives have their own secret of how to cook sea buckthorn jelly so that everyone will like it and become a frequent guest on the table. You just need to add a few remaining berries to the drink. A combination of sea buckthorn and cranberry is suitable To make the drink you need to take:

  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 100 g;
  • cranberries - 100 g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

  1. If frozen berries are consumed, they must first be slightly defrosted. If you have the freshest product at hand, then it is better to take it.
  2. The berries must first be thoroughly rinsed under running water.
  3. Using a strainer, squeeze the berry juice into separate containers and place the pulp separately.
  4. Put the water on the fire and when it starts to boil, put the berry pulp into it, boiling everything together for a couple of minutes.
  5. Starch for jelly must be diluted in a separate container, adding cooled boiled water to it. There should be no lumps left, so stir carefully.
  6. The bubbling broth must be removed from the heat and strained, removing the berry cake from it.
  7. Add diluted starch and sugar to the pan and simmer over low heat, closely monitoring so that the future drink does not boil.
  8. After a couple of minutes, you can remove the pan from the heat.
  9. When the broth reaches room temperature, berry juice is added to it. After painstaking mixing, the drink is one hundred percent ready.

The secret of this jelly is very simple, since berry juice is added to a warm decoction, all useful vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and minerals are one hundred percent preserved in it. The combination of cranberries and sea buckthorn will not only make the drink tasty, but also saturate it with essential vitamins.

The required sea buckthorn jelly now has so many different recipes and manufacturing options that it will be very easy to find your own perfect drink. A real vitamin cocktail will improve your health and give you a wonderful mood and decorate your home feast.

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