Fluffy and airy pancakes with yogurt; how to cook so they don’t settle

Fluffy and airy pancakes with yogurt - how to cook so that they don’t settle

Fluffy pancakes with yogurt: a recipe without yeast, with fermented milk product and soda. They are completely easy to prepare and follow this recipe all the time. I often make ordinary and delicious pancakes, and now I’ll tell you how to prepare them so that they have holes inside and don’t settle later. We will also look at 5 unique options with the addition of the latest ingredients. The pancakes will be light, breathable and will simply melt in your mouth.

Now we cook from homemade high-quality yogurt. Let's start by creating curdled milk from good milk. Let's leave the milk at room temperature in the evening, and so that it ferments faster, drop a small piece of dark bread into it. The very next day the yogurt is ready, and we begin to cook. There are many similar recipes, for example: kefir pancakes, cottage cheese pancakes, curdled milk pancakes, but still, in my opinion, this recipe is the best.


Step-by-step production

Video recipe

Watch the video about the secrets of making fluffy pancakes.

Other recipes

  • No eggs

I usually flavor the dough with egg, but if you don’t add it, the pancakes will turn out the least satisfying. But this dough will rise easier and will be the most fluffy. Ruddy pancakes are made from ordinary and affordable ingredients: flour, drink, soda, and salt and sugar to taste. If you get the hang of baking them according to our recipe quickly, then for breakfast you will always have everyone’s favorite crumpets with a golden brown crust. Add 0.5 tsp. vanilla sugar - get a pleasant smell that will spread throughout the house.

  • With heat

Pancakes made with yogurt with spices are always tasty and interesting. Show your imagination! Add different toppings to the dough itself and bake, or you can bake the pancakes until done on one side, placing pieces of fruit, berries or nuts on top. Then pour the dough over the berries, tighten, carefully turn over and brown on the other side. You can also bake a savory version with the baking. Reduce the amount of sugar to a teaspoon and cook with mushrooms, cheese, ham, and herbs. You can even add ready-fried minced meat. It will be very tasty!

Now we cooked without yeast, it turned out great, but if you want the pancakes to be even fluffier and airier, bake with yeast. This dough is prepared for about an hour so that the yeast works and it rises perfectly. And if you insist on a water bath, you can create it even faster. Be sure to fry the yeast pancakes covered over medium heat, then they will turn out porous, fluffy, and airy. I like to eat them with sour cream and honey. It would be great to serve jam, condensed milk or jam to the table.

  • In the oven

Even a novice housewife can make these beautiful pancakes. There will be no need to stand at the stove for a long time. Spoon the dough onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. The result will be pancakes with a narrow golden brown crust and a porous crumb inside. Let's brew some fragrant tea and invite the household to the table.

Instead of flour, add semolina. Be sure to let it brew so that the semolina swells, and the yogurt and soda play their role. Pancakes without flour will taste completely different. If you cook them correctly, they will also turn out fluffy, tall, and porous. These pancakes can be made for future use, placed in the refrigerator and later reheated little by little. It will be very tasty if you add poppy seeds or bananas directly into the dough. Experiment, you will literally succeed!

Benefits and harm to the body

Curdled milk is included in the pancakes and makes them healthy, because:

  • is a fermented milk product that strengthens the nervous and vascular system, cardiac muscle (Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing) and bone tissue (medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) ;
  • due to the presence of calcium in it, it strengthens teeth and nails, makes the skin elastic;
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion and strengthens the immune system.
Read also:  Homemade noodles

But whenever you eat pancakes, remember about your own figure. It seems that they were not tasty, they cannot be eaten in large quantities, because they are very high in calories and are a flour product. To ensure that your figure always remains slim, be reasonable and moderate.

Useful tips

  1. The more sour the yogurt, the more fluffy the pancakes will be.
  2. We serve the food in a beautiful bowl with honey, jam, sour cream, condensed milk, and jelly.
  3. The pancake dough is kneaded once; it is not allowed to mix it later. Carefully take the holey, perfectly “raised” dough with a spoon and place it on a heated frying pan. To prevent it from sticking to the spoon, you need to place a glass of water next to it and dip the spoon into it from time to time. Or it can be lubricated with oil.
  4. The thicker the dough, the fluffier and thicker the pancakes will be. You can check the consistency by placing a spoon in the middle of the bowl. The spoon in the correct dough must tilt slowly.
  5. To create pancakes even tastier and richer, you can add raisins, mushrooms, fruits, herbs and even minced meat to the finished dough.
  6. To ensure that the pancakes come out beautiful and with a crispy crust, do not skimp on sunflower oil in the pan.
  7. If you don’t like fatty foods, you can bake completely without oil, in a non-stick frying pan.
  8. Pancakes are a portioned product that is perfect for a snack. I advise you to prepare them in advance and take them with you in a container to study or work, so that you can satisfy your hunger and reduce the break between meals.


We've figured out how to make savory pancakes with yogurt. What came out were crumpets with small holes inside. We ate them with honey and orange jam, washed down with hot green tea. The savory pancakes amused the whole family. Be sure to prepare the same ones and share your cooking successes in the comments.

Fluffy pancakes with yogurt

Pancakes are one of my baby's favorite breakfasts, and they were my favorite treat as a child. After all, you can come up with so many delicious options for serving with them: with berry sauces, jam, syrup or chocolate sauce, or just with sour cream. Anyone can choose an option to suit their taste.

Mother and grandmother usually prepared pancakes “by eye.” And I did this until I realized that the unpredictability of the result did not amuse me. Sometimes they fall off, sometimes they turn out to be very fatty, sometimes they are not sweet enough. And I began to find the perfect recipe for my own pancakes. And I found him. Now this is the only way I make pancakes all the time, and they are always wonderful. Sweet, fluffy and wonderful.

It is best to use yogurt specifically for this recipe; it makes them taste the best. But if you don’t have yogurt, you can replace it with natural yogurt without additives or a thick drink.


  • 250 g curdled milk
  • 240 g premium wheat flour
  • 1 huge testicle
  • 40 g sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. soda
  • vegetable oil for frying without aroma


Sift flour into a bowl. Add sugar, salt, soda and beat in the egg.

Stir well with a spoon. At first it may seem like there is a lot of flour, but it will mix and the dough will become like thick sour cream.

Read also:  Pancakes with cottage cheese

If the dough turns out completely thick, you can add 2 more tablespoons of yogurt.

Cover the bowl with a damp towel and let the pancake dough sit for at least 20 minutes. This is a must!

Pour a 1-2 mm layer of oil into the frying pan and heat it well. Stir the dough again and start baking the pancakes.

Using a tablespoon, place the dough into the pan into small round cakes, spreading the dough with a spoon.

Brown the pancakes on one side; they should increase slightly in size and begin to bubble.

Turn the pancakes over with a spatula. To prevent the oil from splashing, tilt the pan slightly so that the oil flows in the opposite direction from the pancake being turned over.

After a few seconds you will see that the pancakes have risen a lot. It is necessary to brown them until golden brown and place them on a plate lined with a cardboard towel so that it absorbs excess oil.

If the oil in the pan runs out, add a little more and heat the pan again.

This is the kind of slide that comes out of a given amount of goods.

The pancakes do not settle after baking, they are very fluffy, the crumb is porous. Here is the result in the rift.

It is better to serve yogurt pancakes warm, topped with sour cream, jam or berry syrup.

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The sour milk pancakes are fluffy

Description of the dish.

Hello, dear guests of the website “about goodies”!

Pancakes are quite a favorite in my family. And this attitude is fully deserved, because this is a nutritious and tasty dish that mixes well with almost any additives. I cook them both according to the traditional recipe and by combining them, for example, with herbs and sausage. But when using the above methods, the dish does not turn out very fluffy. This is not a cardinal flaw, but the indicated property belongs to the level of ordinary “wants”, which are still worth following from time to time. We only live once and we need time to pamper ourselves, at least in small things.

The splendor of the product in the recipe is mainly due to yogurt, which for some reason can rarely be found in stores in my town at the last time, but it can be completely replaced with sour milk without harming the result.

In addition to the advantages described in the previous paragraphs, the presented method of making pancakes is distinguished by its indescribable simplicity and low time investment. As a result, with a little effort, you will get a nice-looking, fragrant and very tasty culinary product, which, depending on the additives, can be either a dessert, a main course or just a snack.

I highly recommend you try it, and, without hesitation, these pancakes will become frequent guests on your table. And now I suggest you go to the store for the ingredients and start making...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

Production time: 10-15 min.

Number of servings: 550 g.

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Egg 1 C - 1 pc.
  • Curdled milk or sour milk - 250 ml (1 tbsp).
  • Premium wheat flour - 230 g (1.5 tbsp).
  • Salt - 4 g (1/2 tsp).
  • Soda - 3 g (1/2 tsp).
  • Sugar - 20 g (1 tbsp).
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 5 ml (1 tsp).

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients. In the evening I forgot to put the milk in the refrigerator, and in the morning it turned sour and turned into yogurt, but it’s not a failure, let’s create it as the basis for our pancakes.

It is better to sift the wheat flour in advance - the products will turn out the most fluffy.

In a deep bowl, mix yogurt (1 tbsp), egg, sugar (1 tbsp), salt (1/2 tsp) and soda (1/2 tsp) until smooth.

Then add wheat flour to the resulting mixture and carefully mix all the ingredients using a mixer, avoiding the formation of lumps. If lumps appear, they need to be kneaded with a spoon or mixer.

Read also:  Manniki with cottage cheese

The purchased mixture should resemble a mixture of 15% sour cream.

Place the dough with a tablespoon onto a hot frying pan greased with sunflower oil (1 tbsp - 1 pancake).

Fry the flour product for 1-2 minutes over medium heat. The surface of the cakes should become matte, and bubbles may appear.

Turn the pancakes over and fry them on the other side for about 1 minute.

We transfer the finished products to a plate, pour over your favorite sauce, decorate with berries and serve.

The unsweetened version can be eaten with sour cream, sausage or cheese.

Puffy sour milk pancakes / Recipe with photo

A very simple recipe for fluffy pancakes with yogurt. Save the recipe in bookmarks so as not to lose it. After all, you and your loved ones will probably like these tender, fluffy pancakes.


  • Curdled milk – 1 liter
  • Chicken eggs – 2-3 pieces
  • Flour – 700 – 1000 gr
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp
  • Salt – 2 pinches
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

How to cook fluffy pancakes with yogurt

2. Add flour, evenly, preferably sifted. The dough should be thick so that the spoon stands for several seconds or slowly tilts (see video below ⬇). It is difficult to say the exact amount of flour, since yogurt varies in fat content and thickness.

3. Next, fry the pancakes with yogurt just like regular pancakes. Place it in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil (pay attention, the dough is so thick that we don’t “pour the dough into the frying pan,” but specifically “spread it”). Cover with a lid. Fry over medium heat.

4. When it becomes clear that the edges are browned and the dough on top is slightly baked, you can roll the yogurt pancakes. Fry the pancakes on the yogurt on the other side.

Savory pancakes with yogurt are ready

Bon appetit!

And it’s very easy to create curdled milk. It is necessary to put the milk in a warm space for a day.

Pancakes with sour milk

Pancakes, or as we affectionately call them pancakes, are the most delicious product, ordinary, but satisfying, it doesn’t matter whether they are sweet or salty, with jam or meat, everyone loves them, especially in the morning with fragrant coffee or rich tea. The most fluffy and beautiful pancakes are made with yogurt. But not only does this ingredient make the dough tender and fluffy, it is also indescribably useful, especially for digestion. And what can we say about the fact that curdled milk pancakes are not a cheap dish, do not take much time, and constantly amuse the household. But you also need to be able to cook them correctly, you just need to know a few not-fancy secrets, and a plate with crumpets and various additives and entrails will decorate your breakfast.

The benefits of sour milk pancakes

A product such as yogurt can help you cope with almost all ailments of the digestive tract. It is saturated with vitamins, such as B, C, A, PP. Yogurt also contains amino acids necessary for the human body. This product is especially useful for those who want to lose weight and restore normal metabolism, because yogurt is a low-calorie and low-carbohydrate food. Therefore, even if you cook pancakes with yogurt without adding a huge amount of sugar, weight gain will not occur.

Curdled milk is useful for boosting immunity, it saturates the body with useful vitamins, the product is especially useful for dysbiosis of the intestinal tract, gastritis, it improves metabolism, and also removes toxins from the body (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - biological poison origin) . The fermented milk product strengthens the bone and nervous systems, as well as the cardiac and vascular systems. Thanks to calcium, yogurt strengthens teeth and nails, making the skin more youthful.

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