Savory and healthy barberry jam for the winter

Savory and healthy barberry jam for the winter

Raspberry and currant jam is in full swing during the cold season. The fruits of barberry are no less useful, and by preparing barberry jam for the winter, you can provide your household with tasty and healthy preserves until the next season.

It is recommended to use barberry preparations during the period of activation of viral infections to generally strengthen the immune system. Unlike pills, which generally do not taste very pleasant, the “barberry remedy” is eaten with pleasure by small children.

The beneficial characteristics of barberry jam were noted by our forefathers. The reddish berries have a corresponding sour taste and have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase appetite and improve the functioning of the intestinal tract. And barberry tinctures are taken for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

The secret lies in the composition of the fruits, which contain a huge amount of vitamin C, beta-carotene, minerals and tannins, also three type of acid:

  • wine;
  • lemon;
  • apple

There are many recipes for barberry jam. Several of them, the most popular, are presented in this article.

Before starting to make the jam, it is important to remind you that barberries are harvested for preparations no earlier than September. The berries are already ripe at this time, but have not yet softened and remain elastic.

Thick barberry jam

For production you will need:

  • barberry – 2 kg;
  • water – 800 ml.

You will also need sweet sand in the following quantities:

  • 1 kg – for pouring berries;
  • 2 kg – for syrup;
  • 0.5 kg – for adding to jam at the end of cooking.

You can make barberry jam for the winter with seeds or select them in advance - here everyone decides, guided by their taste preferences. In any case, the presence of seeds will not spoil the taste.

So, wash the barberry, cover it with sugar and put it in a cold space for 24 hours.

When the juice is released after a day, it should be poured into a separate container. Thanks to this, excess liquid is removed, and the thickest jam comes out. The juice itself can be consumed independently, if desired, diluted with boiled water, or you can prepare jelly with it.

Next, prepare a thick syrup from water and sugar.

Dip the strained barberry into it and let it stand for 4 hours. When the barberry is infused, bring the jam to a boil.

Reduce heat and cook, stirring, until it thickens. At the end, add the remaining sugar and boil for another 10 minutes until it dissolves.

The jam is ready, all that remains is to roll it up and wrap it.

Sterilized barberry jam

Wash 2 kilograms of ripe berries under running water, remove warped fruits and leaves. Place in a colander to drain the remaining water.

During this period of time, prepare a rich sweet syrup:

  • pour 600 g of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • add 2 kg of sugar;
  • Stir the syrup until the sugar dissolves completely.

After the syrup boils, carefully pour barberries into the pan. Let the mixture boil, skim off the foam, turn off the burner and let it sit overnight (that is, in the dark) .

The next day, bring the jam to a boil and cook over low heat until it reaches the desired thickness.

The readiness of the jam is checked by dropping a little onto a saucer. If the drop does not spill, you can turn it off.

Place hot barberry jam with seeds into half-liter containers and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up, wrap up.

Fragrant barberry and vanilla jam

Jam is made in three approaches:

  1. Prepare fruits: 5 tbsp. Rinse the barberries, remove the seeds and pour into a pan or other container. From 8 tbsp. sugar and 4 tbsp. Boil the syrup with water and pour it over the peeled barberry. Quit for a day.
  2. Place the pan with the preparation on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes. Quit again for a day.
  3. On the 3rd day, bring the jam to readiness over low heat, adding a little vanilla at the end. Place into jars and roll up.

Raw jam

This recipe for barberry jam without cooking is very popular among adherents of traditional medicine. Berries that have not undergone heat treatment retain all their beneficial characteristics. Taking a teaspoon of this “vitamin bomb” every day strengthens the immune system against a cold and saturates the body with vitamins.

Unlike recipes in which barberries are boiled, the “raw method” of making jam involves the inevitable removal of seeds from the fruit.

Before making, the berries should be sorted, washed well and left to drain in a colander. The amount of barberry and sugar is determined in a ratio of 1:3, in other words, for one kilogram of crushed berry mass you need 3 kg of sugar.

Using a blender, chop the berries. You can also use an ordinary meat grinder.

Weigh the berry mass, add the required amount of sugar to it, mix well and place in jars. If desired, you can also add lemon minced through a meat grinder.

It is better to store raw barberry jam in the refrigerator for the winter.

Barberry jam-jelly

Thanks to the highest pectin content, it is easy to make jelly from barberry without even adding gelatin. The manufacturing recipe differs in the complete absence of water, and the amount of sugar depends on the weight of the pureed fruit.

To get excellent ruby ​​jelly from barberry, the berries are boiled in advance.

Once the barberry becomes soft, drain the water and grind the berries using a sieve. Select the seeds and discard them. Weigh the resulting mass to find the required amount of sugar.

Add 1 kg of sugar per kilogram of ground berries. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil and skim off the foam. Cook until the jelly thickens.

Place the roast mixture into 0.5 liter containers and pasteurize for 15 minutes. Roll up, wrap and let cool.

Read also:  Herring forshmak classic recipe

To vary the taste of barberry jam, to make it richer and more saturated, the berries can be combined with other fruits. A very unusual delicacy comes out if you add apples to barberries, better than the sweet types.

This preservation is great for making pies, pouring barberry jam over pancakes, or simply eating as a snack with bread. In addition, barberry jam for the winter is an excellent candidate for pharmaceutical vitamins; both adults and children eat it with pleasure. Bon appetit and be healthy!

Barberry jam for the winter


Barberry – 0.5 kg

  • 134 kcal
  • 50 min.
  • 40 min.
  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

Barberry jam is not only very tasty, but also very healthy - these berries contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, in addition, they are rich in pectin, which means that when it cools, the product will become thicker and more viscous. It is better to harvest barberries after the first frost - the skin of the berries becomes less dense, and their taste improves significantly.

For me, the hardest thing in making barberry jam for the winter is cleaning the berries from the stems and leaves, so if you have someone to entrust this to, do so! In addition, barberry is a thorny shrub, so collecting it is also labor-intensive! But how delicious the jam turns out - you can’t tear yourself away from the container with the delicacy.

So, prepare or purchase the necessary ingredients and let's start cooking!

Sort the berries, removing stems and leaves.

Carefully wash them in water to remove dust and dirt, changing the liquid a couple of times.

Pour the berries into a deep saucepan or cauldron.

Add sweet sand. Because barberry is sour, you will need a lot of sugar.

Pour in warm water and place the container on the stove, turning on medium heat.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer on low for about 30 minutes. Then turn it off and let the dessert cool. As the berries cool, they will draw the syrup into themselves, becoming more transparent.

Heat again for 5 minutes until boiling and cool again.

Then heat the barberry jam for the 3rd time and put it in sterilized jars, immediately screwing on the lids. Leave a little sweetness for testing and serve it with hot tea or coffee.

The most delicious and fragrant barberry jam

Barberry berries can be called universally useful, because they are suitable not only for making desserts, but are also often used as a fragrant seasoning for a variety of dishes. And that's not all! The fruits of this plant have strong medicinal qualities, and therefore are used quite intensively in folk medicine. Now we will talk about barberry jam. What are the options for making it and how healthy is this delicacy? Let's find out!

About usefulness

The small bright red fruits contain valuable amino acids, including tartaric, lemon and apple, as well as vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A and C. In addition, they are rich in pectins, sugars and mineral salts. Thanks to this set, jam and other barberry dishes have special beneficial qualities:

  • tone the intestinal tract;
  • exhibit a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • improves appetite;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • improve blood circulation (blood circulation throughout the body) ;
  • are used as antipyretics.

Plus, barberry berries contain pectins, which help remove toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful compounds. With their help, you can strengthen the heart muscle (Designed to perform various actions: body movement, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing) and gently cleanse the intestinal tract during constipation.

Berry to berry...

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the recipes for making barberry jam. All ingredients are completely available and ordinary. The only thing you want to focus on is the degree of ripeness of the berries themselves. For jam, it is recommended to pick not quite ripe fruits, because ripe ones will be very soft and will quickly lose their shape when cooked.

Fundamentally! Greenish barberry is not eaten either fresh or after heat treatment. Such berries contain poisons that completely disintegrate after ripening!

The fruits are harvested as they ripen - often in the summer, but those that were collected after the first frost are characterized by the best taste properties. These particular ones are better suited for making barberry jam for the winter.

On a note! If you sprinkle the berries with sugar and put them in the freezer, you can use them throughout the year, for example, for making compotes, fruit drinks, liqueurs and other drinks!

The best recipes

Does barberry grow on your site? Then be sure to make jam from it according to one of the following recipes! Any of the proposed desserts will be very tasty, fragrant and indescribably healthy.

Traditional recipe

For regular barberry jam, you will need a kilo of freshly picked fruits, half a liter of water and 2 kilos of sweet sand. Let's get started:

  • We transfer the washed and dried berries into a large container;
  • add half a kilo of sugar and leave everything at room temperature for a day;
  • during this period of time the fruits will give juice, which needs to be drained;

Advice! It is better not to throw away the resulting barberry juice, but to preserve it. In this way, you will receive another natural “healing remedy” that will help strengthen your immune system in the cool season!

Raw barberry jam

  1. Barberries with sugar: carefully wash the fruits in several waters and pass through a meat grinder. For every kilogram of berry mass, add two kilograms of sugar and mix well with a wooden spatula - the sugar should completely dissolve. Pour the finished jam into unstained jars, cover with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator or cellar.
  2. Barberry with sugar and lemon: wash the berries (as much as will fit in a liter jar), dry them, remove the seeds if desired and grind them using a meat grinder or blender. We cut off the “tails” of 2 lemons, randomly cut them into slices, remove the seeds and also chop them. Combine the berry mass with the fruit mass and add 1.5 kg of sugar. Stir until the last one has completely dispersed. Place the finished dessert into jars and cover with plastic lids. Store in the cold.

On a note! This jam is called “Ascorbinka” because, thanks to barberry and lemon, it contains a huge portion of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C!

With apples

In order to create jam from apples with barberries, you should prepare a kilo of apples, preferably sour types, the same amount of berries and about 0.7 kg of sugar.

  • At first we are carried away by the berries - wash them and remove the seeds;
  • we move on to the apples - we also carefully wash them, remove the seeds and cut them into slices;
  • Place the fruits and berries in a saucepan, add a little water and cook for about a quarter of an hour;
  • add sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes;
  • Place the finished dessert in unstained jars and seal for the winter.

Now you understand how to make barberry jam. The recipes we offer can hardly be called complex or expensive. Any of them involves the introduction of a small set of completely accessible products, from which you can prepare a healthy treat for the whole family in a short time. Be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Olga Tsarina

Posted: 29-11-2016

Updated: 08-11-2019

Olga is responsible for the selection of creators and the quality of published materials on our website.

Barberry jam recipes

Among traditional remedies for increasing immunity, barberry jam is on a par with raspberries, lemon and ginger. Properly prepared jam will become not only healthy, but also a tasty delicacy that retains all the vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and microelements. This product will also appeal to small children, who are difficult to force to swallow pills and syrups.

Benefits and harms of barberry jam

The berries of the bush contain vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C, pectin, fructose and glucose. They contain malic, tartaric and citric acids.

The beneficial characteristics of barberry jam appear in the healing effect on the vascular and genitourinary systems, the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .

It is used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent for digestive disorders, cholera, stomach and digestive colic, pulmonary infections and malaria.

Thanks to its diuretic and vasodilating effects, it helps reduce blood pressure. Pectin found in berries removes heavy metal salts and relieves hangover syndrome (a set of symptoms with a common pathogenesis) .

There are many recipes for jam for the winter, which open up scope for culinary tests with barberry.

But you shouldn’t try to cook dishes from greenish berries, because... it will cause damage to the body. They contain toxic compounds that break down when ripe.

A huge amount of eaten fruits will cause nausea (Nausea - a painful sensation in the epigastric region) and cramps (Spasm, cramp, writhing - involuntary muscle contraction) . Cases of bleeding, renal failure, and swelling of the skin have been recorded.

Possible contraindications

Barberry has useful characteristics and contraindications both as a spice and as jam:

  1. Pregnancy. The product can cause miscarriage as it promotes muscle tone.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Simultaneous use of sedatives, because Berberine, which is contained in the fruit, has a calming effect.
  4. Diabetes. It is believed that the plant lowers the level of glucose in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) . But this fact can be attributed to barberry berries - the jam requires a lot of sugar to make, the use of which is prohibited for such a disease.

Barberry jam recipes

Picking and preparing berries is a labor-intensive process. They grow on a thorny bush with small leaves. To make jam, it is recommended to take barberry collected after the first frost. Then the skin is least compacted, and the jam comes out most tender in taste and fragrant.

On the other hand, if the raw material is not planned to be crushed, overripe barberry will not be suitable. The jam should consist of whole berries.

The fruits, cleared of stems and leaves, must be washed under running water so that no dirt or dust remains on them. Some recipes require removing the seeds. But their presence does not affect the taste.

There are 2 options:

  1. Remove seeds by hand, picking through each berry.
  2. Separate the pulp by rubbing the fruits through a sieve.

Before making barberry jam, prepare the container in which the finished product will be stored. Take glass jars with a capacity of 0.5-1 liters. They are washed with soda, then turned upside down to drain the liquid. Sterilize jars in hot water just before sealing.

It is recommended to stir the berries with a wooden or stainless spoon. If you use duralumin, the ascorbic acid contained in the berries will form a chemical compound with the alloy, which will be harmful to health.

With bones

The more heat treatments the berries undergo during cooking, the longer the finished product will be stored. To prepare barberry jam with seeds, take 800 ml of water and 3.5 kg of sugar per 2 kg of berries.

The prepared raw materials are poured with 1 kg of sugar and stored in a cold space for a day. The juice that is released must be filtered. It can be sealed in sterilized containers to be used as a drink, diluted with water, or as a base for jelly.

In a separate container, prepare syrup from water and 2 kg of sugar and combine it with berries. The resulting mixture is left for 4 hours, after which it is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. When the jam thickens, add the remaining sugar and stir until dissolved. The finished product is distributed into jars and rolled up.

Another option involves first mixing the washed berries and syrup. After the mixture boils, turn it off and set the pan aside for the day. After 24 hours, the fruits are brought to a boil and cooked until thickened. This recipe for making jam requires that for 2 kg of barberry you take 2 kg of sugar and 600 ml of water.

To create the most fragrant product, you can add vanilla at the end of cooking. This option is prepared over 3 days, divided into the following stages:

  • preparing berry syrup;
  • boil for 15-20 minutes;
  • bringing to readiness.

Among the options for jam from barberry fruits for the winter, the jelly recipe is the most popular, because It does not require gelatin to make it. Pectin plays this role. Contains 2 ingredients:

  • berries that need to be boiled, strain off the water and grind, discarding the seeds;
  • sugar, the amount of which is determined by the weight of the finished berry mass in a 1:1 ratio.

Bring the mixture to a boil, skim off the foam and cook until thick. Containers with jelly are pasteurized for 25 minutes and rolled up.

No cooking

During heat treatment, vitamin C (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) ; high temperatures do not have such an effect on other microelements.

If you want to preserve ascorbic acid in barberry, prepare raw jam. Proponents of traditional medicine advise consuming this vitamin (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) 1 tsp. per day

The fruits must be pitted and chopped. For this purpose, you can use a blender or a regular meat grinder. The resulting mass is weighed and combined with sugar in a ratio of 1:3, after which it is ready for rolling.

Sliced ​​lemon is added as a preservative. But this does not eliminate the need to store the product in the refrigerator or cellar. This barberry jam for the winter is considered one of the richest sources of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C.

Lemon is added in step 1 and crushed along with the berries. Whether or not to remove the skin is a matter of personal preference. With zest, the jam comes out most fragrant, but may acquire a bitter aftertaste, which not many people will like.

The amount of sugar is determined by the weight of the berry mass. For 1 kg of pitted barberry, take 3 kg and add 2 lemons.

People suffering from heart disease need to keep in mind that this recipe for barberry jam can bring both benefit and harm. On the one hand, lemon is among the pharmaceuticals recommended to maintain heart function.

On the other hand, the acid contained in it is an electrolyte and improves the conductivity of electronic impulses. Clients who have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation should not eat acidic fruits. The reason is that extreme ones provoke attacks of arrhythmia.

For those who do not want to delve into the intricacies of how to make barberry jam, there is a method that does not require time and physical effort. The fruits sprinkled with sugar are frozen, after which they become suitable for use as a base for liqueur, compote, fruit drink or as a vitamin mixture.

If the workpiece is placed in plastic bags, the air must be evacuated from them. You can create this using a regular drinking straw. The vacuum will allow you to preserve the berries, and after defrosting they will be as fresh as possible.

With apples

If the barberry bush does not grow in your summer cottage or garden, making preparations from it will require huge financial costs. 1 kg of barberry purchased in a store will cost 2000 rubles. and more. To reduce the cost, jam is prepared with apples or pears, and less barberry is added. This imparts a natural sweetness to the dish, so less sugar is used. The cooking process is no different from the usual recipe.

The process of preparing fruit also takes time. They are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. For apple jam, choose sour and sweet and sour apples. They better highlight the taste of barberry.

  • apples and barberries - 1 kg each;
  • water and sugar - 0.75 kg each.

The fruits and berries are combined, poured with syrup and cooked over medium heat. Readiness is determined by thickness. If a drop of jam does not spill, this means that the product can be eaten.

Apple and barberry jam can be poured over pancakes and dumplings, used as a filling for pies or as an independent dish for tea or coffee.


The shelf life of the product ranges from 3 months to 2 years and depends on the cooking method and subsequent storage.

The frozen product is stored for 1 year. It is recommended to defrost it at room temperature, so it will retain its beneficial characteristics.

Barberry jam prepared according to the recipe without cooking is stored in a cool place. It is recommended to eat it during the winter. The option that has been heat-treated 2-3 times can be kept outside the refrigerator. But thermal effects should be avoided.

If a grayish crust has formed on the surface, it must be removed with a spoon, and the product will be suitable for consumption. The formation of mold means that it is not recommended to eat the jam, because... It is impossible to assess how the fungus has leaked out.

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