Hawthorn wine

Hawthorn wine

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Not so long ago, fans of home winemaking looked at the proposal to create wine from hawthorn with a bit of justified skepticism. And there is nothing unusual in this, like most of the plants in this group (rowan, chokeberry, rose hip), hawthorn contains a limited amount of water in its own composition. Dense, small berries are not the best material for making juice. Well, picking fruits causes a lot of problems. But those who have ever tried homemade wine from this mind-blowing berry unanimously say that the effort is worth it. A glass of fragrant, slightly tart drink does not leave any admirer of fruit and berry wines phlegmantic.

A little about hawthorn

Taking a ripe, bright ruby ​​bunch in your hands, it is very difficult to believe that juice can be squeezed out of it, and even more difficult to believe that this juice will be enough to make wine. Indeed, even at a stretch, hawthorn can be considered a juicy fruit. But this is only at first glance.

There are several common secrets that make it easy to separate the pulp from the juice.

Perhaps you have noticed that after severe frosts, berries collected in clusters lose their former elasticity, and their taste becomes more intense. The astringency and slight bitterness disappear, giving way to sweet and sour notes. Naturally, if you wait until the hawthorn goes through the stage of natural freezing, you can be left completely without a harvest. Flocks of hungry birds will “gather” it instead of you with great pleasure. Therefore, you should not expect the first frosts. You can set off for berries a long time before the cold weather. In different regions of our country, the harvest period falls on different dates, but usually hawthorn ripens by the beginning or middle of autumn.

After this, all that remains is to place the collected berries in the freezer of an ordinary household refrigerator. In this case, there is no need to subject the berries to shock freezing. Faster on the contrary. The slowly freezing liquid will turn into “prickly” ice crystals, which with sharpened edges will tear the cell membrane. After defrosting, the berries will more than give up all the juice they contain, including cellular juice.

Direct your attention. It is best to freeze the sorted berries, having previously separated them from the ridges and removed all spoiled fruits.

It will be even more difficult to perform the same manipulation with thawed berries than with fresh ones.

The duration of freezing is not particularly important, the main thing is that the berries have time to freeze one hundred percent. If after harvesting you don’t have the strength or desire to make wort, you can throw them in the freezer for a number of days or even weeks.

Traditional wine recipe

The method of making wine from hawthorn is no different from the technology for making any fruit and berry wine. Regardless of what berries are used, the wine material must necessarily go through the stages of vigorous and quiet fermentation.


  • Hawthorn without combs – 10 kg;
  • Water – 10 l;
  • Sweet sand – 4 kg;
  • Raisins - a handful.

Manufacturing method:

Thaw the berries and carefully mash them with a wooden or earthenware pestle. You should not mechanize this process and use a meat grinder or blender. Sharp iron knives will easily crush the seeds in the fruits and composites that do not have the best taste properties will get into the wine material. Already at this stage it will be noticeable that the hawthorn contains quite a lot of juice.

Add water heated to 20 - 22 degrees to the ground hawthorn. This will not only reduce the concentration of acids contained in the fruit (citric, stearic palmitic), but will also allow most of the flavor and aromatic compounds to be extracted from the pulp into the liquid.

Pour 1/3 of the sweet sand into the prepared wort.

Add raisins and pour the wort into an iron or glass container with a wide neck. Cover with a linen napkin and put it in a black, warm space. The best temperature is 20 – 22 degrees.

Do not cover the container with an airtight lid. For normal development and reproduction, yeast cultures involved in wort fermentation require an influx of oxygen. Only when it is present can yeast convert sugars into alcohol. The lack of air actually constantly causes fermentation to stop.

After 6–8 hours, the pulp will accumulate on the surface of the water in the form of a dense cap. Stir the wort thoroughly. The presence of carbon dioxide bubbles and a slight hiss are characteristics of the beginning of vigorous fermentation. Within 48 hours, yeast activity will increase: a corresponding smell and a lot of foam will appear. After 2 days, the intensity of fermentation will begin to decline, and after another 24 hours it will subside one hundred percent. To prevent the death of yeast from occurring earlier than the specified period, be sure to vigorously stir the wort 3–4 times a day. If for some reason fermentation does not start/slows down, add another portion of raisin starter or wine yeast to the wort.

Please note that the vigorous fermentation phase does not always end within 72 hours. This indicator is directly related to the ambient temperature and yeast activity. The average daily temperature difference is also important. A sharp change in temperature during the day does not have the best effect on the work of yeast cultures (especially wild ones).

After the primary fermentation is over - carbon dioxide stops being released, and the pulp begins to sink to the bottom - remove the wort from the sediment. Drain the liquid, not forgetting to squeeze the pulp well through gauze folded a couple of times.

Add half the remaining sugar to the wort and pour it into a clean glass bottle or plastic container.

Install a water seal or hydraulic lock on the neck. In general, you can get by with an ordinary latex mitten. If you prefer to use a honey glove, do not forget to create several punctures in it for the unhindered release of air and secure it well to the bottle so that it does not break off or fly away at the most crucial moment.

After 7 days, add the remaining sugar and leave for further fermentation.

Usually, hawthorn wine is won in 1.5 – 2 months. After this, all that remains is to bottle it, seal it hermetically and put it in the wine cabinet for maturation and rest.

Wine from hawthorn and chokeberry

Hawthorn wine has an unusual, unique taste and smell. The tart, viscous taste and beautiful dark ruby ​​color give this drink a generous appearance. But apart from its aesthetic beauty, it is endowed with indescribable usefulness. It is quite often used as a pharmaceutical agent for disorders of the heart and hematopoietic system, and also to normalize blood pressure.


  • Water – 10 l;
  • Sweet sand – 4 kg;
  • Chokeberry – 5 kg;
  • Hawthorn – 5 kg;
  • Raisins – 100 g.

Manufacturing method:

The development of making wine from hawthorn and chokeberry is similar to that given in the first two ordinary recipes.

Direct your attention. To achieve a balanced taste, chokeberry berries, like hawthorn, should be frozen.

Hawthorn and apple wine

At home, hawthorn wine must be made only from the berries of this plant. Hawthorn mixes well with apples and chokeberries. Such drinks have even more pronounced organoleptic qualities, and additional problems never arise during their production.


  • Hawthorn without combs – 10 kg;
  • Water – 5 l;
  • Apple juice – 5 l;
  • Sweet sand – 3 kg;
  • Raisins – 100 g.

Manufacturing method:

The development of making wine is the same as for making traditional wine. The difference lies only in the composition and quantity of ingredients used. In this recipe, half the water is replaced with apple juice. You can create it from autumn types of apples just before making the wort, or you can use juices prepared in the summer. It can be created completely without yeast or raisins; the potential of wild yeast is completely sufficient to start fermentation.

Despite the fact that it is not customary to create wine from hawthorn on an industrial scale, you need to make it at home at least once in your life. Its mind-blowing taste and smell will probably amaze both you and your friends.

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Hawthorn wine

Hawthorn contains a lot of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C and other necessary substances. These berries are used to prepare compote, jam, or simply squeeze the juice. I propose to do it a little differently - create homemade wine from hawthorn. The drink recipe is simple and does not require expensive, unavailable ingredients.

The best wine comes from slightly frozen berries, collected at the end of dawn or early winter. The next option is to pick the freshest berries earlier, and then place them in the freezer for 12 hours.

At any time of the year you can make wine from dried hawthorn berries. The result is a dark brown drink with an unusual rich taste. The best proportion is 1:10, in other words, per 10 liters. 1 kg of dried fruit is required.


  • hawthorn berries – 5 kg;
  • water – 10 l.;
  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • raisins – 150-200 g (or wine yeast).

Hawthorn wine recipe

1. If there is no special wine yeast, then prepare the starter 3-4 days before working with berries. To do this, put unwashed raisins in a jar, add 50-100 grams of sugar and pour in 300-400 ml of water. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm space. When foam, hissing and a slight aroma of fermentation appear, the starter is ready.

2. Place the sorted berries in a glass container.

3. Dissolve 1 kg of sugar in 10 liters of boiling water and pour the hawthorn mixture given to us. There must be at least 25% free space in the container.

4. Add the starter made in advance (pour along with the raisins) or wine yeast.

5. Put a water seal on the container (you can change the honey with a glove with a hole in your finger), put it in a warm space (18-24°C) for 3 days for fermentation. It is better to stir or at least shake off the wort once a day.

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

6. After 3 days, remove the water seal, drain 1 liter of wort separately, dilute 2 kg of sugar in it, pour the purchased syrup back into the fermentation container and install the water seal again.

7. After 7 days, strain the hawthorn wine through cheesecloth, squeeze out the berries well, they are no longer needed. Add another 1 kg of sugar using the technology described in the last Fri.

8. Close the container with a water seal and leave for 30-45 days until the end of fermentation.

Attention! If more than 55 days have passed since the installation of the water seal, and the wine continues to ferment, you need to carefully drain it through a straw into another container, without touching the sediment on the bottom. Otherwise, it may taste bitter.

9. When the water seal stops blowing bubbles, the wine brightens, and sediment appears on the day, drain the young hawthorn wine from the sediment through a thin tube, trying not to shake it.

Taste and add sugar for sweetness if desired. Separately, you can fix it with alcohol or vodka in an amount of 2-15% of the size. Fortified wine stores better, but it is not as fragrant and has a harsher taste.

Pour the drink into a holding container; it is better to fill the container to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close tightly. If sugar was added, it is better to keep it under a water seal for the first 7-10 days.

10. Aging the wine for at least 3 months (preferably 6) in a cool, black place (6-16°C). This could be a refrigerator or a basement. At least once a month (as it occurs), remove the sediment from the sediment using the transfusion method.

When sediment no longer appears, the finished drink can be poured into bottles and tightly corked. As a result, 8-10 liters come out. homemade hawthorn wine with a strength of 10-12 degrees. Shelf life when stored in a cellar is up to 3 years.

Not a bad wine! Hooray!!

Save wine at what temperature.

Besides wine, did they make anything from hawthorn?

Not yet, but there are plans.

Can just raisins replace the leaven?

If I want to create a half portion of wine (per 5 liters of water), then do I need to add the entire starter of 150-200 grams of raisins, or only half?

Maybe half a serving.

Thanks for the quick answer! And one more question: add sourdough - does this mean together with raisins, or just liquid?

Together with raisins.

Tell me, I don’t understand, I put the starter in a separate bottle (0.5) with a cotton plug, then, after 3-4 days, what should I create? I make it from grapes. I can’t get berries from there anymore... or am I doing something wrong?

It is necessary to add the starter to the wort, in other words, pour it over.

Pour what the grapes will highlight? No berries, right? Thanks for the quick answers.

You can do it together with berries, it doesn’t matter.

Tell. Is it absolutely necessary to freeze the hawthorn? If you collect ripe wine in September and create wine, will it not work if you don’t freeze it?

Better, then it releases sugar better, which promotes fermentation.

Does the hawthorn need to be defrosted after the freezer or can it be immediately filled with water? Do I add boiled water or do I need to cool the water?

Defrost, fill with warm water.

My hawthorn wine is one year old.
I made two versions: dry and sweet. At the moment I mixed it and got semi-sweet, just right. I advise: 1. Rinse the berries through a colander and throw away the bad ones.
Still, there is a lot of dust on the berries. 2. Didn’t freeze: three buckets can’t be frozen.
3. Minimum water.
Just to get at least some fluidity when grinding in a mixer. I absolutely used Lydia grapes for this. I understand that the acidity needs to be reduced, but when you are going to create dessert, i.e. sweet wine, acid can be thrown. But there is a feeling that you are drinking medicinal, actually undiluted juice, and not a drink. 4. For excellent fermentation, observe two things correctly: the wort does not have to be very sweet, never more than 120 grams of sugar per liter, but better than 100. This is if you add three tsp to a 150 gram cup of tea.
sugar (15 g) or juice from a pack - this should taste like wort; 2nd - temperature (be sure to have a thermometer next to the bottle), on the first day I put it on a warm floor (up to 28 degrees is possible), and later, every other day (visible fermentation begins) you need 18-22 degrees. Keep in mind that during vigorous fermentation the wort increases by a couple of degrees. At 30 it will stop fermenting. 5. For the starter, I didn’t wash Lydia; if you used water, then add here and there 1 kg of mashed, unwashed fresh grapes per 10 kg of must.
It’s even better if you ferment the grapes in advance (a day or two before), so we’ll have a guarantee. 6. We count approximately degrees.
We will assume that undiluted hawthorn porridge has 80 grams of sugar per 1 liter, which is equal to 4% alcohol. Then any added 100 grams of sugar per liter will give another 5% (from 20 grams of sugar - 1% alcohol). When you get closer to the planned 14-16% (more will not work), add less, since fermentation will soon end and excess sugar will remain in the wine. 7. Instead of sugar, use honey (1 kg of honey = 0.8 kg of sugar), which will further enhance the healing effect of not wine, but rather an elixir.
8. Take a glass at night (that is, in the dark) if you want to sleep without hind legs.
PS Don’t treat anyone who hasn’t made the wine themselves - they still won’t appreciate the work, and it will all end so quickly :)

How can you write such an absurdity: “from 20 grams of sugar - 1% alcohol.” It’s similar - but a heap is a lot or not enough.

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Dear alcofan! To make wine, do you need boiled water or can you use drinking water?

Definitely unboiled drinking water or filtered tap water.

Ordinary recipes for homemade hawthorn wine

Homemade wine has enjoyed continued popularity. This alcoholic drink does not contain flavor enhancers, dyes and other additives that can negatively affect health. A homemade product can be not only tasty, but also healthy if used correctly. Hawthorn wine is in no way inferior in taste to homemade alcoholic beverage made from grapes.

Usefulness and contraindications

Homemade hawthorn wine is considered beneficial, but in small doses. The shrub plant is used in folk and classical medicine.

Thanks to the vitamins and mineral substances that make up the berries, the benefits of wine include the following:

  • increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • maintains heart tone;
  • improves blood flow (Blood is the internal environment of the body formed by liquid connective tissue) ;
  • restores cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) ;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • increases potency;
  • relieves swelling.

Homemade wine helps slow down the aging process and is also a preventative against neuroses.

If you exceed the recommended daily dose, an alcoholic drink can cause a decrease in blood pressure and disruption of the heart muscle. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause bloating, watery stools, etc.

Before creating hawthorn wine, it is recommended to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use. It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages:

  • children;
  • with acquired constipation;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with a tendency to alcoholism;
  • in case of an allergic reaction to the components of wine;
  • at low blood pressure;
  • for diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .

Hawthorn is incompatible with certain pharmaceutical products that help lower blood pressure.

Rules for collecting and preparing raw materials

Hawthorn flowers appear at the end of May. The first fruits can be collected already at the budding stage, but in order to get a high-quality harvest, it is recommended to wait until dawn. To make wine, you can use the freshest, frozen and dried fruits of the plant. One hundred percent ripe berries are harvested at the end of October, when the first frost begins. If the fruits are intended for drying, they are picked in September.

Before harvesting, you need to check the bush for mold, pests and rust (on leaves and branches). The fruits are removed on a sunny day after lunch, when the dew has disappeared.

Before drying, the berries are washed and laid out on a flat surface covered with paper. The fruits should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Drying in the open air takes place over several days.

It is not recommended to wash the freshest hawthorn fruits, created for making wine. Bacteria that are on the berries will promote the fermentation process.

If the hawthorn was collected before the onset of frost, it is recommended to place the fruits of the plant in the freezer (for 10-12 hours) before making wine. The action of cold improves the taste of the product.

Step-by-step recipes for homemade hawthorn wines

In order for the wine to be tasty and to retain all the pharmaceutical characteristics of hawthorn, it is not recommended to violate the manufacturing technology.

You can quickly prepare an alcoholic drink by pouring 1.5 kg of berries into 1 liter of moonshine and adding 1 kg of sugar. In 3-4 weeks the alcohol will be ready.

Traditional recipe with yeast

A traditional recipe for hawthorn wine at home is prepared using the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg of unwashed new berries of the plant;
  • 4 kg sugar;
  • 10 liters of settled or boiled water (cool);
  • 10 g yeast.

The berries are placed in a glass container and syrup is poured on top. To make it, you need 2 cups of sugar, pour 400 ml of water and put on fire. After the crystals have dissolved, the syrup is removed from the stove. When the liquid has cooled to +37...+37.5°C, yeast is added to it. They are previously ground with sugar.

The syrup is poured into a container with hawthorn and closed with a water seal. The bottle is placed in a black space for 3 days. Instead of a water seal, you can use a medical glove. The wine preparation needs to be shaken once a day.

After 3 days, add 1-1.5 kg of sugar, mix thoroughly, close the bottle with a water seal and leave in a dark place for a week. After 7 days, the remaining sugar is poured into the wort, mixed and left until ready. The fermentation process takes 1.5-2 months. Its completion will be indicated by the absence of released gases and the transparency of the water in the bottle.

Recipe without yeast

To do without yeast, you need to prepare a starter. To do this you will need:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • 300 ml boiled warm water;
  • 200 g raisins.

All products are placed in a jar, covered with gauze (the combination of various and interacting tissues form organs) and left in a warm place for 72 hours. You can tell that the starter is ready by the foam that appears and the smell of fermentation.

To make wine, take 5 kg of hawthorn and add 1 kg of sugar. When the berries release juice, you can add the starter. All ingredients are mixed, the bottle is closed with a water seal and left to ferment for 3-4 days. Then drain some of the water and dissolve 1 kg of sugar in it. The resulting mass is returned to the bottle, which is closed with a water seal.

After a week, the wort is filtered and 2 kg of sugar is added. The bottle is closed with a water seal and left in a black place until the end of fermentation. The wine will be ready in 1.5-2 months.

Recipe for dried berries with lemon

Wine is prepared from:

  • 2 kg of dry hawthorn;
  • 4 liters of boiled water;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 10 g yeast.

The recipe uses not only juice, but also lemon zest. It needs to be crushed before use. The berries and zest are covered with sugar, lemon juice and yeast are added, and then poured with warm water. The bottle with a water seal is left in a black place for the entire fermentation period. The wine will be ready in 4-5 months.

Traditional South American wine made from dry or fresh hawthorn

  • 5 kg of fresh or 2 kg of dry hawthorn;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 8 pcs. orange;
  • 4 things. lemon;
  • 5 kg sugar;
  • wine yeast.

Citruses (crushed), hawthorn and sugar are poured with water and put on fire. If the freshest fruits are used, then the contents of the pan must be boiled for 5 minutes, if dry - 30 minutes. After 24 hours, filter, add yeast and leave to ferment for 7 days under a water seal in a warm, black place. After a week, the liquid is filtered and left to ferment in a cold room. Bottling begins after 2-3 months, when sediment appears on the bottom.

A typical Polish recipe for homemade hawthorn wine

  • 5 kg frozen berries;
  • 9 liters of water;
  • 3.5 sugar;
  • 3 tsp citric acid;
  • 30 g yeast;
  • yeast feed.

2.5 kg of sugar is dissolved in 6 liters of water, yeast and citric acid are added. The purchased cocktail is poured into a bottle with berries. After 5-10 days of fermentation, the liquid is drained and the remaining water and sugar according to the recipe are added. Secondary fermentation occurs within 40-50 days.

Fundamental tips when developing an alcoholic beverage

When making homemade wine, do not use iron containers. Upon contact with the wort, the container oxidizes. In addition to the deterioration of taste, there is a risk of poisoning. During the oxidation process, compounds that are unsafe for health are formed.

Prepared alcohol should be stored in a cool, black place. The bottle must be sealed with a special stopper. Air should not get into it, because... The oxidation process will begin, resulting in the appearance of wine vinegar.

Hawthorn wine at home: recipes for making it

Hawthorn wine not only helps you relax after a hard day at work, but also saturates the body with useful elements. The drink is famous for its rich content of vitamin C, tannins and macroelements. It can be prepared throughout the year, because not only the freshest, but also dried berries are used as the main ingredient.

  1. Is it possible to create wine from hawthorn?
  2. Benefits and harms of hawthorn wine
  3. How to make hawthorn wine
  4. Recipes for hawthorn wine at home
  5. The usual recipe for homemade hawthorn wine
  6. Hawthorn wine without yeast
  7. Apple and hawthorn wine
  8. Hawthorn and grape wine
  9. Wine from hawthorn and chokeberry
  10. Terms and conditions for storing wine made from hawthorn berries
  11. Conclusion
  12. Reviews of hawthorn wine
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Is it possible to create wine from hawthorn?

Making wine at home is becoming increasingly popular. The main advantage of the drink is its natural composition. To make hawthorn wine, you need to devote a lot of time and study a lot of recipes. But the result is one hundred percent worth the effort. The alcoholic drink is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Benefits and harms of hawthorn wine

The wine has a rich, gentle aroma and a slightly tart taste. It is not only consumed internally, but also used as a healing agent. Due to its rich content of vitamins and minerals, garden hawthorn wine has a very beneficial effect on human health. When consuming small doses of the drink, the following effect can be achieved:

  • relaxation of the body after unnecessary physical or intellectual stress;
  • restoration of cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) ;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • prevention of colds and viral diseases;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • maintaining cardiac tone;
  • elimination of neurosis.

Hawthorn wine can also be harmful to health. This happens when you drink too much or have severe acquired diseases. The harmful properties of wine include:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • the highest risk of developing an allergic reaction;
  • indigestion;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

The drink poses an unusual danger for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. They are strictly forbidden to drink hawthorn wine, even in limited quantities.

How to make hawthorn wine

There are several technologies for making homemade wine. They are based on the fermentation process. It is achieved by adding yeast or raisin starter to the drink. The process of making the drink is long and multi-stage. To create homemade hawthorn wine, you need to observe the ratio of components and the sequence of actions. The drink is infused in a warm place. Some recipes involve the use of a gas outlet tube.

Recipes for hawthorn wine at home

A step-by-step recipe will help you prepare hawthorn wine at home. First you need to sort out the berries, getting rid of warped fruits. Leaves and various debris should be removed. It is not necessary to wash the berries before using them. Fresh berries can be divided into two parts. One is used to make wine, and the other is frozen for the winter. Properly prepared supplies allow you to prepare a drink at any time.

The usual recipe for homemade hawthorn wine

Making hawthorn wine at home is most often done according to the most common recipe. It involves the following components:

  • 5 kg frozen berries;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 10 g wine yeast;
  • 4 kg of sweet sand.

  1. A syrup is prepared from 500 g of sugar and a small amount of water.
  2. The washed berries are placed in a glass bottle and filled with syrup.
  3. In a separate container, yeast is diluted with water. For a 10 g pack you will need 70 ml of water at a temperature of 38°C.
  4. After 15 minutes, the infused yeast is added to the berries.
  5. The container with the wine stock is closed with a water seal. Within 3 days the drink is ready. You need to shake the bottle from time to time.
  6. After infusion, the wort is poured from the bottle into another container and combined with 1.2 kg of sugar. The resulting mixture is returned back to the bottle, after which it is again sealed with a water seal.
  7. After a week, the purchased drink is filtered. The berry grounds are thrown away. The liquid is combined with the remaining sugar and sealed again.
  8. After 40-50 days of fermentation, the drink becomes ready for consumption.

Hawthorn wine without yeast

To ferment hawthorn wine, it is not necessary to add yeast. The result is no worse than when they were added. The drink will have a rich taste and dark brown color. The following ingredients are used in the recipe:

  • 75 g honey;
  • 5 pieces. dry hawthorn plants;
  • 200 g hawthorn berries;
  • 1 liter of reddish wine.
  1. The fruits and flowers of the bush are placed in a glass container, honey is added and poured with wine.
  2. The container is carefully shaken and placed in a warm space for 3 weeks.
  3. After the designated time, the drink is filtered and bottled.

Apple and hawthorn wine

The drink made from apples and hawthorn has a pleasant amber color and a slightly sour taste. For a three-liter jar of hawthorn wine you will need the following amount of ingredients:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g apples;
  • 1.6 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of hawthorn fruits.
  1. The apples are washed, cored and crushed in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Applesauce is combined with berries and placed in a glass jar. The mixture is poured into 1 liter of water.
  3. Cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm place for 3 days. It is recommended to stir the mixture 2 times a day.
  4. After 3 days, the drink is filtered. The thicket is removed, leaving a small layer of 1 cm.
  5. The remaining sugar is poured into the liquid. The container is sealed and put aside.
  6. After 4 days, 200 ml of wort is drained using a tube. It is combined with 400 g of sugar and poured back. After 3 days the function is repeated.
  7. After the fermentation process is completed, the drink is poured into small bottles and sealed.

Hawthorn and grape wine

  • 4 kg of sweet sand;
  • 5 kg of hawthorn;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 200 g raisins.

  1. To make the starter, unwashed raisins are poured into a jar. Add 100 g of sugar and 400 ml of water to it. The jar is covered with clean gauze and placed in a warm space.
  2. After 3-4 days, the smell of fermentation and the corresponding foam will appear. This indicates the readiness of the starter.
  3. 1 kg of sugar is dissolved in 10 liters of hot water. The purchased syrup is poured over the berries. There must be at least ¼ free space left in the container.
  4. The starter is poured into the berry mixture. After this, the jar is closed using a water seal. For 3 days it is placed in a warm space with a temperature of 18 to 24°C. It is recommended to shake the container once a day.
  5. After 3 days, 1 liter of wort is combined with 1 kg of sugar and returned to the jar. Then the container is sealed with a water seal.
  6. After a week, the wine is filtered using gauze. The squeezed berries are thrown away. Another 1 kg of sugar is added to the liquid.
  7. The closed jar is set aside for another 30-40 days.

Wine from hawthorn and chokeberry

Wine made from dry hawthorn and rowan berries has a striking color and juicy taste. The fermentation process in this recipe is started by adding raisin starter. To make wine you will need the following components:

  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 2.5 kg of hawthorn;
  • 1 kg chokeberry.
  1. Raisins are combined with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and add 500 ml of water. The container is placed in a warm place, previously covered with a cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) or gauze.
  2. After 4 days, add 1 kg of sugar to the berry mixture and add hot water. Raisin starter is added to the acquired consistency. Cover the container and put it aside for another 4 days.
  3. After the fermentation process is complete, the wort is filtered. Add half of the remaining sugar to it. The container is sealed with a water seal. After 2 weeks, add the remaining sweet sand.
  4. After a day of infusion, the fermented mixture is introduced into the berry liquid from the first container. Close the jar with a lid and put it in a cold space for 4 weeks.
  5. After the designated time has passed, the watery component is drained using a tube into a separate container.

Terms and conditions for storing wine made from hawthorn berries

So that the drink does not lose its beneficial characteristics and pleasant taste, it must be stored correctly. The wine is bottled in dark glass and sealed with corks. Select a cold space for storage. It is very important to store bottles in an upright position. The shelf life is unlimited. Over time, the taste and strength of the drink only intensify.


It is not at all difficult to prepare hawthorn wine at home. Particular attention should be paid to the production of sourdough. The taste and characteristics of the drink depend on it in almost everything.

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