Savory chocolate sausage from youth Savory chocolate sausage from youth A simple and delicious chocolate sausage recipe is a must-have for all those who love to feast on sweet delicacies. Getting ready...
Homemade pork stew Homemade pork stew Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Homemade pork stew is a good meat dish for all occasions….
Dough for manti in a bread machine recipe LiveInternetLiveInternet Registration Login – Categories. (181) !Gymnastics (16) !Health (3) Beads (33) Satin embroidery (4) Cross stitch (485) Alphabet (7) Butterflies (8)…
Cornbread in a slow cooker Cornbread in a slow cooker Hello! Now I want to tell you about making cornbread in a slow cooker. If you add corn flour to the dough, the baked goods take on...
Chicken roll with cheese and prunes Chicken roll with cheese and prunes Chicken roll is prepared very simply, quickly using commonly available ingredients. The dish has a narrow, unique taste. All…
Curd cookies, recipes with photos Curd cookies, recipes with photos A collection of cottage cheese cookie recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions. Our culinary experts talk and demonstrate how to make homemade cookies...
Uzbek-style pilaf with chicken in a cauldron with crumbly rice; 2 delicious recipes with photos and videos Uzbek-style pilaf with chicken in a cauldron with fluffy rice - 2 delicious…
Rassolnik with pearl barley Rassolnik with pearl barley Friday, May 5, 2017 It’s been a while since I’ve had the latest recipes for first courses, so I’m correcting myself: now we’re preparing rassolnik with barley and pickled cucumbers….
3 recipes for making silver carp fish soup at home and in the fields 3 recipes for making silver carp fish soup at home and in the fields Have a nice day, dear readers...
Kefir pie with jam Kefir pie with jam Now I’ll tell you how to prepare the most ordinary, but very appetizing pie that will amuse you with its rich taste, subtle aroma and...